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* Copyright (c) 2009 - 2013 Monoidics ltd.
* Copyright (c) 2013 - present Facebook, Inc.
* All rights reserved.
* This source code is licensed under the BSD style license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant
* of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.
(** General utility functions and definition with global scope *)
module F = Format
(** List police: don't use the list module to avoid non-tail recursive
functions and builtin equality. Use IList instead. *)
module List = struct end
(** initial time of the analysis, i.e. when this module is loaded, gotten from Unix.time *)
let initial_analysis_time = Unix.time ()
(** precise time of day at the start of the analysis *)
let initial_timeofday = Unix.gettimeofday ()
(** {2 Generic Utility Functions} *)
(** Compare police: generic compare disabled. *)
let compare = ()
let string_equal (s1: string) (s2: string) = s1 = s2
let string_compare (s1: string) (s2: string) = s1 s2
let float_compare (f1: float) (f2: float) = f1 f2
let bool_compare (b1: bool) (b2: bool) = b1 b2
let bool_equal (b1: bool) (b2: bool) = b1 = b2
(** Extend and equality function to an option type. *)
let opt_equal cmp x1 x2 = match x1, x2 with
| None, None -> true
| Some _, None -> false
| None, Some _ -> false
| Some y1, Some y2 -> cmp y1 y2
(** Efficient comparison for integers *)
let int_compare (i: int) (j: int) = i - j
let int_equal (i: int) (j: int) = i = j
(** Generic comparison of pairs given a compare function for each element of the pair. *)
let pair_compare compare compare' (x1, y1) (x2, y2) =
let n = compare x1 x2 in
if n <> 0 then n else compare' y1 y2
(** Generic comparison of pairs given a compare function for each element of the triple *)
let triple_compare compare compare' compare'' (x1, y1, z1) (x2, y2, z2) =
let n = compare x1 x2 in
if n <> 0 then n else let n = compare' y1 y2 in
if n <> 0 then n else compare'' z1 z2
(** {2 Useful Modules} *)
(** Set of integers *)
module IntSet =
type t = int
let compare = int_compare
(** Set of strings *)
module StringSet = Set.Make(String)
(** Pretty print a set of strings *)
let pp_stringset fmt ss =
StringSet.iter (fun s -> F.fprintf fmt "%s " s) ss
(** Maps from integers *)
module IntMap = Map.Make (struct
type t = int
let compare = int_compare
(** Maps from strings *)
module StringMap = Map.Make (struct
type t = string
let compare (s1: string) (s2: string) = s1 s2 end)
(** {2 Printing} *)
(** Kind of simple printing: default or with full types *)
type pp_simple_kind = PP_SIM_DEFAULT | PP_SIM_WITH_TYP
(** Kind of printing *)
type printkind = PP_TEXT | PP_LATEX | PP_HTML
(** Colors supported in printing *)
type color = Black | Blue | Green | Orange | Red
(** map subexpressions (as Obj.t element compared by physical equality) to colors *)
type colormap = Obj.t -> color
(** Print environment threaded through all the printing functions *)
type printenv = {
pe_opt : pp_simple_kind; (** Current option for simple printing *)
pe_kind : printkind; (** Current kind of printing *)
pe_cmap_norm : colormap; (** Current colormap for the normal part *)
pe_cmap_foot : colormap; (** Current colormap for the footprint part *)
pe_color : color; (** Current color *)
pe_obj_sub : (Obj.t -> Obj.t) option (** generic object substitution *)
(** Create a colormap of a given color *)
let colormap_from_color color (_: Obj.t) = color
(** standard colormap: black *)
let colormap_black (_: Obj.t) = Black
(** red colormap *)
let colormap_red (_: Obj.t) = Red
(** Default text print environment *)
let pe_text =
{ pe_opt = PP_SIM_DEFAULT;
pe_kind = PP_TEXT;
pe_cmap_norm = colormap_black;
pe_cmap_foot = colormap_black;
pe_color = Black;
pe_obj_sub = None }
(** Default html print environment *)
let pe_html color =
{ pe_text with
pe_kind = PP_HTML;
pe_cmap_norm = colormap_from_color color;
pe_cmap_foot = colormap_from_color color;
pe_color = color }
(** Default latex print environment *)
let pe_latex color =
{ pe_opt = PP_SIM_DEFAULT;
pe_kind = PP_LATEX;
pe_cmap_norm = colormap_from_color color;
pe_cmap_foot = colormap_from_color color;
pe_color = color;
pe_obj_sub = None }
(** Extend the normal colormap for the given object with the given color *)
let pe_extend_colormap pe (x: Obj.t) (c: color) =
let colormap (y: Obj.t) =
if x == y then c
else pe.pe_cmap_norm y in
{ pe with pe_cmap_norm = colormap }
(** Set the object substitution, which is supposed to preserve the type.
