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* Copyright (c) 2017 - present Facebook, Inc.
* All rights reserved.
* This source code is licensed under the BSD style license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant
* of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.
open! IStd
open OUnit2
open DifferentialTestsUtils
let current_report = [
create_fake_jsonbug ~hash:3 ();
create_fake_jsonbug ~hash:1 ();
create_fake_jsonbug ~hash:2 ();
create_fake_jsonbug ~hash:2 ();
create_fake_jsonbug ~hash:2 ();
let previous_report = [
create_fake_jsonbug ~hash:1 ();
create_fake_jsonbug ~hash:4 ();
create_fake_jsonbug ~hash:1 ();
let diff = Differential.of_reports ~current_report ~previous_report
(* Sets operations should keep duplicated issues with identical hashes *)
let test_diff_keeps_duplicated_hashes =
let hashes_expected = 3 in
let hashes_found = List.fold
~f:(fun acc i -> if Int.equal i.Jsonbug_t.hash 2 then acc + 1 else acc)
diff.introduced in
let pp_diff fmt (expected, actual) =
Format.fprintf fmt
"Expected %d issues with hash=2 among the introduced, but got %d instead"
actual in
let do_assert _ = assert_equal ~pp_diff hashes_expected hashes_found in
"test_diff_keeps_duplicated_hashes" >:: do_assert
(* Sets operations to compute introduced, fixed and preexisting issues are correct *)
let test_set_operations =
let do_assert _ =
~pp_diff:(pp_diff_of_int_list "Hashes of introduced")
[2;2;2;3] (sorted_hashes_of_issues diff.introduced);
~pp_diff:(pp_diff_of_int_list "Hashes of fixed")
[4] (sorted_hashes_of_issues diff.fixed);
~pp_diff:(pp_diff_of_int_list "Hashes of preexisting")
[1] (sorted_hashes_of_issues diff.preexisting) in
"test_set_operations" >:: do_assert
let tests = "differential_suite" >::: [test_diff_keeps_duplicated_hashes; test_set_operations]