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* Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
open! IStd
(** Module for Pattern matching. *)
(** Holds iff the predicate holds on a supertype of the named type, including the type itself *)
let rec supertype_exists tenv pred name =
match Tenv.lookup tenv name with
| Some ({supers} as struct_typ) ->
pred name struct_typ || List.exists ~f:(fun name -> supertype_exists tenv pred name) supers
| None ->
(** Holds iff the predicate holds on a protocol of the named type *)
let protocol_exists tenv pred name =
match Tenv.lookup tenv name with
| Some {objc_protocols} ->
List.exists ~f:(fun name -> pred name) objc_protocols
| None ->
let rec supertype_find_map_opt tenv f name =
match f name with
| None -> (
match Tenv.lookup tenv name with
| Some {supers} ->
List.find_map ~f:(supertype_find_map_opt tenv f) supers
| None ->
None )
| result ->
(** return true if [typ0] <: [typ1] *)
let is_subtype tenv name0 name1 =
Typ.Name.equal name0 name1
|| supertype_exists tenv (fun name _ -> Typ.Name.equal name name1) name0
let is_subtype_of_str tenv cn1 classname_str =
let typename = Typ.Name.Java.from_string classname_str in
is_subtype tenv cn1 typename
(** The type the method is invoked on *)
let get_this_type_nonstatic_methods_only proc_attributes =
match proc_attributes.ProcAttributes.formals with (_, t) :: _ -> Some t | _ -> None
let type_get_direct_supertypes tenv (typ : Typ.t) =
match typ.desc with
| Tptr ({desc= Tstruct name}, _) | Tstruct name -> (
match Tenv.lookup tenv name with Some {supers} -> supers | None -> [] )
| _ ->
let type_get_class_name {Typ.desc} = match desc with Typ.Tptr (typ, _) -> typ | _ -> None
let type_name_get_annotation tenv (name : : Annot.Item.t option =
match Tenv.lookup tenv name with Some {annots} -> Some annots | None -> None
let type_get_annotation tenv (typ : Typ.t) : Annot.Item.t option =
match typ.desc with
| Tptr ({desc= Tstruct name}, _) | Tstruct name ->
type_name_get_annotation tenv name
| _ ->
let rec get_type_name {Typ.desc} =
match desc with
| Typ.Tstruct name -> name
| Typ.Tptr (t, _) ->
get_type_name t
| _ ->
let get_field_type_name tenv (typ : Typ.t) (fieldname : Fieldname.t) : string option =
match typ.desc with
| Tstruct name | Tptr ({desc= Tstruct name}, _) -> (
match Tenv.lookup tenv name with
| Some {fields} -> (
match List.find ~f:(function fn, _, _ -> Fieldname.equal fn fieldname) fields with
| Some (_, ft, _) ->
Some (get_type_name ft)
| None ->
None )
| None ->
None )
| _ ->
module Java = struct
let implements interface tenv typename =
let is_interface s _ = String.equal interface ( s) in
supertype_exists tenv is_interface (Typ.Name.Java.from_string typename)
let implements_lang class_name = implements ("java.lang." ^ class_name)
let implements_arrays = implements "java.util.Arrays"
let implements_iterable = implements_lang "Iterable"
let implements_iterator = implements "java.util.Iterator"
let implements_collection = implements "java.util.Collection"
let implements_collections = implements "java.util.Collections"
let implements_list = implements "java.util.List"
let implements_math = implements_lang "Math"
let implements_number = implements_lang "Number"
let implements_system = implements_lang "System"
let implements_xmob_utils class_name = implements ("com.moblica.common.xmob.utils." ^ class_name)
let implements_pseudo_collection =
let androidx_class_names =
~f:(fun class_name -> "androidx.collection." ^ class_name)
[ "ArrayMap"
; "ArraySet"
; "CircularArray"
; "LongSparseArray"
; "LruCache"
; "SimpleArrayMap"
; "SparseArrayCompat" ]
fun t s ->
implements "android.util.SparseArray" t s
|| implements "android.util.SparseIntArray" t s
|| implements_xmob_utils "IntArrayList" t s