Currently only used for a map from (identifier) expressions to the program var containing them *)
let pe_set_obj_sub pe (sub: 'a -> 'a) =
let new_obj_sub x =
let x' = Obj.repr (sub (Obj.obj x)) in
match pe.pe_obj_sub with
| None -> x'
| Some sub' -> sub' x' in
{ pe with pe_obj_sub = Some (new_obj_sub) }
(** Reset the object substitution, so that no substitution takes place *)
let pe_reset_obj_sub pe =
{ pe with pe_obj_sub = None }
(** string representation of colors *)
let color_string = function
| Black -> "color_black"
| Blue -> "color_blue"
| Green -> "color_green"
| Orange -> "color_orange"
| Red -> "color_red"
(** Pretty print a space-separated sequence *)
let rec pp_seq pp f = function
| [] -> ()
| [x] -> F.fprintf f "%a" pp x
| x:: l -> F.fprintf f "%a %a" pp x (pp_seq pp) l
(** Print a comma-separated sequence *)
let rec pp_comma_seq pp f = function
| [] -> ()
| [x] -> F.fprintf f "%a" pp x
| x:: l -> F.fprintf f "%a,%a" pp x (pp_comma_seq pp) l
(** Print a ;-separated sequence. *)
let rec _pp_semicolon_seq oneline pe pp f =
let pp_sep fmt () =
if oneline then F.fprintf fmt " " else F.fprintf fmt "@\n" in
| [] -> ()
| [x] -> F.fprintf f "%a" pp x
| x:: l ->
(match pe.pe_kind with
F.fprintf f "%a ; %a%a" pp x pp_sep () (_pp_semicolon_seq oneline pe pp) l
F.fprintf f "%a ;\\\\%a %a" pp x pp_sep () (_pp_semicolon_seq oneline pe pp) l)
(** Print a ;-separated sequence with newlines. *)
let pp_semicolon_seq pe = _pp_semicolon_seq false pe
(** Print a ;-separated sequence on one line. *)
let pp_semicolon_seq_oneline pe = _pp_semicolon_seq true pe
(** Print an or-separated sequence. *)
let pp_or_seq pe pp f = function
| [] -> ()
| [x] -> F.fprintf f "%a" pp x
| x:: l ->
(match pe.pe_kind with
| PP_TEXT ->
F.fprintf f "%a || %a" pp x (pp_semicolon_seq pe pp) l
| PP_HTML ->
F.fprintf f "%a ∨ %a" pp x (pp_semicolon_seq pe pp) l
F.fprintf f "%a \\vee %a" pp x (pp_semicolon_seq pe pp) l)
(** Produce a string from a 1-argument pretty printer function *)
let pp_to_string pp x =
let buf = Buffer.create 1 in
let fmt = Format.formatter_of_buffer buf in
Format.fprintf fmt "%a@?" pp x;
Buffer.contents buf
(** Print the current time and date in a format similar to the "date" command *)
let pp_current_time f () =
let tm = Unix.localtime (Unix.time ()) in
F.fprintf f "%02d/%02d/%4d %02d:%02d" tm.Unix.tm_mday tm.Unix.tm_mon (tm.Unix.tm_year + 1900) tm.Unix.tm_hour tm.Unix.tm_min
(** Print the time in seconds elapsed since the beginning of the execution of the current command. *)
let pp_elapsed_time fmt () =
let elapsed = Unix.gettimeofday () -. initial_timeofday in
Format.fprintf fmt "%f" elapsed
(** Type of location in ml source: __POS__ *)
type ml_loc = string * int * int * int
(** Convert a ml location to a string *)
let ml_loc_to_string (file, lnum, cnum, enum) =
Printf.sprintf "%s:%d:%d-%d:" file lnum cnum enum
(** Pretty print a location of ml source *)
let pp_ml_loc fmt ml_loc =
