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[@@@ocamlformat "parse-docstrings = false"]
open! IStd
module F = Format
module L = Logging
module Bound = struct
type t = Int of IntLit.t | MinusInfinity | PlusInfinity [@@deriving compare]
let pp fmt = function
| Int i ->
IntLit.pp fmt i
| MinusInfinity ->
F.pp_print_string fmt "-∞"
| PlusInfinity ->
F.pp_print_string fmt "+∞"
let equal b1 b2 =
match (b1, b2) with
| MinusInfinity, MinusInfinity | PlusInfinity, PlusInfinity ->
| Int i1, Int i2 ->
IntLit.eq i1 i2
| _ ->
let le b1 b2 =
match (b1, b2) with
| MinusInfinity, _ | _, PlusInfinity ->
| (Int _ | PlusInfinity), MinusInfinity | PlusInfinity, Int _ ->
| Int i1, Int i2 ->
IntLit.leq i1 i2
let lt b1 b2 =
match (b1, b2) with
| MinusInfinity, _ | _, PlusInfinity ->
| (Int _ | PlusInfinity), MinusInfinity | PlusInfinity, Int _ ->
| Int i1, Int i2 -> i1 i2
let ge b1 b2 =
match (b1, b2) with
| _, MinusInfinity | PlusInfinity, _ ->
| MinusInfinity, (Int _ | PlusInfinity) | Int _, PlusInfinity ->
| Int i1, Int i2 ->
IntLit.geq i1 i2
let gt b1 b2 =
match (b1, b2) with
| _, MinusInfinity | PlusInfinity, _ ->
| MinusInfinity, (Int _ | PlusInfinity) | Int _, PlusInfinity ->
| Int i1, Int i2 -> i1 i2
let min b1 b2 = if le b1 b2 then b1 else b2
let max b1 b2 = if le b1 b2 then b2 else b1
let add_int b i =
match b with MinusInfinity | PlusInfinity -> b | Int i' -> Int (IntLit.add i' i)
let is_interval b1 b2 =
match (b1, b2) with
| MinusInfinity, MinusInfinity | PlusInfinity, PlusInfinity ->
| _ ->
le b1 b2
let add b1 b2 =
match (b1, b2) with
| MinusInfinity, (MinusInfinity | Int _) | Int _, MinusInfinity ->
| PlusInfinity, (PlusInfinity | Int _) | Int _, PlusInfinity ->
| Int i1, Int i2 ->
Int (IntLit.add i1 i2)
| MinusInfinity, PlusInfinity | PlusInfinity, MinusInfinity ->
L.die InternalError "cannot add %a and %a" pp b1 pp b2
let minus = function
| MinusInfinity ->
| Int i ->
Int (IntLit.neg i)
| PlusInfinity ->
module Unsafe : sig
type t = private
| Between of Bound.t * Bound.t (** we write [b1,b2] for these *)
| Outside of IntLit.t * IntLit.t (** we write i1][i2 for these *)
[@@deriving compare]
val between : Bound.t -> Bound.t -> t
val outside : IntLit.t -> IntLit.t -> t
val equal_to : IntLit.t -> t
val not_equal_to : IntLit.t -> t
end = struct
type t = Between of Bound.t * Bound.t | Outside of IntLit.t * IntLit.t [@@deriving compare]
let between b1 b2 =
assert (Bound.is_interval b1 b2) ;
Between (b1, b2)
let outside i1 i2 =
assert (IntLit.leq i1 i2) ;
Outside (i1, i2)
let equal_to i =
let b = Bound.Int i in
Between (b, b)
let not_equal_to i = Outside (i, i)
include Unsafe
let pp fmt = function
| Between (MinusInfinity, PlusInfinity) ->
F.fprintf fmt "∈ℕ"
| Between (lower, PlusInfinity) ->
F.fprintf fmt "≥%a" Bound.pp lower
| Between (MinusInfinity, upper) ->
F.fprintf fmt "≤%a" Bound.pp upper
| Between (lower, upper) when Bound.equal lower upper ->
F.fprintf fmt "=%a" Bound.pp lower
| Between (lower, upper) ->
F.fprintf fmt "∈[%a,%a]" Bound.pp lower Bound.pp upper
| Outside (l, u) when IntLit.eq l u ->
F.fprintf fmt "≠%a" IntLit.pp l
| Outside (l, u) ->
F.fprintf fmt "∉[%a,%a]" IntLit.pp l IntLit.pp u
let is_equal_to_zero = function
| Between (Int l, Int u) when IntLit.iszero l && IntLit.iszero u ->
| _ ->
let has_empty_intersection a1 a2 =
match (a1, a2) with
| Outside _, Outside _ ->
| Between (lower1, upper1), Between (lower2, upper2) -> upper1 lower2 || upper2 lower1
| Between (lower1, upper1), Outside (l2, u2) | Outside (l2, u2), Between (lower1, upper1) ->
(* is [l1, u1] inside [l2, u2]? *)
Bound.le (Int l2) lower1 && (Int u2) upper1
let add_int a i =
match a with
| Between (lower, upper) ->
between (Bound.add_int lower i) (Bound.add_int upper i)
| Outside (l, u) ->
outside (IntLit.add i l) (IntLit.add i u)
