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Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
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475 lines
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* Copyright (c) 2016 - present Facebook, Inc.
* All rights reserved.
* This source code is licensed under the BSD style license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant
* of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.
(** Definition and parsing of command line arguments *)
open! Utils
module F = Format
module YBU = Yojson.Basic.Util
(** Each command line option may appear in the --help list of any executable, these tags are used to
specify which executables for which an option will be documented. *)
type exe = Analyze | Clang | Java | Llvm | Print | StatsAggregator | Toplevel
let exes = [
("InferAnalyze", Analyze);
("InferClang", Clang);
("InferJava", Java);
("InferLLVM", Llvm);
("InferPrint", Print);
("InferStatsAggregator", StatsAggregator);
("infer", Toplevel);
let current_exe =
try IList.assoc string_equal (Filename.basename Sys.executable_name) exes
with Not_found -> Toplevel
type desc = {
long: string; short: string; meta: string; doc: string; spec: Arg.spec;
(** how to go from an option in the json config file to a list of command-line options *)
decode_json: Yojson.Basic.json -> string list ;
let dashdash long =
match long with
| "" | "--" -> long
| _ -> "--" ^ long
let short_meta {short; meta; spec} =
String.concat " "
((if short = "" then [] else ["| -" ^ short]) @
(match spec with
| Arg.Symbol (symbols, _) ->
["{ " ^ (String.concat " | " symbols) ^ " }" ^ meta]
| _ ->
if meta = "" then [] else ["<" ^ meta ^ ">"]))
let left_length long short_meta =
(String.length (dashdash long)) + (String.length short_meta)
let max_left_length limit current ({long; spec} as desc) =
let short_meta =
match spec with
| Arg.Symbol _ -> short_meta {desc with spec = Arg.Unit (fun () -> ())}
| _ -> short_meta desc in
let length = left_length long short_meta in
if length > limit then current else max current length
let xdesc {long; short; spec; doc} =
let key long short =
match long, short with
| "", "" -> ""
| "--", _ -> "--"
| "", _ -> "-" ^ short
| _ -> "--" ^ long
let xspec long spec =
match spec with
(* translate Symbol to String for better formatting of --help messages *)
| Arg.Symbol (symbols, action) ->
Arg.String (fun arg ->
if IList.mem ( = ) arg symbols then
action arg
raise (Arg.Bad (F.sprintf "wrong argument '%s'; option '%s' expects one of: %s"
arg (dashdash long) (String.concat " | " symbols)))
| _ ->
(key long short, xspec long spec, doc)
let pad_and_xform left_width desc =
match desc with
| {doc = ""} ->
xdesc desc
| {long; doc} ->
let short_meta = short_meta desc in
let gap = left_width - (left_length long short_meta) in
if gap < 0 then
xdesc {desc with doc = short_meta ^ "\n" ^ (String.make (4 + left_width) ' ') ^ doc}
xdesc {desc with doc = short_meta ^ (String.make (gap + 1) ' ') ^ doc}
let align ?(limit=max_int) desc_list =
let left_width = IList.fold_left (max_left_length limit) 0 desc_list in
( (pad_and_xform left_width) desc_list)
let check_no_duplicates desc_list =
let rec check_for_duplicates_ = function
| [] | [_] ->
| (x, _, _) :: (y, _, _) :: _ when x <> "" && x = y ->
failwith ("Multiple definitions of command line option: " ^ x)
| _ :: tl ->
check_for_duplicates_ tl
check_for_duplicates_ (IList.sort (fun (x, _, _) (y, _, _) -> x y) desc_list)
let full_desc_list = ref []
let exe_desc_lists = (fun (_, exe) -> (exe, ref [])) exes
(** add desc to all desc_lists for the purposes of parsing, include desc in --help only for exes *)
let add exes desc =
full_desc_list := desc :: !full_desc_list ;
IList.iter (fun (exe, desc_list) ->
let desc =
if IList.mem ( = ) exe exes then
{desc with meta = ""; doc = ""} in
desc_list := desc :: !desc_list
) exe_desc_lists
let mk ?(deprecated=[]) ?(exes=[])
~long ?(short="") ~default ~meta doc ~default_to_string ~decode_json ~mk_setter ~mk_spec =
