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* Copyright (c) 2009-2013, Monoidics ltd.
* Copyright (c) 2013-present, Facebook, Inc.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
open! IStd
(** Propositions seen as graphs *)
module F = Format
module L = Logging
type 'a t = 'a Prop.t
type sub_entry = Ident.t * Exp.t
type edge = Ehpred of Sil.hpred | Eatom of Sil.atom | Esub_entry of sub_entry
let from_prop p = p
(** Return [true] if the edge is an hpred, and [false] if it is an atom *)
let edge_is_hpred = function Ehpred _ -> true | Eatom _ -> false | Esub_entry _ -> false
(** Return the source of the edge *)
let edge_get_source = function
| Ehpred (Sil.Hpointsto (e, _, _)) ->
Some e
| Ehpred (Sil.Hlseg (_, _, e, _, _)) ->
Some e
| Ehpred (Sil.Hdllseg (_, _, e1, _, _, _, _)) ->
Some e1 (* only one direction supported for now *)
| Eatom (Sil.Aeq (e1, _)) ->
Some e1
| Eatom (Sil.Aneq (e1, _)) ->
Some e1
| Eatom (Sil.Apred (_, e :: _) | Anpred (_, e :: _)) ->
Some e
| Eatom (Sil.Apred (_, []) | Anpred (_, [])) ->
| Esub_entry (x, _) ->
Some (Exp.Var x)
let get_sigma footprint_part g = if footprint_part then g.Prop.sigma_fp else g.Prop.sigma
let get_pi footprint_part g = if footprint_part then g.Prop.pi_fp else g.Prop.pi
let get_subl footprint_part g = if footprint_part then [] else Sil.sub_to_list g.Prop.sub
(** [edge_from_source g n footprint_part is_hpred] finds and edge with the given source [n] in prop [g].
[footprint_part] indicates whether to search the edge in the footprint part, and [is_pred] whether it is an hpred edge. *)
let edge_from_source g n footprint_part is_hpred =
let edges =
if is_hpred then ~f:(fun hpred -> Ehpred hpred) (get_sigma footprint_part g)
else ~f:(fun a -> Eatom a) (get_pi footprint_part g)
@ ~f:(fun entry -> Esub_entry entry) (get_subl footprint_part g)
let starts_from hpred =
match edge_get_source hpred with Some e -> Exp.equal n e | None -> false
match List.filter ~f:starts_from edges with [] -> None | edge :: _ -> Some edge
(** [get_edges footprint_part g] returns the list of edges in [g], in the footprint part if [fotprint_part] is true *)
let get_edges footprint_part g =
let hpreds = get_sigma footprint_part g in
let atoms = get_pi footprint_part g in
let subst_entries = get_subl footprint_part g in ~f:(fun hpred -> Ehpred hpred) hpreds
@ ~f:(fun a -> Eatom a) atoms
@ ~f:(fun entry -> Esub_entry entry) subst_entries
let edge_equal e1 e2 =
match (e1, e2) with
| Ehpred hp1, Ehpred hp2 ->
Sil.equal_hpred hp1 hp2
| Eatom a1, Eatom a2 ->
Sil.equal_atom a1 a2
| Esub_entry (x1, e1), Esub_entry (x2, e2) ->
Ident.equal x1 x2 && Exp.equal e1 e2
| _ ->
(** [contains_edge footprint_part g e] returns true if the graph [g] contains edge [e],
searching the footprint part if [footprint_part] is true. *)
let contains_edge (footprint_part : bool) (g : _ t) (e : edge) =
List.exists ~f:(fun e' -> edge_equal e e') (get_edges footprint_part g)
(** Graph annotated with the differences w.r.t. a previous graph *)
type 'a diff =
{ diff_newgraph: 'a t (** the new graph *)
; diff_changed_norm: Obj.t list (** objects changed in the normal part *)
; diff_cmap_norm: Pp.colormap (** colormap for the normal part *)
; diff_changed_foot: Obj.t list (** objects changed in the footprint part *)
; diff_cmap_foot: Pp.colormap (** colormap for the footprint part *) }
(** Compute the subobjects in [e2] which are different from those in [e1] *)
let compute_exp_diff (e1 : Exp.t) (e2 : Exp.t) : Obj.t list =
if Exp.equal e1 e2 then [] else [Obj.repr e2]
(** Compute the subobjects in [se2] which are different from those in [se1] *)
let rec compute_sexp_diff (se1 : Sil.strexp) (se2 : Sil.strexp) : Obj.t list =
match (se1, se2) with
| Sil.Eexp (e1, _), Sil.Eexp (e2, _) ->
if Exp.equal e1 e2 then [] else [Obj.repr se2]
| Sil.Estruct (fsel1, _), Sil.Estruct (fsel2, _) ->
compute_fsel_diff fsel1 fsel2
| Sil.Earray (e1, esel1, _), Sil.Earray (e2, esel2, _) ->
compute_exp_diff e1 e2 @ compute_esel_diff esel1 esel2
| _ ->
[Obj.repr se2]
and compute_fsel_diff fsel1 fsel2 : Obj.t list =
match (fsel1, fsel2) with
| (f1, se1) :: fsel1', ((f2, se2) as x) :: fsel2' -> (
match f1 f2 with
| n when n < 0 ->
compute_fsel_diff fsel1' fsel2
| 0 ->
compute_sexp_diff se1 se2 @ compute_fsel_diff fsel1' fsel2'
| _ ->
