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(** Equality over uninterpreted functions and linear rational arithmetic *)
open Exp
(* Solution Substitutions =================================================*)
module Subst : sig
type t = Trm.t Trm.Map.t [@@deriving compare, equal, sexp]
val pp : t pp
val pp_diff : (t * t) pp
val empty : t
val is_empty : t -> bool
val length : t -> int
val mem : Trm.t -> t -> bool
val find : Trm.t -> t -> Trm.t option
val fold : t -> 's -> f:(key:Trm.t -> data:Trm.t -> 's -> 's) -> 's
val fold_eqs : t -> 's -> f:(Fml.t -> 's -> 's) -> 's
val iteri : t -> f:(key:Trm.t -> data:Trm.t -> unit) -> unit
val for_alli : t -> f:(key:Trm.t -> data:Trm.t -> bool) -> bool
val apply : t -> Trm.t -> Trm.t
val subst_ : t -> Trm.t -> Trm.t
val subst : t -> Term.t -> Term.t
val norm : t -> Trm.t -> Trm.t
val compose : t -> t -> t
val compose1 : key:Trm.t -> data:Trm.t -> t -> t
val extend : Trm.t -> t -> t option
val map_entries : f:(Trm.t -> Trm.t) -> t -> t
val to_iter : t -> (Trm.t * Trm.t) iter
val to_list : t -> (Trm.t * Trm.t) list
val partition_valid : Var.Set.t -> t -> t * Var.Set.t * t
(* direct representation manipulation *)
val add : key:Trm.t -> data:Trm.t -> t -> t
val remove : Trm.t -> t -> t
end = struct
type t = Trm.t Trm.Map.t [@@deriving compare, equal, sexp_of]
let t_of_sexp = Trm.Map.t_of_sexp Trm.t_of_sexp
let pp = Trm.Map.pp Trm.pp Trm.pp
let pp_diff = Trm.Map.pp_diff ~eq:Trm.equal Trm.pp Trm.pp Trm.pp_diff
let empty = Trm.Map.empty
let is_empty = Trm.Map.is_empty
let length = Trm.Map.length
let mem = Trm.Map.mem
let find = Trm.Map.find
let fold = Trm.Map.fold
let fold_eqs s z ~f =
Trm.Map.fold ~f:(fun ~key ~data -> f (Fml.eq key data)) s z
let iteri = Trm.Map.iteri
let for_alli = Trm.Map.for_alli
let to_iter = Trm.Map.to_iter
let to_list = Trm.Map.to_list
(** look up a term in a substitution *)
let apply s a = Trm.Map.find a s |> Option.value ~default:a
let rec subst_ s a = apply s ( ~f:(subst_ s) a)
let subst s e = Term.map_trms ~f:(subst_ s) e
(** apply a substitution to maximal non-interpreted subterms *)
let rec norm s a =
~call:(fun {pf} -> pf "@ %a" Trm.pp a)
~retn:(fun {pf} -> pf "%a" Trm.pp)
@@ fun () ->
if Theory.is_interpreted a then ~f:(norm s) a else apply s a
(** compose two substitutions *)
let compose r s =
[ fun {pf} -> pf "@ %a@ %a" pp r pp s]
( if is_empty s then r
let r' = Trm.Map.map_endo ~f:(norm s) r in
Trm.Map.union_absent r' s )
[%Trace.retn fun {pf} r' ->
pf "%a" pp_diff (r, r') ;
assert (r' == r || not (equal r' r))]
(** compose a substitution with a mapping *)
let compose1 ~key ~data r =
if Trm.equal key data then r
else (
assert (
Option.for_all ~f:(Trm.equal key) (Trm.Map.find key r)
|| fail "domains intersect: %a ↦ %a in %a" Trm.pp key Trm.pp data
pp r () ) ;
let s = Trm.Map.singleton key data in
let r' = Trm.Map.map_endo ~f:(norm s) r in
Trm.Map.add ~key ~data r' )
(** add an identity entry if the term is not already present *)
let extend e s =
let exception Found in
Trm.Map.update e s ~f:(function
| Some _ -> raise_notrace Found
| None -> e )
| exception Found -> None
| s -> Some s
(** map over a subst, applying [f] to both domain and range, requires that
[f] is injective and for any set of terms [E], [f\[E\]] is disjoint
from [E] *)
let map_entries ~f s =
Trm.Map.fold s s ~f:(fun ~key ~data s ->
let key' = f key in
let data' = f data in
if Trm.equal key' key then
if Trm.equal data' data then s else Trm.Map.add ~key ~data:data' s
let s = Trm.Map.remove key s in
match (key' : Trm.t) with
| Z _ | Q _ -> s
| _ -> Trm.Map.add_exn ~key:key' ~data:data' s )
(** Holds only if [true ⊢ ∃xs. e=f]. Clients assume
[not (is_valid_eq xs e f)] implies [not (is_valid_eq ys e f)] for
[ys ⊆ xs]. *)
let is_valid_eq xs e f =
let is_var_in xs e =
Option.exists ~f:(fun x -> Var.Set.mem x xs) (Var.of_trm e)
( is_var_in xs e
|| is_var_in xs f
|| Theory.is_uninterpreted e
&& Iter.exists ~f:(is_var_in xs) (Trm.trms e)
|| Theory.is_uninterpreted f
&& Iter.exists ~f:(is_var_in xs) (Trm.trms f) )
$> fun b ->
"is_valid_eq %a%a=%a = %b" Var.Set.pp_xs xs Trm.pp e Trm.pp f b]
(** Partition ∃xs. σ into equivalent ∃xs. τ ∧ ∃ks. ν where ks
and ν are maximal where ∃ks. ν is universally valid, xs ⊇ ks and
ks ∩ fv(τ) = ∅. *)
let partition_valid xs s =
~call:(fun {pf} -> pf "@ @[%a@ %a@]" Var.Set.pp_xs xs pp s)
~retn:(fun {pf} (t, ks, u) ->
pf "%a@ %a@ %a" pp t Var.Set.pp_xs ks pp u )
@@ fun () ->
(* Move equations e=f from s to t when ∃ks.e=f fails to be provably
valid. When moving an equation, reduce ks by fv(e=f) to maintain ks ∩
fv(t) = ∅. This reduction may cause equations in s to no longer be
valid, so loop until no change. *)
let rec partition_valid_ t ks s =
let t', ks', s' =
Trm.Map.fold s (t, ks, s) ~f:(fun ~key ~data (t, ks, s) ->
if is_valid_eq ks key data then (t, ks, s)
let t = Trm.Map.add ~key ~data t
and ks =
Var.Set.diff ks (Var.Set.union (Trm.fv key) (Trm.fv data))
