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* Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
open! IStd
type value = PulseAbstractValue.t
type event =
| ArrayWrite of {aw_array: value; aw_index: value}
| Call of {return: value option; arguments: value list; procname: Procname.t}
type state [@@deriving compare, equal]
val start : unit -> state
(** Return the initial state of [Topl.automaton ()]. *)
val small_step : Location.t -> PulsePathCondition.t -> event -> state -> state
val large_step :
-> callee_proc_name:Procname.t
-> substitution:(value * PulseValueHistory.t) PulseAbstractValue.Map.t
-> condition:PulsePathCondition.t
-> callee_prepost:state
-> state
-> state
(** [large_step ~substitution ~condition state ~callee_prepost] updates [state] according to
[callee_prepost]. The abstract values in [condition] and [state] are in one scope, and those in
[callee_prepost] in another scope: the [substitution] maps from the callee scope to the
condition&state scope. *)
val filter_for_summary : PulsePathCondition.t -> state -> state
(** Remove from state those parts that are inconsistent with the path condition. (We do a cheap
check to not introduce inconsistent Topl states, but they mey become inconsistent because the
program path condition is updated later.) *)
val simplify : keep:PulseAbstractValue.Set.t -> state -> state
(** Keep only a subset of abstract values. This is used for extracting summaries. *)
val report_errors : Procdesc.t -> Errlog.t -> state -> unit
(** Calls [Reporting.log_issue] with error traces, if any. *)
val pp_state : Format.formatter -> state -> unit