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* Copyright (c) 2016-present, Facebook, Inc.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
open! IStd
module L = Logging
let compilation_db = lazy (CompilationDatabase.from_json_files !Config.clang_compilation_dbs)
(** Given proc_attributes try to produce proc_attributes' where proc_attributes'.is_defined = true
It may trigger capture of extra files to do so and when it does, it waits for
frontend to finish before returning *)
let try_capture (attributes: ProcAttributes.t) : ProcAttributes.t option =
let lazy cdb = compilation_db in
( if Option.is_none (Attributes.load_defined attributes.proc_name) then
let decl_file = attributes.loc.file in
let definition_file_opt = SourceFile.of_header decl_file in
let try_compile definition_file =
(* Use the cfg as a proxy to find out whether definition_file was already captured. If it
was, there is no point in trying to capture it again. Treat existance of the cfg as a
barrier - if it exists it means that all attributes files have been created - write logic
is defined in *)
if not (SourceFiles.is_captured decl_file) then (
L.(debug Capture Verbose) "Started capture of %a...@\n" SourceFile.pp definition_file ;
Timeout.suspend_existing_timeout ~keep_symop_total:true ;
~f:(fun () -> CaptureCompilationDatabase.capture_file_in_database cdb definition_file)
~finally:Timeout.resume_previous_timeout ;
if Config.debug_mode && Option.is_none (Attributes.load_defined attributes.proc_name)
(* peek at the results to know if capture succeeded, but only in debug mode *)
L.(debug Capture Verbose)
"Captured file %a to get procedure %a but it wasn't found there@\n" SourceFile.pp
definition_file Typ.Procname.pp attributes.proc_name )
L.(debug Capture Verbose)
"Wanted to capture file %a to get procedure %a but file was already captured@\n"
SourceFile.pp definition_file Typ.Procname.pp attributes.proc_name
match definition_file_opt with
| None ->
L.(debug Capture Medium)
"Couldn't find source file for %a (declared in %a)@\n" Typ.Procname.pp
attributes.proc_name SourceFile.pp decl_file
| Some file ->
try_compile file ) ;
(* It's important to call load_defined_attributes again in all cases to make sure we try
reading from disk again no matter which condition happened. If previous call to
load_defined_attributes is None, it may mean couple of things:
- proc_name hasn't been captured yet, so it needs to get captured (most likely scenario)
- there was a race and proc_name got captured by the time we checked whether
cfg_filename exists. In this case it's important to refetch attributes from disk because
contents may have changed (attributes file for proc_name may be there now)
Caveat: it's possible that procedure will be captured in some other unrelated file
later - infer may ignore it then. *)
Attributes.load_defined attributes.proc_name