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* vim: set ft=rust:
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* Copyright (c) 2015 - present Facebook, Inc.
* All rights reserved.
* This source code is licensed under the BSD style license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant
* of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.
open! Utils;
let module F = Format;
let module L = Logging;
/** Module to manage the table of attributes. */
let serializer: Serialization.serializer ProcAttributes.t = Serialization.create_serializer Serialization.attributes_key;
let attributes_filename pname => {
let pname_file = Procname.to_filename pname;
pname_file ^ ".attr"
/** path to the .attr file for the given procedure in the current results directory */
let res_dir_attr_filename pname => {
let attr_fname = attributes_filename pname;
let bucket_dir = {
let base = Filename.chop_extension attr_fname;
let len = String.length base;
if (len < 2) {
} else {
String.sub base (len - 2) 2
let filename =
DB.Results_dir.Abs_root [Config.attributes_dir_name, bucket_dir, attr_fname];
DB.filename_create_dir filename;
let store_attributes proc_attributes => {
let proc_name = proc_attributes.ProcAttributes.proc_name;
let attributes_file = res_dir_attr_filename proc_name;
let should_write =
/* only overwrite defined procedures */
proc_attributes.ProcAttributes.is_defined || not (DB.file_exists attributes_file);
if should_write {
Serialization.to_file serializer attributes_file proc_attributes
let attr_tbl = Procname.Hash.create 16;
let load_attributes proc_name =>
try (Procname.Hash.find attr_tbl proc_name) {
| Not_found =>
let attributes_file = res_dir_attr_filename proc_name;
let attr = Serialization.from_file serializer attributes_file;
if (attr != None) {
Procname.Hash.add attr_tbl proc_name attr
/** Given a procdesure name, find the file where it is defined and */
/** its corresponding type environment */
let find_tenv_from_class_of_proc procname =>
switch (load_attributes procname) {
| None => None
| Some attrs =>
let source_file = attrs.ProcAttributes.loc.Location.file;
let source_dir = DB.source_dir_from_source_file source_file;
let tenv_fname = DB.source_dir_get_internal_file source_dir ".tenv";
Tenv.load_from_file tenv_fname
/** Given an ObjC class c, extract the type from the tenv where the class was */
/** defined. We do this by adding a method that is unique to each class, and then */
/** finding the tenv that corresponds to the class definition. */
let get_correct_type_from_objc_class_name c => {
let class_method = Procname.get_default_objc_class_method (Mangled.to_string c);
switch (find_tenv_from_class_of_proc class_method) {
| None => None
| Some tenv =>
let type_name = Typename.TN_csu (Csu.Class Csu.Objc) c;
| (fun st => Sil.Tstruct st) (Tenv.lookup tenv type_name)
/** Returns true if the method is defined as a C++ model */
let pname_is_cpp_model callee_pname =>
switch (load_attributes callee_pname) {
| Some attrs =>
let file = DB.source_file_to_string attrs.ProcAttributes.loc.Location.file;
DB.file_is_in_cpp_model file
| None => false
let is_whitelisted_cpp_method method_name =>
fun whitelisting_class =>
fun whitelisting_class_substring =>
Utils.string_contains whitelisting_class_substring method_name
type t = {
num_bindings: int,
num_buckets: int,
max_bucket_length: int,
serialized_size_kb: option int
let to_json at => {
let extra_field =
switch at.serialized_size_kb {
| Some v => [("serialized_size_kb", `Int v)]
| None => []
`Assoc (
("num_bindings", `Int at.num_bindings),
("num_buckets", `Int at.num_buckets),
("max_bucket_length", `Int at.num_buckets)
@ extra_field
let from_json json => {
let open! Yojson.Basic.Util;
num_bindings: json |> member "num_bindings" |> to_int,
num_buckets: json |> member "num_buckets" |> to_int,
max_bucket_length: json |> member "max_bucket_length" |> to_int,
serialized_size_kb: json |> member "serialized_size_kb" |> to_option to_int
let aggregate s => {
let all_num_bindings = (fun stats => float_of_int stats.num_bindings) s;
let all_num_buckets = (fun stats => float_of_int stats.num_buckets) s;
let all_max_bucket_length = (fun stats => float_of_int stats.max_bucket_length) s;
let aggr_num_bindings = StatisticsToolbox.compute_statistics all_num_bindings;
let aggr_num_buckets = StatisticsToolbox.compute_statistics all_num_buckets;
let aggr_max_bucket_length = StatisticsToolbox.compute_statistics all_max_bucket_length;
`Assoc [
("num_bindings", StatisticsToolbox.to_json aggr_num_bindings),
("num_buckets", StatisticsToolbox.to_json aggr_num_buckets),
("max_bucket_length", StatisticsToolbox.to_json aggr_max_bucket_length)
let stats () => {
let stats = Procname.Hash.stats attr_tbl;
let {Hashtbl.num_bindings: num_bindings, num_buckets, max_bucket_length} = stats;
let serialized_size_kb =
Config.developer_mode ? Some (Marshal.data_size (Marshal.to_bytes attr_tbl []) 0 / 1024) : None;
{num_bindings, num_buckets, max_bucket_length, serialized_size_kb}