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* Copyright (c) 2009 - 2013 Monoidics ltd.
* Copyright (c) 2013 - present Facebook, Inc.
* All rights reserved.
* This source code is licensed under the BSD style license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant
* of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.
(** Main module for the analysis after the capture phase *)
module L = Logging
module F = Format
open Yojson.Basic.Util
(* This module, unused by default, generates random c files with procedure calls *)
module Codegen = struct
let num_files = 5000
let num_functions = 1000
let calls_per_fun = 5
let fun_nr = ref 0
let gen () =
for file_nr = 1 to num_files do
let fname = Printf.sprintf "file%04d.c" file_nr in
let fmt = open_out fname in
for _ = 1 to num_functions do
incr fun_nr;
let num_calls = if !fun_nr = 1 then 0 else calls_per_fun in
Printf.fprintf fmt "void f%04d() {\n" !fun_nr;
for _ = 1 to num_calls do
let callee_nr = 1 + (max 1 (num_calls - 1)) in
Printf.fprintf fmt "f%04d();\n" callee_nr
Printf.fprintf fmt "}\n";
close_out fmt
let dont () =
gen ();
exit 0
(** if true, save file dependency graph to disk *)
let save_file_dependency = ref false
type incremental =
| ANALYZE_ALL (** analyze all the files in the results dir *)
| ANALYZE_CHANGED_AND_DEPENDENCIES (** analyze the files that have changed, as well as those dependent on them *)
| ANALYZE_CHANGED_ONLY (** only analyze the files that have changed *)
let incremental_mode = ref ANALYZE_ALL
(** command line option: if true, simulate the analysis only *)
let simulate = ref false
(** command line option: if true, run the analysis in checker mode *)
let checkers = ref false
(** command line option: name of the makefile to create with clusters and dependencies *)
let makefile_cmdline = ref ""
(** Command line option: only consider procedures whose name begins with the given string. *)
let select_proc = ref None
(** if not empty, only analyze the files in the list provided from the command-line *)
let only_files_cmdline = ref []
(** optional command-line name of the .cluster file *)
let cluster_cmdline = ref None
(** value of -out_file command-line *)
let out_file_cmdline = ref ""
(** value of -err_file command-line *)
let err_file_cmdline = ref ""
(** Files excluded from the analysis *)
let excluded_files : string list ref = ref []
(** Absolute path to the project source, used for relative paths in the exclude list *)
let source_path = ref ""
(** List of obj memory leak buckets to be checked in Objective-C/C++ *)
let ml_buckets_arg = ref "cf"
(** Whether specs can be cleaned up before starting analysis *)
let allow_specs_cleanup = ref false
(** Compute the exclude function from excluded_files and source_path.
The exclude function builds an exclude list of file path prefixes, and checks if one
of them is a prefix of the given source file.
Prefixes are obtained by prepending source_path, if any, to relative paths in excluded_fies *)
let compute_exclude_fun () : DB.source_file -> bool =
let prepend_source_path s =
if Filename.is_relative s then Filename.concat !source_path s
else s in
let excluded_list = (fun file_path -> prepend_source_path file_path) !excluded_files in
let exclude_fun (source_file : DB.source_file) =
IList.exists (fun excluded_path -> string_is_prefix excluded_path (DB.source_file_to_string source_file)) excluded_list in
let version_string () =
"Infer version " ^ Version.versionString ^ "\nCopyright 2009 - present Facebook. All Rights Reserved.\n"
let print_version () =
F.fprintf F.std_formatter "%s@." (version_string ());
exit 0
let print_version_json () =
F.fprintf F.std_formatter "%s@." Version.versionJson;
exit 0
let arg_desc =
let base_arg =
let exclude s = match read_file s with
| None ->
F.fprintf F.std_formatter "ERROR: cannot read the exclude file %s@." s;
exit 1
| Some files -> excluded_files := files in
let source_path s =
if Filename.is_relative s then
F.fprintf F.std_formatter "ERROR: source_path must be an absolute path: %s @." s;
exit 1
source_path := s in
let incremental_changed_only () =
Config.ondemand_enabled := false;
incremental_mode := ANALYZE_CHANGED_ONLY in
let incremental () =
Config.ondemand_enabled := false;
let desc =
base_arg_desc @
Arg.Set_string err_file_cmdline,
Some "file",
"use file for the err channel"
Arg.String exclude,
Some "file",
"exclude from analysis the files and directories specified in file"
Arg.Unit incremental_changed_only,
"only analyze files captured since the last analysis"
Arg.Unit incremental,
"analyze files captured since the last analysis plus any dependencies"
Arg.Set_int iterations_cmdline,
Some "n",
"set the max number of operations for each function,
expressed as a multiple of symbolic operations (default n=1)"
Arg.Set Config.nonstop,
"activate the nonstop mode: the analysis continues after finding errors.