F.fprintf fmt "%s" (ml_loc_to_string ml_loc)
let pp_ml_loc_opt fmt ml_loc_opt =
if !Config.developer_mode then match ml_loc_opt with
| None -> ()
| Some ml_loc -> F.fprintf fmt "(%a)" pp_ml_loc ml_loc
(** {2 SymOp and Failures: units of symbolic execution} *)
type failure_kind =
| FKtimeout (* max time exceeded *)
| FKsymops_timeout of int (* max symop's exceeded *)
| FKrecursion_timeout of int (* max recursion level exceeded *)
| FKcrash of string (* uncaught exception or failed assertion *)
(** failure that prevented analysis from finishing *)
exception Analysis_failure_exe of failure_kind
let exn_not_failure = function
| Analysis_failure_exe _ -> false
| _ -> true
let pp_failure_kind fmt = function
| FKtimeout -> F.fprintf fmt "TIMEOUT"
| FKsymops_timeout symops -> F.fprintf fmt "SYMOPS TIMEOUT (%d)" symops
| FKrecursion_timeout level -> F.fprintf fmt "RECURSION TIMEOUT(%d)" level
| FKcrash msg -> F.fprintf fmt "CRASH (%s)" msg
let symops_timeout, seconds_timeout =
(* default timeout and long timeout are the same for now, but this will change shortly *)
let default_symops_timeout = 333 in
let default_seconds_timeout = 10.0 in
let long_symops_timeout = 1000 in
let long_seconds_timeout = 30.0 in
if Config.analyze_models then
(* use longer timeouts when analyzing models *)
long_symops_timeout, long_seconds_timeout
default_symops_timeout, default_seconds_timeout
(** number of symops to multiply by the number of iterations, after which there is a timeout *)
let symops_per_iteration = ref symops_timeout
(** number of seconds to multiply by the number of iterations, after which there is a timeout *)
let seconds_per_iteration = ref seconds_timeout
(** Timeout in seconds for each function *)
let timeout_seconds = ref !seconds_per_iteration
(** Timeout in SymOps *)
let timeout_symops = ref !symops_per_iteration
(** Set the timeout values in seconds and symops, computed as a multiple of the integer parameter *)
let set_iterations n =
timeout_symops := !symops_per_iteration * n;
timeout_seconds := !seconds_per_iteration *. (float_of_int n)
let get_timeout_seconds () = !timeout_seconds
(** Count the number of symbolic operations *)
module SymOp = struct
(** Internal state of the module *)
type t =
(** Only throw timeout exception when alarm is active *)
mutable alarm_active : bool;
(** last wallclock set by an alarm, if any *)
mutable last_wallclock : float option;
(** Number of symop's *)
mutable symop_count : int;
(** Counter for the total number of symop's.
The new state created when save_state is called shares this counter
if keep_symop_total is true. Otherwise, a new counter is created. *)
symop_total : int ref;
let initial () : t =
alarm_active = false;
last_wallclock = None;
symop_count = 0;
symop_total = ref 0;
(** Global State *)
let gs : t ref = ref (initial ())
(** Restore the old state. *)
let restore_state state =
gs := state
(** Return the old state, and revert the current state to the initial one.
