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* Copyright (c) 2016 - present Facebook, Inc.
* All rights reserved.
* This source code is licensed under the BSD style license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant
* of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.
open! Utils
module L = Logging
open PatternMatch
(* list of sources that return a tainted value *)
let sources0 = [
(* for testing only *)
classname = "com.facebook.infer.builtins.InferTaint";
method_name = "inferSecretSource";
ret_type = "java.lang.Object";
params = [];
is_static = true;
taint_kind = Tk_unknown;
language = Config.Java;
classname = "com.facebook.infer.builtins.InferTaint";
method_name = "inferSecretSourceUndefined";
ret_type = "java.lang.Object";
params = [];
is_static = true;
taint_kind = Tk_unknown;
language = Config.Java
(* actual specs *)
classname = "android.content.SharedPreferences";
method_name = "getString";
ret_type = "java.lang.String";
params = ["java.lang.String"; "java.lang.String"];
is_static = false;
taint_kind = Tk_shared_preferences_data;
language = Config.Java
(* === iOS === *)
classname = "NSHTTPCookie";
method_name = "value";
ret_type = "NSString *";
params = [];
is_static = false;
taint_kind = Tk_privacy_annotation;
language = Config.Clang
] @ FbTaint.sources
(* list of (sensitive sinks, zero-indexed numbers of parameters that should not be tainted). note:
index 0 means "the first non-this/self argument"; we currently don't have a way to say "this/self
should not be tainted" with this form of specification *)
let sinks = [
(* for testing only *)
classname = "com.facebook.infer.builtins.InferTaint";
method_name = "inferSensitiveSink";
ret_type = "void";
params = ["java.lang.Object"];
is_static = true;
taint_kind = Tk_unknown;
language = Config.Java
}, [0]);
classname = "com.facebook.infer.builtins.InferTaint";
method_name = "inferSensitiveSinkUndefined";
ret_type = "void";
params = ["java.lang.Object"];
is_static = true;
taint_kind = Tk_unknown;
language = Config.Java
}, [0]);
(* actual specs *)
classname = "android.util.Log";
method_name = "d";
ret_type = "int";
params = ["java.lang.String"; "java.lang.String"];
is_static = true;
taint_kind = Tk_privacy_annotation;
language = Config.Java
}, [0;1]);
classname = "android.content.ContentResolver";
method_name = "openInputStream";
ret_type = "";
params = [""];
is_static = false;
taint_kind = Tk_privacy_annotation;
language = Config.Java;
}, [1]);
classname = "android.content.ContentResolver";
method_name = "openOutputStream";
ret_type = "";
params = [""];
is_static = false;
taint_kind = Tk_privacy_annotation;
language = Config.Java;
}, [0]);
classname = "android.content.ContentResolver";
method_name = "openOutputStream";
ret_type = "";
params = [""; "java.lang.String"];
is_static = false;
taint_kind = Tk_privacy_annotation;
language = Config.Java;
}, [0]);
classname = "android.content.ContentResolver";
method_name = "openAssetFileDescriptor";
ret_type = "android.content.res.AssetFileDescriptor";
params = [""; "java.lang.String"];
is_static = false;
taint_kind = Tk_privacy_annotation;
language = Config.Java;
}, [0]);
classname = "android.content.ContentResolver";
method_name = "openAssetFileDescriptor";
ret_type = "android.content.res.AssetFileDescriptor";
params = [""; "java.lang.String"; "android.os.CancellationSignal"];
is_static = false;
taint_kind = Tk_privacy_annotation;
language = Config.Java;
}, [0]);
classname = "android.content.ContentResolver";
method_name = "openFileDescriptor";
ret_type = "android.os.ParcelFileDescriptor";
params = [""; "java.lang.String"; "android.os.CancellationSignal"];
is_static = false;
taint_kind = Tk_privacy_annotation;
language = Config.Java;
}, [0]);