With this option the analysis can become less precise."
Arg.Set_string out_file_cmdline,
Some "file",
"use file for the out channel"
Arg.Unit SymExec.print_builtins,
"print the builtin functions and exit"
Arg.String source_path,
Some "path",
"specify the absolute path to the root of the source files.
Used to interpret relative paths when using option -exclude."
(* TODO: merge with the -project_root option *)
Arg.Unit (fun () -> Config.curr_language := Config.Java),
"Set language to Java"
Arg.Unit print_version,
"print version information and exit"
Arg.Unit print_version_json,
"print version json formatted"
Arg.Set Config.objc_memory_model_on,
"Use ObjC memory model"
Arg.Unit (fun () -> Config.show_progress_bar := false),
"Do not show a progress bar"
Arg.Set_string ml_buckets_arg,
Some "ml_buckets",
"memory leak buckets to be checked, separated by commas.
The possible buckets are cf (Core Foundation), arc, narc (No arc), cpp, unknown_origin"
] in
Arg.create_options_desc false "Analysis Options" desc in
let reserved_arg =
let desc =
reserved_arg_desc @
Arg.Set Config.analysis_stops,
"issue a warning when the analysis stops"
Arg.Set Config.angelic_execution,
"activate angelic execution:
The analysis ignores errors caused by unknown procedure calls."
Arg.Unit (fun () -> checkers := true; Config.intraprocedural := true),
" run only the checkers instead of the full analysis"
Arg.String (fun s -> cluster_cmdline := Some s),
Some "fname",
"specify a .cluster file to be analyzed"
Arg.String (fun s -> CodeQuery.query := Some s),
Some "query",
" execute the code query"
Arg.Unit (fun () ->
Config.eradicate := true;
checkers := true;
Config.intraprocedural := true),
" activate the eradicate checker for java annotations"
Arg.String (fun s -> only_files_cmdline := s :: !only_files_cmdline),
Some "fname",
"specify one file to be analyzed (without path); the option can be repeated"
Arg.Set Config.intraprocedural,
"perform an intraprocedural analysis only"
Arg.Set_string makefile_cmdline,
Some "file",
"create a makefile to perform the analysis"
Arg.Set_int Config.max_cluster_size,
Some "n",
"set the max number of procedures in each cluster (default n=2000)"
Arg.Set Config.only_nospecs,
" only analyze procedures which were analyzed before but have no specs"
Arg.Set Config.only_skips,
" only analyze procedures dependent on previous skips which now have a .specs file"
Arg.Set_int seconds_per_iteration,
Some "n",
"set the number of seconds per iteration (default n=30)"
Arg.Set simulate,
" run a simulation of the analysis only"
Arg.Set Config.subtype_multirange,
"use the multirange subtyping domain"
Arg.Set Config.optimistic_cast,
"allow cast of undefined values"
Arg.String (fun s -> select_proc := Some s),
Some "string",
"only consider procedures whose name contains the given string"
Arg.Set_int symops_per_iteration,
Some "n",
"set the number of symbolic operations per iteration (default n="
^ (string_of_int !symops_per_iteration) ^ ")"
Arg.Set Config.type_size,
"consider the size of types during analysis"
Arg.Unit (fun () -> Config.report_runtime_exceptions := true),
"Report error traces for runtime exceptions (Only for Java)"
Arg.Unit (fun () -> allow_specs_cleanup := true),
"Allow to remove existing specs before running analysis when it's not incremental"
Arg.Unit (fun() -> Config.show_buckets := true; Config.show_ml_buckets := true),
"Add buckets to issue descriptions, useful when developing infer"
] in
Arg.create_options_desc false
"Reserved Options: Experimental features, use with caution!" desc in
base_arg @ reserved_arg
let usage =
(version_string ()) ^ "
Usage: InferAnalyze [options]
Analyze the files captured in the project results directory,
which can be specified with the -results_dir option."