If keep_symop_total is true, share the total counter. *)
let save_state ~keep_symop_total =
let old_state = !gs in
let new_state =
let st = initial () in
if keep_symop_total
{ st with symop_total = old_state.symop_total }
st in
gs := new_state;
(** handler for the wallclock timeout *)
let wallclock_timeout_handler = ref None
(** set the handler for the wallclock timeout *)
let set_wallclock_timeout_handler handler =
wallclock_timeout_handler := Some handler
(** Set the wallclock alarm checked at every pay() *)
let set_wallclock_alarm nsecs =
!gs.last_wallclock <- Some (Unix.gettimeofday () +. nsecs)
(** Unset the wallclock alarm checked at every pay() *)
let unset_wallclock_alarm () =
!gs.last_wallclock <- None
(** if the wallclock alarm has expired, raise a timeout exception *)
let check_wallclock_alarm () =
match !gs.last_wallclock, !wallclock_timeout_handler with
| Some alarm_time, Some handler when Unix.gettimeofday () >= alarm_time ->
unset_wallclock_alarm ();
handler ()
| _ -> ()
(** Return the time remaining before the wallclock alarm expires *)
let get_remaining_wallclock_time () =
match !gs.last_wallclock with
| Some alarm_time ->
max 0.0 (alarm_time -. Unix.gettimeofday ())
| None ->
(** Return the total number of symop's since the beginning *)
let get_total () =
(** Reset the total number of symop's *)
let reset_total () =
!gs.symop_total := 0
(** Count one symop *)
let pay () =
!gs.symop_count <- !gs.symop_count + 1;
!gs.symop_total := !(!gs.symop_total) + 1;
if !gs.symop_count > !timeout_symops &&
then raise (Analysis_failure_exe (FKsymops_timeout !gs.symop_count));
check_wallclock_alarm ()
(** Reset the counter *)
let reset_count () =
!gs.symop_count <- 0
(** Reset the counter and activate the alarm *)
let set_alarm () =
reset_count ();
!gs.alarm_active <- true
(** De-activate the alarm *)
let unset_alarm () =
!gs.alarm_active <- false
(** Check if the lhs is a substring of the rhs. *)
let string_is_prefix s1 s2 =
String.length s1 <= String.length s2 &&
String.sub s2 0 (String.length s1) = s1
(** Check if the lhs is a postfix of the rhs. *)
let string_is_suffix s1 s2 =
let l1 = String.length s1 in
let l2 = String.length s2 in
l1 <= l2 &&
String.sub s2 (l2 - l1) l1 = s1
(** Check if the lhs is contained in the rhs. *)
let string_contains s1 s2 =
let rexp = Str.regexp_string s1 in
ignore (Str.search_forward rexp s2 0);
with Not_found -> false
(** Split a string across the given character, if given. (e.g. split first.second with '.').*)
let string_split_character s c =
let index = String.rindex s c in
let lhs = String.sub s 0 index in
let rhs = String.sub s (index + 1) ((String.length s) - (1 + index)) in
(Some lhs, rhs)
with Not_found -> (None, s)
let string_value_or_empty_string
(string_option: string option): string =
match string_option with
| Some s -> s
| None -> ""
(** read a source file and return a list of lines, or None in case of error *)
let read_file fname =
let res = ref [] in
let cin_ref = ref None in
let cleanup () =
match !cin_ref with
| None -> ()
| Some cin -> close_in cin in
let cin = open_in fname in
cin_ref := Some cin;
while true do
let line = input_line cin in
res := line :: !res
assert false
| End_of_file ->
cleanup ();
Some (IList.rev !res)
| Sys_error _ ->
cleanup ();
(** copy a source file, return the number of lines, or None in case of error *)
let copy_file fname_from fname_to =
let res = ref 0 in
let cin_ref = ref None in
let cout_ref = ref None in
let cleanup () =
begin match !cin_ref with
| None -> ()
| Some cin -> close_in cin
begin match !cout_ref with
| None -> ()
| Some cout -> close_out cout
end in
let cin = open_in fname_from in
cin_ref := Some cin;
let cout = open_out fname_to in
cout_ref := Some cout;
while true do
let line = input_line cin in
output_string cout line;
output_char cout '\n';
incr res
assert false
| End_of_file ->
cleanup ();
Some !res
| Sys_error _ ->
module FileLOC = (** count lines of code of files and keep processed results in a cache *)
let include_loc_hash = Hashtbl.create 1
let reset () = Hashtbl.clear include_loc_hash
let file_get_loc fname =
