200 lines
4.5 KiB

* Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
module H = Hashtbl
(* misc *)
(* maps '-' to the standard input *)
let open_in name = if name = "-" then stdin else Pervasives.open_in name
(* maps '-' to the standard output *)
let open_out name = if name = "-" then stdout else Pervasives.open_out name
let make_cached f =
let h = H.create 10 in
| x -> (
try H.find h x
with Not_found ->
let y = f x in
H.add h x y ;
y )
(* missing string API *)
let string_starts_with s1 s2 =
let n = String.length s2 in
String.sub s1 0 n = s2
with Invalid_argument _ -> false
let string_ends_with s1 s2 =
let n = String.length s2 in
String.sub s1 (String.length s1 - n) n = s2
with Invalid_argument _ -> false
let string_split c s =
let len = String.length s in
let rec aux acc pos =
if pos >= len then "" :: acc
let next = String.index_from s pos c in
aux (String.sub s pos (next - pos) :: acc) (next + 1)
with Not_found -> String.sub s pos (String.length s - pos) :: acc
List.rev (aux [] 0)
let string_join c l = String.concat (String.make 1 c) l
(* lists *)
let rec list_starts_with l1 l2 =
match (l1, l2) with
| _, [] ->
| x1 :: q1, x2 :: q2 when x1 = x2 ->
list_starts_with q1 q2
| _ ->
let list_ends_with l1 l2 = list_starts_with (List.rev l1) (List.rev l2)
(* missing stream API *)
let line_stream_of_channel channel =
Stream.from (fun _ -> try Some (input_line channel) with End_of_file -> None)
let stream_concat streams =
let current_stream = ref None in
let rec next i =
let stream =
match !current_stream with
| Some stream ->
| None ->
let stream = Stream.next streams in
current_stream := Some stream ;
try Some (Stream.next stream)
with Stream.Failure ->
current_stream := None ;
next i
with Stream.Failure -> None
Stream.from next
let stream_append s1 s2 = stream_concat (Stream.of_list [s1; s2])
let stream_map f stream =
let rec next _ = try Some (f (Stream.next stream)) with Stream.Failure -> None in
Stream.from next
let stream_filter p stream =
let rec next i =
let value = Stream.next stream in
if p value then Some value else next i
with Stream.Failure -> None
Stream.from next
let stream_fold f init stream =
let result = ref init in
Stream.iter (fun x -> result := f x !result) stream ;
let stream_to_list s = List.rev (stream_fold (fun x l -> x :: l) [] s)
(* simplistic unit testing *)
let string_counters = Hashtbl.create 10
let assert_true s b =
( try
let i = Hashtbl.find string_counters s in
Hashtbl.replace string_counters s (i + 1)
with Not_found -> Hashtbl.add string_counters s 1 ) ;
if not b then (
Printf.fprintf stderr "%s (%d)\n" s (Hashtbl.find string_counters s) ;
exit 1 )
else ()
let assert_false s b = assert_true s (not b)
let assert_equal s x y = assert_true s (x = y)
(* union-find data structure *)
module DisjointSet = struct
type 'a bucket = {mutable parent: 'a; mutable rank: int}
type 'a t = ('a, 'a bucket) Hashtbl.t
let create () = Hashtbl.create 10
let bucket t x =
try Hashtbl.find t x
with Not_found ->
let b = {parent= x; rank= 0} in
Hashtbl.add t x b ;
let rec find_bucket t x =
let b = bucket t x in
if b.parent = x then b
let b0 = find_bucket t b.parent in
b.parent <- b0.parent ;
let find t x = (find_bucket t x).parent
let union t x y =
let bx = find_bucket t x and by = find_bucket t y in
if bx.parent <> by.parent then
if bx.rank < by.rank then bx.parent <- by.parent
else (
by.parent <- bx.parent ;
if bx.rank = by.rank then bx.rank <- bx.rank + 1 )
let iter t f = Hashtbl.iter (fun x b -> f x (if x = b.parent then x else find t b.parent)) t
(* Helper for command line parsing with Arg *)
let fix_arg_spec l usage_msg =
let result = ref [] in
let usage () =
Arg.usage !result usage_msg ;
exit 0
let extra =
[ ("-h", Arg.Unit usage, " Display this list of options.")
; ("-help", Arg.Unit usage, " ")
; ("--help", Arg.Unit usage, " ") ]
result := Arg.align (l @ extra) ;