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* Copyright (c) 2016 - present Facebook, Inc.
* All rights reserved.
* This source code is licensed under the BSD style license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant
* of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.
open! Utils
module F = Format
module L = Logging
(** utilities for writing abstract domains/transfer function tests *)
(** structured language that makes it easy to write small test programs in OCaml *)
module StructuredSil = struct
type assertion = string
type label = int
type structured_instr =
| Cmd of Sil.instr
| If of Exp.t * structured_instr list * structured_instr list
| While of Exp.t * structured_instr list
(* try/catch/finally. note: there is no throw. the semantics are that every command in the try
block is assumed to be possibly-excepting, and the catch block captures all exceptions *)
| Try of structured_instr list * structured_instr list * structured_instr list
| Invariant of assertion * label (* gets autotranslated into assertions about abstract state *)
type structured_program = structured_instr list
let rec pp_structured_instr fmt = function
| Cmd instr -> (Sil.pp_instr pe_text) fmt instr
| If (exp, then_instrs, else_instrs) ->
(* TODO (t10287763): indent bodies of if/while *)
F.fprintf fmt "if (%a) {@.%a@.} else {@.%a@.}"
Exp.pp exp
pp_structured_instr_list then_instrs
pp_structured_instr_list else_instrs
| While (exp, instrs) ->
F.fprintf fmt "while (%a) {@.%a@.}" Exp.pp exp pp_structured_instr_list instrs
| Try (try_, catch, finally) ->
"try {@.%a@.} catch (...) {@.%a@.} finally {@.%a@.}"
pp_structured_instr_list try_
pp_structured_instr_list catch
pp_structured_instr_list finally
| Invariant (inv_str, label) ->
F.fprintf fmt "invariant %d: %s" label inv_str
and pp_structured_instr_list fmt instrs =
(fun fmt instr -> F.fprintf fmt "%a" pp_structured_instr instr)
let pp_structured_program = pp_structured_instr_list
let dummy_typ = Typ.Tvoid
let dummy_loc = Location.dummy
let dummy_procname = Procname.empty_block
let label_counter = ref 0
let fresh_label () =
incr label_counter;
let invariant inv_str =
Invariant (inv_str, fresh_label ())
let pvar_of_str str =
| (Mangled.from_string str) dummy_procname
let var_of_str str =
Exp.Lvar (pvar_of_str str)
let ident_of_str str =
Ident.create_normal (Ident.string_to_name str) 0
let unknown_exp =
var_of_str "__unknown__"
let make_load ~rhs_typ lhs_id rhs_exp =
Cmd (Sil.Load (lhs_id, rhs_exp, rhs_typ, dummy_loc))
let make_set ~rhs_typ ~lhs_exp ~rhs_exp =
Cmd (Sil.Store (lhs_exp, rhs_typ, rhs_exp, dummy_loc))
let make_call ?(procname=dummy_procname) ret_id args =
let call_exp = Exp.Const (Const.Cfun procname) in
Cmd (Sil.Call (ret_id, call_exp, args, dummy_loc, CallFlags.default))
let make_store ~rhs_typ root_exp fld_str ~rhs_exp =
let fld = AccessPathTestUtils.make_fieldname fld_str in
let lhs_exp = Exp.Lfield (root_exp, fld, rhs_typ) in
make_set ~rhs_typ ~lhs_exp ~rhs_exp
let make_load_fld ~rhs_typ lhs_str fld_str root_exp =
let fld = AccessPathTestUtils.make_fieldname fld_str in
let rhs_exp = Exp.Lfield (root_exp, fld, rhs_typ) in
make_load ~rhs_typ (ident_of_str lhs_str) rhs_exp
let id_assign_exp ?(rhs_typ=dummy_typ) lhs rhs_exp =
let lhs_id = ident_of_str lhs in
make_load ~rhs_typ lhs_id rhs_exp
let id_assign_id ?(rhs_typ=dummy_typ) lhs rhs =
id_assign_exp ~rhs_typ lhs (Exp.Var (ident_of_str rhs))
let id_assign_var ?(rhs_typ=dummy_typ) lhs rhs =
