
410 lines
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* Copyright (c) 2016-present, Facebook, Inc.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
open! IStd
module F = Format
module L = Logging
module AnalysisState = State
type exec_node_schedule_result = ReachedFixPoint | DidNotReachFixPoint
module VisitCount : sig
type t = private int
val first_time : t
val succ : pdesc:Procdesc.t -> t -> t
end = struct
type t = int
let first_time = 1
let succ ~pdesc visit_count =
let visit_count' = visit_count + 1 in
if visit_count' > Config.max_widens then
L.(die InternalError)
"Exceeded max widening threshold %d while analyzing %a. Please check your widening \
operator or increase the threshold"
Config.max_widens Typ.Procname.pp (Procdesc.get_proc_name pdesc) ;
module State = struct
type 'a t = {pre: 'a; post: 'a; visit_count: VisitCount.t}
let pre {pre} = pre
let post {post} = post
(** use this as [pp_instr] everywhere a SIL CFG is expected *)
let pp_sil_instr _ instr =
Some (fun f -> F.fprintf f "@[<h>%a;@]@;" (Sil.pp_instr ~print_types:false Pp.text) instr)
module type S = sig
module TransferFunctions : TransferFunctions.SIL
module InvariantMap = TransferFunctions.CFG.Node.IdMap
type invariant_map = TransferFunctions.Domain.t State.t InvariantMap.t
val compute_post :
-> ?pp_instr:(TransferFunctions.Domain.t -> Sil.instr -> (Format.formatter -> unit) option)
-> TransferFunctions.extras ProcData.t
-> initial:TransferFunctions.Domain.t
-> TransferFunctions.Domain.t option
val exec_cfg :
-> TransferFunctions.CFG.t
-> TransferFunctions.extras ProcData.t
-> initial:TransferFunctions.Domain.t
-> invariant_map
val exec_pdesc :
-> TransferFunctions.extras ProcData.t
-> initial:TransferFunctions.Domain.t
-> invariant_map
val extract_post : InvariantMap.key -> 'a State.t InvariantMap.t -> 'a option
val extract_pre : InvariantMap.key -> 'a State.t InvariantMap.t -> 'a option
val extract_state : InvariantMap.key -> 'a InvariantMap.t -> 'a option
module AbstractInterpreterCommon (TransferFunctions : TransferFunctions.SIL) = struct
module CFG = TransferFunctions.CFG
module Node = CFG.Node
module TransferFunctions = TransferFunctions
module InvariantMap = TransferFunctions.CFG.Node.IdMap
module Domain = TransferFunctions.Domain
type invariant_map = Domain.t State.t InvariantMap.t
(** extract the state of node [n] from [inv_map] *)
let extract_state node_id inv_map = InvariantMap.find_opt node_id inv_map
(** extract the postcondition of node [n] from [inv_map] *)
let extract_post node_id inv_map = extract_state node_id inv_map |>
(** extract the precondition of node [n] from [inv_map] *)
let extract_pre node_id inv_map = extract_state node_id inv_map |> ~f:State.pre
let debug_absint_operation op node =
let pp_name fmt =
TransferFunctions.pp_session_name node fmt ;
match op with
| `Join _ ->
F.pp_print_string fmt " JOIN"
| `Widen (num_iters, _) ->
F.fprintf fmt " WIDEN(num_iters= %d)" num_iters
let underlying_node = Node.underlying_node node in
NodePrinter.start_session ~pp_name underlying_node ;
let left, right, result = match op with `Join lrr | `Widen (_, lrr) -> lrr in
let pp_right f =
if phys_equal right left then F.pp_print_string f "= LEFT" else Domain.pp f right
let pp_result f =
if phys_equal result left then F.pp_print_string f "= LEFT"
else if phys_equal result right then F.pp_print_string f "= RIGHT"
else Domain.pp f result
L.d_printfln_escaped "LEFT: %a@.RIGHT: %t@.RESULT: %t@." Domain.pp left pp_right pp_result ;
NodePrinter.finish_session underlying_node
(** reference to log errors only at the innermost recursive call *)
let logged_error = ref false
let dump_html ~pp_instr pre instr post_result =
let pp_post_error f (exn, _, instr) =
F.fprintf f "Analysis stopped in `%a` by error: %a."
