* Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
open! IStd
module F = Format
module L = Logging
module SatUnsat = PulseSatUnsat
module Var = PulseAbstractValue
open SatUnsat
type operand = LiteralOperand of IntLit.t | AbstractValueOperand of Var.t
(** {!Q} from zarith with a few convenience functions added *)
module Q = struct
include Q
let not_equal q1 q2 = not (Q.equal q1 q2)
let is_one q = Q.equal q Q.one
let is_minus_one q = Q.equal q Q.minus_one
let is_zero q = Q.equal q Q.zero
let is_not_zero q = not (is_zero q)
let conv_protect f q = try Some (f q) with Division_by_zero | Z.Overflow -> None
let to_int q = conv_protect Q.to_int q
let to_int64 q = conv_protect Q.to_int64 q
let to_bigint q = conv_protect Q.to_bigint q
type z = Z.t
let yojson_of_z z = `String (Z.to_string z)
type _q = t = {num: z; den: z} [@@deriving yojson_of]
let yojson_of_t = [%yojson_of: _q]
(** Linear Arithmetic *)
module LinArith : sig
(** linear combination of variables, eg [2·x + 3/4·y + 12] *)
type t [@@deriving compare, yojson_of, equal]
type subst_target = QSubst of Q.t | VarSubst of Var.t | LinSubst of t
val pp : (F.formatter -> Var.t -> unit) -> F.formatter -> t -> unit
val is_zero : t -> bool
val add : t -> t -> t
val minus : t -> t
val subtract : t -> t -> t
val mult : Q.t -> t -> t
val solve_eq : t -> t -> (Var.t * t) option SatUnsat.t
(** [solve_eq l1 l2] is [Sat (Some (x, l))] if [l1=l2 <=> x=l], [Sat None] if [l1 = l2] is always
true, and [Unsat] if it is always false *)
val of_q : Q.t -> t
val of_var : Var.t -> t
val get_as_const : t -> Q.t option
(** [get_as_const l] is [Some c] if [l=c], else [None] *)
val get_as_var : t -> Var.t option
(** [get_as_var l] is [Some x] if [l=x], else [None] *)
val has_var : Var.t -> t -> bool
val subst : Var.t -> Var.t -> t -> t
val get_variables : t -> Var.t Seq.t
val fold_subst_variables : t -> init:'a -> f:('a -> Var.t -> 'a * subst_target) -> 'a * t
val subst_variables : t -> f:(Var.t -> subst_target) -> t
end = struct
(** invariant: the representation is always "canonical": coefficients cannot be [Q.zero] *)
type t = Q.t * Q.t Var.Map.t [@@deriving compare, equal]
let yojson_of_t (c, vs) = `List [Var.Map.yojson_of_t Q.yojson_of_t vs; Q.yojson_of_t c]
type subst_target = QSubst of Q.t | VarSubst of Var.t | LinSubst of t
let pp pp_var fmt (c, vs) =
if Var.Map.is_empty vs then Q.pp_print fmt c
let pp_c fmt c =
if Q.is_zero c then ()
let plusminus, c_pos = if Q.geq c Q.zero then ('+', c) else ('-', Q.neg c) in
F.fprintf fmt " %c%a" plusminus Q.pp_print c_pos
let pp_coeff fmt q =
if Q.is_one q then ()
else if Q.is_minus_one q then F.pp_print_string fmt "-"
else F.fprintf fmt "%a·" Q.pp_print q
let pp_vs fmt vs =
Pp.collection ~sep:" + "
~fold:(IContainer.fold_of_pervasives_map_fold Var.Map.fold)
~pp_item:(fun fmt (v, q) -> F.fprintf fmt "%a%a" pp_coeff q pp_var v)
fmt vs
F.fprintf fmt "@[<h>%a%a@]" pp_vs vs pp_c c
let add (c1, vs1) (c2, vs2) =
( Q.add c1 c2
, Var.Map.union
(fun _v c1 c2 ->
let c = Q.add c1 c2 in
if Q.is_zero c then None else Some c )
vs1 vs2 )
let minus (c, vs) = (Q.neg c, Var.Map.map (fun c -> Q.neg c) vs)
let subtract l1 l2 = add l1 (minus l2)
let zero = (Q.zero, Var.Map.empty)
let is_zero (c, vs) = Q.is_zero c && Var.Map.is_empty vs
let mult q ((c, vs) as l) =
if Q.is_zero q then (* needed for correction: coeffs cannot be zero *) zero
else if Q.is_one q then (* purely an optimisation *) l
else (Q.mul q c, Var.Map.map (fun c -> Q.mul q c) vs)
let solve_eq_zero (c, vs) =
match Var.Map.min_binding_opt vs with
| None ->
if Q.is_zero c then Sat None else Unsat
| Some (x, coeff) ->
let d = Q.neg coeff in
let vs' =
(fun v' coeff' vs' ->
if Var.equal v' x then vs' else Var.Map.add v' (Q.div coeff' d) vs' )
vs Var.Map.empty
let c' = Q.div c d in
Sat (Some (x, (c', vs')))
let solve_eq l1 l2 = solve_eq_zero (subtract l1 l2)
let of_var v = (Q.zero, Var.Map.singleton v Q.one)
let of_q q = (q, Var.Map.empty)
let get_as_const (c, vs) = if Var.Map.is_empty vs then Some c else None
let get_as_var (c, vs) =
if Q.is_zero c then
match Var.Map.is_singleton_or_more vs with
| Singleton (x, cx) when Q.is_one cx ->
Some x
| _ ->
else None
let has_var x (_, vs) = Var.Map.mem x vs
let subst x y ((c, vs) as l) =
match Var.Map.find_opt x vs with
| None ->
| Some cx ->
let vs' = Var.Map.remove x vs |> Var.Map.add y cx in
(c, vs')
let of_subst_target = function QSubst q -> of_q q | VarSubst v -> of_var v | LinSubst l -> l
let fold_subst_variables ((c, vs_foreign) as l0) ~init ~f =
let changed = ref false in
let acc_f, l' =
(fun v_foreign q0 (acc_f, l) ->
let acc_f, op = f acc_f v_foreign in
(match op with VarSubst v when Var.equal v v_foreign -> () | _ -> changed := true) ;
(acc_f, add (mult q0 (of_subst_target op)) l) )
(init, (c, Var.Map.empty))
let l' = if !changed then l' else l0 in
(acc_f, l')
let subst_variables l ~f = fold_subst_variables l ~init:() ~f:(fun () v -> ((), f v)) |> snd
let get_variables (_, vs) = Var.Map.to_seq vs |> Seq.map fst
type subst_target = LinArith.subst_target =
| QSubst of Q.t
| VarSubst of Var.t
| LinSubst of LinArith.t
(** Expressive term structure to be able to express all of SIL, but the main smarts of the formulas
are for the equality between variables and linear arithmetic subsets. Terms (and atoms, below)