and s = Trm.Map.remove key s in
(t, ks, s) )
if s' != s then partition_valid_ t' ks' s' else (t', ks', s')
if Var.Set.is_empty xs then (s, Var.Set.empty, empty)
else partition_valid_ empty xs s
(* direct representation manipulation *)
let add = Trm.Map.add
let remove = Trm.Map.remove
(* Equality classes =======================================================*)
module Cls : sig
type t [@@deriving compare, equal, sexp]
val empty : t
val add : Trm.t -> t -> t
val remove : Trm.t -> t -> t
val union : t -> t -> t
val is_empty : t -> bool
val pop : t -> (Trm.t * t) option
val filter : t -> f:(Trm.t -> bool) -> t
val partition : t -> f:(Trm.t -> bool) -> t * t
val fold : t -> 's -> f:(Trm.t -> 's -> 's) -> 's
val map : t -> f:(Trm.t -> Trm.t) -> t
val to_iter : t -> Trm.t iter
val to_set : t -> Trm.Set.t
val of_set : Trm.Set.t -> t
val ppx : Trm.Var.strength -> t pp
val pp : t pp
val pp_raw : t pp
val pp_diff : (t * t) pp
end = struct
type t = Trm.t list [@@deriving compare, equal, sexp]
let empty = []
let add = List.cons
let remove = List.remove ~eq:Trm.equal
let union = List.rev_append
let is_empty = List.is_empty
let pop = function [] -> None | x :: xs -> Some (x, xs)
let filter = List.filter
let partition = List.partition
let fold = List.fold
let map = List.map_endo
let to_iter = List.to_iter
let to_set = Trm.Set.of_list
let of_set s = Iter.to_list (Trm.Set.to_iter s)
let ppx x fs es =
List.pp "@ = " (Trm.ppx x) fs (List.sort_uniq es)
let pp = ppx (fun _ -> None)
let pp_raw fs es =
Trm.Set.pp_full ~pre:"{@[" ~suf:"@]}" ~sep:",@ " Trm.pp fs (to_set es)
let pp_diff = List.pp_diff "@ = " Trm.pp
(* Conjunctions of atomic formula assumptions =============================*)
(** see also [invariant] *)
type t =
{ xs: Var.Set.t
(** existential variables that did not appear in input formulas *)
; sat: bool (** [false] only if constraints are inconsistent *)
; rep: Subst.t
(** functional set of oriented equations: map [a] to [a'],
indicating that [a = a'] holds, and that [a'] is the
'rep(resentative)' of [a] *)
; cls: Cls.t Trm.Map.t
(** map each representative to the set of terms in its class *)
; pnd: (Trm.t * Trm.t) list
(** pending equations to add (once invariants are reestablished) *)
[@@deriving compare, equal, sexp]
(* Pretty-printing ========================================================*)
let pp_eq fs (e, f) = Format.fprintf fs "@[%a = %a@]" Trm.pp e Trm.pp f
let pp_raw fs {sat; rep; cls; pnd} =
let pp_alist pp_k pp_v fs alist =
let pp_assoc fs (k, v) =
Format.fprintf fs "[@[%a@ @<2>↦ %a@]]" pp_k k pp_v (k, v)
Format.fprintf fs "[@[<hv>%a@]]" (List.pp ";@ " pp_assoc) alist
let pp_trm_v fs (k, v) = if not (Trm.equal k v) then Trm.pp fs v in
let pp_cls_v fs (_, cls) = Cls.pp_raw fs cls in
let pp_pnd fs pnd =
if not (List.is_empty pnd) then
Format.fprintf fs ";@ pnd= @[%a@]" (List.pp ";@ " pp_eq) pnd
Format.fprintf fs "@[{@[<hv>sat= %b;@ rep= %a;@ cls= %a%a@]}@]" sat
(pp_alist Trm.pp pp_trm_v)
(Subst.to_list rep)
(pp_alist Trm.pp pp_cls_v)
(Trm.Map.to_list cls) pp_pnd pnd
let pp_diff fs (r, s) =
let pp_sat fs =
if not (Bool.equal r.sat s.sat) then
Format.fprintf fs "sat= @[-- %b@ ++ %b@];@ " r.sat s.sat
let pp_rep fs =
if not (Subst.is_empty r.rep) then
Format.fprintf fs "rep= %a;@ " Subst.pp_diff (r.rep, s.rep)
let pp_cls fs =
if not (Trm.Map.equal Cls.equal r.cls s.cls) then
Format.fprintf fs "cls= %a;@ "
(Trm.Map.pp_diff ~eq:Cls.equal Trm.pp Cls.pp_raw Cls.pp_diff)
(r.cls, s.cls)
let pp_pnd fs =
List.pp_diff ~cmp:[%compare: Trm.t * Trm.t] ~pre:"pnd= @[" ~suf:"@]"
";@ " pp_eq fs (r.pnd, s.pnd)
Format.fprintf fs "@[{@[<hv>%t%t%t%t@]}@]" pp_sat pp_rep pp_cls pp_pnd
let ppx_classes x fs clss =
List.pp "@ @<2>∧ "
(fun fs (rep, cls) ->
if not (Cls.is_empty cls) then
Format.fprintf fs "@[%a@ = %a@]" (Trm.ppx x) rep (Cls.ppx x) cls )
fs (Trm.Map.to_list clss)
let pp_classes fs r = ppx_classes (fun _ -> None) fs r.cls
let pp fs r =
if Trm.Map.is_empty r.cls then
Format.fprintf fs (if r.sat then "tt" else "ff")
else pp_classes fs r
let ppx var_strength fs clss noneqs =
let without_anon_vars es =
Cls.filter es ~f:(fun e ->
match Var.of_trm e with
| Some v -> Poly.(var_strength v <> Some `Anonymous)
| None -> true )
let clss =
Trm.Map.fold clss Trm.Map.empty ~f:(fun ~key:rep ~data:cls m ->
let cls = without_anon_vars cls in
if not (Cls.is_empty cls) then Trm.Map.add ~key:rep ~data:cls m
else m )
let first = Trm.Map.is_empty clss in
if not first then Format.fprintf fs " " ;
ppx_classes var_strength fs clss ;
~pre:(if first then "@[ " else "@ @[@<2>∧ ")
"@ @<2>∧ " (Fml.ppx var_strength) fs noneqs ~suf:"@]" ;
first && List.is_empty noneqs
let pp_diff_cls = Trm.Map.pp_diff ~eq:Cls.equal Trm.pp Cls.pp Cls.pp_diff
(* Basic representation queries ===========================================*)
let trms r =
Iter.flat_map ~f:(fun (k, v) -> Iter.doubleton k v) (Subst.to_iter r.rep)
let vars r = Iter.flat_map ~f:Trm.vars (trms r)