let variable = ref default in
let closure = mk_setter variable in
let setter str =
try closure str
with exc ->
raise (Arg.Bad ("bad value " ^ str ^ " for flag " ^ long
^ " (" ^ (Printexc.to_string exc) ^ ")")) in
let spec = mk_spec setter in
let doc =
let default_string = default_to_string default in
if default_string = "" then doc
else doc ^ " (default: " ^ default_string ^ ")" in
let desc = {long; short; meta; doc; spec; decode_json} in
(* add desc for long option, with documentation (which includes any short option) for exes *)
add exes desc ;
(* add desc for short option only for parsing, without documentation *)
if short <> "" then
add [] {desc with long = ""; meta = ""; doc = ""} ;
(* add desc for deprecated options only for parsing, without documentation *)
IList.iter (fun deprecated ->
add [] {desc with long = ""; short = deprecated; meta = ""; doc = ""}
) deprecated ;
type 'a t =
?deprecated:string list -> long:Arg.key -> ?short:Arg.key ->
?exes:exe list -> ?meta:string -> Arg.doc ->
let string_json_decoder ~long json = [dashdash long; YBU.to_string json]
let list_json_decoder json_decoder json = IList.flatten (YBU.convert_each json_decoder json)
let mk_set var value ?(deprecated=[]) ~long ?short ?exes ?(meta="") doc =
let setter () = var := value in
mk ~deprecated ~long ?short ~default:() ?exes ~meta doc
~default_to_string:(fun () -> "")
~decode_json:(string_json_decoder ~long)
~mk_setter:(fun _ _ -> setter ())
~mk_spec:(fun _ -> Arg.Unit setter) )
let mk_option ?(default=None) ?(default_to_string=fun _ -> "") ~f
?(deprecated=[]) ~long ?short ?exes ?(meta="") doc =
mk ~deprecated ~long ?short ~default ?exes ~meta doc
~decode_json:(string_json_decoder ~long)
~mk_setter:(fun var str -> var := f str)
~mk_spec:(fun set -> Arg.String set)
let mk_bool ?(deprecated_no=[]) ?(default=false) ?(f=fun b -> b)
?(deprecated=[]) ~long ?short ?exes ?(meta="") doc =
let nolong =
let len = String.length long in
if len > 3 && String.sub long 0 3 = "no-" then
String.sub long 3 (len - 3)
"no-" ^ long
and noshort =
| (fun short ->
let len = String.length short in
if len > 1 && String.sub short 0 1 = "n" then
String.sub short 1 (len - 1)
"n" ^ short
) short
let doc nolong =
match noshort with
| Some noshort -> doc ^ " (Conversely: --" ^ nolong ^ " | -" ^ noshort ^ ")"
| None -> doc ^ " (Conversely: --" ^ nolong ^ ")"
let doc, nodoc =
if not default then
("Activates: " ^ doc nolong, "")
("", "Deactivates: " ^ doc long) in
let default_to_string _ = "" in
let mk_spec set = Arg.Unit (fun () -> set "") in
let var =
mk ~long ?short ~deprecated ~default ?exes
~meta doc ~default_to_string ~mk_setter:(fun var _ -> var := f true)
~decode_json:(fun json ->
[dashdash (if YBU.to_bool json then long else nolong)])
~mk_spec in
mk ~long:nolong ?short:noshort ~deprecated:deprecated_no ~default:(not default) ?exes
~meta nodoc ~default_to_string ~mk_setter:(fun _ _ -> var := f false)
~decode_json:(fun json ->
[dashdash (if YBU.to_bool json then nolong else long)])
~mk_spec );
let mk_bool_group ?(deprecated_no=[]) ?(default=false)
?(deprecated=[]) ~long ?short ?exes ?(meta="") doc children =
let f b =
IList.iter (fun child -> child := b) children ;
mk_bool ~deprecated ~deprecated_no ~default ~long ?short ~f ?exes ~meta doc
let mk_int ~default ?(deprecated=[]) ~long ?short ?exes ?(meta="") doc =
mk ~deprecated ~long ?short ~default ?exes ~meta doc
~mk_setter:(fun var str -> var := (int_of_string str))
~decode_json:(string_json_decoder ~long)
~mk_spec:(fun set -> Arg.String set)
let mk_float ~default ?(deprecated=[]) ~long ?short ?exes ?(meta="") doc =
mk ~deprecated ~long ?short ~default ?exes ~meta doc
~mk_setter:(fun var str -> var := (float_of_string str))
~decode_json:(string_json_decoder ~long)
~mk_spec:(fun set -> Arg.String set)
let mk_string ~default ?(f=fun s -> s) ?(deprecated=[]) ~long ?short ?exes ?(meta="") doc =
mk ~deprecated ~long ?short ~default ?exes ~meta doc
~default_to_string:(fun s -> s)
~mk_setter:(fun var str -> var := f str)