|| List.exists ~f:(fun class_name -> implements class_name t s) androidx_class_names
let implements_enumeration = implements "java.util.Enumeration"
let implements_inject class_name = implements ("javax.inject." ^ class_name)
let implements_io class_name = implements ("" ^ class_name)
let implements_nio class_name = implements ("java.nio." ^ class_name)
let implements_map = implements "java.util.Map"
let implements_androidx_map = implements "androidx.collection.SimpleArrayMap"
let implements_set = implements "java.util.Set"
let implements_map_entry = implements "java.util.Map$Entry"
let implements_queue = implements "java.util.Queue"
let implements_google class_name = implements ("" ^ class_name)
let implements_android class_name = implements ("android." ^ class_name)
let implements_infer_annotation class_name =
implements ("com.facebook.infer.annotation." ^ class_name)
let implements_jackson class_name = implements ("com.fasterxml.jackson." ^ class_name)
let implements_org_json class_name = implements ("org.json." ^ class_name)
let implements_app_activity = implements ""
let implements_app_fragment = implements ""
let implements_graphql_story = implements "com.facebook.graphql.model.GraphQLStory"
let implements_psi_element = implements "com.intellij.psi.PsiElement"
let implements_sparse_float_array = implements "com.facebook.litho.internal.SparseFloatArray"
let implements_view_group = implements "android.view.ViewGroup"
let implements_view_parent = implements "android.view.ViewParent"
let initializer_classes = ~f:Typ.Name.Java.from_string
[ ""
; ""
; ""
; ""
; ""
; ""
; "junit.framework.TestCase" ]
let initializer_methods =
["onActivityCreated"; "onAttach"; "onCreate"; "onCreateView"; "setUp"; "onViewCreated"]
(** Check if the type has in its supertypes from the initializer_classes list. *)
let type_has_initializer (tenv : Tenv.t) (t : Typ.t) : bool =
let is_initializer_class typename _ =
List.mem ~equal:Typ.Name.equal initializer_classes typename
match t.desc with
| Typ.Tstruct name | Tptr ({desc= Tstruct name}, _) ->
supertype_exists tenv is_initializer_class name
| _ ->
(** Check if the method is one of the known initializer methods. *)
let method_is_initializer (tenv : Tenv.t) (proc_attributes : ProcAttributes.t) : bool =
match get_this_type_nonstatic_methods_only proc_attributes with
| Some this_type ->
if type_has_initializer tenv this_type then
match proc_attributes.ProcAttributes.proc_name with
| Procname.Java pname_java ->
let mname = Procname.Java.get_method pname_java in
List.exists ~f:(String.equal mname) initializer_methods
| _ ->
else false
| None ->
let get_const_type_name (const : Const.t) : string =
match const with
| Const.Cstr _ ->
| Const.Cint _ ->
| Const.Cfloat _ ->
| _ ->
(** Checks if the class name is a Java exception *)
let is_throwable tenv typename = is_subtype_of_str tenv typename "java.lang.Throwable"
let is_enum tenv typename = is_subtype_of_str tenv typename "java.lang.Enum"
(** tests whether any class attributes (e.g., [@ThreadSafe]) pass check of first argument,
including for supertypes*)
let check_class_attributes check tenv = function
| Procname.Java java_pname ->
let check_class_annots _ {Struct.annots} = check annots in
supertype_exists tenv check_class_annots (Procname.Java.get_class_type_name java_pname)
| _ ->
(** tests whether any class attributes (e.g., [@ThreadSafe]) pass check of first argument, for the
current class only*)
let check_current_class_attributes check tenv = function
| Procname.Java java_pname -> (
match Tenv.lookup tenv (Procname.Java.get_class_type_name java_pname) with
| Some struct_typ ->
check struct_typ.annots
| _ ->
false )
| _ ->
(** find superclasss with attributes (e.g., [@ThreadSafe]), including current class*)
let rec find_superclasses_with_attributes check tenv tname =