let fv r = Var.Set.of_iter (vars r)
(** test membership in carrier *)
let in_car r e = Subst.mem e r.rep
(** congruent specialized to assume subterms of [a'] are [Subst.norm]alized
wrt [r] (or canonized) *)
let semi_congruent r a' b = Trm.equal a' ( ~f:(Subst.norm r.rep) b)
(** terms are congruent if equal after normalizing subterms *)
let congruent r a b = semi_congruent r ( ~f:(Subst.norm r.rep) a) b
(* Invariant ==============================================================*)
let pre_invariant r =
let@ () = Invariant.invariant [%here] r [%sexp_of: t] in
Subst.iteri r.rep ~f:(fun ~key:trm ~data:rep ->
(* no interpreted terms in carrier *)
assert (
(not (Theory.is_interpreted trm))
|| fail "non-interp %a" Trm.pp trm () ) ;
(* carrier is closed under subterms *)
Iter.iter (Trm.trms trm) ~f:(fun subtrm ->
assert (
Theory.is_interpreted subtrm
|| (match subtrm with Z _ | Q _ -> true | _ -> false)
|| in_car r subtrm
|| fail "@[subterm %a@ of %a@ not in carrier of@ %a@]" Trm.pp
subtrm Trm.pp trm pp r () ) ) ;
(* rep is idempotent *)
assert (
let rep' = Subst.norm r.rep rep in
Trm.equal rep rep'
|| fail "not idempotent: %a != %a in@ %a" Trm.pp rep Trm.pp rep'
Subst.pp r.rep () ) ;
(* every term is in the class of its rep *)
assert (
Trm.equal trm rep
|| Trm.Set.mem trm
(Trm.Map.find rep r.cls |> Option.value ~default:Cls.empty))
|| fail "%a not in cls of %a = {%a}@ %a" Trm.pp trm Trm.pp rep
(Trm.Map.find rep r.cls |> Option.value ~default:Cls.empty)
pp_raw r () ) ) ;
Trm.Map.iteri r.cls ~f:(fun ~key:rep ~data:cls ->
(* each class does not include its rep *)
assert (not (Trm.Set.mem rep (Cls.to_set cls))) ;
(* representative of every element of [rep]'s class is [rep] *)
Iter.iter (Cls.to_iter cls) ~f:(fun elt ->
assert (Option.exists ~f:(Trm.equal rep) (Subst.find elt r.rep)) ) )
let invariant r =
let@ () = Invariant.invariant [%here] r [%sexp_of: t] in
assert (List.is_empty r.pnd) ;
pre_invariant r ;
assert (
(not r.sat)
|| Subst.for_alli r.rep ~f:(fun ~key:a ~data:a' ->
Subst.for_alli r.rep ~f:(fun ~key:b ~data:b' -> a b >= 0
|| (not (congruent r a b))
|| Trm.equal a' b'
|| fail "not congruent %a@ %a@ in@ %a" Trm.pp a Trm.pp b pp r
() ) ) )
(* Extending the carrier ==================================================*)
let rec extend_ a s =
~call:(fun {pf} -> pf "@ %a@ %a" Trm.pp a Subst.pp s)
~retn:(fun {pf} s' -> pf "%a" Subst.pp_diff (s, s'))
@@ fun () ->
match (a : Trm.t) with
| Z _ | Q _ -> s
| _ -> (
if Theory.is_interpreted a then Iter.fold ~f:extend_ (Trm.trms a) s
(* add uninterpreted terms *)
match Subst.extend a s with
(* and their subterms if newly added *)
| Some s -> Iter.fold ~f:extend_ (Trm.trms a) s
| None -> s )
(** add a term to the carrier *)
let extend a x =
~call:(fun {pf} -> pf "@ %a@ %a" Trm.pp a pp x)
~retn:(fun {pf} x' ->
pf "%a" pp_diff (x, x') ;
pre_invariant x' )
@@ fun () ->
let rep = extend_ a x.rep in
if rep == x.rep then x else {x with rep}
(* Propagation ============================================================*)
(** add a=a' to x using a' as the representative *)
let propagate1 (a, a') x =
~call:(fun {pf} -> pf "@ @[%a ↦ %a@]@ %a" Trm.pp a Trm.pp a' pp_raw x)
~retn:(fun {pf} -> pf "%a" pp_raw)
@@ fun () ->
(* pending equations need not be between terms in the carrier *)
let x = extend a (extend a' x) in
let s = Trm.Map.singleton a a' in
Trm.Map.fold x.rep x ~f:(fun ~key:_ ~data:b0' x ->
let b' = Subst.norm s b0' in
if b' == b0' then x
let b0'_cls, cls =
Trm.Map.find_and_remove b0' x.cls
|> Option.value ~default:(Cls.empty, x.cls)
let b0'_cls, pnd =
if Theory.is_interpreted b0' then (b0'_cls, (b0', b') :: x.pnd)
else (Cls.add b0' b0'_cls, x.pnd)
let rep =
Cls.fold b0'_cls x.rep ~f:(fun c rep ->
Trm.Map.add ~key:c ~data:b' rep )
let cls =
Trm.Map.update b' cls ~f:(fun b'_cls ->
Cls.union b0'_cls (Option.value b'_cls ~default:Cls.empty) )
{x with rep; cls; pnd} )
let solve ~wrt ~xs d e pending =
~call:(fun {pf} -> pf "@ %a@ %a" Trm.pp d Trm.pp e)
~retn:(fun {pf} -> pf "%a" Theory.pp)
@@ fun () ->
Theory.solve d e
{wrt; no_fresh= false; fresh= xs; solved= Some []; pending}
let rec propagate ~wrt x =
~call:(fun {pf} -> pf "@ %a" pp_raw x)
~retn:(fun {pf} -> pf "%a" pp_raw)
@@ fun () ->
match x.pnd with
| (a, b) :: pnd -> (
let a' = Subst.norm x.rep a in
let b' = Subst.norm x.rep b in
match solve ~wrt ~xs:x.xs a' b' pnd with
| {solved= Some solved; wrt; fresh; pending} ->
let xs = Var.Set.union x.xs fresh in
let x = {x with xs; pnd= pending} in
propagate ~wrt (List.fold ~f:propagate1 solved x)
| {solved= None} -> {x with sat= false; pnd= []} )
| [] -> x
(* Core operations ========================================================*)
let empty =
let rep = Subst.empty in
{xs= Var.Set.empty; sat= true; rep; cls= Trm.Map.empty; pnd= []}
|> check invariant
let unsat = {empty with sat= false}
(** [lookup r a] is [b'] if [a ~ b = b'] for some equation [b = b'] in rep *)
let lookup r a =
([ fun {pf} -> pf "@ %a" Trm.pp a]
