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* Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
open! IStd
(* TODO(T54088319) get rid of annotation_deprecated:
Introduce "field flags" and move all other usages to this dedicated datatype
type t = {annotation_deprecated: Annot.Item.t; annotated_type: AnnotatedType.t}
let rec get_type_name {Typ.desc} =
match desc with Typ.Tstruct name -> Some name | Typ.Tptr (t, _) -> get_type_name t | _ -> None
(* A heuristic to guess if the field is actually a Java enum value. *)
let is_enum_value tenv ~class_typ (field_info : Struct.field_info) =
(* It is tricky to get this information with 100% precision, but this works in most of
practical cases.
In Java, enums are special classes, and enum values are (implicitly generated) static fields in these classes,
which are initialized statically via calling the class constructor.
Though there can be OTHER (user-defined) static fields in the same enum class,
this is a rare case.*)
if not field_info.is_static then false
match (get_type_name class_typ, get_type_name field_info.typ) with
(* enums values are fields which type is the same as the type of the enum class *)
| Some class_name, Some field_type_name
when Typ.equal_name class_name field_type_name && PatternMatch.Java.is_enum tenv class_name ->
(* Could not fetch one of the class names, or they are different. Should not happen for enum values. *)
| _ ->
let is_synthetic field_name = String.contains field_name '$'
(* For the special mode, return the provisionally nullable annotation, otherwise return the unchaged nullability *)
let maybe_provisionally_nullable field_name ~field_class ~class_under_analysis nullability =
(* Provisionally nullable mode distinct "internal" fields in the class and all the fields outside *)
&& Typ.Name.equal field_class class_under_analysis
&& AnnotatedNullability.can_be_considered_for_provisional_annotation nullability
then AnnotatedNullability.ProvisionallyNullable (ProvisionalAnnotation.Field {field_name})
else nullability
let get tenv field_name ~class_typ ~class_under_analysis =
let open IOption.Let_syntax in
let lookup = Tenv.lookup tenv in
(* We currently don't support field-level strict mode annotation, so fetch it from class *)
let nullsafe_mode = class_typ
|> Option.value_map
~f:(fun class_name ->
Typ.Name.Java.get_java_class_name_exn class_name |> NullsafeMode.of_class tenv )
let is_third_party =
(ThirdPartyAnnotationGlobalRepo.get_repo ())
let+ (Struct.{typ= field_typ; annotations} as field_info) =
Struct.get_field_info ~lookup field_name class_typ
let is_enum_value = is_enum_value tenv ~class_typ field_info in
let nullability =
(* TODO(T62825735): support trusted callees for fields *)
AnnotatedNullability.of_type_and_annotation ~is_callee_in_trust_list:false ~nullsafe_mode
~is_third_party field_typ annotations
let special_case_nullability =
if Nullability.is_nonnullish (AnnotatedNullability.get_nullability nullability) then
(* Enum values are the special case - they can not be null. So we can strengten nullability.
Note that if it is nullable, we do NOT change nullability: in this case this is probably
not an enum value, but just a static field annotated as nullable.
then AnnotatedNullability.StrictNonnull EnumValue
else if is_synthetic (Fieldname.get_field_name field_name) then
(* This field is artifact of codegen and is not visible to the user.
Surfacing it as non-strict is non-actionable for the user *)
AnnotatedNullability.StrictNonnull SyntheticField
else if Models.is_field_nonnullable field_name then
AnnotatedNullability.StrictNonnull ModelledNonnull
else nullability
else nullability
let field_class =
Option.value_exn (get_type_name class_typ)
~message:"otherwise we would not have fetched field info above"
let final_nullability =
maybe_provisionally_nullable field_name ~field_class ~class_under_analysis
let annotated_type = AnnotatedType.{nullability= final_nullability; typ= field_typ} in
{annotation_deprecated= annotations; annotated_type}