are kept as a last-resort for when outside that fragment. *)
module Term = struct
type t =
| Const of Q.t
| Var of Var.t
| Linear of LinArith.t
| Add of t * t
| Minus of t
| LessThan of t * t
| LessEqual of t * t
| Equal of t * t
| NotEqual of t * t
| Mult of t * t
| Div of t * t
| And of t * t
| Or of t * t
| Not of t
| Mod of t * t
| BitAnd of t * t
| BitOr of t * t
| BitNot of t
| BitShiftLeft of t * t
| BitShiftRight of t * t
| BitXor of t * t
[@@deriving compare, equal, yojson_of]
let equal_syntax = [%compare.equal: t]
let needs_paren = function
| Const c when Q.geq c Q.zero && Z.equal (Q.den c) Z.one ->
(* nonnegative integer *)
| Const _ ->
(* negative and/or a fraction *) true
| Var _ ->
| Linear _ ->
| Minus _
| BitNot _
| Not _
| Add _
| Mult _
| Div _
| Mod _
| BitAnd _
| BitOr _
| BitShiftLeft _
| BitShiftRight _
| BitXor _
| And _
| Or _
| LessThan _
| LessEqual _
| Equal _
| NotEqual _ ->
let rec pp_paren pp_var ~needs_paren fmt t =
if needs_paren t then F.fprintf fmt "(%a)" (pp_no_paren pp_var) t else pp_no_paren pp_var fmt t
and pp_no_paren pp_var fmt = function
| Var v ->
pp_var fmt v
| Const c ->
Q.pp_print fmt c
| Linear l ->
F.fprintf fmt "[%a]" (LinArith.pp pp_var) l
| Minus t ->
F.fprintf fmt "-%a" (pp_paren pp_var ~needs_paren) t
| BitNot t ->
F.fprintf fmt "BitNot%a" (pp_paren pp_var ~needs_paren) t
| Not t ->
F.fprintf fmt "¬%a" (pp_paren pp_var ~needs_paren) t
| Add (t1, Minus t2) ->
F.fprintf fmt "%a-%a" (pp_paren pp_var ~needs_paren) t1 (pp_paren pp_var ~needs_paren) t2
| Add (t1, t2) ->
F.fprintf fmt "%a+%a" (pp_paren pp_var ~needs_paren) t1 (pp_paren pp_var ~needs_paren) t2
| Mult (t1, t2) ->
F.fprintf fmt "%a×%a" (pp_paren pp_var ~needs_paren) t1 (pp_paren pp_var ~needs_paren) t2
| Div (t1, t2) ->
F.fprintf fmt "%a÷%a" (pp_paren pp_var ~needs_paren) t1 (pp_paren pp_var ~needs_paren) t2
| Mod (t1, t2) ->
F.fprintf fmt "%a mod %a" (pp_paren pp_var ~needs_paren) t1 (pp_paren pp_var ~needs_paren)
| BitAnd (t1, t2) ->
F.fprintf fmt "%a&%a" (pp_paren pp_var ~needs_paren) t1 (pp_paren pp_var ~needs_paren) t2
| BitOr (t1, t2) ->
F.fprintf fmt "%a|%a" (pp_paren pp_var ~needs_paren) t1 (pp_paren pp_var ~needs_paren) t2
| BitShiftLeft (t1, t2) ->
F.fprintf fmt "%a<<%a" (pp_paren pp_var ~needs_paren) t1 (pp_paren pp_var ~needs_paren) t2
| BitShiftRight (t1, t2) ->
F.fprintf fmt "%a>>%a" (pp_paren pp_var ~needs_paren) t1 (pp_paren pp_var ~needs_paren) t2
| BitXor (t1, t2) ->
F.fprintf fmt "%a xor %a" (pp_paren pp_var ~needs_paren) t1 (pp_paren pp_var ~needs_paren)
| And (t1, t2) ->
F.fprintf fmt "%a∧%a" (pp_paren pp_var ~needs_paren) t1 (pp_paren pp_var ~needs_paren) t2
| Or (t1, t2) ->
F.fprintf fmt "%a∨%a" (pp_paren pp_var ~needs_paren) t1 (pp_paren pp_var ~needs_paren) t2
| LessThan (t1, t2) ->
F.fprintf fmt "%a<%a" (pp_paren pp_var ~needs_paren) t1 (pp_paren pp_var ~needs_paren) t2
| LessEqual (t1, t2) ->
F.fprintf fmt "%a≤%a" (pp_paren pp_var ~needs_paren) t1 (pp_paren pp_var ~needs_paren) t2
| Equal (t1, t2) ->
F.fprintf fmt "%a=%a" (pp_paren pp_var ~needs_paren) t1 (pp_paren pp_var ~needs_paren) t2
| NotEqual (t1, t2) ->
F.fprintf fmt "%a≠%a" (pp_paren pp_var ~needs_paren) t1 (pp_paren pp_var ~needs_paren) t2
let of_q q = Const q
let of_operand = function
| AbstractValueOperand v ->
Var v
| LiteralOperand i ->
IntLit.to_big_int i |> Q.of_bigint |> of_q
let of_subst_target = function QSubst q -> of_q q | VarSubst v -> Var v | LinSubst l -> Linear l
let one = of_q Q.one
let zero = of_q Q.zero
let of_bool b = if b then one else zero
let of_unop (unop : Unop.t) t =
match unop with Neg -> Minus t | BNot -> BitNot t | LNot -> Not t
let of_binop (bop : Binop.t) t1 t2 =
match bop with
| PlusA _ | PlusPI ->
Add (t1, t2)
| MinusA _ | MinusPI | MinusPP ->
Add (t1, Minus t2)
| Mult _ ->
Mult (t1, t2)
| Div ->
Div (t1, t2)
| Mod ->
Mod (t1, t2)
| Shiftlt ->
BitShiftLeft (t1, t2)
| Shiftrt ->
BitShiftRight (t1, t2)
| Lt ->
LessThan (t1, t2)
| Gt ->
LessThan (t2, t1)
| Le ->
LessEqual (t1, t2)
| Ge ->
LessEqual (t2, t1)
| Eq ->
Equal (t1, t2)
| Ne ->
NotEqual (t1, t2)
| BAnd ->
BitAnd (t1, t2)
| BXor ->
BitXor (t1, t2)
| BOr ->
BitOr (t1, t2)
| LAnd ->
And (t1, t2)
| LOr ->
Or (t1, t2)
let is_zero = function Const c -> Q.is_zero c | _ -> false
let is_non_zero_const = function Const c -> Q.is_not_zero c | _ -> false
(** Fold [f] on the strict sub-terms of [t], if any. Preserve physical equality if [f] does. *)
let fold_map_direct_subterms t ~init ~f =
match t with
| Var _ | Const _ | Linear _ ->
(init, t)
| Minus t_not | BitNot t_not | Not t_not ->
let acc, t_not' = f init t_not in
let t' =
if phys_equal t_not t_not' then t
match[@warning "-8"] t with
| Minus _ ->
Minus t_not'
| BitNot _ ->
BitNot t_not'
| Not _ ->
Not t_not'
(acc, t')
| Add (t1, t2)
| Mult (t1, t2)
| Div (t1, t2)
| Mod (t1, t2)
| BitAnd (t1, t2)
| BitOr (t1, t2)
| BitShiftLeft (t1, t2)
| BitShiftRight (t1, t2)
| BitXor (t1, t2)
| And (t1, t2)
| Or (t1, t2)
| LessThan (t1, t2)
| LessEqual (t1, t2)
| Equal (t1, t2)
| NotEqual (t1, t2) ->
let acc, t1' = f init t1 in
let acc, t2' = f acc t2 in
let t' =
if phys_equal t1 t1' && phys_equal t2 t2' then t
match[@warning "-8"] t with
| Add _ ->
Add (t1', t2')
| Mult _ ->
Mult (t1', t2')
| Div _ ->
Div (t1', t2')
