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* Copyright (c) 2009 - 2013 Monoidics ltd.
* Copyright (c) 2013 - present Facebook, Inc.
* All rights reserved.
* This source code is licensed under the BSD style license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant
* of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.
open! IStd
(** log messages at different levels of verbosity *)
module F = Format
(* If Logging has not been set up yet, Die can be used instead. Prefer to use the
functions here, as they can do more logging. These functions are documented in Die. *)
include module type of Die
val environment_info : ('a, F.formatter, unit) format -> 'a
(** log information about the environment *)
val progress : ('a, F.formatter, unit) format -> 'a
(** print immediately to standard error unless --quiet is specified *)
val progressbar_file : unit -> unit
(** Progress bar: start of the analysis of a file. *)
val progressbar_procedure : unit -> unit
(** Progress bar: start of the analysis of a procedure. *)
val progressbar_timeout_event : SymOp.failure_kind -> unit
(** Progress bar: log a timeout event if in developer mode. *)
val result : ('a, F.formatter, unit) format -> 'a
(** Emit a result to stdout. Use only if the output format is stable and useful enough that it may
conceivably get piped to another program, ie, almost never (use [progress] instead otherwise).
val user_error : ('a, F.formatter, unit) format -> 'a
(** bad input, etc. detected *)
val user_warning : ('a, F.formatter, unit) format -> 'a
val internal_error : ('a, F.formatter, unit) format -> 'a
(** huho, infer has a bug *)
val external_error : ('a, F.formatter, unit) format -> 'a
(** some other tool has a bug or is called wrongly *)
val external_warning : ('a, F.formatter, unit) format -> 'a
type debug_kind = Analysis | BufferOverrun | Capture | Linters | MergeCapture | TestDeterminator
(** Level of verbosity for debug output. Each level enables all the levels before it. *)
type debug_level =
| Quiet (** innocuous, eg emitted once per toplevel execution *)
| Medium (** still fairly lightweight, eg emitted O(<number of infer processes>) *)
| Verbose (** go crazy *)
val debug : debug_kind -> debug_level -> ('a, F.formatter, unit) format -> 'a
(** log debug info *)
val debug_dev : ('a, Format.formatter, unit) format -> 'a
"Only use to debug during development. If you want more permanent logging, use \
[Logging.debug] instead."]
[@@warning "-32"]
(** For debugging during development. *)
(** Type of location in ml source: __POS__ *)
type ocaml_pos = string * int * int * int
val ocaml_pos_to_string : ocaml_pos -> string
(** Convert an ocaml position to a string *)
val pp_ocaml_pos_opt : F.formatter -> ocaml_pos option -> unit
(** Pretty print a position in ocaml source *)
(** log management *)
val setup_log_file : unit -> unit
(** Set up logging to go to the log file. Call this once the results directory has been set up. *)
val reset_formatters : unit -> unit
(** Reset the formatters used for logging. Call this when you fork(2). *)
(** Delayed printing (HTML debug, ...) *)
(** type of printable elements *)
type print_type =
| PTatom
| PTattribute
| PTdecrease_indent
| PTexp
| PTexp_list
| PThpred
| PTincrease_indent
| PTinstr
| PTinstr_list
| PTjprop_list
| PTjprop_short
| PTloc
| PTnode_instrs
| PToff
| PToff_list
| PTpath
| PTprop
| PTproplist
| PTprop_list_with_typ
| PTprop_with_typ
| PTpvar
| PTspec
| PTstr
| PTstr_color
| PTstrln
| PTstrln_color
| PTpathset
| PTpi
| PTsexp
| PTsexp_list
| PTsigma
| PTtexp_full
| PTsub
| PTtyp_full
| PTtyp_list
| PTwarning
| PTerror
| PTinfo
(** delayable print action *)
type print_action = print_type * Obj.t (** data to be printed *)
val printer_hook : (F.formatter -> print_action -> unit) ref
(** hook for the current printer of delayed print actions *)
val add_print_action : print_action -> unit
(** extend he current print log *)
val get_delayed_prints : unit -> print_action list
(** return the delayed print actions *)
val set_delayed_prints : print_action list -> unit
(** set the delayed print actions *)
val reset_delayed_prints : unit -> unit
(** reset the delayed print actions *)
val d_str : string -> unit
(** dump a string *)
val d_str_color : Pp.color -> string -> unit
(** dump a string with the given color *)
val d_strln : string -> unit
(** dump a string plus newline *)
val d_strln_color : Pp.color -> string -> unit
(** dump a string plus newline with the given color *)
val d_ln : unit -> unit
(** dump a newline *)
val d_error : string -> unit
(** dump an error string *)
val d_warning : string -> unit
(** dump a warning string *)
val d_info : string -> unit
(** dump an info string *)
val d_indent : int -> unit
(** dump an indentation *)
val d_increase_indent : int -> unit
(** dump command to increase the indentation level *)
val d_decrease_indent : int -> unit
(** dump command to decrease the indentation level *)