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* Copyright (c) 2009-2013, Monoidics ltd.
* Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
open! IStd
(** State of symbolic execution *)
(** failure statistics for symbolic execution on a given node *)
type failure_stats =
{ mutable instr_fail: int
; (* number of instruction failures since the current node started *)
mutable instr_ok: int
; (* number of instruction successes since the current node started *)
mutable node_fail: int
; (* number of node failures (i.e. at least one instruction failure) *)
mutable node_ok: int
; (* number of node successes (i.e. no instruction failures) *)
mutable first_failure: (Location.t * Procdesc.Node.t * int * Errlog.loc_trace * exn) option
(* exception at the first failure *) }
module NodeHash = Procdesc.NodeHash
type t =
{ mutable diverging_states_node: Paths.PathSet.t
(** Diverging states since the last reset for the node *)
; mutable diverging_states_proc: Paths.PathSet.t
(** Diverging states since the last reset for the procedure *)
; mutable last_path: (Paths.Path.t * PredSymb.path_pos option) option (** Last path seen *)
; mutable last_prop_tenv_pdesc: (Prop.normal Prop.t * Tenv.t * Procdesc.t) option
(** Last prop,tenv,pdesc seen *)
; failure_map: failure_stats NodeHash.t (** Map visited nodes to failure statistics *) }
let initial () =
{ diverging_states_node= Paths.PathSet.empty
; diverging_states_proc= Paths.PathSet.empty
; last_path= None
; last_prop_tenv_pdesc= None
; failure_map= NodeHash.create 1 }
(** Global state *)
let gs = ref (initial ())
(** Return the old state, and revert the current state to the initial one. *)
let save_state () =
let old = !gs in
gs := initial () ;
(** Restore the old state. *)
let restore_state st = gs := st
let reset_diverging_states_node () = !gs.diverging_states_node <- Paths.PathSet.empty
let reset () = gs := initial ()
let get_failure_stats node =
try NodeHash.find !gs.failure_map node
with Caml.Not_found ->
let fs = {instr_fail= 0; instr_ok= 0; node_fail= 0; node_ok= 0; first_failure= None} in
NodeHash.add !gs.failure_map node fs ;
let add_diverging_states pset =
!gs.diverging_states_proc <- Paths.PathSet.union pset !gs.diverging_states_proc ;
!gs.diverging_states_node <- Paths.PathSet.union pset !gs.diverging_states_node
let get_diverging_states_node () = !gs.diverging_states_node
let get_diverging_states_proc () = !gs.diverging_states_proc
(** normalize the list of instructions by renaming let-bound ids *)
let instrs_normalize instrs =
let bound_ids =
let do_instr = function Sil.Load {id} -> Some id | _ -> None in
IContainer.rev_filter_map_to_list ~fold:Instrs.fold ~f:do_instr instrs
let subst =
let count = ref Int.min_value in
let gensym id =
incr count ;
Ident.set_stamp id !count
Predicates.subst_of_list (List.rev_map ~f:(fun id -> (id, Exp.Var (gensym id))) bound_ids)
let subst_and_add acc instr = Predicates.instr_sub subst instr :: acc in
Instrs.fold instrs ~init:[] ~f:subst_and_add
(** Create a function to find duplicate nodes. A node is a duplicate of another one if they have the
same kind and location and normalized (w.r.t. renaming of let - bound ids) list of instructions. *)
let mk_find_duplicate_nodes : Procdesc.t -> Procdesc.Node.t -> Procdesc.NodeSet.t =
let module M = (* map from (loc,kind) *)
Caml.Map.Make (struct
type t = Location.t * Procdesc.Node.nodekind [@@deriving compare]
end) in
let module E = struct
(** Threshold: do not build the map if too many nodes are duplicates. *)
let threshold = 100
exception Threshold
end in
let get_key node =
(* map key *)
let loc = Procdesc.Node.get_loc node in
let kind = Procdesc.Node.get_kind node in
(loc, kind)
fun proc_desc ->
let map =
(* map from (loc, kind) to (node -> instructions) map *)
let do_node m node =
let normalized_instrs = instrs_normalize (Procdesc.Node.get_instrs node) in
let key = get_key node in
M.update key
(fun s_opt ->
let s = Option.value s_opt ~default:Procdesc.NodeMap.empty in