classname = "android.content.ContentResolver";
method_name = "openFileDescriptor";
ret_type = "android.os.ParcelFileDescriptor";
params = [""; "java.lang.String"];
is_static = false;
taint_kind = Tk_privacy_annotation;
language = Config.Java;
}, [0]);
classname = "android.content.ContentResolver";
method_name = "openTypedAssetFileDescriptor";
ret_type = "android.content.res.AssetFileDescriptor";
params = [""; "java.lang.String"; "android.os.Bundle";
is_static = false;
taint_kind = Tk_privacy_annotation;
language = Config.Java;
}, [0]);
classname = "android.content.ContentResolver";
method_name = "openTypedAssetFileDescriptor";
ret_type = "android.content.res.AssetFileDescriptor";
params = [""; "java.lang.String"; "android.os.Bundle"];
is_static = false;
taint_kind = Tk_privacy_annotation;
language = Config.Java;
}, [0]);
(* === iOS === *)
classname = "NSString";
method_name = "stringWithFormat:";
ret_type = "instancetype";
params = [];
is_static = true;
taint_kind = Tk_unknown;
language = Config.Clang;
}, [-2]);
classname = "NSString";
method_name = "stringWithUTF8String:";
ret_type = "instancetype";
params = [];
is_static = true;
taint_kind = Tk_unknown;
language = Config.Clang
}, [-2]);
classname = "NSString";
method_name = "localizedStringWithFormat:";
ret_type = "instancetype";
params = [];
is_static = true;
taint_kind = Tk_unknown;
language = Config.Clang
}, [-2]);
classname = "NSString";
method_name = "initWithFormat:";
ret_type = "instancetype";
params = [];
is_static = false;
taint_kind = Tk_unknown;
language = Config.Clang
}, [-2]);
classname = "NSString";
method_name = "stringWithString:";
ret_type = "instancetype";
params = [];
is_static = true;
taint_kind = Tk_unknown;
language = Config.Clang
}, [0]);
(* ==== iOS for testing only ==== *)
classname = "ExampleViewController";
method_name = "loadURL:trackingCodes:";
ret_type = "void";
params = [];
is_static = false;
taint_kind = Tk_unknown;
language = Config.Clang;
}, [1]); (* it's instance method *)
] @ FbTaint.sinks
let functions_with_tainted_params = [
(* ==== iOS for testing only ==== *)
classname = "ExampleDelegate";
method_name = "application:openURL:sourceApplication:annotation:";
ret_type = "BOOL";
params = [];
is_static = false; (* it's instance method *)
taint_kind = Tk_unknown;
language = Config.Clang;
}, [2]);
(* actual specs *)
({ (* This method is a source in iOS as it get as parameter
a non trusted URL (openURL). The method the passes
it around and this URL may arrive unsanitized to
loadURL:trackingCodes: of FBWebViewController
which uses the URL. *)
classname = "AppDelegate";
method_name = "application:openURL:sourceApplication:annotation:";
ret_type = "BOOL";
params = [];
is_static = false; (* it's instance method *)
taint_kind = Tk_integrity_annotation;
language = Config.Clang;
}, [2]);
] @ FbTaint.functions_with_tainted_params
(* turn string specificiation of Java method into a procname *)
let java_method_to_procname java_method =
(Procname.split_classname java_method.classname)
(Some (Procname.split_classname java_method.ret_type))
( Procname.split_classname java_method.params)
(if java_method.is_static then Procname.Static else Procname.Non_Static))
(* turn string specificiation of an objc method into a procname *)
let objc_method_to_procname objc_method =
let method_kind = Procname.objc_method_kind_of_bool (not objc_method.is_static) in
(Procname.objc_cpp objc_method.classname objc_method.method_name method_kind)
let taint_spec_to_taint_info taint_spec =
let taint_source =
match taint_spec.language with
| Config.Clang -> objc_method_to_procname taint_spec
| Config.Java -> java_method_to_procname taint_spec in
{ PredSymb.taint_source; taint_kind = taint_spec.taint_kind }
let sources = taint_spec_to_taint_info sources0