(Sil.pp_instr ~print_types:false Pp.text)
instr Exn.pp exn
let pp_post f post =
match post with
| Ok astate_post ->
if phys_equal astate_post pre then F.pp_print_string f "STATE UNCHANGED"
else F.fprintf f "STATE:@\n@[%a@]" Domain.pp astate_post
| Error err ->
pp_post_error f err
let pp_all f =
(* we pass [pre] to [pp_instr] because HIL needs it to interpret temporary variables *)
match (pp_instr pre instr, post_result) with
| None, Ok _ ->
| None, Error err ->
pp_post_error f err
| Some pp_instr, _ ->
Format.fprintf f "@[<h>INSTR= %t@]@\n@\n%a@\n" pp_instr pp_post post_result
L.d_printfln_escaped "%t" pp_all
let exec_instrs ~pp_instr proc_data node node_id ~visit_count pre inv_map =
let instrs = CFG.instrs node in
if Config.write_html then
~pp_name:(TransferFunctions.pp_session_name node)
(Node.underlying_node node) ;
let post =
if Config.write_html then L.d_printfln_escaped "PRE STATE:@\n@[%a@]@\n" Domain.pp pre ;
let compute_post pre instr =
AnalysisState.set_instr instr ;
let result =
let post = TransferFunctions.exec_instr pre proc_data node instr in
(* don't forget to reset this so we output messages for future errors too *)
logged_error := false ;
Ok post
with exn ->
(* delay reraising to get a chance to write the debug HTML *)
let backtrace = Caml.Printexc.get_raw_backtrace () in
Error (exn, backtrace, instr)
if Config.write_html then dump_html ~pp_instr pre instr result ;
if Instrs.is_empty instrs then
(* hack to ensure that we call `exec_instr` on a node even if it has no instructions *)
compute_post pre Sil.skip_instr
Instrs.fold ~init:(Ok pre) instrs ~f:(fun astate_result instr ->
Result.bind astate_result ~f:(fun astate -> compute_post astate instr) )
if Config.write_html then NodePrinter.finish_session (Node.underlying_node node) ;
match post with
| Ok astate_post ->
InvariantMap.add node_id {State.pre; post= astate_post; visit_count} inv_map
| Error (AbstractDomain.Stop_analysis, _, _) ->
raise_notrace AbstractDomain.Stop_analysis
| Error (exn, backtrace, instr) ->
if not !logged_error then (
L.internal_error "In instruction %a@\n" (Sil.pp_instr ~print_types:true Pp.text) instr ;
logged_error := true ) ;
Caml.Printexc.raise_with_backtrace exn backtrace
(* Note on narrowing operations: we defines the narrowing operations simply to take a smaller one.
So, as of now, the termination of narrowing is not guaranteed in general. *)
let exec_node ~pp_instr ({ProcData.pdesc} as proc_data) node ~is_loop_head ~is_narrowing
astate_pre inv_map =
let node_id = node in
let update_inv_map pre ~visit_count =
let inv_map' = exec_instrs ~pp_instr proc_data node node_id ~visit_count pre inv_map in
(inv_map', DidNotReachFixPoint)
if InvariantMap.mem node_id inv_map then
let old_state = InvariantMap.find node_id inv_map in
let new_pre =
if is_loop_head && not is_narrowing then (
let num_iters = (old_state.State.visit_count :> int) in
let prev = old_state.State.pre in
let next = astate_pre in
let res = Domain.widen ~prev ~next ~num_iters in
if Config.write_html then
debug_absint_operation (`Widen (num_iters, (prev, next, res))) node ;
res )
else astate_pre
if is_narrowing then
(old_state.State.visit_count :> int) > Config.max_narrows
|| Domain.( <= ) ~lhs:old_state.State.pre ~rhs:new_pre
else Domain.( <= ) ~lhs:new_pre ~rhs:old_state.State.pre
then (inv_map, ReachedFixPoint)
else if is_narrowing && not (Domain.( <= ) ~lhs:new_pre ~rhs:old_state.State.pre) then (
L.(debug Analysis Verbose)
"Terminate narrowing because old and new states are not comparable at %a:%a@."