try Hashtbl.find include_loc_hash fname with Not_found ->
let loc = match read_file fname with
| None -> 0
| Some l -> IList.length l in
Hashtbl.add include_loc_hash fname loc;
(** type for files used for printing *)
type outfile =
{ fname : string; (** name of the file *)
out_c : out_channel; (** output channel *)
fmt : F.formatter (** formatter for printing *) }
(** create an outfile for the command line *)
let create_outfile fname =
let out_c = open_out fname in
let fmt = F.formatter_of_out_channel out_c in
Some { fname = fname; out_c = out_c; fmt = fmt }
with Sys_error _ ->
F.fprintf F.err_formatter "error: cannot create file %s@." fname;
(** operate on an outfile reference if it is not None *)
let do_outf outf_ref f =
match !outf_ref with
| None -> ()
| Some outf ->
f outf
(** close an outfile *)
let close_outf outf =
close_out outf.out_c
(** convert a filename to absolute path and normalize by removing occurrences of "." and ".." *)
module FileNormalize = struct
let rec fname_to_list_rev fname =
if fname = "" then [] else
let base = Filename.basename fname in
let dir = Filename.dirname fname in
let does_not_split = (* make sure it terminates whatever the implementation of Filename *)
fname = base || String.length dir >= String.length fname in
if does_not_split then [fname]
else base :: fname_to_list_rev dir
(* split a file name into a list of strings representing it as a path *)
let fname_to_list fname =
IList.rev (fname_to_list_rev fname)
(* concatenate a list of strings representing a path into a filename *)
let rec list_to_fname base path = match path with
| [] -> base
| x :: path' -> list_to_fname (Filename.concat base x) path'
(* normalize a path where done_l is a reversed path from the root already normalized *)
(* and todo_l is the path still to normalize *)
let rec normalize done_l todo_l = match done_l, todo_l with
| _, y :: tl when y = Filename.current_dir_name -> (* path/. --> path *)
normalize done_l tl
| [_], y :: tl when y = Filename.parent_dir_name -> (* /.. --> / *)
normalize done_l tl
| _ :: dl, y :: tl when y = Filename.parent_dir_name -> (* path/x/.. --> path *)
normalize dl tl
| _, y :: tl -> normalize (y :: done_l) tl
| _, [] -> IList.rev done_l
(* check if the filename contains "." or ".." *)
let fname_contains_current_parent fname =
let l = fname_to_list fname in
IList.exists (fun x -> x = Filename.current_dir_name || x = Filename.parent_dir_name) l
(* convert a filename to absolute path, if necessary, and normalize "." and ".." *)
let fname_to_absolute_normalize fname =
let is_relative = Filename.is_relative fname in
let must_normalize = fname_contains_current_parent fname in
let simple_case () =
if is_relative then Filename.concat (Unix.getcwd ()) fname
else fname in
if must_normalize then begin
let done_l, todo_l =
if is_relative then
fname_to_list_rev (Unix.getcwd ()), fname_to_list fname
else match fname_to_list fname with
| [] -> [fname], [] (* should not happen *)
| root :: l -> [root], l in
let normal_l = normalize done_l todo_l in
match normal_l with
| base :: l -> list_to_fname base l
| [] -> (* should not happen *) simple_case ()
else simple_case ()
let test () =
let test_fname fname =
let fname' = fname_to_absolute_normalize fname in
Format.fprintf Format.std_formatter "fname %s --> %s@." fname fname' in
let tests = [".";
"src/../././test.c"] in
| test_fname tests
(** Convert a filename to an absolute one if it is relative, and normalize "." and ".." *)
let filename_to_absolute fname =
FileNormalize.fname_to_absolute_normalize fname
(** Convert an absolute filename to one relative to the current directory. *)
let filename_to_relative root fname =
let string_strict_subtract s1 s2 =
let n1, n2 = String.length s1, String.length s2 in
if n1 < n2 && String.sub s2 0 n1 = s1 then
String.sub s2 (n1 + 1) (n2 - (n1 + 1))
else s2 in
let norm_root = (* norm_root is root without any trailing / *)
Filename.concat (Filename.dirname root) (Filename.basename root) in
let remainder = (* remove the path prefix to root including trailing / *)
string_strict_subtract norm_root fname in
(* Type of command-line arguments before processing *)