match Tenv.lookup tenv tname with
| Some struct_typ ->
let result_from_supers =
List.concat ( ~f:(find_superclasses_with_attributes check tenv) struct_typ.supers)
if check struct_typ.annots then tname :: result_from_supers else result_from_supers
| _ ->
let is_override_of_lang_object_equals curr_pname =
let is_only_param_of_object_type = function
| [Procname.Parameter.JavaParameter param_type]
when Typ.equal param_type StdTyp.Java.pointer_to_java_lang_object ->
| _ ->
String.equal (Procname.get_method curr_pname) "equals"
&& is_only_param_of_object_type (Procname.get_parameters curr_pname)
module ObjectiveC = struct
let implements interface tenv typename =
let is_interface s _ = String.equal interface ( s) in
supertype_exists tenv is_interface (Typ.Name.Objc.from_string typename)
let conforms_to =
let protocol_reg = Str.regexp ".+<\\(.+\\)>" in
fun ~protocol tenv typename ->
let is_protocol s = String.equal protocol ( s) in
protocol_exists tenv is_protocol (Typ.Name.Objc.from_string typename)
|| (* Corresponds to the case where we look inside protocols in
ObjCClass<P1,P2...Pn> *)
Str.string_match protocol_reg typename 0
let conformed_protocols = Str.matched_group 1 typename |> String.split ~on:',' in
List.exists conformed_protocols ~f:(String.equal protocol)
let implements_collection =
let coll = ["NSArray"; "NSDictionary"; "NSOrderedSet"; "NSSet"] in
fun tenv typ_str -> List.exists ~f:(fun obj_class -> implements obj_class tenv typ_str) coll
let is_core_graphics_create_or_copy _ procname =
String.is_prefix ~prefix:"CG" procname
&& ( String.is_substring ~substring:"Create" procname
|| String.is_substring ~substring:"Copy" procname )
let is_core_foundation_create_or_copy _ procname =
String.is_prefix ~prefix:"CF" procname
&& ( String.is_substring ~substring:"Create" procname
|| String.is_substring ~substring:"Copy" procname )
let is_core_graphics_release _ procname =
String.is_prefix ~prefix:"CG" procname && String.is_suffix ~suffix:"Release" procname
let implements_ns_string_variants tenv procname =
implements "NSString" tenv procname || implements "NSAttributedString" tenv procname
let get_vararg_type_names tenv (call_node : Procdesc.Node.t) (ivar : Pvar.t) : string list =
(* Is this the node creating ivar? *)
let initializes_array instrs =
|> Instrs.find_map ~f:(function
| Sil.Store {e1= Exp.Lvar iv; e2= Exp.Var t2} when Pvar.equal ivar iv ->
Some t2
| _ ->
None )
|> Option.exists ~f:(fun t2 ->
Instrs.exists instrs ~f:(function
| Sil.Call ((t1, _), Exp.Const (Const.Cfun pn), _, _, _) ->
Ident.equal t1 t2 && Procname.equal pn (Procname.from_string_c_fun "__new_array")
| _ ->
false ) )
(* Get the type name added to ivar or None *)
let added_type_name instrs =
let nvar_type_name nvar =
|> Instrs.find_map ~f:(function
| Sil.Load {id= nv; e; typ= t} when Ident.equal nv nvar ->
Some (e, t)
| _ ->
None )
|> Option.bind ~f:(function
| Exp.Lfield (_, id, t), _ ->
get_field_type_name tenv t id
| _, t ->
Some (get_type_name t) )
let added_nvar array_nvar =
|> Instrs.find_map ~f:(function
| Sil.Store {e1= Exp.Lindex (Exp.Var iv, _); e2= Exp.Var nvar}
when Ident.equal iv array_nvar ->
Some (nvar_type_name nvar)
| Sil.Store {e1= Exp.Lindex (Exp.Var iv, _); e2= Exp.Const c}
when Ident.equal iv array_nvar ->
Some (Some (Java.get_const_type_name c))
| _ ->
None )
|> Option.join
let array_nvar =
|> Instrs.find_map ~f:(function
| Sil.Load {id= nv; e= Exp.Lvar iv} when Pvar.equal iv ivar ->
Some nv
| _ ->
None )
|> Option.bind ~f:added_nvar
(* Walk nodes backward until definition of ivar, adding type names *)
let rec type_names acc node =
let instrs = Procdesc.Node.get_instrs node in
if initializes_array instrs then acc
match Procdesc.Node.get_preds node with
| [n] -> (
match added_type_name instrs with
| Some name ->