| Mod _ ->
Mod (t1', t2')
| BitAnd _ ->
BitAnd (t1', t2')
| BitOr _ ->
BitOr (t1', t2')
| BitShiftLeft _ ->
BitShiftLeft (t1', t2')
| BitShiftRight _ ->
BitShiftRight (t1', t2')
| BitXor _ ->
BitXor (t1', t2')
| And _ ->
And (t1', t2')
| Or _ ->
Or (t1', t2')
| LessThan _ ->
LessThan (t1', t2')
| LessEqual _ ->
LessEqual (t1', t2')
| Equal _ ->
Equal (t1', t2')
| NotEqual _ ->
NotEqual (t1', t2')
(acc, t')
let map_direct_subterms t ~f =
fold_map_direct_subterms t ~init:() ~f:(fun () t' -> ((), f t')) |> snd
let rec fold_subst_variables t ~init ~f =
match t with
| Var v ->
let acc, op = f init v in
let t' = match op with VarSubst v' when Var.equal v v' -> t | _ -> of_subst_target op in
(acc, t')
| Linear l ->
let acc, l' = LinArith.fold_subst_variables l ~init ~f in
let t' = if phys_equal l l' then t else Linear l' in
(acc, t')
| _ ->
fold_map_direct_subterms t ~init ~f:(fun acc t' -> fold_subst_variables t' ~init:acc ~f)
let fold_variables t ~init ~f =
fold_subst_variables t ~init ~f:(fun acc v -> (f acc v, VarSubst v)) |> fst
let iter_variables t ~f = fold_variables t ~init:() ~f:(fun () v -> f v)
let subst_variables t ~f = fold_subst_variables t ~init:() ~f:(fun () v -> ((), f v)) |> snd
let has_var_notin vars t =
Container.exists t ~iter:iter_variables ~f:(fun v -> not (Var.Set.mem v vars))
(** reduce to a constant when the direct sub-terms are constants *)
let eval_const_shallow t0 =
let map_const t f = match t with Const c -> f c | _ -> t0 in
let map_const2 t1 t2 f = match (t1, t2) with Const c1, Const c2 -> f c1 c2 | _ -> t0 in
let q_map t q_f = map_const t (fun c -> Const (q_f c)) in
let q_map2 t1 t2 q_f = map_const2 t1 t2 (fun c1 c2 -> Const (q_f c1 c2)) in
let q_predicate_map t q_f = map_const t (fun c -> q_f c |> of_bool) in
let q_predicate_map2 t1 t2 q_f = map_const2 t1 t2 (fun c1 c2 -> q_f c1 c2 |> of_bool) in
let conv2 conv1 conv2 conv_back c1 c2 f =
let open IOption.Let_syntax in
let* i1 = conv1 c1 in
let+ i2 = conv2 c2 in
f i1 i2 |> conv_back
let map_i64_i64 = conv2 Q.to_int64 Q.to_int64 Q.of_int64 in
let map_i64_i = conv2 Q.to_int64 Q.to_int Q.of_int64 in
let map_z_z = conv2 Q.to_bigint Q.to_bigint Q.of_bigint in
let or_undef q_opt = Option.value ~default:Q.undef q_opt in
match t0 with
| Const _ | Var _ ->
| Linear l ->
LinArith.get_as_const l |> Option.value_map ~default:t0 ~f:(fun c -> Const c)
| Minus t' ->
q_map t' Q.(mul minus_one)
| Add (t1, t2) ->
q_map2 t1 t2 Q.add
| BitNot t' ->
q_map t' (fun c ->
let open Option.Monad_infix in
Q.to_int64 c >>| Int64.bit_not >>| Q.of_int64 |> or_undef )
| Mult (t1, t2) ->
q_map2 t1 t2 Q.mul
| Div (t1, t2) ->
q_map2 t1 t2 Q.div
| Mod (t1, t2) ->
q_map2 t1 t2 (fun c1 c2 -> map_z_z c1 c2 Z.( mod ) |> or_undef)
| Not t' ->
q_predicate_map t' Q.is_zero
| And (t1, t2) ->
map_const2 t1 t2 (fun c1 c2 -> of_bool (Q.is_not_zero c1 && Q.is_not_zero c2))
| Or (t1, t2) ->
map_const2 t1 t2 (fun c1 c2 -> of_bool (Q.is_not_zero c1 || Q.is_not_zero c2))
| LessThan (t1, t2) ->
q_predicate_map2 t1 t2 Q.lt
| LessEqual (t1, t2) ->
q_predicate_map2 t1 t2 Q.leq
| Equal (t1, t2) ->
q_predicate_map2 t1 t2 Q.equal
| NotEqual (t1, t2) ->
q_predicate_map2 t1 t2 Q.not_equal
| BitAnd (t1, t2)
| BitOr (t1, t2)
| BitShiftLeft (t1, t2)
| BitShiftRight (t1, t2)
| BitXor (t1, t2) ->
q_map2 t1 t2 (fun c1 c2 ->
match[@warning "-8"] t0 with
| BitAnd _ ->
map_i64_i64 c1 c2 Int64.bit_and |> or_undef
| BitOr _ ->
map_i64_i64 c1 c2 Int64.bit_or |> or_undef
| BitShiftLeft _ ->
map_i64_i c1 c2 Int64.shift_left |> or_undef
| BitShiftRight _ ->
map_i64_i c1 c2 Int64.shift_right |> or_undef
| BitXor _ ->
map_i64_i64 c1 c2 Int64.bit_xor |> or_undef )
let rec simplify_shallow t =
match t with
| Var _ | Const _ ->
| Minus (Minus t) ->
(* [--t = t] *)
| BitNot (BitNot t) ->
(* [~~t = t] *)
| Add (Const c, t) when Q.is_zero c ->
(* [0 + t = t] *)
| Add (t, Const c) when Q.is_zero c ->
(* [t + 0 = t] *)
| Mult (Const c, t) when Q.is_one c ->
(* [1 × t = t] *)
| Mult (t, Const c) when Q.is_one c ->
(* [t × 1 = t] *)
| Mult (Const c, _) when Q.is_zero c ->
(* [0 × t = 0] *)
| Mult (_, Const c) when Q.is_zero c ->
(* [t × 0 = 0] *)
| Div (Const c, _) when Q.is_zero c ->
(* [0 / t = 0] *)
| Div (_, Const c) when Q.is_zero c ->
(* [t / 0 = undefined] *)
Const Q.undef
| Div (t, Const c) ->
(* [t / c = (1/c)·t] *)
simplify_shallow (Mult (Const (Q.inv c), t))
| Div (Minus t1, Minus t2) ->
(* [(-t1) / (-t2) = t1 / t2] *)
simplify_shallow (Div (t1, t2))
| Div (t1, t2) when equal_syntax t1 t2 ->
(* [t / t = 1] *)
| Mod (Const c, _) when Q.is_zero c ->
(* [0 % t = 0] *)
| Mod (_, Const q) when Q.is_one q ->
(* [t % 1 = 0] *)
| Mod (t1, t2) when equal_syntax t1 t2 ->
(* [t % t = 0] *)
| BitAnd (t1, t2) when is_zero t1 || is_zero t2 ->
| BitXor (t1, t2) when equal_syntax t1 t2 ->
| (BitShiftLeft (t1, _) | BitShiftRight (t1, _)) when is_zero t1 ->
| (BitShiftLeft (t1, t2) | BitShiftRight (t1, t2)) when is_zero t2 ->
| And (t1, t2) when is_zero t1 || is_zero t2 ->
(* [false ∧ t = t ∧ false = false] *) zero
| And (t1, t2) when is_non_zero_const t1 ->
(* [true ∧ t = t] *) t2
| And (t1, t2) when is_non_zero_const t2 ->
(* [t ∧ true = t] *) t1
| Or (t1, t2) when is_non_zero_const t1 || is_non_zero_const t2 ->
(* [true ∨ t = t ∨ true = true] *) one
