45 lines
1007 B
45 lines
1007 B
* Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
open NS0
module type S = sig
type elt
module Elt : sig
type t = elt
include Comparator.S with type t := t
include Core_kernel.Set_intf.Make_S_plain_tree(Elt).S
val hash_fold_t : elt Hash.folder -> t Hash.folder
val pp :
?pre:(unit, unit) fmt
-> ?suf:(unit, unit) fmt
-> ?sep:(unit, unit) fmt
-> elt pp
-> t pp
val pp_diff : elt pp -> (t * t) pp
val of_ : elt -> t
val of_option : elt option -> t
val of_iarray : elt IArray.t -> t
val add_option : elt option -> t -> t
val add_list : elt list -> t -> t
val diff_inter : t -> t -> t * t
val disjoint : t -> t -> bool
val pop_exn : t -> elt * t
(** Find and remove an unspecified element. [O(1)]. *)
val pop : t -> (elt * t) option
(** Find and remove an unspecified element. [O(1)]. *)