Obj.repr x :: compute_fsel_diff fsel1 fsel2' )
| _, [] ->
| [], x :: fsel2' ->
Obj.repr x :: compute_fsel_diff [] fsel2'
and compute_esel_diff esel1 esel2 : Obj.t list =
match (esel1, esel2) with
| (e1, se1) :: esel1', ((e2, se2) as x) :: esel2' -> (
match e1 e2 with
| n when n < 0 ->
compute_esel_diff esel1' esel2
| 0 ->
compute_sexp_diff se1 se2 @ compute_esel_diff esel1' esel2'
| _ ->
Obj.repr x :: compute_esel_diff esel1 esel2' )
| _, [] ->
| [], x :: esel2' ->
Obj.repr x :: compute_esel_diff [] esel2'
(** Compute the subobjects in [newedge] which are different from those in [oldedge] *)
let compute_edge_diff (oldedge : edge) (newedge : edge) : Obj.t list =
match (oldedge, newedge) with
| Ehpred (Sil.Hpointsto (_, se1, e1)), Ehpred (Sil.Hpointsto (_, se2, e2)) ->
compute_sexp_diff se1 se2 @ compute_exp_diff e1 e2
| Eatom (Sil.Aeq (_, e1)), Eatom (Sil.Aeq (_, e2)) ->
compute_exp_diff e1 e2
| Eatom (Sil.Aneq (_, e1)), Eatom (Sil.Aneq (_, e2)) ->
compute_exp_diff e1 e2
| Eatom (Sil.Apred (_, es1)), Eatom (Sil.Apred (_, es2))
| Eatom (Sil.Anpred (_, es1)), Eatom (Sil.Anpred (_, es2)) ->
List.concat (try List.map2_exn ~f:compute_exp_diff es1 es2 with Invalid_argument _ -> [])
| Esub_entry (_, e1), Esub_entry (_, e2) ->
compute_exp_diff e1 e2
| _ ->
[Obj.repr newedge]
(** [compute_diff oldgraph newgraph] returns the list of edges which are only in [newgraph] *)
let compute_diff default_color oldgraph newgraph : _ diff =
let compute_changed footprint_part =
let newedges = get_edges footprint_part newgraph in
let changed = ref [] in
let build_changed edge =
if not (contains_edge footprint_part oldgraph edge) then
match edge_get_source edge with
| Some source -> (
match edge_from_source oldgraph source footprint_part (edge_is_hpred edge) with
| None ->
let changed_obj =
match edge with
| Ehpred hpred ->
Obj.repr hpred
| Eatom a ->
Obj.repr a
| Esub_entry entry ->
Obj.repr entry
changed := changed_obj :: !changed
| Some oldedge ->
changed := compute_edge_diff oldedge edge @ !changed )
| None ->
List.iter ~f:build_changed newedges ;
let colormap (o : Obj.t) =
if List.exists ~f:(fun x -> phys_equal x o) !changed then Pp.Red else default_color
(!changed, colormap)
let changed_norm, colormap_norm = compute_changed false in
let changed_foot, colormap_foot = compute_changed true in
{ diff_newgraph= newgraph
; diff_changed_norm= changed_norm
; diff_cmap_norm= colormap_norm
; diff_changed_foot= changed_foot
; diff_cmap_foot= colormap_foot }
(** [diff_get_colormap footprint_part diff] returns the colormap of a computed diff,
selecting the footprint colormap if [footprint_part] is true. *)
let diff_get_colormap footprint_part diff =
if footprint_part then diff.diff_cmap_foot else diff.diff_cmap_norm
(** Print a list of propositions, prepending each one with the given string.
If !Config.pring_using_diff is true, print the diff w.r.t. the given prop,
extracting its local stack vars if the boolean is true. *)
let pp_proplist pe0 s (base_prop, extract_stack) f plist =
let num = List.length plist in
let base_stack = fst (Prop.sigma_get_stack_nonstack true base_prop.Prop.sigma) in
let add_base_stack prop =
if extract_stack then Prop.set prop ~sigma:(base_stack @ prop.Prop.sigma) else Prop.expose prop
let update_pe_diff (prop : _ Prop.t) : Pp.env =
if Config.print_using_diff then
let diff = compute_diff Blue (from_prop base_prop) (from_prop prop) in
let cmap_norm = diff_get_colormap false diff in
let cmap_foot = diff_get_colormap true diff in
{pe0 with cmap_norm; cmap_foot}
else pe0
let rec pp_seq_newline n f = function
| [] ->
| [x_] -> (
let pe = update_pe_diff x_ in
let x = add_base_stack x_ in
match pe.kind with
| TEXT ->
F.fprintf f "%s %d of %d:@\n%a" s n num (Prop.pp_prop pe) x
| HTML ->
F.fprintf f "%s %d of %d:@\n%a@\n" s n num (Prop.pp_prop pe) x )
| _x :: l -> (
let pe = update_pe_diff _x in
let x = add_base_stack _x in
match pe.kind with
| TEXT ->
F.fprintf f "%s %d of %d:@\n%a@\n%a" s n num (Prop.pp_prop pe) x
(pp_seq_newline (n + 1))
| HTML ->
F.fprintf f "%s %d of %d:@\n%a@\n%a" s n num (Prop.pp_prop pe) x
(pp_seq_newline (n + 1))
l )
pp_seq_newline 1 f plist
(** dump a propset *)
let d_proplist (p : 'a Prop.t) (pl : 'b Prop.t list) =
let pp pe = pp_proplist pe "PROP" (p, false) in
L.d_pp_with_pe pp pl