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422 lines
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* Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
open! IStd
module L = Die
type t =
| AnnotationReachability
| Biabduction
| BufferOverrunAnalysis
| BufferOverrunChecker
| ConfigChecksBetweenMarkers
| Cost
| Eradicate
| FragmentRetainsView
| ImmutableCast
| Impurity
| InefficientKeysetIterator
| Linters
| LithoRequiredProps
| Liveness
| LoopHoisting
| NullsafeDeprecated
| PrintfArgs
| Pulse
| PurityAnalysis
| PurityChecker
| Quandary
| RacerD
| ResourceLeakLabExercise
| SelfInBlock
| Starvation
| ToplOnBiabduction
| ToplOnPulse
| Uninit
[@@deriving equal, enumerate]
type support = NoSupport | ExperimentalSupport | Support
(** see .mli for how to fill these *)
type kind =
| UserFacing of {title: string; markdown_body: string}
| UserFacingDeprecated of {title: string; markdown_body: string; deprecation_message: string}
| Internal
| Exercise
type cli_flags = {deprecated: string list; show_in_help: bool}
type config =
{ id: string
; kind: kind
; support: Language.t -> support
; short_documentation: string
; cli_flags: cli_flags option
; enabled_by_default: bool
; activates: t list }
(* support for languages should be consistent with the corresponding
callbacks registered. Or maybe with the issues reported in link
with each analysis. Some runtime check probably needed. *)
let config_unsafe checker =
let supports_clang_and_java _ = Support in
let supports_clang_and_java_experimental _ = ExperimentalSupport in
let supports_clang (language : Language.t) =
match language with Clang -> Support | Java -> NoSupport
let supports_java (language : Language.t) =
match language with Clang -> NoSupport | Java -> Support
match checker with
| AnnotationReachability ->
{ id= "annotation-reachability"
; kind= UserFacing {title= "Annotation Reachability"; markdown_body= ""}
; support= supports_clang_and_java
; short_documentation=
"Given a pair of source and sink annotation, e.g. `@PerformanceCritical` and \
`@Expensive`, this checker will warn whenever some method annotated with \
`@PerformanceCritical` calls, directly or indirectly, another method annotated with \
; cli_flags= Some {deprecated= []; show_in_help= true}
; enabled_by_default= false
; activates= [] }
| Biabduction ->
{ id= "biabduction"
; kind=
{ title= "Biabduction"
; markdown_body=
"Read more about its foundations in the [Separation Logic and Biabduction \
page](separation-logic-and-bi-abduction)." }
; support= supports_clang_and_java
; short_documentation=
"This analysis deals with a range of issues, many linked to memory safety."
; cli_flags= Some {deprecated= []; show_in_help= true}
; enabled_by_default= true
; activates= [] }
| BufferOverrunAnalysis ->
{ id= "bufferoverrun-analysis"
; kind= Internal
; support= supports_clang_and_java
; short_documentation=
"Internal part of the buffer overrun analysis that computes values at each program \
point, automatically triggered when analyses that depend on these are run."
; cli_flags= None
; enabled_by_default= false
; activates= [] }
| BufferOverrunChecker ->
{ id= "bufferoverrun"
; kind=
{ title= "Buffer Overrun Analysis (InferBO)"
; markdown_body=
"You can read about its origins in this [blog \
post](" }
; support= supports_clang_and_java
; short_documentation= "InferBO is a detector for out-of-bounds array accesses."
; cli_flags= Some {deprecated= []; show_in_help= true}
; enabled_by_default= false
; activates= [BufferOverrunAnalysis] }
| ConfigChecksBetweenMarkers ->
{ id= "config-checks-between-markers"
; kind=
{ title= "Config Checks between Markers"
; markdown_body= "This checker is currently only useful for certain Facebook code." }
; support= supports_clang_and_java_experimental
; short_documentation= "[EXPERIMENTAL] Collects config checks between marker start and end."
; cli_flags= Some {deprecated= []; show_in_help= true}
; enabled_by_default= false
; activates= [] }
| Cost ->
{ id= "cost"
; kind=
{ title= "Cost: Runtime Complexity Analysis"
; markdown_body= [%blob "../../documentation/checkers/"] }
; support= supports_clang_and_java
; short_documentation=
"Computes the time complexity of functions and methods. Can be used to detect changes in \
runtime complexity with `infer reportdiff`."
; cli_flags= Some {deprecated= []; show_in_help= true}
; enabled_by_default= false
; activates= [BufferOverrunAnalysis; PurityAnalysis] }
| Eradicate ->
{ id= "eradicate"
; kind=
{title= "Eradicate"; markdown_body= [%blob "../../documentation/checkers/"]}
; support= supports_java
; short_documentation= "The eradicate `@Nullable` checker for Java annotations."