Iter.find_map (Subst.to_iter r.rep) ~f:(fun (b, b') ->
Option.return_if (semi_congruent r a b) b' )
|> Option.value ~default:a)
[%Trace.retn fun {pf} -> pf "%a" Trm.pp]
(** rewrite a term into canonical form using rep and, for non-interpreted
terms, congruence composed with rep *)
let rec canon r a =
[ fun {pf} -> pf "@ %a" Trm.pp a]
( match Theory.classify a with
| InterpAtom -> a
| NonInterpAtom -> Subst.apply r.rep a
| InterpApp -> ~f:(canon r) a
| UninterpApp -> (
let a' = ~f:(canon r) a in
match Theory.classify a' with
| InterpAtom | InterpApp -> a'
| NonInterpAtom -> Subst.apply r.rep a'
| UninterpApp -> lookup r a' ) )
[%Trace.retn fun {pf} -> pf "%a" Trm.pp]
let canon_f r b =
~call:(fun {pf} -> pf "@ %a@ %a" Fml.pp b pp_raw r)
~retn:(fun {pf} -> pf "%a" Fml.pp)
@@ fun () -> Fml.map_trms ~f:(canon r) b
let merge ~wrt a b x =
~call:(fun {pf} -> pf "@ %a@ %a@ %a" Trm.pp a Trm.pp b pp x)
~retn:(fun {pf} x' ->
pf "%a" pp_diff (x, x') ;
pre_invariant x' )
@@ fun () ->
let x = {x with pnd= (a, b) :: x.pnd} in
propagate ~wrt x
(** find an unproved equation between congruent terms *)
let find_missing r =
Iter.find_map (Subst.to_iter r.rep) ~f:(fun (a, a') ->
let a_subnorm = ~f:(Subst.norm r.rep) a in
Iter.find_map (Subst.to_iter r.rep) ~f:(fun (b, b') ->
(* need to equate a' and b'? *)
let need_a'_eq_b' =
(* optimize: do not consider both a = b and b = a *) a b < 0
(* a and b are not already equal *)
&& (not (Trm.equal a' b'))
(* a and b are congruent *)
&& semi_congruent r a_subnorm b
Option.return_if need_a'_eq_b' (a', b') ) )
let rec close ~wrt x =
if not x.sat then x
match find_missing x with
| Some (a', b') -> close ~wrt (merge ~wrt a' b' x)
| None -> x
let close ~wrt r =
[ fun {pf} -> pf "@ %a" pp r]
close ~wrt r
[%Trace.retn fun {pf} r' ->
pf "%a" pp_diff (r, r') ;
invariant r']
let and_eq_ ~wrt a b x =
~call:(fun {pf} -> pf "@ @[%a = %a@]@ %a" Trm.pp a Trm.pp b pp x)
~retn:(fun {pf} x' ->
pf "%a" pp_diff (x, x') ;
invariant x' )
@@ fun () ->
if not x.sat then x
let x0 = x in
let a' = canon x a in
let b' = canon x b in
if Trm.equal a' b' then extend a' (extend b' x)
let x = merge ~wrt a' b' x in
match (a, b) with
| (Var _ as v), _ when not (in_car x0 v) -> x
| _, (Var _ as v) when not (in_car x0 v) -> x
| _ -> close ~wrt x
let extract_xs r = (r.xs, {r with xs= Var.Set.empty})
(* Exposed interface ======================================================*)
let is_empty {sat; rep} =
sat && Subst.for_alli rep ~f:(fun ~key:a ~data:a' -> Trm.equal a a')
let is_unsat {sat} = not sat
let implies r b =
[ fun {pf} -> pf "@ %a@ %a" Fml.pp b pp r]
Fml.equal (canon_f r b)
[%Trace.retn fun {pf} -> pf "%b"]
let refutes r b = Fml.equal Fml.ff (canon_f r b)
let normalize r e = Term.map_trms ~f:(canon r) e
let cls_of r e =
let e' = Subst.apply r.rep e in
Cls.add e' (Trm.Map.find e' r.cls |> Option.value ~default:Cls.empty)
let class_of r e =
match Term.get_trm (normalize r e) with
| Some e' ->
Iter.to_list ( ~f:Term.of_trm (Cls.to_iter (cls_of r e')))
| None -> []
let diff_classes r s =
Trm.Map.filter_mapi r.cls ~f:(fun ~key:rep ~data:cls ->
let cls' =
Cls.filter cls ~f:(fun exp -> not (implies s (Fml.eq rep exp)))
if Cls.is_empty cls' then None else Some cls' )
let ppx_diff var_strength fs parent_ctx fml ctx =
let fml' = canon_f ctx fml in
ppx var_strength fs
(diff_classes ctx parent_ctx)
(if Fml.(equal tt fml') then [] else [fml'])
let fold_uses_of r t s ~f =
let rec fold_ e s ~f =
let s =
Iter.fold (Trm.trms e) s ~f:(fun sub s ->
fold_ ~f sub (if Trm.equal t sub then f e s else s) )
if Theory.is_interpreted e then Iter.fold ~f:(fold_ ~f) (Trm.trms e) s
else s
Subst.fold r.rep s ~f:(fun ~key:trm ~data:rep s ->
fold_ ~f trm (fold_ ~f rep s) )
let iter_uses_of t r ~f = fold_uses_of r t () ~f:(fun use () -> f use)
let uses_of t r = Iter.from_labelled_iter (iter_uses_of t r)
let apply_subst wrt s r =
[ fun {pf} -> pf "@ %a@ %a" Subst.pp s pp r]
( if Subst.is_empty s then r
Trm.Map.fold r.cls {r with rep= Subst.empty; cls= Trm.Map.empty}
~f:(fun ~key:rep ~data:cls r ->
let rep' = Subst.subst_ s rep in
Cls.fold cls r ~f:(fun trm r ->
let trm' = Subst.subst_ s trm in
and_eq_ ~wrt trm' rep' r ) ) )
|> extract_xs
[%Trace.retn fun {pf} (xs, r') ->
pf "%a%a" Var.Set.pp_xs xs pp_diff (r, r') ;
invariant r']
let union wrt r s =
[ fun {pf} -> pf "@ @[<hv 1> %a@ @<2>∧ %a@]" pp r pp s]
( if not r.sat then r
else if not s.sat then s
let s, r =
if Subst.length s.rep <= Subst.length r.rep then (s, r) else (r, s)
Subst.fold s.rep r ~f:(fun ~key:e ~data:e' r -> and_eq_ ~wrt e e' r) )
|> extract_xs
[%Trace.retn fun {pf} (_, r') ->
pf "%a" pp_diff (r, r') ;
invariant r']
let inter wrt r s =
[ fun {pf} -> pf "@ @[<hv 1> %a@ @<2> %a@]" pp r pp s]
( if not s.sat then r
else if not r.sat then s
let merge_mems rs r s =
Trm.Map.fold s.cls rs ~f:(fun ~key:rep ~data:cls rs ->
Cls.fold cls
([rep], rs)
~f:(fun exp (reps, rs) ->