let lhs_id = ident_of_str lhs in
let rhs_exp = var_of_str rhs in
make_load ~rhs_typ lhs_id rhs_exp
let id_set_id ?(rhs_typ=dummy_typ) lhs_id rhs_id =
let lhs_exp = Exp.Var (ident_of_str lhs_id) in
let rhs_exp = Exp.Var (ident_of_str rhs_id) in
make_set ~rhs_typ ~lhs_exp ~rhs_exp
let cast_id_to_id lhs cast_typ rhs =
let lhs_id = ident_of_str lhs in
let rhs_id = Exp.Var (ident_of_str rhs) in
make_call ~procname:BuiltinDecl.__cast (Some (lhs_id, cast_typ)) [rhs_id, cast_typ]
let var_assign_exp ~rhs_typ lhs rhs_exp =
let lhs_exp = var_of_str lhs in
make_set ~rhs_typ ~lhs_exp ~rhs_exp
let var_assign_int lhs rhs =
let rhs_exp = (IntLit.of_int rhs) in
let rhs_typ = Typ.Tint Typ.IInt in
var_assign_exp ~rhs_typ lhs rhs_exp
let var_assign_id ?(rhs_typ=dummy_typ) lhs rhs =
let lhs_exp = var_of_str lhs in
let rhs_exp = Exp.Var (ident_of_str rhs) in
make_set ~rhs_typ ~lhs_exp ~rhs_exp
(* x = &y *)
let var_assign_addrof_var ?(rhs_typ=dummy_typ) lhs rhs =
let lhs_exp = var_of_str lhs in
let rhs_exp = var_of_str rhs in
make_set ~rhs_typ ~lhs_exp ~rhs_exp
let call_unknown ret_id_str_opt arg_strs =
let args = (fun param_str -> (var_of_str param_str, dummy_typ)) arg_strs in
let ret_id = (fun (str, typ) -> (ident_of_str str, typ)) ret_id_str_opt in
make_call ret_id args
let call_unknown_no_ret arg_strs =
call_unknown None arg_strs
module Make
(CFG : ProcCfg.S with type node = Procdesc.Node.t)
(S : Scheduler.Make)
(T : TransferFunctions.Make) = struct
open StructuredSil
module I = AbstractInterpreter.Make (CFG) (S) (T)
module M = I.InvariantMap
type assert_map = string M.t
let structured_program_to_cfg program test_pname =
let cfg = Cfg.create_cfg () in
let pdesc =
Cfg.create_proc_desc cfg (ProcAttributes.default test_pname !Config.curr_language) in
let pname = Procdesc.get_proc_name pdesc in
let create_node kind cmds =
Procdesc.create_node pdesc dummy_loc kind cmds in
let set_succs cur_node succs ~exn_handlers=
Procdesc.node_set_succs_exn pdesc cur_node succs exn_handlers in
let mk_prune_nodes_for_cond cond_exp if_kind =
let mk_prune_node cond_exp if_kind true_branch =
let prune_instr = Sil.Prune (cond_exp, dummy_loc, true_branch, if_kind) in
create_node (Procdesc.Node.Prune_node (true_branch, if_kind, "")) [prune_instr] in
let true_prune_node = mk_prune_node cond_exp if_kind true in
let false_prune_node =
let negated_cond_exp = Exp.UnOp (Unop.LNot, cond_exp, None) in
mk_prune_node negated_cond_exp if_kind false in
true_prune_node, false_prune_node in
let rec structured_instr_to_node (last_node, assert_map) exn_handlers = function
| Cmd cmd ->
let node = create_node (Procdesc.Node.Stmt_node "") [cmd] in
set_succs last_node [node] ~exn_handlers;
node, assert_map
| If (exp, then_instrs, else_instrs) ->
let then_prune_node, else_prune_node = mk_prune_nodes_for_cond exp Sil.Ik_if in
set_succs last_node [then_prune_node; else_prune_node] ~exn_handlers;
let then_branch_end_node, assert_map' =
structured_instrs_to_node then_prune_node assert_map exn_handlers then_instrs in
let else_branch_end_node, assert_map'' =
structured_instrs_to_node else_prune_node assert_map' exn_handlers else_instrs in
let join_node = create_node Procdesc.Node.Join_node [] in
set_succs then_branch_end_node [join_node] ~exn_handlers;
set_succs else_branch_end_node [join_node] ~exn_handlers;
join_node, assert_map''
| While (exp, body_instrs) ->
let loop_head_join_node = create_node Procdesc.Node.Join_node [] in
