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* Copyright (c) 2017 - present Facebook, Inc.
* All rights reserved.
* This source code is licensed under the BSD style license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant
* of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.
open! IStd
module L = Logging
let database : Sqlite3.db option ref = ref None
let database_filename = "results.db"
let database_fullpath = Config.results_dir ^/ database_filename
let procedures_schema =
( proc_name TEXT PRIMARY KEY
, attr_kind INTEGER NOT NULL
, source_file TEXT NOT NULL
, proc_attributes BLOB NOT NULL )|}
let source_files_schema =
( source_file TEXT PRIMARY KEY
, type_environment BLOB NOT NULL
, procedure_names BLOB NOT NULL
, freshly_captured INT NOT NULL )|}
let schema_hum = Printf.sprintf "%s;\n%s" procedures_schema source_files_schema
let create_procedures_table db =
(* it would be nice to use "WITHOUT ROWID" here but ancient versions of sqlite do not support
it *)
SqliteUtils.exec db ~log:"creating procedures table" ~stmt:procedures_schema
let create_source_files_table db =
SqliteUtils.exec db ~log:"creating source_files table" ~stmt:source_files_schema
let create_db () =
let temp_db = Filename.temp_file ~in_dir:Config.results_dir database_filename ".tmp" in
let db = Sqlite3.db_open ~mutex:`FULL temp_db in
create_procedures_table db ;
create_source_files_table db ;
(* This should be the default but better be sure, otherwise we cannot access the database concurrently. This has to happen before setting WAL mode. *)
SqliteUtils.exec db ~log:"locking mode=NORMAL" ~stmt:"PRAGMA locking_mode=NORMAL" ;
( match Config.sqlite_vfs with
| None ->
(* Write-ahead log is much faster than other journalling modes. *)
SqliteUtils.exec db ~log:"journal_mode=WAL" ~stmt:"PRAGMA journal_mode=WAL"
| Some _ ->
(* Can't use WAL with custom VFS *)
() ) ;
SqliteUtils.db_close db ;
try Sys.rename temp_db database_fullpath with Sys_error _ ->
(* lost the race, doesn't matter *) ()
let new_db_callbacks = ref []
let on_new_database_connection ~f = new_db_callbacks := f :: !new_db_callbacks
let close_db_callbacks = ref []
let on_close_database ~f = close_db_callbacks := f :: !close_db_callbacks
let get_database () = Option.value_exn !database
let reset_capture_tables () =
let db = get_database () in
SqliteUtils.exec db ~log:"drop procedures table" ~stmt:"DROP TABLE procedures" ;
create_procedures_table db ;
SqliteUtils.exec db ~log:"drop source_files table" ~stmt:"DROP TABLE source_files" ;
create_source_files_table db
let db_canonicalize () =
let db = get_database () in
SqliteUtils.exec db ~log:"running VACUUM" ~stmt:"VACUUM"
type registered_stmt = unit -> Sqlite3.stmt * Sqlite3.db
let register_statement =
let k stmt0 =
let stmt_ref = ref None in
let new_statement db =
let stmt =
try Sqlite3.prepare db stmt0 with Sqlite3.Error error ->
L.die InternalError "Could not prepare the following statement:@\n%s@\nReason: %s" stmt0
on_close_database ~f:(fun _ -> SqliteUtils.finalize db ~log:"db close callback" stmt) ;
stmt_ref := Some (stmt, db)
on_new_database_connection ~f:new_statement ;
fun () ->
match !stmt_ref with
| None ->
L.(die InternalError) "database not initialized"
| Some (stmt, db) ->
Sqlite3.clear_bindings stmt
|> SqliteUtils.check_sqlite_error db ~log:"clear bindings of prepared statement" ;
(stmt, db)
fun stmt_fmt -> Printf.ksprintf k stmt_fmt
let with_registered_statement get_stmt ~f =
let stmt, db = get_stmt () in
let result = f db stmt in
Sqlite3.reset stmt |> SqliteUtils.check_sqlite_error db ~log:"reset prepared statement" ;
let do_db_close db =
List.iter ~f:(fun callback -> callback db) !close_db_callbacks ;
close_db_callbacks := [] ;
SqliteUtils.db_close db
let db_close () =
Option.iter !database ~f:do_db_close ;
database := None
let new_database_connection () =
(* we always want at most one connection alive throughout the lifetime of the module *)
db_close () ;
let db =
Sqlite3.db_open ~mode:`NO_CREATE ~cache:`PRIVATE ~mutex:`FULL ?vfs:Config.sqlite_vfs
Sqlite3.busy_timeout db 10_000 ;
SqliteUtils.exec db ~log:"synchronous=OFF" ~stmt:"PRAGMA synchronous=OFF" ;
database := Some db ;
List.iter ~f:(fun callback -> callback db) !new_db_callbacks
let () = Config.register_late_epilogue db_close