type arg_list = (string * Arg.spec * string option * string) list
let arg_desc_filter options_to_keep =
IList.filter (function (option_name, _, _, _) -> IList.mem string_equal option_name options_to_keep)
(* Given a filename with a list of paths, convert it into a list of string iff they are absolute *)
let read_specs_dir_list_file fname =
let validate_path path =
if Filename.is_relative path then
failwith ("Failing because path " ^ path ^ " is not absolute") in
match read_file fname with
| Some pathlist ->
IList.iter validate_path pathlist;
| None -> failwith ("cannot read file " ^ fname)
let base_arg_desc =
Arg.String (fun s -> Config.results_dir := s),
Some "dir",
"set the project results directory (default dir=" ^ Config.default_results_dir ^ ")";
Arg.Unit (fun () -> Config.worklist_mode:= 2),
"analysis mode to maximize coverage (can take longer)";
Arg.String (fun s -> Config.specs_library := filename_to_absolute s :: !Config.specs_library),
Some "dir",
"add dir to the list of directories to be searched for spec files";
Arg.String (fun s -> Config.specs_library := (read_specs_dir_list_file s) @ !Config.specs_library),
Some "file",
"add the newline-separated directories listed in <file> to the list of directories to \
be searched for spec files";
Arg.String (fun s -> Config.add_models (filename_to_absolute s)),
Some "zip file",
"add a zip file containing the models";
Arg.String (fun s -> Config.add_zip_library (filename_to_absolute s)),
Some "zip file",
"add a zip file containing library spec files";
Arg.String (fun s -> Config.project_root := Some (filename_to_absolute s)),
Some "dir",
"root directory of the project";
Arg.String (fun s -> Config.JarCache.infer_cache := Some (filename_to_absolute s)),
Some "dir",
"Select a directory to contain the infer cache";
Arg.String (fun s -> Config.inferconfig_home := Some s),
Some "dir",
"Path to the .inferconfig file";
let reserved_arg_desc =
Arg.Set_int Config.abs_struct,
Some "n",
"abstraction level for fields of structs (default n = 1)"
Arg.Set_int Config.abs_val,
Some "n",
"abstraction level for expressions (default n = 2)";
Arg.Set_int Config.array_level,
Some "n",
"the level of treating the array indexing and pointer arithmetic (default n = 0)"
Arg.Set Config.developer_mode,
Arg.Set Config.write_dotty,
"produce dotty files in the results directory";
Arg.Unit (fun () -> Config.worklist_mode:= 1),
"nodes nearest the exit node are analyzed first";
Arg.Set Config.write_html,
"produce hmtl output in the results directory"
Arg.Set_int Config.join_cond,
Some "n",
"set the strength of the final information-loss check used by the join (default n=1)"
Arg.Set Config.allowleak,
"forget leaks during abstraction"
Arg.Set Config.monitor_prop_size,
"monitor size of props"
Arg.Set Config.nelseg,
"use only nonempty lsegs"
Arg.Clear Config.liveness,
"turn the dead program variable elimination off"
Arg.Clear Config.print_using_diff,
"turn off highlighting diff w.r.t. previous prop in printing"
Arg.Clear Config.test,
"turn test mode off"
Arg.Set Config.only_footprint,
"skip the re-execution phase"
Arg.Set Config.print_types,
"print types in symbolic heaps"
Arg.Int (fun i -> F.set_margin i),
Some "n",
"set right margin for the pretty printing functions"
Arg.Set_int Config.spec_abs_level,
Some "n",
"set the level of abstracting the postconditions of discovered specs (default n=1)"
Arg.Set Config.trace_error,
"turn on tracing of error explanation"
Arg.Set Config.trace_join,
"turn on tracing of join"
Arg.Set Config.trace_rearrange,
"turn on tracing of rearrangement"
Arg.Unit (fun () -> Config.worklist_mode:= 2),
"nodes visited fewer times are analyzed first"
module Arg = struct
include Arg
(** Custom version of Arg.aling so that keywords are on one line and documentation is on the next *)
let align arg_desc =
let do_arg (key, spec, doc) =
let first_space =
let index = String.index doc ' ' in
if String.get doc index = '=' then 0 else index
with Not_found -> 0 in
let len = String.length doc in
let doc1 = String.sub doc 0 first_space in
let doc2 = String.sub doc first_space (len - first_space) in
