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* Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
package codetoanalyze.java.nullsafe;
import com.facebook.infer.annotation.PropagatesNullable;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
// Tests for the annotation @PropagatesNullable
class TestPropagatesNullable {
class TestOneParameter {
// means return null iff s is null
String propagatesNullable(@PropagatesNullable String s) {
return s;
String nullable(@Nullable String s) {
return s;
void test(@Nullable String sNullable, String sNonnull) {
// null constant
propagatesNullable(null).length(); // BAD: will be NPE
nullable(null).length(); // BAD: result might be null
// nullable
propagatesNullable(sNullable).length(); // BAD: result can be null
nullable(sNullable).length(); // BAD: result can be null
// string literal
propagatesNullable("").length(); // OK: result can not be null
nullable("").length(); // BAD: typechecker can not figure out that this is safe
// nonnull
propagatesNullable(sNonnull).length(); // OK: result can not be null
nullable(sNonnull).length(); // BAD: typechecker can not figure out that this is safe
// flow sensitive nonnull FALSE POSITIVE
if (sNullable != null) {
// here we know that sNullable is not null, so it should be safe, but it is not the case
// TODO(T53770056) fix it.
// limitation: we currently cannot check the body, and just trust the annotation
String cannotCheckBody(@PropagatesNullable String s) {
return null; // nothing is reported here
void illustrateFalseNegativeAsCannotCheckBody() {
cannotCheckBody("").length(); // this is an NPE but is not found
class TestSecondParameter {
// means return null iff s2 is null
String propagatesNullable(@Nullable String s1, @PropagatesNullable String s2) {
return s2;
String nullable(@Nullable String s1, @Nullable String s2) {
return s2;
// Let's ensure that @PropagatesNullable applies only to the parameter
// that was annotated with it, and not to other params.
void test(@Nullable String sNullable, String sNonnull) {
// Both nullable
propagatesNullable(sNullable, sNullable).length(); // BAD: result can be null
nullable(sNullable, sNullable).length(); // BAD: result can be null
// First is nonnull, second is nullable
propagatesNullable(sNonnull, sNullable).length(); // BAD: result can be null
nullable(sNonnull, sNullable).length(); // BAD: result can be null
// First is nullable, second is nonnull
propagatesNullable(sNullable, sNonnull).length(); // OK: result can not be null
nullable(sNullable, sNonnull).length(); // BAD: typechecker can not figure this out
// Both nonnullable
propagatesNullable(sNonnull, sNonnull).length(); // OK: result can not be null
nullable(sNonnull, sNonnull).length(); // BAD: typechecker can not figure this out
class TestBothParams {
// both parameters are annotated:
// means return null iff either s1 or s2 is null
String propagatesNullable(@PropagatesNullable String s1, @PropagatesNullable String s2) {
return s1 == null ? s1 : s2;
void testBothParamsShouldBeNonnull(@Nullable String sNullable, String sNonnull) {
propagatesNullable(sNullable, sNullable).length(); // BAD: result can be null
propagatesNullable(sNonnull, sNullable).length(); // BAD: result can be null
propagatesNullable(sNullable, sNonnull).length(); // BAD: result can be null
propagatesNullable(sNonnull, sNonnull).length(); // OK: result can be null
// For convenience, we do not require to annotate return type with @Nullable,
// make sure it is respected.
class TestReturnValueAnnotationIsAutomaticallyInferred {
// Ensure that we do not warn with "return not nullable" even if we did not annotate the
// return with @Nullable
String notAnnotatingReturnWhenThereIsPropagatesNullableIsOK(@PropagatesNullable String s) {
return null; // OK: treat is as implicitly nullable
String notAnnotatingReturnWhenThereAreNoPropagatesNullableIsBAD(@Nullable String s) {
return null; // BAD: return not nullable
// Ensure that the behavior remains the same for explicitly and implicitly annotated functions
String annotatedReturn(@PropagatesNullable String s) {
return s;
String notAnnotatedReturn(@PropagatesNullable String s) {
return s;
// 1. Both versions equally catch non-legit usages
void annotated_dereferencingAfterPassingNullableIsBAD(@Nullable String s) {
annotatedReturn(s).toString(); // BAD: nullable dereference
void notAnnotated_dereferencingAfterPassingNullableIsBAD(@Nullable String s) {
notAnnotatedReturn(s).toString(); // BAD: nullable dereference
// 2. Both versions equally allow legit usages
void annotated_dereferencingAfterPassingNonnullIsOK(String s) {
annotatedReturn(s).toString(); // OK: inferred to be non-nullable
void notAnnotated_dereferencingAfterPassingNonnullIsOK(String s) {
notAnnotatedReturn(s).toString(); // OK: inferred to be non-nullable