let to_singleton = function Between (Int l1, Int l2) when IntLit.eq l1 l2 -> Some l1 | _ -> None
(** [remove_element e a] compute [a - {e}] if representable and if it is not [a] *)
let remove_element e = function
| Between (lower, upper) when Bound.equal lower upper ->
(* empty sets are not allowed to be represented *) None
| Between (Int l, upper) when IntLit.eq l e ->
Some (between (Int (IntLit.(add one) l)) upper)
| Between (lower, Int u) when IntLit.eq u e ->
Some (between lower (Int (IntLit.(add minus_one) u)))
| Between (MinusInfinity, PlusInfinity) ->
Some (not_equal_to e)
| Between _ ->
| Outside (l, u) ->
let l_minus_one = IntLit.(add minus_one) l in
if IntLit.eq e l_minus_one then Some (outside l_minus_one u)
(* can't have [l-1 = u+1] because [l≤u] *)
let u_plus_one = IntLit.(add one) u in
if IntLit.eq e u_plus_one then Some (outside l u_plus_one) else None
type abduction_result = Unsatisfiable | Satisfiable of t option * t option
let flip_abduced = function
| Unsatisfiable ->
| Satisfiable (lhs, rhs) ->
Satisfiable (rhs, lhs)
let rec abduce_eq (a1 : t) (a2 : t) =
match (a1, a2) with
| Between (lower1, upper1), Between (lower2, upper2) ->
(* ∃x. l1≤x≤u1 ∧ l2≤x≤u2 *)
(* ⇔ ∃x. max(l1,l2)≤x≤min(u1,u2) *)
let lower = Bound.max lower1 lower2 in
let upper = Bound.min upper1 upper2 in
if upper lower then Unsatisfiable
let tighter = Some (between lower upper) in
Satisfiable (tighter, tighter)
| Outside (l1, u1), Outside (l2, u2) ->
(* ∃x. (x<l1 x>u1)(x<l2 x>u2) ∧ li<=ui*)
(* all the possible cases:
x: --------[ ]---------
y: -----[ ]--------
x: ---[ ]------
y: -----[ ]--------
x: ---[ ]----------
y: -----[ ]--------
x: ---------[ ]----
y: -----[ ]--------
-> SAT, can tighten both to min(l1,l2)][max(u1,u2)
x: ---------------[ ]--
y: -----[ ]--------
or symmetrically x<->y => cannot express the 3 intervals that would be needed so return SAT
(TODO: we might want to keep only one of these, which would be a kind of recency model of
disequalities: remember the last known disequality)
if IntLit.leq l1 u2 && IntLit.leq l2 u1 then
let l = IntLit.min l1 l2 in
let u = IntLit.max u1 u2 in
let tighter = Some (outside l u) in
Satisfiable (tighter, tighter)
else Satisfiable (None, None)
| Outside _, Between _ ->
abduce_eq a2 a1 |> flip_abduced
| Between (lower1, upper1), Outside (l2, u2) ->
(* ∃x. l1≤x≤u1 ∧ (x<l2 x>u2) *)
(* all the possible cases:
x: [-------]
y: --[ ]---
case 1 above: SAT, cannot say more unless a1 is [-∞,+∞] (then we can abduce that a1 is
the same as a2)
x: [--]
y: ------[ ]--
case 2 above: UNSAT
x: [---]
y: ------[ ]--
case 3 above: SAT: x = x\cap y for both
x: [----]
y: ------[ ]--
case 4 above: SAT: x\cap y for both
if lower1 (Int l2) && upper1 (Int u2) then
(* case 1 *)
match a1 with
| Between (MinusInfinity, PlusInfinity) ->
Satisfiable (Some a2, None)
| _ ->
Satisfiable (None, None)
else if lower1 (Int l2) && Bound.le upper1 (Int u2) then (* case 2 *)
else if
(* l1≥l2 or u1≤u2 but not both, i.e. x is on only one side of y and their intersection is
one interval *) lower1 (Int l2)
(* case 3 & 4: x left of y *)
let lower = lower1 in
let upper = Bound.min upper1 (Int (IntLit.(add minus_one) l2)) in
let tighter = Some (between lower upper) in
Satisfiable (tighter, tighter)
(* l1≥l2 ∧ u1>u2*)
(* case 3 & 4: x right of y *)
let lower = Bound.max lower1 (Int (IntLit.(add one) u2)) in
let upper = upper1 in
let tighter = Some (between lower upper) in
Satisfiable (tighter, tighter)
let abduce_ne (a1 : t) (a2 : t) =
if has_empty_intersection a1 a2 then Satisfiable (None, None)
match (to_singleton a1, to_singleton a2) with
| Some _, Some _ ->
(* non-empty intersection between 2 singletons => they are the same singleton and hence the
same integer and have the same value, so cannot be disequal *)
| None, None ->
