288 lines
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288 lines
7.4 KiB
* Copyright (c) 2017 - present Facebook, Inc.
* All rights reserved.
* This source code is licensed under the BSD style license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant
* of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import "Library.h"
int* __nullable returnsNull();
typedef struct s_ {
int x;
} S;
@interface T : NSObject
- (NSObject* _Nullable)nullableMethod;
- (T* _Nullable)nullableT;
@property(nonatomic) S structProperty;
@property(nonatomic) S* pointerProperty;
@implementation T {
int* unnanotatedField;
int* __nullable nullableField;
int* nonnullField;
- (void)assignNullableFieldToNullOkay {
nullableField = nil;
- (void)assignUnnanotatedFieldToNullBad {
unnanotatedField = nil;
- (void)assignNonnullFieldToNullBad {
nonnullField = nil;
- (void)testNullableFieldForNullOkay {
if (nullableField == nil) {
- (void)testUnnanotatedFieldForNullBad {
if (unnanotatedField == nil) {
- (int)DeadStoreFP_testUnnanotatedFieldInClosureBad {
int (^testField)(int defaultValue);
testField = ^(int defaultValue) {
if (unnanotatedField != nil) {
return *unnanotatedField;
} else {
return defaultValue;
return testField(42);
- (void)testNonnullFieldForNullBad {
if (nonnullField == nil) {
- (void)dereferenceUnnanotatedFieldOkay {
*unnanotatedField = 42;
- (void)dereferenceNonnullFieldOkay {
*nonnullField = 42;
- (void)dereferenceNullableFieldBad {
*nullableField = 42;
- (void)dereferenceUnnanotatedFieldAfterTestForNullBad {
if (unnanotatedField == nil) {
*unnanotatedField = 42;
- (void)FP_dereferenceNonnullFieldAfterTestForNullOkay {
if (nonnullField == nil) {
*nonnullField = 42;
- (void)dereferenceNullableFunctionBad {
int* p = returnsNull();
*p = 42;
- (void)dereferenceNullableFunction1Ok {
int* p = returnsNull();
if (p) {
*p = 42;
- (void)dereferenceNullableFunction2Ok {
int* p = returnsNull();
if (p != nil) {
*p = 42;
- (NSObject* _Nullable)nullableMethod {
return nil;
- (NSString*)dereferenceNullableMethodOkay {
NSObject* nullableObject = [self nullableMethod];
return [nullableObject description]; // does not report here
- (void)reassigningNullableObjectOkay {
NSObject* nullableObject = [self nullableMethod];
nullableObject = nil; // does not report here
- (NSArray*)nullableObjectInNSArrayBad {
NSObject* nullableObject = [self nullableMethod];
NSArray* array = @[ nullableObject ]; // reports here
return array;
- (NSArray*)nullableMethodCheckedForNullAndReturnOkay {
NSObject* nullableObject = [self nullableMethod];
NSArray* array;
if (nullableObject == nil) {
return array;
array = @[ nullableObject ]; // does not report here
return array;
- (NSArray*)secondElementNullableObjectInNSArrayBad {
NSObject* allocatedObject = [NSObject alloc];
NSObject* nullableObject = [self nullableMethod];
NSArray* array = @[ allocatedObject, nullableObject ]; // reports here
return array;
- (NSArray*)nullableObjectInNSArrayOkay {
NSObject* nullableObject = [self nullableMethod];
NSArray* array;
if (nullableObject) {
array = @[ nullableObject ]; // reports here
} else {
array = @[ @"String" ];
return array;
- (NSArray*)URLWithStringOkay {
NSURL* url = [NSURL URLWithString:@"some/url/string"];
NSArray* array = @[ url ]; // reports here
- (NSDictionary*)nullableValueInNSDictionaryBad {
NSObject* nullableValue = [self nullableMethod];
NSMutableDictionary* dict = [NSMutableDictionary
dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:@"key", nullableValue, nil]; // reports here
return dict;
- (NSDictionary*)nullableKeyInNSDictionaryBad {