| Or (t1, t2) when is_zero t1 ->
(* [false ∨ t = t] *) t2
| Or (t1, t2) when is_zero t2 ->
(* [t ∨ false = t] *) t1
| _ ->
(** more or less syntactic attempt at detecting when an arbitrary term is a linear formula; call
{!Atom.eval_term} first for best results *)
let linearize t =
let rec aux_linearize t =
let open IOption.Let_syntax in
match t with
| Var v ->
Some (LinArith.of_var v)
| Const c ->
Some (LinArith.of_q c)
| Linear l ->
Some l
| Minus t ->
let+ l = aux_linearize t in
LinArith.minus l
| Add (t1, t2) ->
let* l1 = aux_linearize t1 in
let+ l2 = aux_linearize t2 in
LinArith.add l1 l2
| Mult (Const c, t) | Mult (t, Const c) ->
let+ l = aux_linearize t in
LinArith.mult c l
| Div (t, Const c) when Q.is_not_zero c ->
let+ l = aux_linearize t in
LinArith.mult (Q.inv c) l
| Mult _
| Div _
| Mod _
| BitNot _
| BitAnd _
| BitOr _
| BitShiftLeft _
| BitShiftRight _
| BitXor _
| Not _
| And _
| Or _
| LessThan _
| LessEqual _
| Equal _
| NotEqual _ ->
match aux_linearize t with None -> t | Some l -> Linear l
let simplify_linear = function
| Linear l -> (
match LinArith.get_as_const l with Some c -> Const c | None -> Linear l )
| t ->
(** Basically boolean terms, used to build the part of a formula that is not equalities between
linear arithmetic. *)
module Atom = struct
type t =
| LessEqual of Term.t * Term.t
| LessThan of Term.t * Term.t
| Equal of Term.t * Term.t
| NotEqual of Term.t * Term.t
[@@deriving compare, equal, yojson_of]
let pp_with_pp_var pp_var fmt atom =
(* add parens around terms that look like atoms to disambiguate *)
let needs_paren (t : Term.t) =
match t with LessThan _ | LessEqual _ | Equal _ | NotEqual _ -> true | _ -> false
let pp_term = Term.pp_paren pp_var ~needs_paren in
match atom with
| LessEqual (t1, t2) ->
F.fprintf fmt "%a ≤ %a" pp_term t1 pp_term t2
| LessThan (t1, t2) ->
F.fprintf fmt "%a < %a" pp_term t1 pp_term t2
| Equal (t1, t2) ->
F.fprintf fmt "%a = %a" pp_term t1 pp_term t2
| NotEqual (t1, t2) ->
F.fprintf fmt "%a ≠ %a" pp_term t1 pp_term t2
let get_terms atom =
let (LessEqual (t1, t2) | LessThan (t1, t2) | Equal (t1, t2) | NotEqual (t1, t2)) = atom in
(t1, t2)
(** preserve physical equality if [f] does *)
let fold_map_terms atom ~init ~f =
let t1, t2 = get_terms atom in
let acc, t1' = f init t1 in
let acc, t2' = f acc t2 in
let t' =
if phys_equal t1' t1 && phys_equal t2' t2 then atom
match atom with
| LessEqual _ ->
LessEqual (t1', t2')
| LessThan _ ->
LessThan (t1', t2')
| Equal _ ->
Equal (t1', t2')
| NotEqual _ ->
NotEqual (t1', t2')
(acc, t')
let equal t1 t2 = Equal (t1, t2)
let less_equal t1 t2 = LessEqual (t1, t2)
let less_than t1 t2 = LessThan (t1, t2)
let nnot = function
| Equal (t1, t2) ->
NotEqual (t1, t2)
| NotEqual (t1, t2) ->
Equal (t1, t2)
| LessEqual (t1, t2) ->
LessThan (t2, t1)
| LessThan (t1, t2) ->
LessEqual (t2, t1)
let map_terms atom ~f = fold_map_terms atom ~init:() ~f:(fun () t -> ((), f t)) |> snd
let to_term : t -> Term.t = function
| LessEqual (t1, t2) ->
LessEqual (t1, t2)
| LessThan (t1, t2) ->
LessThan (t1, t2)
| Equal (t1, t2) ->
Equal (t1, t2)
| NotEqual (t1, t2) ->
NotEqual (t1, t2)
type eval_result = True | False | Atom of t
module EvalResultMonad = struct
let bind_eval_result eval_result f =
match eval_result with True | False -> eval_result | Atom atom -> f atom
let ( let* ) x f = bind_eval_result x f
let eval_result_of_bool b = if b then True else False
let term_of_eval_result = function
| True ->
| False ->
| Atom atom ->
to_term atom
let atom_of_term : Term.t -> t option = function
(* terms that are atoms can be simplified in [eval_atom] *)
| LessEqual (t1, t2) ->
Some (LessEqual (t1, t2))
| LessThan (t1, t2) ->
Some (LessThan (t1, t2))
| Equal (t1, t2) ->
Some (Equal (t1, t2))
| NotEqual (t1, t2) ->
Some (NotEqual (t1, t2))
| _ ->
let term_is_atom t = atom_of_term t |> Option.is_some
let eval_const_shallow atom =
let on_const f =
match get_terms atom with
| Const c1, Const c2 ->
f c1 c2 |> eval_result_of_bool
| _ ->
Atom atom
match atom with
| Equal _ ->
on_const Q.equal
| NotEqual _ ->
on_const Q.not_equal
| LessEqual _ ->
on_const Q.leq
| LessThan _ ->
on_const Q.lt
let get_as_linear atom =
match get_terms atom with
| Linear l1, Linear l2 ->
let l = LinArith.subtract l1 l2 in
let t = Term.simplify_linear (Linear l) in
( match atom with
| Equal _ ->
Equal (t, Term.zero)
| NotEqual _ ->
NotEqual (t, Term.zero)
| LessEqual _ ->
LessEqual (t, Term.zero)
| LessThan _ ->
LessThan (t, Term.zero) )
| _ ->
let get_as_embedded_atom atom =
let of_terms is_equal t1 t2 =
match (atom_of_term t1, t2) with
| Some atom, Term.Const c ->
(* [atom = 0] or [atom ≠ 1] means [atom] is false, [atom ≠ 0] or [atom = 1] means [atom]
is true *)
let positive = (is_equal && Q.is_one c) || ((not is_equal) && Q.is_zero c) in
if positive then Some atom else Some (nnot atom)
| _ ->
(* [of_terms] is written for only one side, the one where [t1] is the potential atom *)
let of_terms_symmetry is_equal atom =
let t1, t2 = get_terms atom in
let t1, t2 = if term_is_atom t1 then (t1, t2) else (t2, t1) in
of_terms is_equal t1 t2
match atom with
| Equal (Const _, _) | Equal (_, Const _) ->
of_terms_symmetry true atom
| NotEqual (Const _, _) | NotEqual (_, Const _) ->
of_terms_symmetry false atom
| _ ->
let eval_syntactically_equal_terms atom =