let print_usage_exit () =
Arg.usage arg_desc usage;
let () = (* parse command-line arguments *)
let f arg =
() (* ignore anonymous arguments *) in
Arg.parse arg_desc f usage;
if not (Sys.file_exists !Config.results_dir) then
L.err "ERROR: results directory %s does not exist@.@." !Config.results_dir;
print_usage_exit ()
module Simulator = struct (** Simulate the analysis only *)
let reset_summaries cg =
(fun (pname, in_out_calls) -> Specs.reset_summary cg pname None)
(Cg.get_nodes_and_calls cg)
(** Perform phase transition from [FOOTPRINT] to [RE_EXECUTION] for
the procedures enabled after the analysis of [proc_name] *)
let perform_transition exe_env proc_name =
let proc_names = Fork.should_perform_transition (Exe_env.get_cg exe_env) proc_name in
let f proc_name =
let joined_pres = [] in
Fork.transition_footprint_re_exe proc_name joined_pres in
IList.iter f proc_names
let process_result (exe_env: Exe_env.t) ((proc_name: Procname.t), (calls: Cg.in_out_calls)) (_summ: Specs.summary) : unit =
L.err "in process_result %a@." Procname.pp proc_name;
let summ =
{ _summ with
Specs.stats = { _summ.Specs.stats with Specs.stats_calls = calls }} in
Specs.add_summary proc_name summ;
perform_transition exe_env proc_name;
let procs_done = Fork.procs_become_done (Exe_env.get_cg exe_env) proc_name in
Fork.post_process_procs exe_env procs_done
let analyze_proc exe_env tenv proc_name =
L.err "in analyze_proc %a@." Procname.pp proc_name;
(* for i = 1 to 1000000 do () done; *)
let prev_summary = Specs.get_summary_unsafe "Simulator" proc_name in
let timestamp = max 1 (prev_summary.Specs.timestamp) in
{ prev_summary with Specs.timestamp = timestamp }
let filter_out cg proc_name = false
let analyze exe_env =
let init_time = Unix.gettimeofday () in
L.log_progress_simple ".";
Specs.clear_spec_tbl ();
Random.self_init ();
let line_reader = Printer.LineReader.create () in
if !checkers then (* run the checkers only *)
let call_graph = Exe_env.get_cg exe_env in
Callbacks.iterate_callbacks Checkers.ST.store_summary call_graph exe_env
else if !simulate then (* simulate the analysis *)
Simulator.reset_summaries (Exe_env.get_cg exe_env);
(Simulator.analyze_proc exe_env)
else (* full analysis *)
Interproc.do_analysis exe_env;
Printer.c_files_write_html line_reader exe_env;
Interproc.print_stats exe_env;
let elapsed = Unix.gettimeofday () -. init_time in
L.out "Interprocedural footprint analysis terminated in %f sec@." elapsed
(** add [x] to list [l] at position [nth] *)
let list_add_nth x l nth =
let rec add acc todo nth =
if nth = 0 then IList.rev_append acc (x:: todo)
else match todo with
| [] -> raise Not_found
| y:: todo' -> add (y:: acc) todo' (nth - 1) in
add [] l nth
(** sort a list weakly w.r.t. a compare function which doest not have to be a total order
the number returned by [compare x y] indicates 'how strongly' x should come before y *)
let weak_sort compare list =
let weak_add l x =
let length = IList.length l in
let fitness = Array.make (length + 1) 0 in
IList.iter (fun y -> fitness.(0) <- fitness.(0) + compare x y) l;
let best_position = ref 0 in
let best_value = ref (fitness.(0)) in
let i = ref 0 in
IList.iter (fun y ->
incr i;
let new_value = fitness.(!i - 1) - (compare x y) + (compare y x) in
fitness.(!i) <- new_value;
if new_value < !best_value then
best_value := new_value;
best_position := !i
list_add_nth x l !best_position in
IList.fold_left weak_add [] list
let pp_stringlist fmt slist =
IList.iter (fun pname -> F.fprintf fmt "%s " pname) slist
let weak_sort_nodes cg =
let nodes = Cg.get_defined_nodes cg in
let grand_hash = Procname.Hash.create 1 in
let get_grandparents x =
try Procname.Hash.find grand_hash x with
| Not_found ->
let res = ref Procname.Set.empty in
let do_parent p = res := Procname.Set.union (Cg.get_parents cg p) !res in
Procname.Set.iter do_parent (Cg.get_parents cg x);
Procname.Hash.replace grand_hash x !res;
!res in
let cmp x y =
