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* Copyright (c) 2017 - present Facebook, Inc.
* All rights reserved.
* This source code is licensed under the BSD style license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant
* of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.
open! IStd
type t = {integers: int String.Map.t; floats: float String.Map.t; strings: string String.Map.t}
let empty = {integers= String.Map.empty; floats= String.Map.empty; strings= String.Map.empty}
let add_int ({integers} as t) ~key ~data = {t with integers= String.Map.set integers ~key ~data}
let add_float ({floats} as t) ~key ~data = {t with floats= String.Map.set floats ~key ~data}
let add_string ({strings} as t) ~key ~data = {t with strings= String.Map.set strings ~key ~data}
let add_string_opt t ~key ~data =
match data with Some data -> add_string t ~key ~data | None -> t
let yojson_of_integers integers =
let f ~key ~data acc = (key, `Int data) :: acc in
`Assoc (String.Map.fold integers ~init:[] ~f)
let yojson_of_floats floats =
let f ~key ~data acc = (key, `Float data) :: acc in
`Assoc (String.Map.fold floats ~init:[] ~f)
let yojson_of_strings strings =
let f ~key ~data acc = (key, `String data) :: acc in
`Assoc (String.Map.fold strings ~init:[] ~f)
let to_json {integers; floats; strings} =
[ ("int", yojson_of_integers integers)
; ("double", yojson_of_floats floats)
; ("normal", yojson_of_strings strings) ]
|> Yojson.Basic.to_string