List.find ~f:(fun rep -> implies r (Fml.eq exp rep)) reps
| Some rep -> (reps, and_eq_ ~wrt exp rep rs)
| None -> (exp :: reps, rs) )
|> snd )
let rs = empty in
let rs = merge_mems rs r s in
let rs = merge_mems rs s r in
rs )
|> extract_xs
[%Trace.retn fun {pf} (_, r') ->
pf "%a" pp_diff (r, r') ;
invariant r']
let interN us rs =
match rs with
| [] -> (us, unsat)
| r :: rs -> List.fold ~f:(fun r (us, s) -> inter us s r) rs (us, r)
let rec add_ wrt b r =
match (b : Fml.t) with
| Tt -> r
| Not Tt -> unsat
| And {pos; neg} -> Fml.fold_pos_neg ~f:(add_ wrt) ~pos ~neg r
| Eq (d, e) -> and_eq_ ~wrt d e r
| Eq0 e -> and_eq_ ~wrt e r
| Pos _ | Not _ | Or _ | Iff _ | Cond _ | Lit _ -> r
let add us b r =
[ fun {pf} -> pf "@ %a@ %a" Fml.pp b pp r]
add_ us b r |> extract_xs
[%Trace.retn fun {pf} (_, r') ->
pf "%a" pp_diff (r, r') ;
invariant r']
let dnf f =
let meet1 a (vs, p, x) =
let vs, x = add vs a x in
(vs, Fml.and_ p a, x)
let join1 = Iter.cons in
let top = (Var.Set.empty,, empty) in
let bot = Iter.empty in
Fml.fold_dnf ~meet1 ~join1 ~top ~bot f
let rename x sub =
~call:(fun {pf} -> pf "@ @[%a@]@ %a" Var.Subst.pp sub pp x)
~retn:(fun {pf} x' ->
pf "%a" pp_diff (x, x') ;
invariant x' )
@@ fun () ->
let apply_sub = Trm.map_vars ~f:(Var.Subst.apply sub) in
let rep = Subst.map_entries ~f:apply_sub x.rep in
let cls =
Trm.Map.fold x.cls x.cls ~f:(fun ~key:a0' ~data:a0'_cls cls ->
let a' = apply_sub a0' in
let a'_cls = ~f:apply_sub a0'_cls in
Trm.Map.add ~key:a' ~data:a'_cls
(if a' == a0' then cls else Trm.Map.remove a0' cls) )
if rep == x.rep && cls == x.cls then x else {x with rep; cls}
let trivial vs r =
~call:(fun {pf} -> pf "@ %a@ %a" Var.Set.pp_xs vs pp_raw r)
~retn:(fun {pf} ks -> pf "%a" Var.Set.pp_xs ks)
@@ fun () ->
Var.Set.fold vs Var.Set.empty ~f:(fun v ks ->
let x = Trm.var v in
match Subst.find x r.rep with
| None -> Var.Set.add v ks
| Some x' when Trm.equal x x' && Iter.is_empty (uses_of x r) ->
Var.Set.add v ks
| _ -> ks )
let trim ks x =
~call:(fun {pf} -> pf "@ %a@ %a" Var.Set.pp_xs ks pp_raw x)
~retn:(fun {pf} x' ->
pf "%a" pp_raw x' ;
invariant x' ;
assert (Var.Set.disjoint ks (fv x')) )
@@ fun () ->
(* expand classes to include reps *)
let reps =
Subst.fold x.rep Trm.Set.empty ~f:(fun ~key:_ ~data:rep reps ->
Trm.Set.add rep reps )
let clss =
Trm.Set.fold reps x.cls ~f:(fun rep clss ->
Trm.Map.update rep clss ~f:(fun cls0 ->
Cls.add rep (Option.value cls0 ~default:Cls.empty) ) )
(* enumerate expanded classes and update solution subst *)
let kills = Trm.Set.of_vars ks in
Trm.Map.fold clss x ~f:(fun ~key:a' ~data:ecls x ->
(* remove mappings for non-rep class elements to kill *)
let keep, drop = Trm.Set.diff_inter (Cls.to_set ecls) kills in
if Trm.Set.is_empty drop then x
let rep = Trm.Set.fold ~f:Subst.remove drop x.rep in
let x = {x with rep} in
(* new class is keepers without rep *)
let keep' = Trm.Set.remove a' keep in
let ecls = Cls.of_set keep' in
if keep' != keep then
(* a' is to be kept: continue to use it as rep *)
let cls =
if Cls.is_empty ecls then Trm.Map.remove a' x.cls
else Trm.Map.add ~key:a' ~data:ecls x.cls
{x with cls}
(* a' is to be removed: choose new rep from the keepers *)
let cls = Trm.Map.remove a' x.cls in
let x = {x with cls} in
Trm.Set.reduce keep ~f:(fun x y ->
if Theory.prefer x y < 0 then x else y )
| Some b' ->
(* add mappings from each keeper to the new representative *)
let rep =
Trm.Set.fold keep x.rep ~f:(fun elt rep ->
Subst.add ~key:elt ~data:b' rep )
(* add trimmed class to new rep *)
let cls =
if Cls.is_empty ecls then x.cls
else Trm.Map.add ~key:b' ~data:ecls x.cls
{x with rep; cls}
| None ->
(* entire class removed *)
x )
let apply_and_elim ~wrt xs s r =
~call:(fun {pf} -> pf "@ %a%a@ %a" Var.Set.pp_xs xs Subst.pp s pp_raw r)
~retn:(fun {pf} (zs, r', ks) ->
pf "%a@ %a@ %a" Var.Set.pp_xs zs pp_raw r' Var.Set.pp_xs ks ;
invariant r' ;
assert (Var.Set.subset ks ~of_:xs) ;
assert (Var.Set.disjoint ks (fv r')) )
@@ fun () ->
if Subst.is_empty s then (Var.Set.empty, r, Var.Set.empty)
let zs, r = apply_subst wrt s r in
if is_unsat r then (Var.Set.empty, unsat, Var.Set.empty)
let ks = trivial xs r in
let r = trim ks r in
(zs, r, ks)
(* Existential Witnessing and Elimination =================================*)
let rec max_solvables e =
if not (Theory.is_interpreted e) then Iter.return e
else Iter.flat_map ~f:max_solvables (Trm.trms e)
let fold_max_solvables e s ~f = Iter.fold ~f (max_solvables e) s
let subst_invariant us s0 s =
assert (s0 == s || not (Subst.equal s0 s)) ;
assert (
Subst.iteri s ~f:(fun ~key ~data ->
(* dom of new entries not ito us *)
assert (
Option.for_all ~f:(Trm.equal data) (Subst.find key s0)
|| not (Var.Set.subset (Trm.fv key) ~of_:us) ) ;
(* rep not ito us implies trm not ito us *)
assert (
Var.Set.subset (Trm.fv data) ~of_:us
|| not (Var.Set.subset (Trm.fv key) ~of_:us) ) ) ;
true )
type 'a zom = Zero | One of 'a | Many
(** try to solve [p = q] such that [fv (p - q) ⊆ us xs] and [p - q]