let res = ref 0 in
if Procname.Set.mem y (Cg.get_parents cg x) then res := !res - 2;
if Procname.Set.mem y (get_grandparents x) then res := !res - 1;
if Procname.Set.mem x (Cg.get_parents cg y) then res := !res + 2;
if Procname.Set.mem x (get_grandparents y) then res := !res + 1;
!res in
weak_sort cmp nodes
let file_pname_to_cg file_pname =
let source_file = ClusterMakefile.source_file_from_pname file_pname in
let source_dir = DB.source_dir_from_source_file source_file in
let cg_fname = DB.source_dir_get_internal_file source_dir ".cg" in
Cg.load_from_file cg_fname
let output_json_file_stats num_files num_procs num_lines =
let file_stats =
`Assoc [ ("files", `Int num_files);
("procedures", `Int num_procs);
("lines", `Int num_lines) ] in
(* write stats file to disk, intentionally overwriting old file if it already exists *)
let f = open_out (Filename.concat !Config.results_dir Config.proc_stats_filename) in
Yojson.Basic.pretty_to_channel f file_stats
(** create clusters of minimal size in the dependence order,
with recursive parts grouped together. *)
let create_minimal_clusters file_cg exe_env to_analyze_map : Cluster.t list =
if !Cluster.trace_clusters then L.err "[create_minimal_clusters]@.";
let sorted_files = weak_sort_nodes file_cg in
let seen = ref Procname.Set.empty in
let clusters = ref [] in
let total_files = ref 0 in
let total_procs = ref 0 in
let total_LOC = ref 0 in
let total = Procname.Map.cardinal to_analyze_map in
let analyzed_map_done = ref 0 in
let create_cluster_elem (file_pname, changed_procs) = (* create a Cluster.elem for the file *)
L.log_progress "Creating clusters..." analyzed_map_done total;
let source_file = ClusterMakefile.source_file_from_pname file_pname in
if !Cluster.trace_clusters then
L.err " [create_minimal_clusters] %s@." (DB.source_file_to_string source_file);
DB.current_source := source_file;
match file_pname_to_cg file_pname with
| None ->
Cluster.create_bottomup source_file 0 []
| Some cg ->
(* decide whether a proc is active using pname_to_fname, i.e. whether this is the file associated to it *)
let proc_is_selected pname = match !select_proc with
| None -> true
| Some pattern_str -> string_is_prefix pattern_str (Procname.to_unique_id pname) in
let proc_is_active pname =
proc_is_selected pname &&
DB.source_file_equal (Exe_env.get_source exe_env pname) source_file in
let active_procs = IList.filter proc_is_active (Procname.Set.elements changed_procs) in
let naprocs = IList.length active_procs in
total_files := !total_files + 1;
total_procs := !total_procs + naprocs;
total_LOC := !total_LOC + (Cg.get_nLOC cg);
Cluster.create_bottomup source_file naprocs active_procs in
let choose_next_file list = (* choose next file from the weakly ordered list *)
let file_has_no_unseen_dependents fname =
Procname.Set.subset (Cg.get_dependents file_cg fname) !seen in
match IList.partition file_has_no_unseen_dependents list with
| (fname :: no_deps), deps -> (* if all the dependents of fname have been seen, bypass the order in the list *)
if !Cluster.trace_clusters then
L.err " [choose_next_file] %s (NO dependents)@." (Procname.to_string fname);
Some (fname, IList.rev_append no_deps deps)
| [], _ ->
match list with
| fname :: list' ->
if !Cluster.trace_clusters then
L.err " [choose_next_file] %s (HAS dependents)@." (Procname.to_string fname);
Some(fname, list')
| [] -> None
end in
let rec build_clusters list = match choose_next_file list with
| None -> ()
| Some (fname, list') ->
if !Cluster.trace_clusters then
L.err " [build_clusters] %s@." (Procname.to_string fname);
if Procname.Set.mem fname !seen then build_clusters list'
let cluster_set = Procname.Set.add fname (Cg.get_recursive_dependents file_cg fname) in
let cluster, list'' = IList.partition (fun node -> Procname.Set.mem node cluster_set) list in
seen := Procname.Set.union !seen cluster_set;
let to_analyze =
(fun file_pname l ->
try (file_pname, Procname.Map.find file_pname to_analyze_map) :: l
