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227 lines
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227 lines
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* Copyright (c) 2017 - present Facebook, Inc.
* All rights reserved.
* This source code is licensed under the BSD style license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant
* of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.
open! IStd
module CLOpt = CommandLineOption
module IO = struct
let log_file_extension = ".log"
let events_dir =
Option.value (Sys.getenv Config.infer_top_results_dir_env_var) ~default:Config.results_dir
^/ Config.events_dir_name
let out_chan = ref None
let close () =
match !out_chan with
| None ->
| Some chan ->
Out_channel.close chan ;
out_chan := None
let prepare () =
if Config.log_events then (
close () ;
let fname = events_dir ^/ (Unix.getpid () |> Pid.to_string) ^ log_file_extension in
let oc = Pervasives.open_out_gen [Open_append; Open_creat] 0o666 fname in
out_chan := Some oc )
let write fmt =
match !out_chan with Some oc -> Printf.fprintf oc fmt | _ -> Printf.ifprintf stdout fmt
let dump () =
let dump_file_to_stdout fname =
let ic = In_channel.create fname in
In_channel.iter_lines ic ~f:print_endline
let log_files = Utils.find_files ~path:events_dir ~extension:log_file_extension in
List.iter log_files ~f:dump_file_to_stdout
let () = Config.register_late_epilogue close
module Random_id : sig
val get : unit -> string
end = struct
let () = Random.self_init ()
let generate () = Random.int64 1_000_000_000_000L |> Int64.to_string
let infer_run_identifier_env_var = "INFER_RUN_IDENTIFIER"
let get () =
match Sys.getenv infer_run_identifier_env_var with
| Some id ->
| None ->
let new_id = generate () in
Unix.putenv ~key:infer_run_identifier_env_var ~data:new_id ;
let get_log_identifier () = Random_id.get ()
let bind_default opt map_func prev = match opt with Some x -> map_func x prev | None -> prev
type frontend_exception =
{ exception_type: string
; source_location_start: Location.t
; source_location_end: Location.t
; exception_file: string
; exception_line: int
; ast_node: string option
; lang: string }
let create_frontend_exception_row base record =
let open JsonBuilder in
base |> add_string ~key:"exception_type" ~data:record.exception_type
|> add_string ~key:"source_location_start_file"
~data:(SourceFile.to_rel_path record.source_location_start.file)
|> add_string ~key:"source_location_start_pos"
[ string_of_int record.source_location_start.line
; ":"
; string_of_int record.source_location_start.col ])
|> add_string ~key:"source_location_end_file"
~data:(SourceFile.to_rel_path record.source_location_end.file)
|> add_string ~key:"source_location_end_pos"
[ string_of_int record.source_location_end.line
; ":"
; string_of_int record.source_location_end.col ])
|> add_string ~key:"exception_triggered_location"
~data:(String.concat [record.exception_file; ":"; string_of_int record.exception_line])
|> bind_default record.ast_node (fun ast_node -> add_string ~key:"ast_node" ~data:ast_node)
|> add_string ~key:"lang" ~data:record.lang
type procedures_translated =
{ procedures_translated_total: int
; procedures_translated_failed: int
; lang: string
; source_file: SourceFile.t }
let create_procedures_translated_row base record =
let open JsonBuilder in
base |> add_int ~key:"procedures_translated_total" ~data:record.procedures_translated_total
|> add_int ~key:"procedures_translated_failed" ~data:record.procedures_translated_failed
|> add_string ~key:"lang" ~data:record.lang
|> add_string ~key:"source_file" ~data:(SourceFile.to_rel_path record.source_file)
type analysis_stats =
{ num_preposts: int
; analysis_nodes_visited: int
; analysis_total_nodes: int
; symops: int
; method_location: Location.t
; analysis_status: SymOp.failure_kind option
; method_name: string }
let create_analysis_stats_row base record =
let open JsonBuilder in
base |> add_int ~key:"num_preposts" ~data:record.num_preposts
|> add_int ~key:"analysis_nodes_visited" ~data:record.analysis_nodes_visited
|> add_int ~key:"analysis_total_nodes" ~data:record.analysis_total_nodes
|> add_int ~key:"symops" ~data:record.symops
|> add_string ~key:"source_file" ~data:(SourceFile.to_rel_path record.method_location.file)
|> add_string ~key:"method_location"
[ string_of_int record.method_location.line
; ":"
; string_of_int record.method_location.col ])
|> add_string ~key:"analysis_status"
(Option.value_map record.analysis_status ~default:"OK" ~f:(fun stats_failure ->
SymOp.failure_kind_to_string stats_failure ))
|> add_string ~key:"method_name" ~data:record.method_name
type event =
| UncaughtException of exn * int
| FrontendException of frontend_exception
| ProceduresTranslatedSummary of procedures_translated
| AnalysisStats of analysis_stats
let string_of_event event =
match event with
| UncaughtException _ ->
| FrontendException _ ->
| ProceduresTranslatedSummary _ ->
| AnalysisStats _ ->
let sequence_ctr = ref 0
let pid () = Pid.to_int (Unix.getpid ())
let sysname =
Utils.with_process_in "uname 2>/dev/null" (fun chan ->
Scanf.bscanf (Scanf.Scanning.from_channel chan) "%s" (fun n -> n) )
|> fst
with _ -> "Unknown"
let create_row event =
incr sequence_ctr ;
let open JsonBuilder in
let base =
empty |> add_string ~key:"command" ~data:(InferCommand.to_string Config.command)
|> add_string ~key:"event_tag" ~data:(string_of_event event)
|> add_string ~key:"hostname" ~data:(Unix.gethostname ())
|> add_string ~key:"infer_commit" ~data:Version.commit
|> add_int ~key:"is_originator" ~data:(if CLOpt.is_originator then 1 else 0)
|> add_int ~key:"pid" ~data:(pid ())
|> add_string ~key:"run_identifier" ~data:(get_log_identifier ())
|> add_int ~key:"sequence" ~data:(!sequence_ctr - 1) |> add_string ~key:"sysname" ~data:sysname
|> add_int ~key:"time" ~data:(int_of_float (Unix.time ()))
( match event with
| UncaughtException (exn, exitcode) ->
base |> add_string ~key:"exception" ~data:(Caml.Printexc.exn_slot_name exn)
|> add_string ~key:"exception_info" ~data:(Exn.to_string exn)
|> add_int ~key:"exitcode" ~data:exitcode
| FrontendException record ->
create_frontend_exception_row base record
| ProceduresTranslatedSummary record ->
create_procedures_translated_row base record
| AnalysisStats record ->
create_analysis_stats_row base record )
|> JsonBuilder.to_json
let prepare = IO.prepare
let log event = IO.write "%s\n" (create_row event)
let log_multiple events =
let rows = ~f:create_row events in
let combinedJson =
List.fold_right rows ~init:"" ~f:(fun row combined -> combined ^ row ^ "\n")
IO.write "%s" combinedJson
let dump = IO.dump