if len = 0 then (key, spec, doc)
else (key, spec, doc1 ^ "\n " ^ doc2) in
| do_arg arg_desc
type aligned = (key * spec * doc)
(** Create a group of sorted command-line arguments *)
let create_options_desc double_minus title unsorted_desc =
let handle_double_minus (opname, spec, param_opt, text) = match param_opt with
| None ->
if double_minus then ("-"^opname, spec, " " ^ text)
else (opname, spec, " " ^ text)
| Some param ->
if double_minus then ("-"^opname, spec, "=" ^ param ^ " " ^ text)
else (opname, spec, param ^ " " ^ text) in
let unsorted_desc' = handle_double_minus unsorted_desc in
let dlist =
("", Arg.Unit (fun () -> ()), " \n " ^ title ^ "\n") ::
IList.sort (fun (x, _, _) (y, _, _) -> x y) unsorted_desc' in
align dlist
let env_to_argv env =
Str.split (Str.regexp ":") env
let prepend_to_argv args =
let cl_args = match Array.to_list Sys.argv with _ :: tl -> tl | [] -> [] in
Sys.executable_name :: args @ cl_args
let parse env_var spec anon usage =
let env_args = env_to_argv (try Unix.getenv env_var with Not_found -> "") in
let env_cl_args = prepend_to_argv env_args in
Arg.parse_argv (Array.of_list env_cl_args) spec anon usage
(** flags for a procedure *)
type proc_flags = (string, string) Hashtbl.t
let proc_flags_empty () : proc_flags = Hashtbl.create 1
let proc_flag_skip = "skip"
let proc_flag_ignore_return = "ignore_return"
let proc_flags_add proc_flags key value =
Hashtbl.replace proc_flags key value
let proc_flags_find proc_flags key =
Hashtbl.find proc_flags key
let join_strings sep = function
| [] -> ""
| hd:: tl ->
IList.fold_left (fun str p -> str ^ sep ^ p) hd tl
let next compare =
fun x y n ->
if n <> 0 then n
else compare x y
let directory_fold f init path =
let collect current_dir (accu, dirs) path =
let full_path = (Filename.concat current_dir path) in
if Sys.is_directory full_path then
(accu, full_path:: dirs)
(f accu full_path, dirs)
with Sys_error _ ->
(accu, dirs) in
let rec loop accu dirs =
match dirs with
| [] -> accu
| d:: tl ->
let (new_accu, new_dirs) = Array.fold_left (collect d) (accu, tl) (Sys.readdir d) in
loop new_accu new_dirs in
if Sys.is_directory path then
loop init [path]
f init path
let directory_iter f path =
let apply current_dir dirs path =
let full_path = (Filename.concat current_dir path) in
if Sys.is_directory full_path then
full_path:: dirs
let () = f full_path in
with Sys_error _ ->
dirs in
let rec loop dirs =
match dirs with
| [] -> ()
| d:: tl ->
let new_dirs = Array.fold_left (apply d) tl (Sys.readdir d) in
loop new_dirs in
if Sys.is_directory path then
loop [path]
f path
type analyzer = Infer | Eradicate | Checkers | Tracing
let analyzers = [Infer; Eradicate; Checkers; Tracing]
let string_of_analyzer = function
| Infer -> "infer"
| Eradicate -> "eradicate"
| Checkers -> "checkers"
| Tracing -> "tracing"
exception Unknown_analyzer
let analyzer_of_string = function
| "infer" -> Infer
| "eradicate" -> Eradicate
| "checkers" -> Checkers
| "tracing" -> Tracing
| _ -> raise Unknown_analyzer
let string_crc_hex32 =
Config.string_crc_hex32 (* implemented in Config to avoid circularities *)
let string_append_crc_cutoff ?(cutoff=100) ?(key="") name =
let name_up_to_cutoff =
if String.length name <= cutoff
then name
else String.sub name 0 cutoff in
let crc_str =
let name_for_crc = name ^ key in
string_crc_hex32 name_for_crc in
name_up_to_cutoff ^ "." ^ crc_str
let set_reference_and_call_function reference value f x =
let saved = !reference in
let restore () =
reference := saved in
reference := value;
let res = f x in
restore ();
| exn ->
restore ();
raise exn
let run_in_re_execution_mode f x =
set_reference_and_call_function Config.footprint false f x
let run_in_footprint_mode f x =
set_reference_and_call_function Config.footprint true f x
let run_with_abs_val_equal_zero f x =
set_reference_and_call_function Config.abs_val 0 f x
let assert_false ((file, lnum, cnum, _) as ml_loc) =
Printf.eprintf "\nASSERT FALSE %s\nCALL STACK\n%s\n%!"
(ml_loc_to_string ml_loc)
(Printexc.raw_backtrace_to_string (Printexc.get_callstack 1000));
raise (Assert_failure (file, lnum, cnum))