if Procdesc.NodeMap.cardinal s > E.threshold then raise E.Threshold ;
Some (Procdesc.NodeMap.add node normalized_instrs s) )
try Procdesc.fold_nodes proc_desc ~init:M.empty ~f:do_node with E.Threshold -> M.empty
let find_duplicate_nodes node =
let s = M.find (get_key node) map in
let node_normalized_instrs = Procdesc.NodeMap.find node s in
let collect_duplicates node' normalized_instrs' nset =
if List.equal Sil.equal_instr node_normalized_instrs normalized_instrs' then
Procdesc.NodeSet.add node' nset
else nset
Procdesc.NodeMap.fold collect_duplicates s Procdesc.NodeSet.empty
with Caml.Not_found -> Procdesc.NodeSet.singleton node
let get_inst_update pos =
let loc = AnalysisState.get_loc_exn () in
Predicates.inst_update loc pos
let get_path () =
match !gs.last_path with
| None ->
(Paths.Path.start (AnalysisState.get_node_exn ()), None)
| Some (path, pos_opt) ->
(path, pos_opt)
let get_loc_trace () : Errlog.loc_trace =
let path, pos_opt = get_path () in
Paths.Path.create_loc_trace path pos_opt
let get_prop_tenv_pdesc () = !gs.last_prop_tenv_pdesc
(** extract the footprint of the prop, and turn it into a normalized precondition using spec
variables *)
let extract_pre p tenv pdesc abstract_fun =
let sub =
let idlist = Prop.free_vars p |> Ident.hashqueue_of_sequence |> Ident.HashQueue.keys in
let count = ref 0 in
~f:(fun id ->
incr count ;
(id, Exp.Var (Ident.create_normal Ident.name_spec !count)) )
let _, p' = PropUtil.remove_locals_formals tenv pdesc p in
let pre, _ = Prop.extract_spec p' in
let pre' = try abstract_fun tenv pre with exn when SymOp.exn_not_failure exn -> pre in
Prop.normalize tenv (Prop.prop_sub sub pre')
(** return the normalized precondition extracted form the last prop seen, if any the abstraction
function is a parameter to get around module dependencies *)
let get_normalized_pre (abstract_fun : Tenv.t -> Prop.normal Prop.t -> Prop.normal Prop.t) :
Prop.normal Prop.t option =
match get_prop_tenv_pdesc () with
| None ->
| Some (prop, tenv, pdesc) ->
Some (extract_pre prop tenv pdesc abstract_fun)
let get_path_pos () =
let pname =
match get_prop_tenv_pdesc () with
| Some (_, _, pdesc) ->
Procdesc.get_proc_name pdesc
| None ->
Procname.from_string_c_fun "unknown_procedure"
let nid = Procdesc.Node.get_id (AnalysisState.get_node_exn ()) in
(pname, (nid :> int))
let mark_execution_start node =
let fs = get_failure_stats node in
fs.instr_ok <- 0 ;
fs.instr_fail <- 0
let mark_execution_end node =
let fs = get_failure_stats node in
let success = Int.equal fs.instr_fail 0 in
fs.instr_ok <- 0 ;
fs.instr_fail <- 0 ;
if success then fs.node_ok <- fs.node_ok + 1 else fs.node_fail <- fs.node_fail + 1
let mark_instr_ok () =
let fs = get_failure_stats (AnalysisState.get_node_exn ()) in
fs.instr_ok <- fs.instr_ok + 1
let mark_instr_fail exn =
let loc = AnalysisState.get_loc_exn () in
let node = AnalysisState.get_node_exn () in
let session = AnalysisState.get_session () in
let loc_trace = get_loc_trace () in
let fs = get_failure_stats node in
if is_none fs.first_failure then
fs.first_failure <- Some (loc, node, (session :> int), loc_trace, exn) ;
fs.instr_fail <- fs.instr_fail + 1
type log_issue = ?node:Procdesc.Node.t -> ?loc:Location.t -> ?ltr:Errlog.loc_trace -> exn -> unit
let process_execution_failures (log_issue : log_issue) =
let do_failure _ fs =
(* L.out "Node:%a node_ok:%d node_fail:%d@." Procdesc.Node.pp node fs.node_ok fs.node_fail; *)
match (fs.node_ok, fs.first_failure) with
| 0, Some (loc, node, _, loc_trace, exn) when not Config.debug_exceptions ->
let error = Exceptions.recognize_exception exn in
let desc' = Localise.verbatim_desc ("exception: " ^ error.issue_type.unique_id) in
let exn' = Exceptions.Analysis_stops (desc', error.ocaml_pos) in
log_issue ~loc ~node ~ltr:loc_trace exn'
| _ ->
NodeHash.iter do_failure !gs.failure_map
let set_path path pos_opt = !gs.last_path <- Some (path, pos_opt)
let set_prop_tenv_pdesc prop tenv pdesc = !gs.last_prop_tenv_pdesc <- Some (prop, tenv, pdesc)