~decode_json:(string_json_decoder ~long)
~mk_spec:(fun set -> Arg.String set)
let mk_string_opt ?default ?(f=fun s -> s) ?(deprecated=[]) ~long ?short ?exes ?(meta="") doc =
let default_to_string = function Some s -> s | None -> "" in
let f s = Some (f s) in
mk_option ~deprecated ~long ?short ~default ~default_to_string ~f ?exes ~meta doc
let mk_string_list ?(default=[]) ?(f=fun s -> s)
?(deprecated=[]) ~long ?short ?exes ?(meta="") doc =
mk ~deprecated ~long ?short ~default ?exes ~meta doc
~default_to_string:(String.concat ", ")
~mk_setter:(fun var str -> var := (f str) :: !var)
~decode_json:(list_json_decoder (string_json_decoder ~long))
~mk_spec:(fun set -> Arg.String set)
let mk_symbol ~default ~symbols ?(deprecated=[]) ~long ?short ?exes ?(meta="") doc =
let strings = fst symbols in
let sym_to_str = (fun (x,y) -> (y,x)) symbols in
let of_string str = IList.assoc string_equal str symbols in
let to_string sym = IList.assoc ( = ) sym sym_to_str in
mk ~deprecated ~long ?short ~default ?exes ~meta doc
~default_to_string:(fun s -> to_string s)
~mk_setter:(fun var str -> var := of_string str)
~decode_json:(string_json_decoder ~long)
~mk_spec:(fun set -> Arg.Symbol (strings, set))
let mk_symbol_opt ~symbols ?(deprecated=[]) ~long ?short ?exes ?(meta="") doc =
let strings = fst symbols in
let of_string str = IList.assoc string_equal str symbols in
mk ~deprecated ~long ?short ~default:None ?exes ~meta doc
~default_to_string:(fun _ -> "")
~mk_setter:(fun var str -> var := Some (of_string str))
~decode_json:(string_json_decoder ~long)
~mk_spec:(fun set -> Arg.Symbol (strings, set))
let mk_symbol_seq ?(default=[]) ~symbols ?(deprecated=[]) ~long ?short ?exes ?(meta="") doc =
let sym_to_str = (fun (x,y) -> (y,x)) symbols in
let of_string str = IList.assoc string_equal str symbols in
let to_string sym = IList.assoc ( = ) sym sym_to_str in
mk ~deprecated ~long ?short ~default ?exes ~meta:(",-separated sequence" ^ meta) doc
~default_to_string:(fun syms -> String.concat " " ( to_string syms))
~mk_setter:(fun var str_seq ->
var := of_string (Str.split (Str.regexp_string ",") str_seq))
~decode_json:(fun json ->
[dashdash long;
String.concat "," (YBU.convert_each YBU.to_string json)])
~mk_spec:(fun set -> Arg.String set)
let mk_set_from_json ~default ~default_to_string ~f
?(deprecated=[]) ~long ?short ?exes ?(meta="json") doc =
mk ~deprecated ~long ?short ?exes ~meta doc
~default ~default_to_string
~mk_setter:(fun var json -> var := f (Yojson.Basic.from_string json))
~decode_json:(fun json -> [dashdash long; Yojson.Basic.to_string json])
~mk_spec:(fun set -> Arg.String set)
(** A ref to a function used during argument parsing to process anonymous arguments. By default,
anonymous arguments are rejected. *)
let anon_fun = ref (fun arg -> raise (Arg.Bad ("unexpected anonymous argument: " ^ arg)))
(** Clients declare that anonymous arguments are acceptable by calling [mk_anon], which returns a
ref storing the anonymous arguments. *)
let mk_anon () =
let anon = ref [] in
anon_fun := (fun arg -> anon := arg :: !anon) ;
let mk_rest ?(exes=[]) doc =
let rest = ref [] in
let spec = Arg.Rest (fun arg -> rest := arg :: !rest) in
add exes {long = "--"; short = ""; meta = ""; doc; spec; decode_json = fun _ -> []} ;
let decode_inferconfig_to_argv path =
let json = match read_optional_json_file path with
| Ok json ->
| Error msg ->
F.eprintf "WARNING: Could not read or parse Infer config in %s:@\n%s@." path msg ;
`Assoc [] in
let desc_list = !(IList.assoc ( = ) current_exe exe_desc_lists) in
let json_config = YBU.to_assoc json in
let one_config_item result (key, json_val) =
let {decode_json} =
(fun {long; short} ->
string_equal key long || (* for deprecated options *) string_equal key short)
desc_list in
decode_json json_val @ result
| Not_found ->
F.eprintf "WARNING: while reading config file %s:@\nUnknown option %s@." path key ;
| YBU.Type_error (msg, json) ->
F.eprintf "WARNING: while reading config file %s:@\nIll-formed value %s for option %s: %s@."