with Not_found -> l)
[] in
if to_analyze <> [] then
let cluster = create_cluster_elem to_analyze in
clusters := cluster :: !clusters;
build_clusters list'' in
build_clusters sorted_files;
output_json_file_stats !total_files !total_procs !total_LOC;
IList.rev !clusters
let proc_list_to_set proc_list =
IList.fold_left (fun s p -> Procname.Set.add p s) Procname.Set.empty proc_list
(** compute the files to analyze map for incremental mode *)
let compute_to_analyze_map_incremental files_changed_map global_cg exe_env =
let changed_fold_f files_changed_map f =
let apply_f _ procs acc =
Procname.Set.fold (fun proc acc -> Procname.Set.union acc (f proc)) procs acc in
Procname.Map.fold apply_f files_changed_map Procname.Set.empty in
(* all callers of changed procedures *)
let callers_of_changed =
changed_fold_f files_changed_map (fun p -> Cg.get_ancestors global_cg p) in
(* all callees of changed procedures *)
let callees_of_changed =
changed_fold_f files_changed_map (fun p -> Cg.get_heirs global_cg p) in
(* add a procedure to the file -> (procedures to analyze) map *)
let add_proc_to_map proc map =
let source_opt =
try Some (Exe_env.get_source exe_env proc)
with Not_found -> None in
match source_opt with
| Some source ->
let proc_file_pname = ClusterMakefile.source_file_to_pname source in
let procs_to_analyze =
try Procname.Map.find proc_file_pname map
with Not_found -> Procname.Set.empty in
let procs_to_analyze' = Procname.Set.add proc procs_to_analyze in
Procname.Map.add proc_file_pname procs_to_analyze' map
| None -> map in
let get_specs_filename pname =
Specs.res_dir_specs_filename pname in
let is_stale pname =
let specs_file = get_specs_filename pname in
match Specs.load_summary specs_file with
| Some summary -> summary.Specs.status = Specs.STALE
| None -> false in
(* add stale callees to the map *)
let add_stale_callee_to_map callee map =
if is_stale callee then add_proc_to_map callee map
else map in
let files_changed_map' =
Procname.Set.fold add_stale_callee_to_map callees_of_changed files_changed_map in
if !incremental_mode = ANALYZE_CHANGED_ONLY then
(* mark all caller specs stale. this ensures future runs of the analysis that need to use specs
from callers will re-compute them first. we do this instead of deleting the specs because
that would force the next analysis run to re-compute them even if it doesn't need them. *)
let mark_spec_as_stale pname =
let specs_file = get_specs_filename pname in
match Specs.load_summary specs_file with
| Some summary ->
let summary' = { summary with Specs.status = Specs.STALE } in
Specs.store_summary pname summary'
| None -> () in
Procname.Set.iter (fun caller -> mark_spec_as_stale caller) callers_of_changed;
else (* !incremental_mode = ANALYZE_CHANGED_AND_DEPENDENTS *)
(* add callers of changed procedures to the map of stuff to analyze *)
Procname.Set.fold add_proc_to_map callers_of_changed files_changed_map'
(** compute the clusters *)
let compute_clusters exe_env files_changed : Cluster.t list =
if !Cluster.trace_clusters then
L.err "[compute_clusters] %d changed files@." (Procname.Map.cardinal files_changed);
let file_cg = Cg.create () in
let global_cg = Exe_env.get_cg exe_env in
let nodes, edges = Cg.get_nodes_and_edges global_cg in
let defined_procs = Cg.get_defined_nodes global_cg in
let total_nodes = IList.length nodes in
let computed_nodes = ref 0 in
let do_node (n, defined, restricted) =
L.log_progress "Computing dependencies..." computed_nodes total_nodes;
if defined then
Cg.add_defined_node file_cg
(ClusterMakefile.source_file_to_pname (Exe_env.get_source exe_env n)) in
let do_edge (n1, n2) =
if Cg.node_defined global_cg n1 && Cg.node_defined global_cg n2 then
let src1 = Exe_env.get_source exe_env n1 in
let src2 = Exe_env.get_source exe_env n2 in
if not (DB.source_file_equal src1 src2) then begin
if !Cluster.trace_clusters then
L.err "file_cg %s -> %s [%a]@."
