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* Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
open! IStd
module F = Format
module L = Logging
open PulseBasicInterface
module AttributesNoRank = struct
include Attributes
let pp fmt t : unit = Attributes.pp ?print_rank:None fmt t
module Graph = PrettyPrintable.MakePPMonoMap (AbstractValue) (AttributesNoRank)
type t = Graph.t
let yojson_of_t = [%yojson_of: _]
let add_one addr attribute attrs =
match Graph.find_opt addr attrs with
| None ->
Graph.add addr (Attributes.singleton attribute) attrs
| Some old_attrs ->
let new_attrs = Attributes.add old_attrs attribute in
Graph.add addr new_attrs attrs
let remove_one addr attribute attrs =
match Graph.find_opt addr attrs with
| None ->
| Some old_attrs ->
let new_attrs = Attributes.remove attribute old_attrs in
Graph.add addr new_attrs attrs
let add addr attributes attrs =
match Graph.find_opt addr attrs with
| None ->
Graph.add addr attributes attrs
| Some old_attrs ->
let new_attrs = Attributes.union_prefer_left old_attrs attributes in
Graph.add addr new_attrs attrs
let fold = Graph.fold
let find_opt = Graph.find_opt
let empty = Graph.empty
let filter = Graph.filter
let filter_with_discarded_addrs f x =
(fun k v ((x, discarded) as acc) -> if f k v then acc else (Graph.remove k x, k :: discarded))
x (x, [])
let pp = Graph.pp
let invalidate (address, history) invalidation location memory =
add_one address (Attribute.Invalid (invalidation, Immediate {location; history})) memory
let allocate procname (address, history) location memory =
add_one address (Attribute.Allocated (procname, Immediate {location; history})) memory
let add_dynamic_type typ address memory = add_one address (Attribute.DynamicType typ) memory
let mark_as_end_of_collection address memory = add_one address Attribute.EndOfCollection memory
let check_valid address attrs =
L.d_printfln "Checking validity of %a" AbstractValue.pp address ;
match Graph.find_opt address attrs |> Option.bind ~f:Attributes.get_invalid with
| None ->
Ok ()
| Some invalidation ->
Error invalidation
let get_attribute getter address attrs =
let open Option.Monad_infix in
Graph.find_opt address attrs >>= getter
let remove_allocation_attr address memory =
match get_attribute Attributes.get_allocation address memory with
| Some (procname, trace) ->
remove_one address (Attribute.Allocated (procname, trace)) memory
| None ->
let get_closure_proc_name = get_attribute Attributes.get_closure_proc_name
let get_must_be_valid = get_attribute Attributes.get_must_be_valid
let std_vector_reserve address memory = add_one address Attribute.StdVectorReserve memory
let is_end_of_collection address attrs =
Graph.find_opt address attrs |> Option.value_map ~default:false ~f:Attributes.is_end_of_collection
let is_std_vector_reserved address attrs =
Graph.find_opt address attrs
|> Option.value_map ~default:false ~f:Attributes.is_std_vector_reserved