let t1, t2 = get_terms atom in
if Term.equal_syntax t1 t2 then
match atom with
| Equal _ ->
| NotEqual _ ->
| LessEqual _ ->
| LessThan _ ->
else Atom atom
(** This assumes that the terms in the atom have been normalized/evaluated already. *)
let rec eval_atom (atom : t) =
let open EvalResultMonad in
let* atom = eval_const_shallow atom in
match get_as_linear atom with
| Some atom' ->
eval_atom atom'
| None -> (
match get_as_embedded_atom atom with
| Some atom' ->
eval_atom atom'
| None ->
eval_syntactically_equal_terms atom )
let rec eval_term t =
let t =
Term.map_direct_subterms ~f:eval_term t
|> Term.simplify_shallow |> Term.eval_const_shallow |> Term.linearize |> Term.simplify_linear
match atom_of_term t with
| Some atom ->
(* terms that are atoms can be simplified in [eval_atom] *)
eval_atom atom |> term_of_eval_result
| None ->
let eval atom = map_terms atom ~f:eval_term |> eval_atom
let fold_subst_variables a ~init ~f =
fold_map_terms a ~init ~f:(fun acc t -> Term.fold_subst_variables t ~init:acc ~f)
let subst_variables l ~f = fold_subst_variables l ~init:() ~f:(fun () v -> ((), f v)) |> snd
let has_var_notin vars atom =
let t1, t2 = get_terms atom in
Term.has_var_notin vars t1 || Term.has_var_notin vars t2
module Set = struct
include Caml.Set.Make (struct
type nonrec t = t [@@deriving compare]
let pp_with_pp_var pp_var fmt atoms =
if is_empty atoms then F.pp_print_string fmt "true (no atoms)"
Pp.collection ~sep:"∧"
~fold:(IContainer.fold_of_pervasives_set_fold fold)
~pp_item:(fun fmt atom -> F.fprintf fmt "{%a}" (pp_with_pp_var pp_var) atom)
fmt atoms
let yojson_of_t atoms = `List (List.map (elements atoms) ~f:yojson_of_t)
let sat_of_eval_result (eval_result : Atom.eval_result) =
match eval_result with True -> Sat None | False -> Unsat | Atom atom -> Sat (Some atom)
module VarUF =
type t = Var.t [@@deriving compare, equal]
let is_simpler_than (v1 : Var.t) (v2 : Var.t) = (v1 :> int) < (v2 :> int)
type new_eq = EqZero of Var.t | Equal of Var.t * Var.t
type new_eqs = new_eq list
module Formula = struct
(* redefined for yojson output *)
type var_eqs = VarUF.t [@@deriving compare, equal]
let yojson_of_var_eqs var_eqs =
(VarUF.fold_congruences var_eqs ~init:[] ~f:(fun jsons (repr, eqs) ->
(Var.yojson_of_t (repr :> Var.t) :: List.map ~f:Var.yojson_of_t (Var.Set.elements eqs))
:: jsons ))
type linear_eqs = LinArith.t Var.Map.t [@@deriving compare, equal]
let yojson_of_linear_eqs linear_eqs = Var.Map.yojson_of_t LinArith.yojson_of_t linear_eqs
type t =
{ var_eqs: var_eqs (** equality relation between variables *)
; linear_eqs: linear_eqs
(** equalities of the form [x = l] where [l] is from linear arithmetic *)
; atoms: Atom.Set.t (** not always normalized w.r.t. [var_eqs] and [linear_eqs] *) }
[@@deriving compare, equal, yojson_of]
let ttrue = {var_eqs= VarUF.empty; linear_eqs= Var.Map.empty; atoms= Atom.Set.empty}
let pp_with_pp_var pp_var fmt phi =
let pp_linear_eqs fmt m =
if Var.Map.is_empty m then F.pp_print_string fmt "true (no linear)"
Pp.collection ~sep:" ∧ "
~fold:(IContainer.fold_of_pervasives_map_fold Var.Map.fold)
~pp_item:(fun fmt (v, l) -> F.fprintf fmt "%a = %a" pp_var v (LinArith.pp pp_var) l)
fmt m
F.fprintf fmt "@[<hv>%a@ &&@ %a@ &&@ %a@]"
(VarUF.pp ~pp_empty:(fun fmt -> F.pp_print_string fmt "true (no var=var)") pp_var)
phi.var_eqs pp_linear_eqs phi.linear_eqs (Atom.Set.pp_with_pp_var pp_var) phi.atoms
(** module that breaks invariants more often that the rest, with an interface that is safer to use *)
module Normalizer : sig
val and_var_linarith : Var.t -> LinArith.t -> t * new_eqs -> (t * new_eqs) SatUnsat.t
val and_var_var : Var.t -> Var.t -> t * new_eqs -> (t * new_eqs) SatUnsat.t
val and_atom : Atom.t -> t * new_eqs -> (t * new_eqs) SatUnsat.t
val normalize_atom : t -> Atom.t -> Atom.t option SatUnsat.t
val normalize : t -> (t * new_eqs) SatUnsat.t
val implies_atom : t -> Atom.t -> bool
val get_repr : t -> Var.t -> VarUF.repr
end = struct
(* Use the monadic notations when normalizing formulas. *)
open SatUnsat.Import
(** OVERVIEW: the best way to think about this is as a half-assed Shostak technique.
The [var_eqs] and [linear_eqs] parts of a formula are kept in a normal form of sorts. We
apply some deduction every time a new equality is discovered. Where this is incomplete is
that 1) we don't insist on normalizing the linear part of the relation always, and 2) we
stop discovering new consequences of facts after some fixed number of steps (the [fuel]
argument of some of the functions of this module).
Normalizing more than 1) happens on [normalize], where we rebuild the linear equality
relation (the equalities between variables are always "normalized" thanks to the union-find
data structure).
For 2), there is no mitigation as saturating the consequences of what we know implies
keeping track of *all* the consequences (to avoid diverging by re-discovering the same facts
over and over), which would be expensive.
There is also an interaction between equality classes and linear equalities [x = l], as each
such key [x] in the [linear_eqs] map is (or was at some point) the representative of its
class. Unlike (non-diverging...) Shostak techniques, we do not try very hard to normalize
the [l] in the linear equalities.
