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* Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
open! IStd
module L = Logging
exception Error of string
let error fmt = Format.kasprintf (fun err -> raise (Error err)) fmt
let check_result_code db ~log rc =
match (rc : Sqlite3.Rc.t) with
| OK | ROW ->
| _ as err ->
error "%s: %s (%s)" log (Sqlite3.Rc.to_string err) (Sqlite3.errmsg db)
let exec db ~log ~stmt =
(* Call [check_result_code] with [fatal:true] and catch exceptions to rewrite the error message. This avoids allocating the error string when not needed. *)
PerfEvent.log (fun logger ->
PerfEvent.log_begin_event logger ~name:"sql exec" ~arguments:[("stmt", `String log)] () ) ;
let rc = Sqlite3.exec db stmt in
PerfEvent.(log (fun logger -> log_end_event logger ())) ;
try check_result_code db ~log rc with Error err -> error "exec: %s (%s)" err (Sqlite3.errmsg db)
let finalize db ~log stmt =
try check_result_code db ~log (Sqlite3.finalize stmt) with
| Error err ->
error "finalize: %s (%s)" err (Sqlite3.errmsg db)
| Sqlite3.Error err ->
error "finalize: %s: %s (%s)" log err (Sqlite3.errmsg db)
let result_fold_rows ?finalize:(do_finalize = true) db ~log stmt ~init ~f =
let rec aux accum stmt =
match Sqlite3.step stmt with
| Sqlite3.Rc.ROW ->
(* the operation returned a result, get it *)
aux (f accum stmt) stmt
| DONE ->
| err ->
L.die InternalError "%s: %s (%s)" log (Sqlite3.Rc.to_string err) (Sqlite3.errmsg db)
if do_finalize then protect ~finally:(fun () -> finalize db ~log stmt) ~f:(fun () -> aux init stmt)
else aux init stmt
let result_fold_single_column_rows ?finalize db ~log stmt ~init ~f =
result_fold_rows ?finalize db ~log stmt ~init ~f:(fun accum stmt ->
f accum (Sqlite3.column stmt 0) )
let zero_or_one_row ~log = function
| [] ->
| [x] ->
Some x
| _ :: _ :: _ as l ->
L.die InternalError "%s: zero or one result expected, got %d rows instead" log (List.length l)
let result_option ?finalize db ~log ~read_row stmt =
IContainer.rev_map_to_list stmt ~f:read_row ~fold:(result_fold_rows ?finalize db ~log)
|> zero_or_one_row ~log
let result_single_column_option ?finalize db ~log stmt =
Container.to_list stmt ~fold:(result_fold_single_column_rows ?finalize db ~log)
|> zero_or_one_row ~log
let result_unit ?finalize db ~log stmt =
if not (Container.is_empty stmt ~iter:(Container.iter ~fold:(result_fold_rows ?finalize db ~log)))
then L.die InternalError "%s: the SQLite query should not return any rows" log
let db_close db =
if not (Sqlite3.db_close db) then
(Printf.sprintf "closing: %s (%s)"
(Sqlite3.errcode db |> Sqlite3.Rc.to_string)
(Sqlite3.errmsg db)))
let with_transaction db ~f =
exec db ~log:"begin transaction" ~stmt:"BEGIN IMMEDIATE TRANSACTION" ;
f () ;
exec db ~log:"commit transaction" ~stmt:"COMMIT"
module type Data = sig
type t
val serialize : t -> Sqlite3.Data.t
val deserialize : Sqlite3.Data.t -> t
module type T = sig
type t
module MarshalledDataForComparison (D : T) = struct
type t = D.t
let deserialize = function[@warning "-8"] Sqlite3.Data.BLOB b -> Marshal.from_string b 0
If the serialized data is used for comparison (e.g. used in WHERE clause), we need to normalize it.
Marshalling is brittle as it depends on sharing.
For now let's suppose that marshalling with no sharing is normalizing.
let serialize x = Sqlite3.Data.BLOB (Marshal.to_string x [Marshal.No_sharing])
module MarshalledDataNOTForComparison (D : T) = struct
type t = D.t
let deserialize = function[@warning "-8"] Sqlite3.Data.BLOB b -> Marshal.from_string b 0
let serialize x = Sqlite3.Data.BLOB (Marshal.to_string x [])
module MarshalledNullableDataNOTForComparison (D : T) = struct
type t = D.t option
let deserialize = function[@warning "-8"]
| Sqlite3.Data.BLOB b ->
Some (Marshal.from_string b 0)
| Sqlite3.Data.NULL ->
let serialize = function
| None ->
| Some x ->
Sqlite3.Data.BLOB (Marshal.to_string x [])