has at most one maximal solvable subterm, [kill], where
[fv kill ⊈ us]; solve [p = q] for [kill]; extend subst mapping [kill]
to the solution *)
let solve_poly_eq us p' q' subst =
[ fun {pf} -> pf "@ %a = %a" Trm.pp p' Trm.pp q']
let diff = Trm.sub p' q' in
let max_solvables_not_ito_us =
fold_max_solvables diff Zero ~f:(fun solvable_subterm -> function
| Many -> Many
| zom when Var.Set.subset (Trm.fv solvable_subterm) ~of_:us -> zom
| One _ -> Many
| Zero -> One solvable_subterm )
( match max_solvables_not_ito_us with
| One kill ->
let+ kill, keep = Trm.Arith.solve_zero_eq diff ~for_:kill in
Subst.compose1 ~key:(Trm.arith kill) ~data:(Trm.arith keep) subst
| Many | Zero -> None )
[%Trace.retn fun {pf} subst' ->
pf "@[%a@]" Subst.pp_diff (subst, Option.value subst' ~default:subst)]
let rec solve_pending (s : Theory.t) soln =
match s.pending with
| (a, b) :: pending -> (
let a' = Subst.norm soln a in
let b' = Subst.norm soln b in
match Theory.solve a' b' {s with pending} with
| {solved= Some solved} as s ->
solve_pending {s with solved= Some []}
(List.fold solved soln ~f:(fun (trm, rep) soln ->
Subst.compose1 ~key:trm ~data:rep soln ))
| {solved= None} -> None )
| [] -> Some soln
let solve_seq_eq us e' f' subst =
[ fun {pf} -> pf "@ %a = %a" Trm.pp e' Trm.pp f']
let x_ito_us x u =
(not (Var.Set.subset (Trm.fv x) ~of_:us))
&& Var.Set.subset (Trm.fv u) ~of_:us
let solve_concat ms n a =
let a, n =
match Trm.seq_size a with
| Some n -> (a, n)
| None -> (Trm.sized ~siz:n ~seq:a, n)
(Theory.solve_concat ms a n
{ wrt= Var.Set.empty
; no_fresh= true
; fresh= Var.Set.empty
; solved= Some []
; pending= [] })
( match ((e' : Trm.t), (f' : Trm.t)) with
| (Concat ms as c), a when x_ito_us c a ->
solve_concat ms (Trm.seq_size_exn c) a
| a, (Concat ms as c) when x_ito_us c a ->
solve_concat ms (Trm.seq_size_exn c) a
| (Sized {seq= Var _ as v} as m), u when x_ito_us m u ->
Some (Subst.compose1 ~key:v ~data:u subst)
| u, (Sized {seq= Var _ as v} as m) when x_ito_us m u ->
Some (Subst.compose1 ~key:v ~data:u subst)
| _ -> None )
[%Trace.retn fun {pf} subst' ->
pf "@[%a@]" Subst.pp_diff (subst, Option.value subst' ~default:subst)]
let solve_interp_eq us e' (cls, subst) =
[ fun {pf} ->
pf "@ trm: @[%a@]@ cls: @[%a@]@ subst: @[%a@]" Trm.pp e' Cls.pp cls
Subst.pp subst]
Iter.find_map (Cls.to_iter cls) ~f:(fun f ->
let f' = Subst.norm subst f in
match solve_seq_eq us e' f' subst with
| Some subst -> Some subst
| None -> solve_poly_eq us e' f' subst )
[%Trace.retn fun {pf} subst' ->
pf "@[%a@]" Subst.pp_diff (subst, Option.value subst' ~default:subst) ;
Option.iter ~f:(subst_invariant us subst) subst']
(** move equations from [cls] to [subst] which are between interpreted terms
and can be expressed, after normalizing with [subst], as [x ↦ u] where
[us xs ⊇ fv x ⊈ us] and [fv u ⊆ us] or else
[fv u ⊆ us xs] *)
let rec solve_interp_eqs us (cls, subst) =
[ fun {pf} ->
pf "@ cls: @[%a@]@ subst: @[%a@]" Cls.pp cls Subst.pp subst]
let rec solve_interp_eqs_ cls' (cls, subst) =
match Cls.pop cls with
| None -> (cls', subst)
| Some (trm, cls) ->
let trm' = Subst.norm subst trm in
if Theory.is_interpreted trm' then
match solve_interp_eq us trm' (cls, subst) with
| Some subst -> solve_interp_eqs_ cls' (cls, subst)
| None -> solve_interp_eqs_ (Cls.add trm' cls') (cls, subst)
else solve_interp_eqs_ (Cls.add trm' cls') (cls, subst)
let cls', subst' = solve_interp_eqs_ Cls.empty (cls, subst) in
( if subst' != subst then solve_interp_eqs us (cls', subst')
else (cls', subst') )
[%Trace.retn fun {pf} (cls', subst') ->
pf "cls: @[%a@]@ subst: @[%a@]" Cls.pp_diff (cls, cls') Subst.pp_diff
(subst, subst')]
type cls_solve_state =
{ rep_us: Trm.t option (** rep, that is ito us, for class *)
; cls_us: Cls.t (** cls that is ito us, or interpreted *)
; rep_xs: Trm.t option (** rep, that is *not* ito us, for class *)
; cls_xs: Cls.t (** cls that is *not* ito us *) }
let dom_trm e =
match (e : Trm.t) with
| Sized {seq= Var _ as v} -> Some v
| _ when not (Theory.is_interpreted e) -> Some e
| _ -> None
(** move equations from [cls] (which is assumed to be normalized by [subst])
to [subst] which can be expressed as [x ↦ u] where [x] is
non-interpreted [us xs ⊇ fv x ⊈ us] and [fv u ⊆ us] or else
[fv u ⊆ us xs] *)
let solve_uninterp_eqs us (cls, subst) =
[ fun {pf} ->
pf "@ cls: @[%a@]@ subst: @[%a@]" Cls.pp cls Subst.pp subst]
let compare e f =
[%compare: Theory.kind * Trm.t]
(Theory.classify e, e)
(Theory.classify f, f)
let {rep_us; cls_us; rep_xs; cls_xs} =
Cls.fold cls
{rep_us= None; cls_us= Cls.empty; rep_xs= None; cls_xs= Cls.empty}
~f:(fun trm ({rep_us; cls_us; rep_xs; cls_xs} as s) ->
if Var.Set.subset (Trm.fv trm) ~of_:us then
match rep_us with
| Some rep when compare rep trm <= 0 ->
{s with cls_us= Cls.add trm cls_us}
| Some rep -> {s with rep_us= Some trm; cls_us= Cls.add rep cls_us}
| None -> {s with rep_us= Some trm}
match rep_xs with
| Some rep -> (
