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(** Theory Solver *)
(* Theory equation solver state ===========================================*)
type oriented_equality = {var: Trm.t; rep: Trm.t}
type t =
{ wrt: Var.Set.t
; no_fresh: bool
; fresh: Var.Set.t
; solved: oriented_equality list option
; pending: (Trm.t * Trm.t) list }
let pp ppf = function
| {solved= None} -> Format.fprintf ppf "unsat"
| {solved= Some solved; fresh; pending} ->
Format.fprintf ppf "%a%a : %a" Var.Set.pp_xs fresh
(List.pp ";@ " (fun ppf {var; rep} ->
Format.fprintf ppf "@[%a ↦ %a@]" Trm.pp var Trm.pp rep ))
(List.pp ";@ " (fun ppf (a, b) ->
Format.fprintf ppf "@[%a = %a@]" Trm.pp a Trm.pp b ))
(* Classification of terms ================================================*)
type kind = InterpApp | NonInterpAtom | InterpAtom | UninterpApp
[@@deriving compare, equal]
let classify e =
match (e : Trm.t) with
| Var _ -> NonInterpAtom
| Z _ | Q _ -> InterpAtom
| Arith a ->
if Trm.Arith.is_uninterpreted a then UninterpApp
else (
assert (
match Trm.Arith.classify a with
| Trm _ | Const _ -> violates Trm.invariant e
| Interpreted -> true
| Uninterpreted -> false ) ;
InterpApp )
| Concat [||] -> InterpAtom
| Splat _ | Sized _ | Extract _ | Concat _ -> InterpApp
| Apply (_, [||]) -> NonInterpAtom
| Apply _ -> UninterpApp
let is_interpreted e = equal_kind (classify e) InterpApp
let is_uninterpreted e = equal_kind (classify e) UninterpApp
let is_noninterpreted e =
match classify e with
| InterpAtom | InterpApp -> false
| NonInterpAtom | UninterpApp -> true
let rec solvables e =
match classify e with
| InterpAtom -> Iter.empty
| InterpApp -> solvable_trms e
| NonInterpAtom | UninterpApp -> Iter.return e
and solvable_trms e = Iter.flat_map ~f:solvables (Trm.trms e)
let rec map_solvables e ~f =
match classify e with
| InterpAtom -> e
| NonInterpAtom | UninterpApp -> f e
| InterpApp -> ~f:(map_solvables ~f) e
(* Solving equations ======================================================*)
(** prefer representative terms that are minimal in the order s.t. Var <
Sized < Extract < Concat < others, then using height of sequence
nesting, and then using *)
let prefer e f =
let rank e =
match (e : Trm.t) with
| Var _ -> 0
| Sized _ -> 1
| Extract _ -> 2
| Concat _ -> 3
| _ -> 4
let o = compare (rank e) (rank f) in
if o <> 0 then o
let o = compare (Trm.height e) (Trm.height f) in
if o <> 0 then o else e f
(** orient equations based on representative preference *)
let orient e f =
match Sign.of_int (prefer e f) with
| Neg -> Some (e, f)
| Zero -> None
| Pos -> Some (f, e)
let add_solved ~var ~rep s =
match s with
| {solved= None} -> s
| {solved= Some solved} -> {s with solved= Some ({var; rep} :: solved)}
let add_pending a b s = {s with pending= (a, b) :: s.pending}
let fresh name s =
if s.no_fresh then None
let x, wrt = Var.fresh name ~wrt:s.wrt in
let fresh = Var.Set.add x s.fresh in
Some (Trm.var x, {s with wrt; fresh})
let solve_poly p q s =
~call:(fun {pf} -> pf "@ %a = %a" Trm.pp p Trm.pp q)
~retn:(fun {pf} -> pf "%a" pp)
@@ fun () ->
match Trm.sub p q with
| Z z -> if Z.equal z then s else {s with solved= None}
| Var _ as var -> add_solved ~var s
| p_q -> (
match Trm.Arith.solve_zero_eq p_q with
| Some (var, rep) ->
add_solved ~var:(Trm.arith var) ~rep:(Trm.arith rep) s
| None -> add_solved ~var:p_q s )
(* α[o,l) = β ==> l = |β| ∧ α = (⟨n,c⟩[0,o) ^ β ^ ⟨n,c⟩[o+l,n-o-l)) where n
= |α| and c fresh *)
let solve_extract a o l b s =
~call:(fun {pf} ->
pf "@ %a = %a" Trm.pp (Trm.extract ~seq:a ~off:o ~len:l) Trm.pp b )
