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* Copyright (c) 2015 - present Facebook, Inc.
* All rights reserved.
* This source code is licensed under the BSD style license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant
* of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.
module L = Logging
let performance_critical_implies_no_allocation = true
(* Warning name when a performance critical method directly or indirectly
calls a method annotatd as expensive *)
let calls_expensive_method =
(* Warning name when a performance critical method directly or indirectly
calls a method allocating memory *)
let allocates_memory =
(* Warning name for the subtyping rule: method not annotated as expensive cannot be overridden
by a method annotated as expensive *)
let expensive_overrides_unexpensive =
let is_modeled_expensive =
let matcher =
lazy (let config_file = Inferconfig.inferconfig () in
Inferconfig.ModeledExpensiveMatcher.load_matcher config_file) in
fun tenv proc_name ->
not (SymExec.function_is_builtin proc_name) &&
let classname =
Typename.Java.from_string (Procname.java_get_class proc_name) in
(Lazy.force matcher) (AndroidFramework.is_subclass tenv classname) proc_name
let check_attributes check attributes =
let annotated_signature = Annotations.get_annotated_signature attributes in
let ret_annotation, _ = annotated_signature.Annotations.ret in
check ret_annotation
let is_expensive attributes =
check_attributes Annotations.ia_is_expensive attributes
let check_method check pname =
match Specs.proc_resolve_attributes pname with
| None -> false
| Some attributes ->
check_attributes check attributes
let method_is_performance_critical pname =
check_method Annotations.ia_is_performance_critical pname
let method_is_no_allcation pname =
&& method_is_performance_critical pname)
|| check_method Annotations.ia_is_no_allocation pname
let method_overrides is_annotated tenv pname =
let overrides () =
let found = ref false in
(fun pn -> found := is_annotated pn)
tenv pname;
!found in
is_annotated pname
|| overrides ()
let method_overrides_performance_critical tenv pname =
method_overrides method_is_performance_critical tenv pname
let method_overrides_no_allocation tenv pname =
method_overrides method_is_no_allcation tenv pname
let method_is_expensive tenv pname =
is_modeled_expensive tenv pname
|| check_method Annotations.ia_is_expensive pname
let lookup_call_summary pname =
match Specs.get_summary pname with
| None -> None
| Some summary -> summary.Specs.payload.Specs.calls
let lookup_expensive_calls pname =
match lookup_call_summary pname with
| None -> []
| Some { Specs.expensive_calls } -> expensive_calls
let lookup_allocations pname =
match lookup_call_summary pname with
| None -> []
| Some { Specs.allocations } -> allocations
let method_calls_expensive tenv pname =
let calls_expensive () =
match lookup_call_summary pname with
| Some { Specs.expensive_calls } ->
expensive_calls <> []
| None -> false in
method_is_expensive tenv pname
|| calls_expensive ()
let is_allocator tenv pname =
let is_throwable () =
let class_name =
Typename.Java.from_string (Procname.java_get_class pname) in
AndroidFramework.is_throwable tenv class_name in
Procname.is_constructor pname
&& not (SymExec.function_is_builtin pname)
&& not (is_throwable ())
let method_allocates tenv pname =
let annotated_ignore_allocation =
check_method Annotations.ia_is_ignore_allocations pname in
let allocates () =
match lookup_call_summary pname with
| Some { Specs.allocations } ->
allocations <> []
| None -> false in
not annotated_ignore_allocation
&& (is_allocator tenv pname
|| allocates ())
let lookup_location pname =
match Specs.get_summary pname with
| None -> Location.dummy
| Some summary -> summary.Specs.attributes.ProcAttributes.loc
let collect_calls tenv caller_pdesc checked_pnames call_summary (pname, _) =
if Procname.Set.mem pname !checked_pnames then call_summary
Ondemand.analyze_proc_name ~propagate_exceptions:true caller_pdesc pname;
checked_pnames := Procname.Set.add pname !checked_pnames;
let call_loc = lookup_location pname in
let updated_expensive_calls =
if method_calls_expensive tenv pname then
(pname, call_loc) :: call_summary.Specs.expensive_calls
call_summary.Specs.expensive_calls in
let updated_allocations =
if method_allocates tenv pname then
(pname, call_loc) :: call_summary.Specs.allocations
call_summary.Specs.allocations in
{ Specs.expensive_calls = updated_expensive_calls;
Specs.allocations = updated_allocations }