set_succs last_node [loop_head_join_node] ~exn_handlers;
let true_prune_node, false_prune_node = mk_prune_nodes_for_cond exp Sil.Ik_while in
set_succs loop_head_join_node [true_prune_node; false_prune_node] ~exn_handlers;
let loop_body_end_node, assert_map' =
structured_instrs_to_node true_prune_node assert_map exn_handlers body_instrs in
let loop_exit_node = create_node (Procdesc.Node.Skip_node "") [] in
set_succs loop_body_end_node [loop_head_join_node] ~exn_handlers;
set_succs false_prune_node [loop_exit_node] ~exn_handlers;
loop_exit_node, assert_map'
| Try (try_instrs, catch_instrs, finally_instrs) ->
let catch_start_node = create_node (Procdesc.Node.Skip_node "exn_handler") [] in
(* use [catch_start_node] as the exn handler *)
let try_end_node, assert_map' =
structured_instrs_to_node last_node assert_map [catch_start_node] try_instrs in
let catch_end_node, assert_map'' =
structured_instrs_to_node catch_start_node assert_map' exn_handlers catch_instrs in
let finally_start_node = create_node (Procdesc.Node.Skip_node "finally") [] in
set_succs try_end_node [finally_start_node] ~exn_handlers;
set_succs catch_end_node [finally_start_node] ~exn_handlers;
structured_instrs_to_node finally_start_node assert_map'' exn_handlers finally_instrs
| Invariant (inv_str, inv_label) ->
let node = create_node (Procdesc.Node.Stmt_node "Invariant") [] in
set_succs last_node [node] ~exn_handlers;
(* add the assertion to be checked after analysis converges *)
node, M.add ( node) (inv_str, inv_label) assert_map
and structured_instrs_to_node last_node assert_map exn_handlers instrs =
(fun acc instr -> structured_instr_to_node acc exn_handlers instr)
(last_node, assert_map)
instrs in
let start_node = create_node (Procdesc.Node.Start_node pname) [] in
Procdesc.set_start_node pdesc start_node;
let no_exn_handlers = [] in
let last_node, assert_map =
structured_instrs_to_node start_node M.empty no_exn_handlers program in
let exit_node = create_node (Procdesc.Node.Exit_node pname) [] in
set_succs last_node [exit_node] ~exn_handlers:no_exn_handlers;
Procdesc.set_exit_node pdesc exit_node;
pdesc, assert_map
let create_test test_program extras pp_opt test_pname _ =
let pp_state = Option.default I.TransferFunctions.Domain.pp pp_opt in
let pdesc, assert_map = structured_program_to_cfg test_program test_pname in
let inv_map = I.exec_pdesc (ProcData.make pdesc (Tenv.create ()) extras) in
let collect_invariant_mismatches node_id (inv_str, inv_label) error_msgs_acc =
let post_str =
let state = M.find node_id inv_map in
pp_to_string pp_state
with Not_found -> "_|_" in
if inv_str <> post_str then
let error_msg =
F.fprintf F.str_formatter
"> Expected state %s at invariant %d, but found state %s"
inv_str inv_label post_str
|> F.flush_str_formatter in
error_msg :: error_msgs_acc
else error_msgs_acc in
match M.fold collect_invariant_mismatches assert_map [] with
| [] -> () (* no mismatches, test passed *)
| error_msgs ->
let mismatches_str =
(fun fmt error_msg -> F.fprintf fmt "%s" error_msg) F.str_formatter
(IList.rev error_msgs)
|> F.flush_str_formatter in
let assert_fail_message =
F.fprintf F.str_formatter "Error while analyzing@.%a:@.%s@."
pp_structured_program test_program mismatches_str
|> F.flush_str_formatter in
OUnit2.assert_failure assert_fail_message
let create_tests ?(test_pname=Procname.empty_block) ?pp_opt extras tests =
let open OUnit2 in
| (fun (name, test_program) ->
name>::create_test test_program extras pp_opt test_pname) tests