if compare rep trm <= 0 then
match dom_trm trm with
| Some trm -> {s with cls_xs= Cls.add trm cls_xs}
| None -> {s with cls_us= Cls.add trm cls_us}
match dom_trm rep with
| Some rep ->
{s with rep_xs= Some trm; cls_xs= Cls.add rep cls_xs}
| None ->
{s with rep_xs= Some trm; cls_us= Cls.add rep cls_us} )
| None -> {s with rep_xs= Some trm} )
( match rep_us with
| Some rep_us ->
let cls = Cls.add rep_us cls_us in
let cls, cls_xs =
match rep_xs with
| Some rep -> (
match dom_trm rep with
| Some rep -> (cls, Cls.add rep cls_xs)
| None -> (Cls.add rep cls, cls_xs) )
| None -> (cls, cls_xs)
let subst =
Cls.fold cls_xs subst ~f:(fun trm_xs subst ->
let trm_xs = Subst.subst_ subst trm_xs in
let rep_us = Subst.subst_ subst rep_us in
Subst.compose1 ~key:trm_xs ~data:rep_us subst )
(cls, subst)
| None -> (
match rep_xs with
| Some rep_xs ->
let cls = Cls.add rep_xs cls_us in
let subst =
Cls.fold cls_xs subst ~f:(fun trm_xs subst ->
let trm_xs = Subst.subst_ subst trm_xs in
let rep_xs = Subst.subst_ subst rep_xs in
Subst.compose1 ~key:trm_xs ~data:rep_xs subst )
(cls, subst)
| None -> (cls, subst) ) )
[%Trace.retn fun {pf} (cls', subst') ->
pf "cls: @[%a@]@ subst: @[%a@]" Cls.pp_diff (cls, cls') Subst.pp_diff
(subst, subst') ;
subst_invariant us subst subst']
(** move equations between terms in [rep]'s class [cls] from [classes] to
[subst] which can be expressed, after normalizing with [subst], as
[x ↦ u] where [us xs ⊇ fv x ⊈ us] and [fv u ⊆ us] or else
[fv u ⊆ us xs] *)
let solve_class us us_xs ~key:rep ~data:cls (classes, subst) =
let classes0 = classes in
[ fun {pf} ->
pf "@ rep: @[%a@]@ cls: @[%a@]@ subst: @[%a@]" Trm.pp rep Cls.pp cls
Subst.pp subst]
let cls, cls_not_ito_us_xs =
~f:(fun e -> Var.Set.subset (Trm.fv e) ~of_:us_xs)
(Cls.add rep cls)
let cls, subst = solve_interp_eqs us (cls, subst) in
let cls, subst = solve_uninterp_eqs us (cls, subst) in
let cls = Cls.union cls_not_ito_us_xs cls in
let cls = Cls.remove (Subst.norm subst rep) cls in
let classes =
if Cls.is_empty cls then Trm.Map.remove rep classes
else Trm.Map.add ~key:rep ~data:cls classes
(classes, subst)
[%Trace.retn fun {pf} (classes', subst') ->
pf "subst: @[%a@]@ classes: @[%a@]" Subst.pp_diff (subst, subst')
pp_diff_cls (classes0, classes')]
let solve_concat_extracts_eq r x =
[ fun {pf} -> pf "@ %a@ %a" Trm.pp x pp r]
let uses =
fold_uses_of r x [] ~f:(fun use uses ->
match use with
| Sized _ as m ->
fold_uses_of r m uses ~f:(fun use uses ->
match use with Extract _ as e -> e :: uses | _ -> uses )
| _ -> uses )
let find_extracts_at_off off =
List.filter uses ~f:(function
| Extract {off= o} -> implies r (Fml.eq o off)
| _ -> false )
let rec find_extracts full_rev_extracts rev_prefix off =
List.fold (find_extracts_at_off off) full_rev_extracts
~f:(fun e full_rev_extracts ->
match e with
| Extract {seq= Sized {siz= n}; off= o; len= l} ->
let o_l = Trm.add o l in
if implies r (Fml.eq n o_l) then
(e :: rev_prefix) :: full_rev_extracts
else find_extracts full_rev_extracts (e :: rev_prefix) o_l
| _ -> full_rev_extracts )
find_extracts [] []
[%Trace.retn fun {pf} ->
pf "@[[%a]@]" (List.pp ";@ " (List.pp ",@ " Trm.pp))]
let solve_concat_extracts r us x (classes, subst, us_xs) =
List.filter_map (solve_concat_extracts_eq r x) ~f:(fun rev_extracts ->
Iter.fold_opt (Iter.of_list rev_extracts) [] ~f:(fun e suffix ->
let+ rep_ito_us =
Cls.fold (cls_of r e) None ~f:(fun trm rep_ito_us ->
match rep_ito_us with
| Some rep when rep trm <= 0 -> rep_ito_us
| _ when Var.Set.subset (Trm.fv trm) ~of_:us -> Some trm
| _ -> rep_ito_us )
Trm.sized ~siz:(Trm.seq_size_exn e) ~seq:rep_ito_us :: suffix ) )
|> Iter.of_list
|> Iter.min ~lt:(fun xs ys -> [%compare: Trm.t list] xs ys < 0)
| Some extracts ->
let concat = Trm.concat (Array.of_list extracts) in
let subst = Subst.compose1 ~key:x ~data:concat subst in
(classes, subst, us_xs)
| None -> (classes, subst, us_xs)
let solve_for_xs r us xs =
Var.Set.fold xs ~f:(fun x (classes, subst, us_xs) ->
let x = Trm.var x in
if Subst.mem x subst then (classes, subst, us_xs)
else solve_concat_extracts r us x (classes, subst, us_xs) )
(** move equations from [classes] to [subst] which can be expressed, after
normalizing with [subst], as [x ↦ u] where [us xs ⊇ fv x ⊈ us]
and [fv u ⊆ us] or else [fv u ⊆ us xs]. *)
let solve_classes r xs (classes, subst, us) =
[ fun {pf} ->
pf "@ us: {@[%a@]}@ xs: {@[%a@]}" Var.Set.pp us Var.Set.pp xs]
let rec solve_classes_ (classes0, subst0, us_xs) =
let classes, subst =
Trm.Map.fold ~f:(solve_class us us_xs) classes0 (classes0, subst0)
if subst != subst0 then solve_classes_ (classes, subst, us_xs)
else (classes, subst, us_xs)
(classes, subst, Var.Set.union us xs)
|> solve_classes_
|> solve_for_xs r us xs
[%Trace.retn fun {pf} (classes', subst', _) ->
pf "subst: @[%a@]@ classes: @[%a@]" Subst.pp_diff (subst, subst')
pp_diff_cls (classes, classes')]
let pp_vss fs vss =
Format.fprintf fs "[@[%a@]]"