let mk_pname_param_num methods =
(fun (mname, param_num) -> taint_spec_to_taint_info mname, param_num)
let taint_sinks =
mk_pname_param_num sinks
let func_with_tainted_params =
mk_pname_param_num functions_with_tainted_params
let attrs_opt_get_annots = function
| Some attrs -> attrs.ProcAttributes.method_annotation
| None -> Annot.Method.empty
(* TODO: return a taint kind *)
(** returns true if [callee_pname] returns a tainted value *)
let returns_tainted callee_pname callee_attrs_opt =
let procname_matches taint_info =
Procname.equal taint_info.PredSymb.taint_source callee_pname in
let taint_info = IList.find procname_matches sources in
Some taint_info.PredSymb.taint_kind
with Not_found ->
let ret_annot, _ = attrs_opt_get_annots callee_attrs_opt in
if Annotations.ia_is_integrity_source ret_annot
then Some PredSymb.Tk_integrity_annotation
else if Annotations.ia_is_privacy_source ret_annot
then Some PredSymb.Tk_privacy_annotation
else None
let find_callee taint_infos callee_pname =
(fun (taint_info, _) -> Procname.equal taint_info.PredSymb.taint_source callee_pname)
with Not_found -> None
(** returns list of zero-indexed argument numbers of [callee_pname] that may be tainted *)
let accepts_sensitive_params callee_pname callee_attrs_opt =
match find_callee taint_sinks callee_pname with
| None ->
let _, param_annots = attrs_opt_get_annots callee_attrs_opt in
let offset = if Procname.java_is_static callee_pname then 0 else 1 in
let indices_and_annots =
IList.mapi (fun param_num attr -> param_num + offset, attr) param_annots in
let tag_tainted_indices acc (index, attr) =
if Annotations.ia_is_integrity_sink attr
then (index, PredSymb.Tk_privacy_annotation) :: acc
else if Annotations.ia_is_privacy_sink attr
then (index, PredSymb.Tk_privacy_annotation) :: acc
else acc in
IList.fold_left tag_tainted_indices [] indices_and_annots
| Some (taint_info, tainted_param_indices) -> (fun param_num -> param_num, taint_info.PredSymb.taint_kind) tainted_param_indices
(** returns list of zero-indexed parameter numbers of [callee_pname] that should be
considered tainted during symbolic execution *)
let tainted_params callee_pname =
match find_callee func_with_tainted_params callee_pname with
| Some (taint_info, tainted_param_indices) -> (fun param_num -> param_num, taint_info.PredSymb.taint_kind) tainted_param_indices
| None -> []
let has_taint_annotation fieldname (struct_typ: StructTyp.t) =
let fld_has_taint_annot (fname, _, annot) =
Ident.equal_fieldname fieldname fname &&
(Annotations.ia_is_privacy_source annot || Annotations.ia_is_integrity_source annot) in
IList.exists fld_has_taint_annot struct_typ.fields ||
IList.exists fld_has_taint_annot struct_typ.statics
(* add tainting attributes to a list of paramenters *)
let get_params_to_taint tainted_param_nums formal_params =
let get_taint_kind index =
try Some (IList.find (fun (taint_index, _) -> index = taint_index) tainted_param_nums)
with Not_found -> None in
let collect_params_to_taint params_to_taint_acc (index, param) =
match get_taint_kind index with
| Some (_, taint_kind) -> (param, taint_kind) :: params_to_taint_acc
| None -> params_to_taint_acc in
let numbered_params = IList.mapi (fun i param -> (i, param)) formal_params in
IList.fold_left collect_params_to_taint [] numbered_params
(* add tainting attribute to a pvar in a prop *)
let add_tainting_attribute tenv att pvar_param prop =
(fun prop_acc hpred ->
match hpred with
| Sil.Hpointsto (Exp.Lvar pvar, (Sil.Eexp (rhs, _)), _)
when Pvar.equal pvar pvar_param ->
L.d_strln ("TAINT ANALYSIS: setting taint/untaint attribute of parameter " ^
(Pvar.to_string pvar));
Attribute.add_or_replace tenv prop_acc (Apred (att, [rhs]))
| _ -> prop_acc)
prop prop.Prop.sigma