let update_summary call_summary pname =
match Specs.get_summary pname with
| None -> ()
| Some summary ->
let updated_summary =
{ summary with
Specs.payload =
{ summary.Specs.payload with
Specs.calls = Some call_summary }
} in
Specs.add_summary pname updated_summary
let string_of_pname =
Procname.to_simplified_string ~withclass:true
let update_trace trace loc =
if Location.equal loc Location.dummy then trace
let trace_elem = {
Errlog.lt_level = 0;
lt_loc = loc;
lt_description = "";
lt_node_tags = [];
} in
trace_elem :: trace
let report_expensive_call_stack pname loc trace stack_str expensive_pname call_loc =
let final_trace = IList.rev (update_trace trace call_loc) in
let exp_pname_str = string_of_pname expensive_pname in
let description =
"Method `%s` annotated with `@%s` calls `%s%s` where `%s` is annotated with `@%s`"
(Procname.to_simplified_string pname)
Annotations.expensive in
let exn =
Exceptions.Checkers (calls_expensive_method, Localise.verbatim_desc description) in
Reporting.log_error pname ~loc: (Some loc) ~ltr: (Some final_trace) exn
let report_allocation_stack pname loc trace stack_str constructor_pname call_loc =
let final_trace = IList.rev (update_trace trace call_loc) in
let constr_str = string_of_pname constructor_pname in
let description =
"Method `%s` annotated with `@%s` allocates `%s` via `%s%s`"
(Procname.to_simplified_string pname)
("new "^constr_str) in
let exn =
Exceptions.Checkers (allocates_memory, Localise.verbatim_desc description) in
Reporting.log_error pname ~loc: (Some loc) ~ltr: (Some final_trace) exn
let report_call_stack end_of_stack lookup_next_calls report pname pdesc loc calls =
let rec loop visited_pnames (trace, stack_str) (callee_pname, callee_loc) =
if end_of_stack callee_pname then
report pname loc trace stack_str callee_pname callee_loc
let next_calls = lookup_next_calls callee_pname in
let callee_pname_str = string_of_pname callee_pname in
let new_stack_str = stack_str ^ callee_pname_str ^ " -> " in
let new_trace = update_trace trace callee_loc in
let unseen_pnames, updated_visited =
(fun (accu, set) (p, loc) ->
if Procname.Set.mem p set then (accu, set)
else ((p, loc) :: accu, Procname.Set.add p set))
([], visited_pnames) next_calls in
IList.iter (loop updated_visited (new_trace, new_stack_str)) unseen_pnames in
let start_trace = update_trace [] (Cfg.Procdesc.get_loc pdesc) in
IList.iter (loop Procname.Set.empty (start_trace, "")) calls
let report_expensive_calls tenv pname pdesc loc calls =
(method_is_expensive tenv) lookup_expensive_calls
report_expensive_call_stack pname pdesc loc calls
let report_allocations pname pdesc loc calls =
Procname.is_constructor lookup_allocations
report_allocation_stack pname pdesc loc calls
let check_one_procedure tenv pname pdesc =
let loc = Cfg.Procdesc.get_loc pdesc in
let attributes = Cfg.Procdesc.get_attributes pdesc in
let expensive = is_expensive attributes
and performance_critical =
method_overrides_performance_critical tenv pname
and no_allocation =
method_overrides_no_allocation tenv pname in
let check_expensive_subtyping_rules overridden_pname =
if not (method_is_expensive tenv overridden_pname) then
let description =
"Method `%s` overrides unannotated method `%s` and cannot be annotated with `@%s`"
(Procname.to_string pname)
(Procname.to_string overridden_pname)
Annotations.expensive in
let exn =
(expensive_overrides_unexpensive, Localise.verbatim_desc description) in
Reporting.log_error pname ~loc: (Some loc) ~ltr: None exn in
if expensive then
check_expensive_subtyping_rules tenv pname;
let call_summary =
let checked_pnames = ref Procname.Set.empty in
let empty_summary =
{ Specs.expensive_calls = [];
allocations = [] } in
(collect_calls tenv pdesc checked_pnames) empty_summary pdesc in
update_summary call_summary pname;
if performance_critical then
report_expensive_calls tenv pname pdesc loc call_summary.Specs.expensive_calls;
if no_allocation then
report_allocations pname pdesc loc call_summary.Specs.allocations
let callback_performance_checker
{ Callbacks.get_proc_desc; proc_desc; proc_name; tenv } =
let callbacks =
let analyze_ondemand pdesc =
check_one_procedure tenv (Cfg.Procdesc.get_proc_name pdesc) pdesc in
} in
if Ondemand.procedure_should_be_analyzed proc_name
Ondemand.set_callbacks callbacks;
check_one_procedure tenv proc_name proc_desc;
Ondemand.unset_callbacks ()
let is_performance_critical attributes =
check_attributes Annotations.ia_is_performance_critical attributes