(List.pp ";@ " (fun fs vs -> Format.fprintf fs "{@[%a@]}" Var.Set.pp vs))
(** enumerate variable contexts vᵢ in [v₁;…] and accumulate a solution
subst with entries [x ↦ u] where [r] entails [x = u] and
[⋃ⱼ₌₁ⁱ vⱼ ⊇ fv x ⊈ ⋃ⱼ₌₁ⁱ⁻¹ vⱼ] and
[fv u ⊆ ⋃ⱼ₌₁ⁱ⁻¹ vⱼ] if possible and otherwise
[fv u ⊆ ⋃ⱼ₌₁ⁱ vⱼ] *)
let solve_for_vars vss r =
[ fun {pf} ->
pf "@ %a@ @[%a@]" pp_vss vss pp r ;
invariant r]
let us, vss =
match vss with us :: vss -> (us, vss) | [] -> (Var.Set.empty, vss)
List.fold ~f:(solve_classes r) vss (r.cls, Subst.empty, us) |> snd3
[%Trace.retn fun {pf} subst ->
pf "%a" Subst.pp subst ;
Subst.iteri subst ~f:(fun ~key ~data ->
assert (
implies r (Fml.eq key data)
|| fail "@[%a@ = %a@ not entailed by@ @[%a@]@]" Trm.pp key Trm.pp
data pp_classes r () ) ;
assert (
Iter.fold_until (Iter.of_list vss) us
~f:(fun xs us ->
let us_xs = Var.Set.union us xs in
let ks = Trm.fv key in
let ds = Trm.fv data in
Var.Set.subset ks ~of_:us_xs
&& Var.Set.subset ds ~of_:us_xs
&& ( Var.Set.subset ds ~of_:us
|| not (Var.Set.subset ks ~of_:us) )
then `Stop true
else `Continue us_xs )
~finish:(fun _ -> false) ) )]
(* Replay debugging =======================================================*)
type call =
| Add of Var.Set.t * Formula.t * t
| Union of Var.Set.t * t * t
| Inter of Var.Set.t * t * t
| InterN of Var.Set.t * t list
| Dnf of Formula.t
| Rename of t * Var.Subst.t
| Is_unsat of t
| Implies of t * Formula.t
| Refutes of t * Formula.t
| Normalize of t * Term.t
| Apply_subst of Var.Set.t * Subst.t * t
| Solve_for_vars of Var.Set.t list * t
| Apply_and_elim of Var.Set.t * Var.Set.t * Subst.t * t
[@@deriving sexp]
let replay c =
match call_of_sexp (Sexp.of_string c) with
| Add (us, e, r) -> add us e r |> ignore
| Union (us, r, s) -> union us r s |> ignore
| Inter (us, r, s) -> inter us r s |> ignore
| InterN (us, rs) -> interN us rs |> ignore
| Dnf f -> dnf f |> ignore
| Rename (r, s) -> rename r s |> ignore
| Is_unsat r -> is_unsat r |> ignore
| Implies (r, f) -> implies r f |> ignore
| Refutes (r, f) -> refutes r f |> ignore
| Normalize (r, e) -> normalize r e |> ignore
| Apply_subst (us, s, r) -> apply_subst us s r |> ignore
| Solve_for_vars (vss, r) -> solve_for_vars vss r |> ignore
| Apply_and_elim (wrt, xs, s, r) -> apply_and_elim ~wrt xs s r |> ignore
(* Debug wrappers *)
let report ~name ~elapsed ~aggregate ~count =
Format.eprintf "%15s time: %12.3f ms %12.3f ms %12d calls@." name
elapsed aggregate count
let dump_threshold = ref 1000.
let wrap tmr f call =
let f () =
Timer.start tmr ;
let r = f () in
Timer.stop_report tmr (fun ~name ~elapsed ~aggregate ~count ->
report ~name ~elapsed ~aggregate ~count ;
if Float.(elapsed > !dump_threshold) then (
dump_threshold := 2. *. !dump_threshold ;
Format.eprintf "@\n%a@\n@." Sexp.pp_hum (sexp_of_call (call ())) ) ) ;
if not [%debug] then f ()
try f ()
with exn ->
let bt = Printexc.get_raw_backtrace () in
let exn = Replay (exn, sexp_of_call (call ())) in
Printexc.raise_with_backtrace exn bt
let add_tmr = Timer.create "add" ~at_exit:report
let union_tmr = Timer.create "union" ~at_exit:report
let inter_tmr = Timer.create "inter" ~at_exit:report
let interN_tmr = Timer.create "interN" ~at_exit:report
let dnf_tmr = Timer.create "dnf" ~at_exit:report
let rename_tmr = Timer.create "rename" ~at_exit:report
let is_unsat_tmr = Timer.create "is_unsat" ~at_exit:report
let implies_tmr = Timer.create "implies" ~at_exit:report
let refutes_tmr = Timer.create "refutes" ~at_exit:report
let normalize_tmr = Timer.create "normalize" ~at_exit:report
let apply_subst_tmr = Timer.create "apply_subst" ~at_exit:report
let solve_for_vars_tmr = Timer.create "solve_for_vars" ~at_exit:report
let apply_and_elim_tmr = Timer.create "apply_and_elim" ~at_exit:report
let add us e r =
wrap add_tmr (fun () -> add us e r) (fun () -> Add (us, e, r))
let union us r s =
wrap union_tmr (fun () -> union us r s) (fun () -> Union (us, r, s))
let inter us r s =
wrap inter_tmr (fun () -> inter us r s) (fun () -> Inter (us, r, s))
let interN us rs =
wrap interN_tmr (fun () -> interN us rs) (fun () -> InterN (us, rs))
let dnf f = wrap dnf_tmr (fun () -> dnf f) (fun () -> Dnf f)
let rename r s =
wrap rename_tmr (fun () -> rename r s) (fun () -> Rename (r, s))
let is_unsat r =
wrap is_unsat_tmr (fun () -> is_unsat r) (fun () -> Is_unsat r)
let implies r f =
wrap implies_tmr (fun () -> implies r f) (fun () -> Implies (r, f))
let refutes r f =
wrap refutes_tmr (fun () -> refutes r f) (fun () -> Refutes (r, f))
let normalize r e =
wrap normalize_tmr (fun () -> normalize r e) (fun () -> Normalize (r, e))
let apply_subst us s r =
wrap apply_subst_tmr
(fun () -> apply_subst us s r)
(fun () -> Apply_subst (us, s, r))
let solve_for_vars vss r =
wrap solve_for_vars_tmr
(fun () -> solve_for_vars vss r)
(fun () -> Solve_for_vars (vss, r))
let apply_and_elim ~wrt xs s r =
wrap apply_and_elim_tmr
(fun () -> apply_and_elim ~wrt xs s r)
(fun () -> Apply_and_elim (wrt, xs, s, r))