path (Yojson.Basic.to_string json) key msg ;
result in
IList.fold_left one_config_item [] json_config
(** [sep_char] is used to separate elements of argv when encoded into environment variables *)
let sep_char = '^'
let encode_argv_to_env argv =
String.concat (String.make 1 sep_char)
(IList.filter (fun arg ->
not (String.contains arg sep_char)
|| (
F.eprintf "Ignoring unsupported option containing '%c' character: %s@\n" sep_char arg ;
) argv)
let decode_env_to_argv env =
Str.split (Str.regexp_string (String.make 1 sep_char)) env
let prepend_to_argv args =
let cl_args = match Array.to_list Sys.argv with _ :: tl -> tl | [] -> [] in
(Sys.executable_name, args @ cl_args)
(** [prefix_before_rest (prefix @ ["--" :: rest])] is [prefix] where "--" is not in [prefix]. *)
let prefix_before_rest args =
let rec prefix_before_rest_ rev_keep = function
| [] | "--" :: _ -> IList.rev rev_keep
| keep :: args -> prefix_before_rest_ (keep :: rev_keep) args in
prefix_before_rest_ [] args
let parse ?(incomplete=false) ?(accept_unknown=false) ?config_file env_var exe_usage =
let curr_speclist = ref []
and full_speclist = ref []
let usage_msg = exe_usage current_exe
let curr_usage status =
Arg.usage !curr_speclist usage_msg ;
exit status
and full_usage status =
Arg.usage !full_speclist usage_msg ;
exit status
let add_or_suppress_help speclist =
let unknown opt =
(opt, Arg.Unit (fun () -> raise (Arg.Bad ("unknown option '" ^ opt ^ "'"))), "") in
if incomplete then
speclist @ [
(unknown "--help") ;
(unknown "-help")
speclist @ [
("--help", Arg.Unit (fun () -> curr_usage 0),
"Display this list of options") ;
("--help-full", Arg.Unit (fun () -> full_usage 0),
"Display the full list of options, including internal and experimental options") ;
(unknown "-help")
let normalize speclist =
let norm k =
let len = String.length k in
if len > 3 && String.sub k 0 3 = "no-" then String.sub k 3 (len - 3) else k in
let compare_specs {long = x} {long = y} =
match x, y with
| "--", "--" -> 0
| "--", _ -> 1
| _, "--" -> -1
| _ -> (norm x) (norm y) in
let sort speclist = IList.sort compare_specs speclist in
add_or_suppress_help (align ~limit:46 (sort speclist))
let curr_desc_list = IList.assoc ( = ) current_exe exe_desc_lists
(* curr_speclist includes args for current exe with docs, and all other args without docs, so
that all args can be parsed, but --help and parse failures only show external args for
current exe *)
curr_speclist := normalize !curr_desc_list
assert( check_no_duplicates !curr_speclist )
full_speclist := normalize !full_desc_list
let env_args = decode_env_to_argv (try Unix.getenv env_var with Not_found -> "") in
(* begin transitional support for INFERCLANG_ARGS *)
let c_args =
Str.split (Str.regexp_string (String.make 1 ':'))
(try Unix.getenv "INFERCLANG_ARGS" with Not_found -> "") in
let env_args = c_args @ env_args in
(* end transitional support for INFERCLANG_ARGS *)
let exe_name, env_cl_args = prepend_to_argv env_args in
let all_args = match config_file with
| None -> env_cl_args
| Some path ->
let json_args = decode_inferconfig_to_argv path in
(* read .inferconfig first, as both env vars and command-line options overwrite it *)
json_args @ env_cl_args in
let argv = Array.of_list (exe_name :: all_args) in
let current = ref 0 in
(* tests if msg indicates an unknown option, as opposed to a known option with bad argument *)
let is_unknown msg =
let prefix = exe_name ^ ": unknown option" in
prefix = (String.sub msg 0 (String.length prefix)) in
let rec parse_loop () =
Arg.parse_argv_dynamic ~current argv curr_speclist !anon_fun usage_msg
| Arg.Bad _ when incomplete -> parse_loop ()
| Arg.Bad msg when accept_unknown && is_unknown msg -> !anon_fun argv.(!current) ; parse_loop ()
| Arg.Bad usage_msg -> Pervasives.prerr_string usage_msg; exit 2
| Arg.Help usage_msg -> Pervasives.print_string usage_msg; exit 0
parse_loop () ;
if not incomplete then
Unix.putenv env_var (encode_argv_to_env (prefix_before_rest all_args)) ;