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* Copyright (c) 2018-present, Facebook, Inc.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
open! IStd
module MockProcCfg = SchedulerTests.MockProcCfg
module WTO = WeakTopologicalOrder.Bourdoncle_SCC (MockProcCfg)
let inputs_from_scheduler_tests =
SchedulerTests.inputs |> ~f:(fun (name, cfg, _, wto) -> (name, cfg, wto))
let inputs =
@ [ ( "bourdoncle_fig1"
, [(1, [2]); (2, [3; 8]); (3, [4]); (4, [5; 7]); (5, [6]); (6, [5; 7]); (7, [3; 8])]
, "1 2 (3 4 (5 6) 7) 8" )
; ( "bourdoncle_fig2left"
, [(1, [2; 4]); (2, [3]); (3, []); (4, [5; 3]); (5, [4])]
, "1 2 (4 5) 3" )
; ("bourdoncle_fig2right", [(1, [2; 4]); (2, [3]); (3, [1]); (4, [3])], "(1 2 4 3)")
; ( "bourdoncle_fig5"
, [ (1, [4; 2])
; (2, [3])
; (3, [6])
; (4, [10])
; (10, [20; 40])
; (40, [1])
; (20, [30])
; (30, [60])
; (60, [5])
; (50, [60])
; (6, [50])
; (5, [6]) ]
, "(1 4 10 40) 20 30 2 3 (6 50 60 5)" )
; ( "elder_fig1"
, [(1, [2]); (2, [3]); (7, [2; 8]); (3, [4]); (6, [7; 3]); (4, [5]); (5, [6; 2])]
, "1 (2 (3 4 5 6) 7) 8" )
; ( "jjb1" (* corresponds to tests/codetoanalyze/c/frontend/gotostmt/jjb1.c *)
, [ (1, [19])
; (19, [6])
; (6, [7; 8])
; (7, [16])
; (8, [9])
; (16, [13])
; (13, [14; 15])
; (5 (* no preds, dead node *), [4])
; (14, [4])
; (15, [12])
; (4, [3])
; (12, [11])
; (3, [2])
; (11, [10])
; (10, [9])
; (9, [18])
; (18, [17])
; (17, [16]) ]
, "1 19 6 7 8 (9 18 17 16 13 15 12 11 10) 14 4 3 2" )
; ("self_loop", [(1, [1])], "(1)")
; ("smallest_nested", [(1, [2]); (2, [1; 2])], "(1 (2))")
; ("smallest_nested_reversed", [(1, [1; 2]); (2, [1])], "(1 2)")
; ( "nested_loops_two_entries"
, [(1, [60; 6]); (60, [5; 50]); (5, [6]); (6, [50]); (50, [60])]
, "1 (6 (50 60) 5)" )
; ( "nested_loops2"
, [ (1, [2])
; (2, [9])
; (6, [2; 7])
; (7, [8; 5])
; (5, [7; 6])
; (9, [3; 10])
; (3, [4])
; (4, [5])
; (8, [4; 3]) ]
, "1 (2 9 (3 (4 (5 6 7) 8))) 10" ) ]
let create_test cfg expected_result _ =
let result =
let partition = WTO.make cfg in
Format.asprintf "%a"
(WeakTopologicalOrder.Partition.pp ~pp_node:MockProcCfg.Node.pp_id)
OUnit2.assert_equal expected_result result
let tests =
let open OUnit2 in
let test_list =
inputs |> ~f:(fun (name, test, expected) -> name >:: create_test test expected)
"wto_suite" >::: test_list