; cli_flags= Some {deprecated= []; show_in_help= true}
; enabled_by_default= false
; activates= [] }
| FragmentRetainsView ->
{ id= "fragment-retains-view"
; kind=
{ title= "Fragment Retains View"
; markdown_body= ""
; deprecation_message= "Unmaintained due to poor precision." }
; support= supports_java
; short_documentation=
"Detects when Android fragments are not explicitly nullified before becoming unreachable."
; cli_flags= Some {deprecated= []; show_in_help= true}
; enabled_by_default= true
; activates= [] }
| ImmutableCast ->
{ id= "immutable-cast"
; kind=
{ title= "Immutable Cast"
; markdown_body=
"Casts flagged by this checker are unsafe because calling mutation operations on \
the cast objects will fail at runtime."
; deprecation_message= "Unmaintained due to poor actionability of the reports." }
; support= supports_java
; short_documentation=
"Detection of object cast from immutable types to mutable types. For instance, it will \
detect casts from `ImmutableList` to `List`, `ImmutableMap` to `Map`, and \
`ImmutableSet` to `Set`."
; cli_flags= Some {deprecated= []; show_in_help= true}
; enabled_by_default= false
; activates= [] }
| Impurity ->
{ id= "impurity"
; kind=
{title= "Impurity"; markdown_body= [%blob "../../documentation/checkers/"]}
; support= supports_clang_and_java_experimental
; short_documentation=
"Detects functions with potential side-effects. Same as \"purity\", but implemented on \
top of Pulse."
; cli_flags= Some {deprecated= []; show_in_help= true}
; enabled_by_default= false
; activates= [Pulse] }
| InefficientKeysetIterator ->
{ id= "inefficient-keyset-iterator"
; kind= UserFacing {title= "Inefficient keySet Iterator"; markdown_body= ""}
; support= supports_java
; short_documentation=
"Check for inefficient uses of iterators that iterate on keys then lookup their values, \
instead of iterating on key-value pairs directly."
; cli_flags= Some {deprecated= []; show_in_help= true}
; enabled_by_default= true
; activates= [] }
| Linters ->
{ id= "linters"
; kind=
{ title= "AST Language (AL)"
; markdown_body= [%blob "../../documentation/checkers/"]
; deprecation_message= "On end-of-life support, may be removed in the future." }
; support= supports_clang
; short_documentation= "Declarative linting framework over the Clang AST."
; cli_flags= Some {deprecated= []; show_in_help= true}
; enabled_by_default= true
; activates= [] }
| LithoRequiredProps ->
{ id= "litho-required-props"
; kind=
{ title= "Litho \"Required Props\""
; markdown_body= [%blob "../../documentation/checkers/"] }
; support= supports_java
; short_documentation=
"Checks that all non-optional `@Prop`s have been specified when constructing Litho \
; cli_flags= Some {deprecated= []; show_in_help= true}
; enabled_by_default= false
; activates= [] }
| Liveness ->
{ id= "liveness"
; kind= UserFacing {title= "Liveness"; markdown_body= ""}
; support= supports_clang
; short_documentation= "Detection of dead stores and unused variables."
; cli_flags= Some {deprecated= []; show_in_help= true}
; enabled_by_default= true
; activates= [] }
| LoopHoisting ->
{ id= "loop-hoisting"
; kind=
{ title= "Loop Hoisting"
; markdown_body= [%blob "../../documentation/checkers/"] }
; support= supports_clang_and_java
; short_documentation=
"Detect opportunities to hoist function calls that are invariant outside of loop bodies \
for efficiency."
; cli_flags= Some {deprecated= []; show_in_help= true}
; enabled_by_default= false
; activates= [BufferOverrunAnalysis; PurityAnalysis] }
| NullsafeDeprecated ->
{ id= "nullsafe"
; kind= Internal
; support= (fun _ -> NoSupport)
; short_documentation=
"[RESERVED] Reserved for nullsafe typechecker, use `--eradicate` for now."
; cli_flags= Some {deprecated= ["-check-nullable"; "-suggest-nullable"]; show_in_help= false}
; enabled_by_default= false
; activates= [] }
| PrintfArgs ->
{ id= "printf-args"
; kind=
{ title= "`printf()` Argument Types"
; markdown_body= ""
; deprecation_message= "Unmaintained." }
; support= supports_java
; short_documentation=
"Detect mismatches between the Java `printf` format strings and the argument types For \
example, this checker will warn about the type error in `printf(\"Hello %d\", \
; cli_flags= Some {deprecated= []; show_in_help= true}
; enabled_by_default= false
; activates= [] }
| Pulse ->
{ id= "pulse"
; kind= UserFacing {title= "Pulse"; markdown_body= ""}
; support= (function Clang -> Support | Java -> ExperimentalSupport)
; short_documentation= "Memory and lifetime analysis."
