
117 lines
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* Copyright (c) 2017-present, Facebook, Inc.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
open! IStd
open AbsLoc
module F = Format
module BoTrace = struct
type elem =
| ArrAccess of Location.t
| ArrDecl of Location.t
| Assign of Location.t
| Call of Location.t
| Return of Location.t
| SymAssign of Loc.t * Location.t
| UnknownFrom of Typ.Procname.t * Location.t
[@@deriving compare]
type t = {length: int; trace: elem list} [@@deriving compare]
let singleton elem = {length= 1; trace= [elem]}
let add_elem elem t = {length= t.length + 1; trace= elem :: t.trace}
let add_elem_last elem t = {length= t.length + 1; trace= t.trace @ [elem]}
let append x y = {length= x.length + y.length; trace= x.trace @ y.trace}
let pp_elem : F.formatter -> elem -> unit =
fun fmt elem ->
match elem with
| ArrAccess location ->
F.fprintf fmt "ArrAccess (%a)" Location.pp_file_pos location
| ArrDecl location ->
F.fprintf fmt "ArrDecl (%a)" Location.pp_file_pos location
| Assign location ->
F.fprintf fmt "Assign (%a)" Location.pp_file_pos location
| Call location ->
F.fprintf fmt "Call (%a)" Location.pp_file_pos location
| Return location ->
F.fprintf fmt "Return (%a)" Location.pp_file_pos location
| SymAssign (loc, location) ->
F.fprintf fmt "SymAssign (%a, %a)" Loc.pp loc Location.pp_file_pos location
| UnknownFrom (pname, location) ->
F.fprintf fmt "UnknownFrom (%a, %a)" Typ.Procname.pp pname Location.pp_file_pos location
let pp : F.formatter -> t -> unit =
fun fmt t ->
let pp_sep fmt () = F.pp_print_string fmt " :: " in
F.pp_print_list ~pp_sep pp_elem fmt t.trace
let is_unknown_elem = function UnknownFrom _ -> true | _ -> false
let has_unknown x = List.exists x.trace ~f:is_unknown_elem
module Set = struct
include AbstractDomain.FiniteSet (BoTrace)
(* currently, we keep only one trace for efficiency *)
let join x y =
if is_empty x then y
else if is_empty y then x
let tx, ty = (min_elt x, min_elt y) in
if Int.( <= ) tx.length ty.length then x else y
let choose_shortest set = min_elt set
let singleton elem = singleton (BoTrace.singleton elem)
let add_elem elem t = if is_empty t then singleton elem else map (BoTrace.add_elem elem) t
let instantiate ~traces_caller ~traces_callee location =
if is_empty traces_caller then
(fun trace_callee -> BoTrace.add_elem_last (BoTrace.Call location) trace_callee)
(fun trace_callee traces ->
(fun trace_caller traces ->
let new_trace_caller = BoTrace.add_elem (BoTrace.Call location) trace_caller in
let new_trace = BoTrace.append trace_callee new_trace_caller in
add new_trace traces )
traces_caller traces )
traces_callee empty
let merge ~arr_traces ~idx_traces location =
if is_empty idx_traces then
map (fun arr_traces -> BoTrace.add_elem (BoTrace.ArrAccess location) arr_traces) arr_traces
(fun idx_traces traces ->
(fun arr_traces traces ->
let new_trace_idx = BoTrace.add_elem (BoTrace.ArrAccess location) idx_traces in
let new_trace = BoTrace.append new_trace_idx arr_traces in
add new_trace traces )
arr_traces traces )
idx_traces empty
let has_unknown t = exists BoTrace.has_unknown t
include BoTrace