~retn:(fun {pf} -> pf "%a" (Option.pp "%a" pp))
@@ fun () ->
let* c, s = fresh "c" s in
let+ n, s =
match Trm.seq_size a with Some n -> Some (n, s) | None -> fresh "n" s
let n_c = Trm.sized ~siz:n ~seq:c in
let o_l = Trm.add o l in
let n_o_l = Trm.sub n o_l in
let c0 = Trm.extract ~seq:n_c ~len:o in
let c1 = Trm.extract ~seq:n_c ~off:o_l ~len:n_o_l in
let b, s =
match Trm.seq_size b with
| None -> (Trm.sized ~siz:l ~seq:b, s)
| Some m -> (b, add_pending l m s)
add_pending a (Trm.concat [|c0; b; c1|]) s
(* α₀^…^αᵢ^αⱼ^…^αᵥ = β ==> |α₀^…^αᵥ| = |β| ∧ … ∧ αⱼ = β[n₀+…+nᵢ,nⱼ) ∧ …
where nₓ ≡ |αₓ| and m = |β| *)
let solve_concat a0V b m s =
~call:(fun {pf} -> pf "@ %a = %a" Trm.pp (Trm.concat a0V) Trm.pp b)
~retn:(fun {pf} -> pf "%a" pp)
@@ fun () ->
let s, n0V =
Iter.fold (Array.to_iter a0V) (s, ~f:(fun aJ (s, oI) ->
let nJ = Trm.seq_size_exn aJ in
let oJ = Trm.add oI nJ in
let s = add_pending aJ (Trm.extract ~seq:b ~off:oI ~len:nJ) s in
(s, oJ) )
add_pending n0V m s
let solve d e s =
~call:(fun {pf} -> pf "@ %a = %a" Trm.pp d Trm.pp e)
~retn:(fun {pf} -> pf "%a" pp)
@@ fun () ->
match orient d e with
(* e' = f' ==> true when e' ≡ f' *)
| None -> s
(* i = j ==> false when i ≠ j *)
| Some (Z _, Z _) | Some (Q _, Q _) -> {s with solved= None}
* Concat
(* ⟨0,a⟩ = β ==> a = β = ⟨⟩ *)
| Some (Sized {siz= n; seq= a}, b) when n == ->
|> add_pending a (Trm.concat [||])
|> add_pending b (Trm.concat [||])
| Some (b, Sized {siz= n; seq= a}) when n == ->
|> add_pending a (Trm.concat [||])
|> add_pending b (Trm.concat [||])
(* ⟨n,0⟩ = α₀^…^αᵥ ==> … ∧ αⱼ = ⟨n,0⟩[n₀+…+nᵢ,nⱼ) ∧ … *)
| Some ((Sized {siz= n; seq} as b), Concat a0V) when seq == ->
solve_concat a0V b n s
(* ⟨n,e^⟩ = α₀^…^αᵥ ==> … ∧ αⱼ = ⟨n,e^⟩[n₀+…+nᵢ,nⱼ) ∧ … *)
| Some ((Sized {siz= n; seq= Splat _} as b), Concat a0V) ->
solve_concat a0V b n s
| Some ((Var _ as v), (Concat a0V as c)) ->
if not (Trm.Set.mem v (Trm.fv c :> Trm.Set.t)) then
(* v = α₀^…^αᵥ ==> v ↦ α₀^…^αᵥ when v ∉ fv(α₀^…^αᵥ) *)
add_solved ~var:v ~rep:c s
(* v = α₀^…^αᵥ ==> ⟨|α₀^…^αᵥ|,v⟩ = α₀^…^αᵥ when v ∈ fv(α₀^…^αᵥ) *)
let m = Trm.seq_size_exn c in
solve_concat a0V (Trm.sized ~siz:m ~seq:v) m s
(* α₀^…^αᵥ = β₀^…^βᵤ ==> … ∧ αⱼ = (β₀^…^βᵤ)[n₀+…+nᵢ,nⱼ) ∧ … *)
| Some (Concat a0V, (Concat _ as c)) ->
solve_concat a0V c (Trm.seq_size_exn c) s
(* α[o,l) = α₀^…^αᵥ ==> … ∧ αⱼ = α[o,l)[n₀+…+nᵢ,nⱼ) ∧ … *)
| Some ((Extract {len= l} as e), Concat a0V) -> solve_concat a0V e l s
* Extract
| Some ((Var _ as v), (Extract {len= l} as e)) ->
if not (Trm.Set.mem v (Trm.fv e :> Trm.Set.t)) then
(* v = α[o,l) ==> v ↦ α[o,l) when v ∉ fv(α[o,l)) *)
add_solved ~var:v ~rep:e s
(* v = α[o,l) ==> α[o,l) ↦ ⟨l,v⟩ when v ∈ fv(α[o,l)) *)
add_solved ~var:e ~rep:(Trm.sized ~siz:l ~seq:v) s
(* α[o,l) = β ==> … ∧ α = _^β^_ *)
| Some (Extract {seq= a; off= o; len= l}, e) ->
Option.value (solve_extract a o l e s) ~default:s
* Sized
(* v = ⟨n,a⟩ ==> v = a *)
| Some ((Var _ as v), Sized {seq= a}) -> s |> add_pending v a
(* ⟨n,a⟩ = ⟨m,b⟩ ==> n = m ∧ a = β *)
| Some (Sized {siz= n; seq= a}, Sized {siz= m; seq= b}) ->
s |> add_pending n m |> add_pending a b
(* ⟨n,a⟩ = β ==> n = |β| ∧ a = β *)
| Some (Sized {siz= n; seq= a}, b) ->
|> Option.fold ~f:(add_pending n) (Trm.seq_size b)
|> add_pending a b
* Splat
(* a^ = b^ ==> a = b *)
| Some (Splat a, Splat b) -> s |> add_pending a b
* Arithmetic
(* p = q ==> p-q = 0 *)
| Some (((Arith _ | Z _ | Q _) as p), q | q, ((Arith _ | Z _ | Q _) as p))
solve_poly p q s
* Uninterpreted
(* r = v ==> v ↦ r *)
| Some (rep, var) ->
assert (is_noninterpreted var) ;
assert (is_noninterpreted rep) ;
add_solved ~var ~rep s