
218 lines
8.1 KiB

# Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
# This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
import itertools
import logging
import os
import util
import tempfile
MODULE_NAME = __name__
MODULE_DESCRIPTION = '''Run analysis of code built with a command like:
gradle [options] [task]
Analysis examples:
infer -- gradle build
infer -- ./gradlew build'''
LANG = ['java']
def gen_instance(*args):
return GradleCapture(*args)
# This creates an empty argparser for the module, which provides only
# description/usage information and no arguments.
create_argparser = util.base_argparser(MODULE_DESCRIPTION, MODULE_NAME)
def extract_filepath(parts):
size = len(parts)
pos = size - 1
while pos >= 0:
path = ' '.join(itertools.islice(parts, pos, None))
if os.path.isfile(path):
return parts[:pos], path
pos -= 1
return parts, None
def pop(the_list):
if len(the_list) > 0:
return the_list.pop()
return None
def extract_argfiles_from_rev(javac_arguments):
"""Extract class names and @argfiles from the reversed list."""
# Reverse the list, so it's in a natural order now
javac_arguments = list(reversed(javac_arguments))
java_opts = []
saved = []
java_arg = pop(javac_arguments)
while java_arg is not None:
if java_arg.startswith('@'):
# Probably got an @argfile
path = ' '.join([java_arg[1:]] + saved)
if os.path.isfile(path):
java_opts.insert(0, '@' + path)
saved = []
# @ at the middle of the path
saved.insert(0, java_arg)
# Either a class name or a part of the @argfile path
saved.insert(0, java_arg)
java_arg = pop(javac_arguments)
# Only class names left
java_opts[0:0] = saved
return java_opts
# Please run the doctests using:
# $ python -m doctest -v
def extract_all(javac_arguments):
"""Extract Java filenames and Javac options from the Javac arguments.
>>> os.path.isfile = lambda s: s[1:].startswith('path/to/')
>>> extract_all([])
{'files': [], 'opts': []}
>>> extract_all(['-opt1', 'optval1', '/path/to/'])
{'files': ['/path/to/'], 'opts': ['-opt1', 'optval1']}
>>> extract_all(['-opt1', 'optval1', '/path/to/a', 'b/'])
{'files': ['/path/to/a b/'], 'opts': ['-opt1', 'optval1']}
>>> extract_all(['-opt1', 'opt', 'val1', '/path/to/'])
{'files': ['/path/to/'], 'opts': ['-opt1', 'opt val1']}
>>> extract_all(['-opt1', '/path/to/a', 'b/c', 'd/', '-opt2'])
{'files': ['/path/to/a b/c d/'], 'opts': ['-opt1', '-opt2']}
>>> extract_all(['-opt1', 'optval1', '-path/to/'])
{'files': ['-path/to/'], 'opts': ['-opt1', 'optval1']}
>>> extract_all(['-opt1', 'optval1', '/path/to/', ''])
{'files': ['/path/to/'], 'opts': ['-opt1', 'optval1']}
>>> extract_all(['undef1', 'undef2'])
{'files': [], 'opts': ['undef1', 'undef2']}
>>> extract_all(['-o', '/path/to/', 'cls.class', '@/path/to/1'])
{'files': ['/path/to/'], 'opts': ['-o', 'cls.class', '@/path/to/1']}
>>> extract_all(['-opt1', 'optval1', '/path/to/', 'cls.class'])
{'files': ['/path/to/'], 'opts': ['-opt1', 'optval1', 'cls.class']}
>>> extract_all(['cls.class', '@/path/to/a', 'b.txt'])
{'files': [], 'opts': ['cls.class', '@/path/to/a b.txt']}
>>> extract_all(['cls.class', '@/path/to/a', '@b.txt'])
{'files': [], 'opts': ['cls.class', '@/path/to/a @b.txt']}
>>> v = extract_all(['-opt1', 'optval1'] * 1000 + ['/path/to/'])
>>> len(v['opts'])
java_files = []
java_opts = []
# Reversed Javac options parameters
rev_opt_params = []
java_arg = pop(javac_arguments)
while java_arg is not None:
if java_arg.endswith('.java'):
# Probably got a file
remainder, path = extract_filepath(javac_arguments + [java_arg])
if path is not None:
javac_arguments = remainder
# The file name can't be in the middle of the option
rev_opt_params = []
# A use-case here: *.java dir as an option parameter
elif java_arg.startswith('-'):
# Got a Javac option
option = [java_arg]
if len(rev_opt_params) > 0:
option.append(' '.join(reversed(rev_opt_params)))
rev_opt_params = []
java_opts[0:0] = option
# Got Javac option parameter
java_arg = pop(javac_arguments)
# We may have class names and @argfiles besides java files and options
return {'files': java_files, 'opts': java_opts}
def normalize(path):
from inferlib import utils
# From Javac docs: If a filename contains embedded spaces,
# put the whole filename in double quotes
quoted_path = path
if ' ' in path:
quoted_path = '"' + path + '"'
return utils.encode(quoted_path)
class GradleCapture:
def __init__(self, args, cmd):
from inferlib import config, utils
self.args = args
# TODO: make the extraction of targets smarter
self.build_cmd = [cmd[0], '--debug'] + cmd[1:]
# That contains javac version as well
version_str = util.run_cmd_ignore_fail([cmd[0], '--version'])
path = os.path.join(self.args.infer_out,
if not os.path.exists(path):
os.mkdir(path)'Running with:\n' + utils.decode(version_str))
def get_infer_commands(self, verbose_output):
from inferlib import config, jwlib
argument_start_pattern = ' Compiler arguments: '
calls = []
seen_build_cmds = set([])
for line in verbose_output.split('\n'):
if argument_start_pattern in line:
content = line.partition(argument_start_pattern)[2].strip()
# if we're building both the debug and release configuration
# and the build commands are identical up to "release/debug",
# only do capture for one set of commands
build_agnostic_cmd = content.replace('release', 'debug')
if build_agnostic_cmd in seen_build_cmds:
arguments = content.split(' ')
# Note: do *not* try to filter out empty strings from the arguments (as was done
# here previously)! It will make compilation commands like
# `javac -classpath '' -Xmaxerrs 1000` fail with "Unrecognized option 1000"
extracted = extract_all(arguments)
java_files = extracted['files']
java_args = extracted['opts']
with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(
delete=False) as sources:
sources.write('\n'.join(map(normalize, java_files)))
java_args.append('@' +
capture = jwlib.create_infer_command(java_args)
return calls
def capture(self):
print('Running and capturing gradle compilation...')
(build_code, (verbose_out, _)) = util.get_build_output(self.build_cmd)
cmds = self.get_infer_commands(verbose_out)
capture_code = util.run_compilation_commands(cmds)
if build_code != os.EX_OK:
return build_code
return capture_code