(DB.source_file_to_string src1)
(DB.source_file_to_string src2)
Procname.pp n2;
Cg.add_edge file_cg
(ClusterMakefile.source_file_to_pname src1)
(ClusterMakefile.source_file_to_pname src2)
end in
IList.iter do_node nodes;
if IList.length nodes > 0 then L.log_progress_simple "\n";
if not !Config.intraprocedural then IList.iter do_edge edges;
if !save_file_dependency then
Cg.save_call_graph_dotty (Some (DB.filename_from_string "")) Specs.get_specs file_cg;
let files = Cg.get_defined_nodes file_cg in
let num_files = IList.length files in
L.err "@.Found %d defined procedures in %d files.@." (IList.length defined_procs) num_files;
let to_analyze_map =
if !incremental_mode = ANALYZE_ALL then
(* get all procedures defined in a file *)
let get_defined_procs file_pname = match file_pname_to_cg file_pname with
| None -> Procname.Set.empty
| Some cg -> proc_list_to_set (Cg.get_defined_nodes cg) in
(fun m file_pname -> Procname.Map.add file_pname (get_defined_procs file_pname) m)
else compute_to_analyze_map_incremental files_changed global_cg exe_env in
L.err "Analyzing %d files.@.@." (Procname.Map.cardinal to_analyze_map);
let clusters = create_minimal_clusters file_cg exe_env to_analyze_map in
L.err "Minimal clusters:@.";
Cluster.print_clusters_stats clusters;
if !makefile_cmdline <> "" then
let max_cluster_size = 50 in
let desired_cluster_size = 1 in
let clusters' =
Cluster.combine_split_clusters clusters max_cluster_size desired_cluster_size in
L.err "@.Combined clusters with max size %d@." max_cluster_size;
Cluster.print_clusters_stats clusters';
let number_of_clusters = IList.length clusters' in
let plural_of_cluster = if number_of_clusters != 1 then "s" else "" in
(Printf.sprintf "Analyzing %d cluster%s" number_of_clusters plural_of_cluster);
ClusterMakefile.create_cluster_makefile_and_exit clusters' file_cg !makefile_cmdline false
let clusters' =
clusters !Config.max_cluster_size !Config.max_cluster_size in
L.err "@.Combined clusters with max size %d@." !Config.max_cluster_size;
Cluster.print_clusters_stats clusters';
let number_of_clusters = IList.length clusters' in
L.log_progress_simple ("\nAnalyzing "^(string_of_int number_of_clusters)^" clusters");
(** compute the set of procedures in [cg] changed since the last analysis *)
let cg_get_changed_procs exe_env source_dir cg =
let cfg_fname = DB.source_dir_get_internal_file source_dir ".cfg" in
let cfg_opt = Cfg.load_cfg_from_file cfg_fname in
let pdesc_changed pname =
match cfg_opt with
| Some cfg -> Cfg.pdesc_is_changed cfg pname
| None -> true in
let spec_exists pname =
let spec_fname = Specs.res_dir_specs_filename pname in
Sys.file_exists (DB.filename_to_string spec_fname) in
let cfg_modified_after_specs pname =
let spec_fname = Specs.res_dir_specs_filename pname in
DB.file_modified_time cfg_fname > DB.file_modified_time spec_fname in
let is_changed pname =
not (spec_exists pname) || (cfg_modified_after_specs pname && pdesc_changed pname) in
let defined_nodes = Cg.get_defined_nodes cg in
if !Config.incremental_procs then IList.filter is_changed defined_nodes
else if IList.exists is_changed defined_nodes then defined_nodes
else []
(** Load a .c or .cpp file into an execution environment *)
let load_cg_file (_exe_env: Exe_env.initial) (source_dir : DB.source_dir) exclude_fun =