NSObject* nullableKey = [self nullableMethod];
NSMutableDictionary* dict = [NSMutableDictionary
dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:nullableKey, @"value", nil]; // reports here
return dict;
- (NSDictionary*)nullableKeyInNSDictionaryInitBad {
NSObject* nullableKey = [self nullableMethod];
NSDictionary* dict = [[NSDictionary alloc]
initWithObjectsAndKeys:nullableKey, @"value", nil]; // reports here
return dict;
- (NSDictionary*)nullableValueInNSDictionaryInitBad {
NSObject* nullableValue = [self nullableMethod];
NSDictionary* dict = [[NSDictionary alloc]
initWithObjectsAndKeys:@"key", nullableValue, nil]; // reports here
return dict;
- (NSDictionary*)nullableKeyInNSDictionaryInitLiteralBad {
NSObject* nullableKey = [self nullableMethod];
NSDictionary* dict = @{nullableKey : @"value"}; // reports here
return dict;
- (NSDictionary*)nullableValueInNSDictionaryInitLiteralBad {
NSObject* nullableValue = [self nullableMethod];
NSDictionary* dict = @{@"key" : nullableValue}; // reports here
return dict;
- (NSDictionary*)indirectNullableKeyInNSDictionaryBad {
NSObject* nullableKey = [self nullableMethod];
NSString* nullableKeyString = [nullableKey description];
NSDictionary* dict = [[NSDictionary alloc]
initWithObjectsAndKeys:nullableKeyString, @"value", nil]; // reports here
return dict;
- (NSArray*)createArrayByAddingNilBad {
NSArray* array = @[ [NSObject alloc] ];
return [array arrayByAddingObject:[self nullableMethod]];
- (NSDictionary*)setNullableObjectInDictionaryBad {
NSMutableDictionary* mutableDict = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
[mutableDict setObject:[self nullableMethod] forKey:@"key"]; // reports here
return mutableDict;
- (NSArray*)addNullableObjectInMutableArrayBad {
NSMutableArray* mutableArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
[mutableArray addObject:[self nullableMethod]]; // reports here
return mutableArray;
- (NSArray*)insertNullableObjectInMutableArrayBad {
NSMutableArray* mutableArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
[mutableArray insertObject:[self nullableMethod] atIndex:0]; // reports here
return mutableArray;
- (NSArray*)propagateNullabilityOnMethodCallBad {
NSObject* nullableObject = [self nullableMethod];
NSString* nullableString =
[nullableObject description]; // returns nil if nullableObject is nil
return @[ nullableString ]; // reports here
- (S*)shouldPropagateNullabilityOnPointerTypeBad {
T* nullableT = [self nullableT];
S* s = nullableT.pointerProperty; // returns nil when nullableT is nil
s->x = 42; // reports here
return s;
- (S)shouldNotPropagateNullabilityOnNonPointerTypeGood {
T* nullableT = [self nullableT];
S s =
nullableT.structProperty; // returns an empty struct when nullabeT is nil
s.x = 42; // does not report here
return s;
- (NSArray*)pointerAssignmentWithSubtypeOkay:(NSString*)string {
NSObject* nullableObject = [self nullableMethod];
nullableObject = string;
NSArray* array = @[ nullableObject ]; // does not report here
return array;
- (NSArray*)dereferenceLibraryMethodOk:(L*)object {
NSObject* nullableObject = [object libraryMethod];
NSArray* array = @[ nullableObject ]; // does not report here
return array;
- (NSArray*)dereferenceNullableLibraryMethodBad:(L*)object {
NSObject* nullableObject = [object nullableLibraryMethod];
NSArray* array = @[ nullableObject ]; // reports here
return array;
@protocol P
- (NSObject* _Nullable)nullableMethod;
NSDictionary* callNullableMethodFromProtocolBad(id<P> pObject) {
NSObject* nullableObject = [pObject nullableMethod];
return @{@"key" : nullableObject};