Disclaimer: It could be that this half-assedness is premature optimisation and that we could
afford much more completeness. *)
(** the canonical representative of a given variable *)
let get_repr phi x = VarUF.find phi.var_eqs x
(** substitute vars in [l] *once* with their linear form to discover more simplification
opportunities *)
let apply phi l =
LinArith.subst_variables l ~f:(fun v ->
let repr = (get_repr phi v :> Var.t) in
match Var.Map.find_opt repr phi.linear_eqs with
| None ->
VarSubst repr
| Some l' ->
LinSubst l' )
let add_lin_eq_to_new_eqs v l new_eqs =
match LinArith.get_as_const l with
| Some q when Q.is_zero q ->
EqZero v :: new_eqs
| _ ->
let rec solve_normalized_lin_eq ~fuel new_eqs l1 l2 phi =
LinArith.solve_eq l1 l2
>>= function
| None ->
Sat (phi, [])
| Some (v, l) -> (
match LinArith.get_as_var l with
| Some v' ->
merge_vars ~fuel new_eqs (v :> Var.t) v' phi
| None -> (
match Var.Map.find_opt (v :> Var.t) phi.linear_eqs with
| None ->
let new_eqs = add_lin_eq_to_new_eqs v l new_eqs in
(* this can break the (as a result non-)invariant that variables in the domain of
[linear_eqs] do not appear in the range of [linear_eqs] *)
Sat ({phi with linear_eqs= Var.Map.add (v :> Var.t) l phi.linear_eqs}, new_eqs)
| Some l' ->
(* This is the only step that consumes fuel: discovering an equality [l = l']: because we
do not record these anywhere (except when their consequence can be recorded as [y =
l''] or [y = y'], we could potentially discover the same equality over and over and
diverge otherwise. Or could we? *)
(* [l'] is possibly not normalized w.r.t. the current [phi] so take this opportunity to
normalize it *)
if fuel > 0 then (
L.d_printfln "Consuming fuel solving linear equality (from %d)" fuel ;
solve_normalized_lin_eq ~fuel:(fuel - 1) new_eqs l (apply phi l') phi )
else (
(* [fuel = 0]: give up simplifying further for fear of diverging *)
L.d_printfln "Ran out of fuel solving linear equality" ;
Sat (phi, new_eqs) ) ) )
and merge_vars ~fuel new_eqs v1 v2 phi =
let var_eqs, subst_opt = VarUF.union phi.var_eqs v1 v2 in
let phi = {phi with var_eqs} in
match subst_opt with
| None ->
(* we already knew the equality *)
Sat (phi, new_eqs)
| Some (v_old, v_new) -> (
(* new equality [v_old = v_new]: we need to update a potential [v_old = l] to be [v_new =
l], and if [v_new = l'] was known we need to also explore the consequences of [l = l'] *)
(* NOTE: we try to maintain the invariant that for all [x=l] in [phi.linear_eqs], [x ∉
vars(l)]. We also try to stay as close as possible (without going back and re-normalizing
every linear equality every time we learn new equalities) to the invariant that the
domain and the range of [phi.linear_eqs] mention distinct variables. This is to speed up
normalization steps: when the stronger invariant holds we can normalize in one step (in
[normalize_linear_eqs]). *)
let v_new = (v_new :> Var.t) in
let new_eqs = Equal (v_old, v_new) :: new_eqs in
let phi, l_new =
match Var.Map.find_opt v_new phi.linear_eqs with
| None ->
(phi, None)
| Some l ->
if LinArith.has_var v_old l then
let l_new = LinArith.subst v_old v_new l in
let linear_eqs = Var.Map.add v_new l_new phi.linear_eqs in
({phi with linear_eqs}, Some l_new)
else (phi, Some l)
let phi, l_old =
match Var.Map.find_opt v_old phi.linear_eqs with
| None ->
(phi, None)
| Some l_old ->
(* [l_old] has no [v_old] or [v_new] by invariant so no need to subst, unlike for
[l_new] above: variables in [l_old] are strictly greater than [v_old], and [v_new]
is smaller than [v_old] *)
({phi with linear_eqs= Var.Map.remove v_old phi.linear_eqs}, Some l_old)
match (l_old, l_new) with
| None, None | None, Some _ ->
Sat (phi, new_eqs)
| Some l, None ->
let new_eqs = add_lin_eq_to_new_eqs v_new l new_eqs in
Sat ({phi with linear_eqs= Var.Map.add v_new l phi.linear_eqs}, new_eqs)
| Some l1, Some l2 ->
(* no need to consume fuel here as we can only go through this branch finitely many
times because there are finitely many variables in a given formula *)
(* TODO: we may want to keep the "simpler" representative for [v_new] between [l1] and [l2] *)
solve_normalized_lin_eq ~fuel new_eqs l1 l2 phi )
(** an arbitrary value *)
let base_fuel = 5
let solve_lin_eq new_eqs t1 t2 phi =
solve_normalized_lin_eq ~fuel:base_fuel new_eqs (apply phi t1) (apply phi t2) phi
let and_var_linarith v l (phi, new_eqs) = solve_lin_eq new_eqs l (LinArith.of_var v) phi
let rec normalize_linear_eqs ~fuel (phi0, new_eqs) =
let* changed, phi_new_eqs' =
(* reconstruct the relation from scratch *)
(fun v l acc ->
let* changed, phi_new_eqs = acc in
let l' = apply phi0 l in
let+ phi_new_eqs' = and_var_linarith v l' phi_new_eqs in
(changed || not (phys_equal l l'), phi_new_eqs') )
(Sat (false, ({phi0 with linear_eqs= Var.Map.empty}, new_eqs)))
if changed then
if fuel > 0 then (
(* do another pass if we can afford it *)
L.d_printfln "consuming fuel normalizing linear equalities (from %d)" fuel ;
normalize_linear_eqs ~fuel:(fuel - 1) phi_new_eqs' )
else (
L.d_printfln "ran out of fuel normalizing linear equalities" ;
Sat phi_new_eqs' )
else Sat (phi0, new_eqs)
let normalize_atom phi (atom : Atom.t) =
let normalize_term phi t =
Term.subst_variables t ~f:(fun v ->
let v_canon = (get_repr phi v :> Var.t) in
match Var.Map.find_opt v_canon phi.linear_eqs with
| None ->
VarSubst v_canon
| Some l -> (
match LinArith.get_as_const l with None -> LinSubst l | Some q -> QSubst q ) )
let atom' = Atom.map_terms atom ~f:(fun t -> normalize_term phi t) in
Atom.eval atom' |> sat_of_eval_result
(** return [(new_linear_equalities, phi ∧ atom)], where [new_linear_equalities] is [true] if
[phi.linear_eqs] was changed as a result *)
let and_atom atom (phi, new_eqs) =
normalize_atom phi atom
>>= function
| None ->
Sat (false, (phi, new_eqs))
| Some (Atom.Equal (Linear l, Const c)) | Some (Atom.Equal (Const c, Linear l)) ->
(* NOTE: {!normalize_atom} calls {!Atom.eval}, which normalizes linear equalities so
they end up only on one side, hence only this match case is needed to detect linear
equalities *)
let+ phi', new_eqs = solve_lin_eq new_eqs l (LinArith.of_q c) phi in
(true, (phi', new_eqs))
| Some atom' ->
Sat (false, ({phi with atoms= Atom.Set.add atom' phi.atoms}, new_eqs))
let normalize_atoms (phi, new_eqs) =
let atoms0 = phi.atoms in
let init = Sat (false, ({phi with atoms= Atom.Set.empty}, new_eqs)) in
IContainer.fold_of_pervasives_set_fold Atom.Set.fold atoms0 ~init ~f:(fun acc atom ->
let* changed, phi_new_eqs = acc in
let+ changed', phi_new_eqs = and_atom atom phi_new_eqs in
(changed || changed', phi_new_eqs) )
(* interface *)
let normalize phi0 =
(* NOTE: we may consume a quadratic amount of [fuel] here since the fuel here is not consumed by
[normalize_linear_eqs] (i.e. [normalize_linear_eqs] does not return the remaining
fuel). That's ok because there's not much fuel to begin with, and as long as we're making