match Exe_env.add_cg_exclude_fun _exe_env source_dir exclude_fun with
| None -> None
| Some cg ->
L.err "loaded %s@." (DB.source_dir_to_string source_dir);
Some cg
(** Return a map of (changed file procname) -> (procs in that file that have changed) *)
let compute_files_changed_map _exe_env (source_dirs : DB.source_dir list) exclude_fun =
let sorted_dirs = IList.sort DB.source_dir_compare source_dirs in
let cg_list =
(fun cg_list source_dir ->
match load_cg_file _exe_env source_dir exclude_fun with
| None -> cg_list
| Some cg -> (source_dir, cg) :: cg_list)
sorted_dirs in
let exe_env_get_files_changed files_changed_map exe_env =
let cg_get_files_changed files_changed_map (source_dir, cg) =
let changed_procs =
if !incremental_mode = ANALYZE_ALL then Cg.get_defined_nodes cg
else cg_get_changed_procs exe_env source_dir cg in
if changed_procs <> [] then
let file_pname = ClusterMakefile.source_file_to_pname (Cg.get_source cg) in
Procname.Map.add file_pname (proc_list_to_set changed_procs) files_changed_map
else files_changed_map in
IList.fold_left cg_get_files_changed files_changed_map cg_list in
let exe_env = Exe_env.freeze _exe_env in
let files_changed =
if !incremental_mode = ANALYZE_ALL then Procname.Map.empty
else exe_env_get_files_changed Procname.Map.empty exe_env in
files_changed, exe_env
(** Create an exe_env from a cluster. *)
let exe_env_from_cluster cluster =
let _exe_env =
let active_procs_opt = Cluster.get_active_procs cluster in
Exe_env.create active_procs_opt in
let source_dirs =
let fold_cluster_elem source_dirs ce =
let source_dir =
match Cluster.get_ondemand_info ce with
| Some source_dir ->
| None ->
DB.source_dir_from_source_file ce.Cluster.ce_file in
source_dir :: source_dirs in
IList.fold_left fold_cluster_elem [] cluster in
let sorted_dirs = IList.sort DB.source_dir_compare source_dirs in
IList.iter (fun src_dir -> ignore (Exe_env.add_cg _exe_env src_dir)) sorted_dirs;
let exe_env = Exe_env.freeze _exe_env in
(** Analyze a cluster of files *)
let analyze_cluster cluster_num tot_clusters (cluster : Cluster.t) =
incr cluster_num;
let exe_env = exe_env_from_cluster cluster in
let num_files = IList.length cluster in
let defined_procs = Cg.get_defined_nodes (Exe_env.get_cg exe_env) in
let num_procs = IList.length defined_procs in
L.err "@.Processing cluster #%d/%d with %d files and %d procedures@." !cluster_num tot_clusters num_files num_procs;
Fork.this_cluster_files := num_files;
analyze exe_env;
Fork.tot_files_done := num_files + !Fork.tot_files_done
let process_cluster_cmdline_exit () =
match !cluster_cmdline with
| None -> ()
| Some fname ->
(match Cluster.load_from_file (DB.filename_from_string fname) with
| None ->
L.err "Cannot find cluster file %s@." fname;
exit 0
| Some (nr, tot_nr, cluster) ->
Fork.tot_files_done := (nr - 1) * IList.length cluster;
Fork.tot_files := tot_nr * IList.length cluster;
analyze_cluster (ref (nr -1)) tot_nr cluster;
exit 0)
let open_output_file f fname =
let cout = open_out fname in
let fmt = Format.formatter_of_out_channel cout in
f fmt;
Some (fmt, cout)
with Sys_error _ ->
Format.fprintf Format.std_formatter "Error: cannot open output file %s@." fname;
let close_output_file = function
| None -> ()
| Some (fmt, cout) -> close_out cout
let setup_logging () =
if !Config.developer_mode then