Typ.Procname.pp (Procdesc.get_proc_name pdesc) Node.pp_id node_id ;
(inv_map, ReachedFixPoint) )
let visit_count' = VisitCount.succ ~pdesc old_state.State.visit_count in
update_inv_map new_pre ~visit_count:visit_count'
(* first time visiting this node *)
update_inv_map astate_pre ~visit_count:VisitCount.first_time
let compute_pre cfg node inv_map =
let extract_post_ pred = extract_post ( pred) inv_map in
CFG.fold_preds cfg node ~init:None ~f:(fun joined_post_opt pred ->
match extract_post_ pred with
| None ->
| Some post as some_post -> (
match joined_post_opt with
| None ->
| Some joined_post ->
let res = Domain.join joined_post post in
if Config.write_html then
debug_absint_operation (`Join (joined_post, post, res)) node ;
Some res ) )
(** compute and return an invariant map for [pdesc] *)
let make_exec_pdesc ~exec_cfg_internal ({ProcData.pdesc} as proc_data) ~do_narrowing ~initial =
exec_cfg_internal ~pp_instr:pp_sil_instr (CFG.from_pdesc pdesc) proc_data ~do_narrowing
(** compute and return the postcondition of [pdesc] *)
let make_compute_post ~exec_cfg_internal ?(pp_instr = pp_sil_instr)
({ProcData.pdesc} as proc_data) ~do_narrowing ~initial =
let cfg = CFG.from_pdesc pdesc in
let inv_map = exec_cfg_internal ~pp_instr cfg proc_data ~do_narrowing ~initial in
extract_post ( (CFG.exit_node cfg)) inv_map
module MakeWithScheduler
(Scheduler : Scheduler.S)
(TransferFunctions : TransferFunctions.SIL with module CFG = Scheduler.CFG) =
include AbstractInterpreterCommon (TransferFunctions)
let rec exec_worklist ~pp_instr cfg ({ProcData.pdesc} as proc_data) work_queue inv_map =
match Scheduler.pop work_queue with
| Some (_, [], work_queue') ->
exec_worklist ~pp_instr cfg proc_data work_queue' inv_map
| Some (node, _, work_queue') ->
let inv_map_post, work_queue_post =
match compute_pre cfg node inv_map with
| Some astate_pre -> (
let is_loop_head = CFG.is_loop_head pdesc node in
exec_node ~pp_instr proc_data node ~is_loop_head ~is_narrowing:false astate_pre
| inv_map, ReachedFixPoint ->
(inv_map, work_queue')
| inv_map, DidNotReachFixPoint ->
(inv_map, Scheduler.schedule_succs work_queue' node) )
| None ->
(inv_map, work_queue')
exec_worklist ~pp_instr cfg proc_data work_queue_post inv_map_post
| None ->
(* compute and return an invariant map for [cfg] *)
let exec_cfg_internal ~pp_instr cfg proc_data ~do_narrowing:_ ~initial =
let start_node = CFG.start_node cfg in
let inv_map, _did_not_reach_fix_point =
exec_node ~pp_instr proc_data start_node ~is_loop_head:false ~is_narrowing:false initial
let work_queue = Scheduler.schedule_succs (Scheduler.empty cfg) start_node in
exec_worklist ~pp_instr cfg proc_data work_queue inv_map
let exec_cfg ?do_narrowing:_ = exec_cfg_internal ~pp_instr:pp_sil_instr ~do_narrowing:false
let exec_pdesc ?do_narrowing:_ = make_exec_pdesc ~exec_cfg_internal ~do_narrowing:false
let compute_post ?do_narrowing:_ = make_compute_post ~exec_cfg_internal ~do_narrowing:false
module MakeUsingWTO (TransferFunctions : TransferFunctions.SIL) = struct
include AbstractInterpreterCommon (TransferFunctions)
let debug_wto wto node =