type_names (name :: acc) n
| None ->
type_names acc n )
| _ ->
raise Caml.Not_found
type_names [] call_node
let type_is_class typ =
match typ.Typ.desc with
| Tptr ({desc= Tstruct _}, _) ->
| Tptr ({desc= Tarray _}, _) ->
| Tstruct _ ->
| _ ->
let proc_calls resolve_attributes pdesc filter : (Procname.t * ProcAttributes.t) list =
let res = ref [] in
let do_instruction _ instr =
match instr with
| Sil.Call (_, Exp.Const (Const.Cfun callee_pn), _, _, _) -> (
match resolve_attributes callee_pn with
| Some callee_attributes ->
if filter callee_pn callee_attributes then res := (callee_pn, callee_attributes) :: !res
| None ->
() )
| _ ->
let do_node node =
let instrs = Procdesc.Node.get_instrs node in
Instrs.iter ~f:(do_instruction node) instrs
let nodes = Procdesc.get_nodes pdesc in
List.iter ~f:do_node nodes ;
List.rev !res
let has_same_signature proc_name =
let method_name = Procname.get_method proc_name in
let params = Procname.get_parameters proc_name in
Staged.stage (fun other_pname ->
let other_method_name = Procname.get_method other_pname in
let other_params = Procname.get_parameters other_pname in
(not (Procname.is_constructor other_pname))
&& String.equal other_method_name method_name
(* Check that parameter types match exactly (no subtyping or what not). *)
match List.for_all2 params other_params ~f:Procname.Parameter.equal with
| List.Or_unequal_lengths.Ok res ->
| List.Or_unequal_lengths.Unequal_lengths ->
false )
let override_find ?(check_current_type = true) f tenv proc_name =
let is_override = Staged.unstage (has_same_signature proc_name) in
let rec find_super_type super_class_name =
Tenv.lookup tenv super_class_name
|> Option.bind ~f:(fun {Struct.methods; supers} ->
match List.find ~f:(fun pname -> is_override pname && f pname) methods with
| None ->
List.find_map ~f:find_super_type supers
| pname_opt ->
pname_opt )
let find_super_type type_name =
List.find_map ~f:find_super_type (type_get_direct_supertypes tenv ( (Tstruct type_name)))
if check_current_type && f proc_name then Some proc_name
match proc_name with
| Procname.Java proc_name_java ->
find_super_type (Procname.Java.get_class_type_name proc_name_java)
| Procname.ObjC_Cpp proc_name_cpp ->
find_super_type (Procname.ObjC_Cpp.get_class_type_name proc_name_cpp)
| _ ->
let override_exists ?(check_current_type = true) f tenv proc_name =
override_find ~check_current_type f tenv proc_name |> Option.is_some
(* Only java supported at the moment *)
let override_iter f tenv proc_name =
(fun pname ->
f pname ;
false )
tenv proc_name)
let lookup_attributes tenv proc_name =
let found_attributes = ref None in
let f pname =
match Attributes.load pname with
| None ->
| Some _ as attributes ->
found_attributes := attributes ;
ignore (override_find ~check_current_type:true f tenv proc_name) ;
let lookup_attributes_exn tenv proc_name =
match lookup_attributes tenv proc_name with
| Some result ->
| None ->
Logging.die InternalError "Did not find attributes for %a" Procname.pp proc_name
(** return the set of instance fields that are assigned to a null literal in [procdesc] *)
let get_fields_nullified procdesc =
(* walk through the instructions and look for instance fields that are assigned to null *)
let collect_nullified_flds (nullified_flds, this_ids) _ = function
| Sil.Store {e1= Exp.Lfield (Exp.Var lhs, fld, _); e2= rhs}
when Exp.is_null_literal rhs && Ident.Set.mem lhs this_ids ->
(Fieldname.Set.add fld nullified_flds, this_ids)
| Sil.Load {id; e= rhs} when Exp.is_this rhs ->
(nullified_flds, Ident.Set.add id this_ids)
| _ ->
(nullified_flds, this_ids)
let nullified_flds, _ =
Procdesc.fold_instrs procdesc ~f:collect_nullified_flds
~init:(Fieldname.Set.empty, Ident.Set.empty)
let is_entry_point proc_name = String.equal (Procname.get_method proc_name) "main"