; cli_flags= Some {deprecated= ["-ownership"]; show_in_help= true}
; enabled_by_default= false
; activates= [] }
| PurityAnalysis ->
{ id= "purity-analysis"
; kind= Internal
; support= supports_clang_and_java_experimental
; short_documentation= "Internal part of the purity checker."
; cli_flags= None
; enabled_by_default= false
; activates= [BufferOverrunAnalysis] }
| PurityChecker ->
{ id= "purity"
; kind=
{title= "Purity"; markdown_body= [%blob "../../documentation/checkers/"]}
; support= supports_clang_and_java_experimental
; short_documentation=
"Detects pure (side-effect-free) functions. A different implementation of \"impurity\"."
; cli_flags= Some {deprecated= []; show_in_help= true}
; enabled_by_default= false
; activates= [PurityAnalysis] }
| Quandary ->
{ id= "quandary"
; kind=
{title= "Quandary"; markdown_body= [%blob "../../documentation/checkers/"]}
; support= supports_clang_and_java
; short_documentation=
"The Quandary taint analysis detects flows of values between sources and sinks, except \
if the value went through a \"sanitizer\". In addition to some defaults, users can \
specify their own sources, sinks, and sanitizers functions."
; cli_flags= Some {deprecated= []; show_in_help= true}
; enabled_by_default= false
; activates= [] }
| RacerD ->
{ id= "racerd"
; kind=
{title= "RacerD"; markdown_body= [%blob "../../documentation/checkers/"]}
; support= supports_clang_and_java
; short_documentation= "Thread safety analysis."
; cli_flags= Some {deprecated= ["-threadsafety"]; show_in_help= true}
; enabled_by_default= true
; activates= [] }
| ResourceLeakLabExercise ->
{ id= "resource-leak-lab"
; kind=
{ title= "Resource Leak Lab Exercise"
; markdown_body=
"This toy checker does nothing by default. Hack on it to make it report resource \
leaks! See the [lab \
; support= (function Clang -> NoSupport | Java -> Support)
; short_documentation=
"Toy checker for the \"resource leak\" write-your-own-checker exercise."
; cli_flags= Some {deprecated= []; show_in_help= false}
; enabled_by_default= false
; activates= [] }
| SIOF ->
{ id= "siof"
; kind= UserFacing {title= "Static Initialization Order Fiasco"; markdown_body= ""}
; support= supports_clang
; short_documentation=
"Catches Static Initialization Order Fiascos in C++, that can lead to subtle, \
compiler-version-dependent errors."
; cli_flags= Some {deprecated= []; show_in_help= true}
; enabled_by_default= true
; activates= [] }
| SelfInBlock ->
{ id= "self-in-block"
; kind= UserFacing {title= "Self in Block"; markdown_body= ""}
; support= supports_clang
; short_documentation=
"An Objective-C-specific analysis to detect when a block captures `self`."
; cli_flags= Some {deprecated= ["-self_in_block"]; show_in_help= true}
; enabled_by_default= true
; activates= [] }
| Starvation ->
{ id= "starvation"
; kind=
{ title= "Starvation"
; markdown_body= [%blob "../../documentation/checkers/"] }
; support= supports_clang_and_java
; short_documentation=
"Detect various kinds of situations when no progress is being made because of \
concurrency errors."
; cli_flags= Some {deprecated= []; show_in_help= true}
; enabled_by_default= true
; activates= [] }
| ToplOnBiabduction ->
{ id= "topl-biabd"
; kind= UserFacing {title= "TOPL"; markdown_body= ""}
; support= supports_clang_and_java_experimental
; short_documentation=
"Detects errors based on user-provided state machines describing multi-object monitors."
; cli_flags= Some {deprecated= []; show_in_help= true}
; enabled_by_default= false
; activates= [Biabduction] }
| ToplOnPulse ->
{ id= "topl-pulse"
; kind= UserFacing {title= "TOPL"; markdown_body= ""}
; support= supports_clang_and_java_experimental
; short_documentation=
"Detects errors based on user-provided state machines describing multi-object monitors."
; cli_flags= Some {deprecated= []; show_in_help= true}
; enabled_by_default= false
; activates= [Pulse] }
| Uninit ->
{ id= "uninit"
; kind= UserFacing {title= "Uninitialized Value"; markdown_body= ""}
; support= supports_clang
; short_documentation= "Warns when values are used before having been initialized."
; cli_flags= Some {deprecated= []; show_in_help= true}
; enabled_by_default= true
; activates= [] }
let config c =
let config = config_unsafe c in
let is_illegal_id_char c = match c with 'a' .. 'z' | '-' -> false | _ -> true in
String.find ~f:is_illegal_id_char
|> Option.iter ~f:(fun c ->
L.die InternalError
"Illegal character '%c' in id: '%s'. Checker ids must be easy to pass on the command \
c ) ;
let get_id c = (config c).id
let from_id id = List.find all ~f:(fun checker -> String.equal (get_id checker) id)