progress it's probably worth it anyway. *)
let rec normalize_with_fuel ~fuel phi_new_eqs =
if fuel <= 0 then (
L.d_printfln "ran out of fuel when normalizing" ;
Sat phi_new_eqs )
let* new_linear_eqs, phi_new_eqs' =
normalize_linear_eqs ~fuel phi_new_eqs >>= normalize_atoms
if new_linear_eqs then (
L.d_printfln "new linear equalities, consuming fuel (from %d)" fuel ;
normalize_with_fuel ~fuel:(fuel - 1) phi_new_eqs' )
else Sat phi_new_eqs'
normalize_with_fuel ~fuel:base_fuel (phi0, [])
let and_atom atom phi_new_eqs = and_atom atom phi_new_eqs >>| snd
let and_var_var v1 v2 (phi, new_eqs) = merge_vars ~fuel:base_fuel new_eqs v1 v2 phi
let implies_atom phi atom =
(* [φ ⊢ a] iff [φ ∧ ¬a] is inconsistent *)
match and_atom (Atom.nnot atom) (phi, []) with Sat _ -> false | Unsat -> true
(** Instead of a single formula, distinguish what we have observed to be true (coming from
assignments) from what we have assumed to be true (coming from conditionals). This lets us delay
reporting certain errors until no assumptions are needed (i.e. the issue is certain to arise
regardless of context). *)
type t =
{ known: Formula.t (** all the things we know to be true for sure *)
; pruned: Atom.Set.t (** collection of conditions that have to be true along the path *)
; both: Formula.t (** [both = known ∧ pruned], allows us to detect contradictions *) }
[@@deriving yojson_of]
let compare phi1 phi2 =
if phys_equal phi1 phi2 then 0
else [%compare: Atom.Set.t * Formula.t] (phi1.pruned, phi1.known) (phi2.pruned, phi2.known)
let equal = [%compare.equal: t]
let ttrue = {known= Formula.ttrue; pruned= Atom.Set.empty; both= Formula.ttrue}
let pp_with_pp_var pp_var fmt {known; pruned; both} =
F.fprintf fmt "@[known=%a,@;pruned=%a,@;both=%a@]" (Formula.pp_with_pp_var pp_var) known
(Atom.Set.pp_with_pp_var pp_var) pruned (Formula.pp_with_pp_var pp_var) both
let pp = pp_with_pp_var Var.pp
let and_known_atom atom phi =
let open SatUnsat.Import in
let* known, _ = Formula.Normalizer.and_atom atom (phi.known, []) in
let+ both, new_eqs = Formula.Normalizer.and_atom atom (phi.both, []) in
({phi with known; both}, new_eqs)
let and_mk_atom mk_atom op1 op2 phi =
let atom = mk_atom (Term.of_operand op1) (Term.of_operand op2) in
and_known_atom atom phi
let and_equal = and_mk_atom Atom.equal
let and_less_equal = and_mk_atom Atom.less_equal
let and_less_than = and_mk_atom Atom.less_than
let and_equal_unop v (op : Unop.t) x phi =
and_known_atom (Equal (Var v, Term.of_unop op (Term.of_operand x))) phi
let and_equal_binop v (bop : Binop.t) x y phi =
and_known_atom (Equal (Var v, Term.of_binop bop (Term.of_operand x) (Term.of_operand y))) phi
let prune_binop ~negated (bop : Binop.t) x y phi =
let open SatUnsat.Import in
let tx = Term.of_operand x in
let ty = Term.of_operand y in
let t = Term.of_binop bop tx ty in
let atom = if negated then Atom.Equal (t, Term.zero) else Atom.NotEqual (t, Term.zero) in
let* both, new_eqs = Formula.Normalizer.and_atom atom (phi.both, []) in
let+ pruned =
(* Use [both] to normalize [atom] here to take previous [prune]s into account. This shouldn't
change whether [known |- pruned] overall, which is what we'll want to ultimately check in
{!has_no_assumptions}. *)
Formula.Normalizer.normalize_atom phi.both atom
>>| Option.fold ~init:phi.pruned ~f:(fun pruned atom -> Atom.Set.add atom pruned)
({phi with pruned; both}, new_eqs)
let normalize phi =
let open SatUnsat.Import in
let* both, new_eqs = Formula.Normalizer.normalize phi.both in
let* known, _ = Formula.Normalizer.normalize phi.known in
let+ pruned =
(fun atom pruned_sat ->
let* pruned = pruned_sat in
match Formula.Normalizer.normalize_atom known atom with
| Unsat ->
| Sat None ->
(* normalized to [true] *) pruned_sat
| Sat (Some atom) ->
Sat (Atom.Set.add atom pruned) )
phi.pruned (Sat Atom.Set.empty)
({both; known; pruned}, new_eqs)
(** translate each variable in [phi_foreign] according to [f] then incorporate each fact into [phi0] *)
let and_fold_subst_variables phi0 ~up_to_f:phi_foreign ~init ~f:f_var =
let f_subst acc v =
let acc', v' = f_var acc v in
(acc', VarSubst v')
(* propagate [Unsat] faster using this exception *)
let exception Contradiction in
let sat_value_exn (norm : 'a SatUnsat.t) =
match norm with Unsat -> raise Contradiction | Sat x -> x
let and_var_eqs var_eqs_foreign acc_phi_new_eqs =
VarUF.fold_congruences var_eqs_foreign ~init:acc_phi_new_eqs
~f:(fun (acc_f, phi_new_eqs) (repr_foreign, vs_foreign) ->
let acc_f, repr = f_var acc_f (repr_foreign :> Var.t) in
IContainer.fold_of_pervasives_set_fold Var.Set.fold vs_foreign ~init:(acc_f, phi_new_eqs)
~f:(fun (acc_f, phi_new_eqs) v_foreign ->
let acc_f, v = f_var acc_f v_foreign in
let phi_new_eqs = Formula.Normalizer.and_var_var repr v phi_new_eqs |> sat_value_exn in
(acc_f, phi_new_eqs) ) )
let and_linear_eqs linear_eqs_foreign acc_phi_new_eqs =
IContainer.fold_of_pervasives_map_fold Var.Map.fold linear_eqs_foreign ~init:acc_phi_new_eqs
~f:(fun (acc_f, phi_new_eqs) (v_foreign, l_foreign) ->
let acc_f, v = f_var acc_f v_foreign in
let acc_f, l = LinArith.fold_subst_variables l_foreign ~init:acc_f ~f:f_subst in
let phi_new_eqs = Formula.Normalizer.and_var_linarith v l phi_new_eqs |> sat_value_exn in
(acc_f, phi_new_eqs) )
let and_atoms atoms_foreign acc_phi_new_eqs =
IContainer.fold_of_pervasives_set_fold Atom.Set.fold atoms_foreign ~init:acc_phi_new_eqs
~f:(fun (acc_f, phi_new_eqs) atom_foreign ->
let acc_f, atom = Atom.fold_subst_variables atom_foreign ~init:acc_f ~f:f_subst in
let phi_new_eqs = Formula.Normalizer.and_atom atom phi_new_eqs |> sat_value_exn in
(acc_f, phi_new_eqs) )
let and_ phi_foreign acc phi =
( and_var_eqs phi_foreign.Formula.var_eqs (acc, (phi, []))
|> and_linear_eqs phi_foreign.Formula.linear_eqs
|> and_atoms phi_foreign.Formula.atoms )
with Contradiction -> Unsat
let open SatUnsat.Import in
let* acc, (both, new_eqs) = and_ phi_foreign.both init phi0.both in
let* acc, (known, _) = and_ phi_foreign.known acc phi0.known in
let and_pruned pruned_foreign acc_pruned =
IContainer.fold_of_pervasives_set_fold Atom.Set.fold pruned_foreign ~init:acc_pruned
~f:(fun (acc_f, pruned) atom_foreign ->
let acc_f, atom = Atom.fold_subst_variables atom_foreign ~init:acc_f ~f:f_subst in
let atom_opt = Formula.Normalizer.normalize_atom known atom |> sat_value_exn in
let pruned =
Option.fold atom_opt ~init:pruned ~f:(fun pruned atom -> Atom.Set.add atom pruned)
(acc_f, pruned) )
let+ acc, pruned =
try Sat (and_pruned phi_foreign.pruned (acc, phi0.pruned)) with Contradiction -> Unsat
(acc, {known; pruned; both}, new_eqs)
module QuantifierElimination : sig
val eliminate_vars : keep:Var.Set.t -> t -> t SatUnsat.t
(** [eliminate_vars ~keep φ] substitutes every variable [x] in [φ] with [x'] whenever [x'] is a
distinguished representative of the equivalence class of [x] in [φ] such that [x' ∈ keep] *)