(* non-empty intersection and each predicate can be satisfied by ≥2 elements => we cannot
know if they are disequal or not *)
Satisfiable (None, None)
| Some e1, None -> (
match remove_element e1 a2 with
| Some _ as abduced2 ->
Satisfiable (None, abduced2)
| None ->
Satisfiable (None, None) )
| None, Some e2 -> (
match remove_element e2 a1 with
| Some _ as abduced1 ->
Satisfiable (abduced1, None)
| None ->
Satisfiable (None, None) )
let abduce_le (a1 : t) (a2 : t) =
match (a1, a2) with
| Between (lower1, upper1), Between (lower2, upper2) ->
(* ∃x≤y. l1≤x≤u1 ∧ l2≤y≤u2 *)
(* ⇔ ∃x,y. x≤y ∧ l1≤x≤min(u1,u2) ∧ max(l1,l2)≤y≤u2 *)
let min_u1u2 = Bound.min upper1 upper2 in
let max_l1l2 = Bound.max lower1 lower2 in
if min_u1u2 lower1 || upper2 max_l1l2 then
(* any of these contradict the formula above *)
else Satisfiable (Some (between lower1 min_u1u2), Some (between max_l1l2 upper2))
| Outside _, Outside _ ->
Satisfiable (None, None)
| Between (lower1, _upper1), Outside (l2, u2) ->
(* ∃x≤y. l1≤x≤u1 ∧ y<l2 ∧ y>u2 *)
(* two cases:
1. l1<l2: we don't know if x≤y for sure and cannot express a good fact to abduce to make
it true
x: [----doesn't matter where u1 is
y: -----[ ]---------------------
2. l1≥l2: we can abduce that y≥max(u2+1, l1) and that makes it SAT
x: [----doesn't matter either
y: -----[ ]---------------------
if lower1 (Int l2) then (* case 1: l1<l2 *) Satisfiable (None, None)
(* case 2: l1≥l2 *)
let lower = Bound.max (Int (IntLit.(add one) u2)) lower1 in
Satisfiable (None, Some (between lower PlusInfinity))
| Outside (l1, u1), Between (_lower2, upper2) ->
(* similarly, two cases:
1. u1≥u2: can refine to x≤min(l1+1, u2)
x: -----[ ]---------------------
y: ..-]
or y: ...-----]
2. u1<u2: cannot deduce anything
x: -----[ ]---------------------
y: ...---]
if (Int u1) upper2 then
(* case 1: l1>l2 *)
let upper = Bound.min (Int (IntLit.(add one) l1)) upper2 in
Satisfiable (Some (between MinusInfinity upper), None)
else (* case 2: l1≤l2 *)
Satisfiable (None, None)
let abduce_lt (a1 : t) (a2 : t) =
match abduce_le (add_int a1 a2 with
| Satisfiable (Some abduced1, abduced2_opt) ->
Satisfiable (Some (add_int abduced1 IntLit.minus_one), abduced2_opt)
| result ->
let abduce_binop_constraints ~negated (bop : Binop.t) (a1 : t) (a2 : t) =
let open Binop in
match (bop, negated) with
| Eq, false | Ne, true ->
abduce_eq a1 a2
| Eq, true | Ne, false ->
abduce_ne a1 a2
| Le, false | Gt, true ->
abduce_le a1 a2
| Ge, false | Lt, true ->
abduce_le a2 a1 |> flip_abduced
| Lt, false | Ge, true ->
abduce_lt a1 a2
| Gt, false | Le, true ->
abduce_lt a2 a1 |> flip_abduced
| _ ->
Satisfiable (None, None)
let abduce_binop_is_true ~negated bop v1 v2 =
Logging.d_printfln "abduce_binop_is_true ~negated:%b %s (%a) (%a)" negated (Binop.str Pp.text bop)
(Pp.option pp) v1 (Pp.option pp) v2 ;
match (v1, v2) with
| None, None ->
(* two existential variables: no way to express in the non-relational domain *)
Satisfiable (None, None)
| _ ->
let unknown = between MinusInfinity PlusInfinity in
let a1 = Option.value v1 ~default:unknown in
let a2 = Option.value v2 ~default:unknown in
abduce_binop_constraints ~negated bop a1 a2
let add a1 a2 =
match (a1, a2) with
| Between (lower1, upper1), Between (lower2, upper2) ->
Some (between (Bound.add lower1 lower2) (Bound.add upper1 upper2))
| _ ->
let minus = function
| Between (lower, upper) ->
Some (between (Bound.minus upper) (Bound.minus lower))
| Outside (l, u) ->
Some (outside (IntLit.neg u) (IntLit.neg l))
let binop (bop : Binop.t) a_lhs a_rhs =
let open Option.Monad_infix in
match bop with
| PlusA _ ->
add a_lhs a_rhs
| MinusA _ ->
minus a_rhs >>= add a_lhs
| PlusPI
| MinusPI
| MinusPP
| Mult _
| Div
| Mod
| Shiftlt
| Shiftrt
| Lt
| Gt
| Le
| Ge
| Eq
| Ne
| BAnd
| BXor
| BOr
| LAnd
| LOr ->
let unop (unop : Unop.t) a = match unop with Neg -> minus a | BNot | LNot -> None