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* Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
open! IStd
let get_java_class_name = function
| Typ.JavaClass java_class_name ->
Some java_class_name
| _ ->
(* Fetch the class and summaries for each procedure *)
let get_summaries
({procedures; analyze_file_dependency} : NullsafeSummary.t InterproceduralAnalysis.file_t) =
let open IOption.Let_syntax in
List.filter_map procedures ~f:(fun procname ->
let* class_name = Procname.get_class_type_name procname in
let* java_class_name = get_java_class_name class_name in
let* _proc_desc, summary = analyze_file_dependency procname in
return (java_class_name, summary) )
(* Analyze the class and all its nested children recursively *)
let rec analyze_class_and_nested tenv source_file issue_log class_info =
(* Analyze the class itself *)
let updated_log = ClassLevelAnalysis.analyze_class tenv source_file class_info issue_log in
(* Analyze its nested children *)
AggregatedSummaries.ClassInfo.get_nested_classes_info class_info
|> List.fold ~init:updated_log ~f:(analyze_class_and_nested tenv source_file)
(* Given aggregated information about the top-level class, analyze it and its nested children *)
let analyze_top_level_class tenv source_file issue_log top_level_class_info =
let is_from_third_party =
(ThirdPartyAnnotationGlobalRepo.get_repo ())
(AggregatedSummaries.ClassInfo.get_class_name top_level_class_info)
if is_from_third_party then (* Don't analyze third party classes *)
else analyze_class_and_nested tenv source_file issue_log top_level_class_info
let analyze_file ({InterproceduralAnalysis.file_exe_env; source_file} as analysis_data) =
Logging.debug Analysis Medium "Starting file level analysis of %a@\n" SourceFile.pp source_file ;
let all_summaries = get_summaries analysis_data in
let tenv = Exe_env.load_java_global_tenv file_exe_env in
let top_level_classes = AggregatedSummaries.aggregate all_summaries in
List.iter top_level_classes ~f:(fun top_level_class ->
Logging.debug Analysis Medium "Hierarchy for a top level class:@\n%a@\n"
AggregatedSummaries.ClassInfo.pp top_level_class ) ;
let issue_log =
List.fold top_level_classes ~init:IssueLog.empty ~f:(analyze_top_level_class tenv source_file)
Logging.debug Analysis Medium "Finished file level analysis of %a@\n" SourceFile.pp source_file ;