end = struct
exception Contradiction
let subst_f subst x = match Var.Map.find_opt x subst with Some y -> y | None -> x
let targetted_subst_var subst_var x = VarSubst (subst_f subst_var x)
let subst_var_linear_eqs subst linear_eqs =
(fun x l new_map ->
let x' = subst_f subst x in
let l' = LinArith.subst_variables ~f:(targetted_subst_var subst) l in
match LinArith.solve_eq (LinArith.of_var x') l' with
| Unsat ->
L.d_printfln "Contradiction found: %a=%a became %a=%a with is Unsat" Var.pp x
(LinArith.pp Var.pp) l Var.pp x' (LinArith.pp Var.pp) l' ;
raise Contradiction
| Sat None ->
| Sat (Some (x'', l'')) ->
Var.Map.add x'' l'' new_map )
linear_eqs Var.Map.empty
let subst_var_atoms subst atoms =
(fun atom atoms ->
let atom' = Atom.subst_variables ~f:(targetted_subst_var subst) atom in
Atom.Set.add atom' atoms )
atoms Atom.Set.empty
let subst_var_formula subst {Formula.var_eqs; linear_eqs; atoms} =
{ Formula.var_eqs= VarUF.apply_subst subst var_eqs
; linear_eqs= subst_var_linear_eqs subst linear_eqs
; atoms= subst_var_atoms subst atoms }
let subst_var subst phi =
{ known= subst_var_formula subst phi.known
; pruned= subst_var_atoms subst phi.pruned
; both= subst_var_formula subst phi.both }
let eliminate_vars ~keep phi =
let subst = VarUF.reorient ~keep phi.known.var_eqs in
try Sat (subst_var subst phi) with Contradiction -> Unsat
module DeadVariables = struct
(** Intermediate step of [simplify]: build an (undirected) graph between variables where an edge
between two variables means that they appear together in an atom, a linear equation, or an
equivalence class. *)
let build_var_graph phi =
(* pretty naive representation of an undirected graph: a map where a vertex maps to the set of
destination vertices and each edge has its symmetric in the map *)
(* unused but can be useful for debugging *)
let _pp_graph fmt graph =
Caml.Hashtbl.iter (fun v vs -> F.fprintf fmt "%a->{%a}" Var.pp v Var.Set.pp vs) graph
(* 16 because why not *)
let graph = Caml.Hashtbl.create 16 in
(* add edges between all pairs of [vs] *)
let add_all vs =
(* add [src->vs] to [graph] (but not the symmetric edges) *)
let add_set graph src vs =
let dest =
match Caml.Hashtbl.find_opt graph src with
| None ->
| Some dest0 ->
Var.Set.union vs dest0
Caml.Hashtbl.replace graph src dest
Var.Set.iter (fun v -> add_set graph v vs) vs
Container.iter ~fold:VarUF.fold_congruences phi.Formula.var_eqs
~f:(fun ((repr : VarUF.repr), vs) -> add_all (Var.Set.add (repr :> Var.t) vs)) ;
(fun v l ->
LinArith.get_variables l
|> Seq.fold_left (fun vs v -> Var.Set.add v vs) (Var.Set.singleton v)
|> add_all )
phi.Formula.linear_eqs ;
(* add edges between all pairs of variables appearing in [t1] or [t2] (yes this is quadratic in
the number of variables of these terms) *)
let add_from_terms t1 t2 =
(* compute [vs U vars(t)] *)
let union_vars_of_term t vs =
Term.fold_variables t ~init:vs ~f:(fun vs v -> Var.Set.add v vs)
union_vars_of_term t1 Var.Set.empty |> union_vars_of_term t2 |> add_all
(fun atom ->
let t1, t2 = Atom.get_terms atom in
add_from_terms t1 t2 )
phi.Formula.atoms ;
(** Intermediate step of [simplify]: construct transitive closure of variables reachable from [vs]
in [graph]. *)
let get_reachable_from graph vs =
(* HashSet represented as a [Hashtbl.t] mapping items to [()], start with the variables in [vs] *)
let reachable = Caml.Hashtbl.create (Var.Set.cardinal vs) in
Var.Set.iter (fun v -> Caml.Hashtbl.add reachable v ()) vs ;
(* Do a Dijkstra-style graph transitive closure in [graph] starting from [vs]. At each step,
[new_vs] contains the variables to explore next. Iterative to avoid blowing the stack. *)
let new_vs = ref (Var.Set.elements vs) in
while not (List.is_empty !new_vs) do
(* pop [new_vs] *)
let[@warning "-8"] (v :: rest) = !new_vs in
new_vs := rest ;
Caml.Hashtbl.find_opt graph v
|> Option.iter ~f:(fun vs' ->
(fun v' ->
if not (Caml.Hashtbl.mem reachable v') then (
(* [v'] seen for the first time: we need to explore it *)
Caml.Hashtbl.replace reachable v' () ;
new_vs := v' :: !new_vs ) )
vs' )
done ;
Caml.Hashtbl.to_seq_keys reachable |> Var.Set.of_seq
(** Get rid of atoms when they contain only variables that do not appear in atoms mentioning
variables in [keep], or variables appearing in atoms together with variables in [keep], and so
on. In other words, the variables to keep are all the ones transitively reachable from
variables in [keep] in the graph connecting two variables whenever they appear together in a
same atom of the formula. *)
let eliminate ~keep phi =
(* We only consider [phi.both] when building the relation. Considering [phi.known] and
[phi.pruned] as well could lead to us keeping more variables around, but that's not necessarily
a good idea. Ignoring them means we err on the side of reporting potentially slightly more
issues than we would otherwise, as some atoms in [phi.pruned] may vanish unfairly as a
result. *)
let var_graph = build_var_graph phi.both in
let vars_to_keep = get_reachable_from var_graph keep in
L.d_printfln "Reachable vars: {%a}" Var.Set.pp vars_to_keep ;
(* discard atoms which have variables *not* in [vars_to_keep], which in particular is enough
to guarantee that *none* of their variables are in [vars_to_keep] thanks to transitive
closure on the graph above *)
let filter_atom atom = not (Atom.has_var_notin vars_to_keep atom) in
let simplify_phi phi =
let var_eqs = VarUF.filter_not_in_closed_set ~keep:vars_to_keep phi.Formula.var_eqs in
let linear_eqs =
Var.Map.filter (fun v _ -> Var.Set.mem v vars_to_keep) phi.Formula.linear_eqs
let atoms = Atom.Set.filter filter_atom phi.Formula.atoms in
{Formula.var_eqs; linear_eqs; atoms}
let known = simplify_phi phi.known in
let both = simplify_phi phi.both in
let pruned = Atom.Set.filter filter_atom phi.pruned in
{known; pruned; both}
let simplify ~keep phi =
let open SatUnsat.Import in
let* phi, new_eqs = normalize phi in
L.d_printfln_escaped "Simplifying %a wrt {%a}" pp phi Var.Set.pp keep ;
(* get rid of as many variables as possible *)
let+ phi = QuantifierElimination.eliminate_vars ~keep phi in
(* TODO: doing [QuantifierElimination.eliminate_vars; DeadVariables.eliminate] a few times may
eliminate even more variables *)
(DeadVariables.eliminate ~keep phi, new_eqs)
let is_known_zero phi v =
Var.Map.find_opt (VarUF.find phi.both.var_eqs v :> Var.t) phi.both.linear_eqs
|> Option.exists ~f:LinArith.is_zero
let as_int phi v =
let maybe_int q = if Z.equal (Q.den q) Z.one then Q.to_int q else None in
let open Option.Monad_infix in
Var.Map.find_opt (VarUF.find phi.both.var_eqs v :> Var.t) phi.both.linear_eqs
>>= LinArith.get_as_const >>= maybe_int
(** test if [phi.known ⊢ phi.pruned] *)
let has_no_assumptions phi =
Atom.Set.for_all (fun atom -> Formula.Normalizer.implies_atom phi.known atom) phi.pruned
let get_var_repr phi v = (Formula.Normalizer.get_repr phi.known v :> Var.t)