let pp_name fmt =
TransferFunctions.pp_session_name node fmt ;
F.pp_print_string fmt " WEAK TOPOLOGICAL ORDER"
let underlying_node = Node.underlying_node node in
NodePrinter.start_session ~pp_name underlying_node ;
let pp_node fmt node = node |> |> Node.pp_id fmt in
L.d_printfln "%a" (WeakTopologicalOrder.Partition.pp ~pp_node) wto ;
let loop_heads =
wto |> IContainer.to_rev_list ~fold:WeakTopologicalOrder.Partition.fold_heads |> List.rev
L.d_printfln "Loop heads: %a" (Pp.seq pp_node) loop_heads ;
NodePrinter.finish_session underlying_node
let exec_wto_node ~pp_instr cfg proc_data inv_map node ~is_loop_head ~is_narrowing =
match compute_pre cfg node inv_map with
| Some astate_pre ->
exec_node ~pp_instr proc_data node ~is_loop_head ~is_narrowing astate_pre inv_map
| None ->
L.(die InternalError) "Could not compute the pre of a node"
let rec exec_wto_component ~pp_instr cfg proc_data inv_map head ~is_loop_head ~is_narrowing rest
match exec_wto_node ~pp_instr cfg proc_data inv_map head ~is_loop_head ~is_narrowing with
| inv_map, ReachedFixPoint ->
| inv_map, DidNotReachFixPoint ->
let inv_map = exec_wto_partition ~pp_instr cfg proc_data ~is_narrowing inv_map rest in
exec_wto_component ~pp_instr cfg proc_data inv_map head ~is_loop_head:true ~is_narrowing
and exec_wto_partition ~pp_instr cfg proc_data ~is_narrowing inv_map
(partition : CFG.Node.t WeakTopologicalOrder.Partition.t) =
match partition with
| Empty ->
| Node {node; next} ->
let inv_map =
exec_wto_node ~pp_instr cfg proc_data ~is_narrowing inv_map node ~is_loop_head:false
|> fst
exec_wto_partition ~pp_instr cfg proc_data ~is_narrowing inv_map next
| Component {head; rest; next} ->
let inv_map =
exec_wto_component ~pp_instr cfg proc_data inv_map head ~is_loop_head:false ~is_narrowing
exec_wto_partition ~pp_instr cfg proc_data ~is_narrowing inv_map next
let exec_cfg_internal ~pp_instr cfg proc_data ~do_narrowing ~initial =
let wto = CFG.wto cfg in
let exec_cfg ~is_narrowing inv_map =
match wto with
| Empty ->
inv_map (* empty cfg *)
| Node {node= start_node; next} as wto ->
if Config.write_html then debug_wto wto start_node ;
let inv_map, _did_not_reach_fix_point =
exec_node ~pp_instr proc_data start_node ~is_loop_head:false ~is_narrowing initial
exec_wto_partition ~pp_instr cfg proc_data ~is_narrowing inv_map next
| Component _ ->
L.(die InternalError) "Did not expect the start node to be part of a loop"
let inv_map = exec_cfg ~is_narrowing:false InvariantMap.empty in
if do_narrowing then exec_cfg ~is_narrowing:true inv_map else inv_map
let exec_cfg ?(do_narrowing = false) = exec_cfg_internal ~pp_instr:pp_sil_instr ~do_narrowing
let exec_pdesc ?(do_narrowing = false) = make_exec_pdesc ~exec_cfg_internal ~do_narrowing
let compute_post ?(do_narrowing = false) = make_compute_post ~exec_cfg_internal ~do_narrowing
module type Make = functor (TransferFunctions : TransferFunctions.SIL) -> S
with module TransferFunctions = TransferFunctions
module MakeRPO (T : TransferFunctions.SIL) =
MakeWithScheduler (Scheduler.ReversePostorder (T.CFG)) (T)
module MakeWTO (T : TransferFunctions.SIL) = MakeUsingWTO (T)