let log_dir_name = "log" in
let analyzer_out_name = "analyzer_out" in
let analyzer_err_name = "analyzer_err" in
let log_dir = DB.filename_to_string (DB.Results_dir.path_to_filename DB.Results_dir.Abs_root [log_dir_name]) in
DB.create_dir log_dir;
let analyzer_out_file =
if !out_file_cmdline = "" then Filename.concat log_dir analyzer_out_name
else !out_file_cmdline in
let analyzer_err_file =
if !err_file_cmdline = "" then Filename.concat log_dir analyzer_err_name
else !err_file_cmdline in
let analyzer_out_of = open_output_file Logging.set_out_formatter analyzer_out_file in
let analyzer_err_of = open_output_file Logging.set_err_formatter analyzer_err_file in
analyzer_out_of, analyzer_err_of
else None, None
let teardown_logging analyzer_out_of analyzer_err_of =
if !Config.developer_mode then
L.flush_streams ();
close_output_file analyzer_out_of;
close_output_file analyzer_err_of;
(** Compute clusters when on-demand is active.
Each cluster will contain only the name of the directory for a file. *)
let compute_ondemand_clusters source_dirs =
let mk_cluster source_dir =
Cluster.create_ondemand source_dir in
let clusters =
let do_source_dir acc source_dir = mk_cluster source_dir @ acc in
IList.fold_left do_source_dir [] source_dirs in
Cluster.print_clusters_stats clusters;
let num_files = IList.length clusters in
let num_procs = 0 (* can't compute it at this stage *) in
let num_lines = 0 in
output_json_file_stats num_files num_procs num_lines;
if !makefile_cmdline <> "" then
let file_cg = Cg.create () in
ClusterMakefile.create_cluster_makefile_and_exit clusters file_cg !makefile_cmdline false
let () =
let () =
match !cluster_cmdline with
| None ->
L.stdout "Starting analysis (Infer version %s)@." Version.versionString;
| Some clname -> L.stdout "Cluster %s@." clname in
RegisterCheckers.register ();
Facebook.register_checkers ();
if !allow_specs_cleanup = true && !incremental_mode = ANALYZE_ALL && !cluster_cmdline = None then
DB.Results_dir.clean_specs_dir ();
let analyzer_out_of, analyzer_err_of = setup_logging () in
if (!Config.curr_language = Config.C_CPP) then Mleak_buckets.init_buckets !ml_buckets_arg;
process_cluster_cmdline_exit ();
let source_dirs =
if !only_files_cmdline = [] then DB.find_source_dirs ()
let filter source_dir =
let source_dir_base = Filename.basename (DB.source_dir_to_string source_dir) in
IList.exists (fun s -> Utils.string_is_prefix s source_dir_base) !only_files_cmdline in
IList.filter filter (DB.find_source_dirs ()) in
L.err "Found %d source files in %s@." (IList.length source_dirs) !Config.results_dir;
let clusters =
if !Config.ondemand_enabled
compute_ondemand_clusters source_dirs
let _exe_env = Exe_env.create None in
let files_changed_map, exe_env =
compute_files_changed_map _exe_env source_dirs (compute_exclude_fun ()) in
L.err "Procedures defined in more than one file: %a@."
Procname.pp_set (Exe_env.get_procs_defined_in_several_files exe_env);
compute_clusters exe_env files_changed_map
end in
let tot_clusters = IList.length clusters in
Fork.tot_files := IList.fold_left (fun n cluster -> n + IList.length cluster) 0 clusters;
IList.iter (analyze_cluster (ref 0) tot_clusters) clusters;
teardown_logging analyzer_out_of analyzer_err_of;
if !cluster_cmdline = None then L.stdout "Analysis finished in %as@." pp_elapsed_time ()