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* Copyright (c) 2010-2011, The MiCode Open Source Community (
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package net.micode.notes.model;
import android.appwidget.AppWidgetManager;
import android.content.ContentUris;
import android.content.Context;
import android.database.Cursor;
import android.text.TextUtils;
import android.util.Log;
import net.micode.notes.tool.ResourceParser.NoteBgResources;
* WorkingNote 类处理与笔记相关的工作逻辑。它支持创建新笔记、加载现有笔记、设置笔记内容、
* 管理笔记的背景色、提醒时间等,同时支持与小部件的交互。
public class WorkingNote {
private Note mNote; // 代表笔记的 Note 对象
private long mNoteId; // 笔记的 ID
private String mContent; // 笔记的内容(文本)
private int mMode; // 笔记的模式(例如:清单模式)
private long mAlertDate; // 提醒时间
private long mModifiedDate; // 最后修改时间
private int mBgColorId; // 背景色 ID
private int mWidgetId; // 小部件 ID
private int mWidgetType; // 小部件类型
private long mFolderId; // 文件夹 ID
private Context mContext; // 上下文
private boolean mIsDeleted; // 是否被标记为已删除
private NoteSettingChangedListener mNoteSettingStatusListener; // 设置变更监听器
private static final String TAG = "WorkingNote"; // 日志标签
// 数据查询的列名数组
public static final String[] DATA_PROJECTION = new String[] {
DataColumns.ID, DataColumns.CONTENT, DataColumns.MIME_TYPE, DataColumns.DATA1,
DataColumns.DATA2, DataColumns.DATA3, DataColumns.DATA4
// 笔记数据的查询列名
public static final String[] NOTE_PROJECTION = new String[] {
NoteColumns.PARENT_ID, NoteColumns.ALERTED_DATE, NoteColumns.BG_COLOR_ID,
NoteColumns.WIDGET_ID, NoteColumns.WIDGET_TYPE, NoteColumns.MODIFIED_DATE
// 各列的索引常量
private static final int DATA_ID_COLUMN = 0;
private static final int DATA_CONTENT_COLUMN = 1;
private static final int DATA_MIME_TYPE_COLUMN = 2;
private static final int DATA_MODE_COLUMN = 3;
private static final int NOTE_PARENT_ID_COLUMN = 0;
private static final int NOTE_ALERTED_DATE_COLUMN = 1;
private static final int NOTE_BG_COLOR_ID_COLUMN = 2;
private static final int NOTE_WIDGET_ID_COLUMN = 3;
private static final int NOTE_WIDGET_TYPE_COLUMN = 4;
private static final int NOTE_MODIFIED_DATE_COLUMN = 5;
* 构造一个新的工作笔记
private WorkingNote(Context context, long folderId) {
mContext = context;
mAlertDate = 0;
mModifiedDate = System.currentTimeMillis();
mFolderId = folderId;
mNote = new Note(); // 创建一个新的 Note 对象
mNoteId = 0;
mIsDeleted = false;
mMode = 0;
mWidgetType = Notes.TYPE_WIDGET_INVALIDE; // 默认无效的小部件类型
* 构造一个现有的工作笔记
private WorkingNote(Context context, long noteId, long folderId) {
mContext = context;
mNoteId = noteId;
mFolderId = folderId;
mIsDeleted = false;
mNote = new Note();
loadNote(); // 加载笔记数据
* 从数据库加载笔记的信息
private void loadNote() {
// 从笔记内容 URI 中查询笔记的基本信息
Cursor cursor = mContext.getContentResolver().query(
ContentUris.withAppendedId(Notes.CONTENT_NOTE_URI, mNoteId), NOTE_PROJECTION, null,
null, null);
if (cursor != null) {
if (cursor.moveToFirst()) {
// 获取笔记的基本信息
mFolderId = cursor.getLong(NOTE_PARENT_ID_COLUMN);
mBgColorId = cursor.getInt(NOTE_BG_COLOR_ID_COLUMN);
mWidgetId = cursor.getInt(NOTE_WIDGET_ID_COLUMN);
mWidgetType = cursor.getInt(NOTE_WIDGET_TYPE_COLUMN);
mAlertDate = cursor.getLong(NOTE_ALERTED_DATE_COLUMN);
mModifiedDate = cursor.getLong(NOTE_MODIFIED_DATE_COLUMN);
} else {
Log.e(TAG, "No note with id:" + mNoteId);
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unable to find note with id " + mNoteId);
loadNoteData(); // 加载笔记的内容数据
* 加载笔记的具体内容(如文本内容或通话记录等)
private void loadNoteData() {
// 查询笔记的数据内容
Cursor cursor = mContext.getContentResolver().query(Notes.CONTENT_DATA_URI, DATA_PROJECTION,
DataColumns.NOTE_ID + "=?", new String[] {
}, null);
if (cursor != null) {
if (cursor.moveToFirst()) {
do {
String type = cursor.getString(DATA_MIME_TYPE_COLUMN);
if (DataConstants.NOTE.equals(type)) {
mContent = cursor.getString(DATA_CONTENT_COLUMN);
mMode = cursor.getInt(DATA_MODE_COLUMN);
mNote.setTextDataId(cursor.getLong(DATA_ID_COLUMN)); // 设置文本数据ID
} else if (DataConstants.CALL_NOTE.equals(type)) {
mNote.setCallDataId(cursor.getLong(DATA_ID_COLUMN)); // 设置通话数据ID
} else {
Log.d(TAG, "Wrong note type with type:" + type);
} while (cursor.moveToNext());
} else {
Log.e(TAG, "No data with id:" + mNoteId);
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unable to find note's data with id " + mNoteId);
* 创建一个空的工作笔记
public static WorkingNote createEmptyNote(Context context, long folderId, int widgetId,
int widgetType, int defaultBgColorId) {
WorkingNote note = new WorkingNote(context, folderId);
note.setBgColorId(defaultBgColorId); // 设置背景色
note.setWidgetId(widgetId); // 设置小部件ID
note.setWidgetType(widgetType); // 设置小部件类型
return note;
* 加载指定ID的工作笔记
public static WorkingNote load(Context context, long id) {
return new WorkingNote(context, id, 0);
* 保存笔记
public synchronized boolean saveNote() {
if (isWorthSaving()) { // 如果笔记值得保存
if (!existInDatabase()) { // 如果笔记不存在数据库
if ((mNoteId = Note.getNewNoteId(mContext, mFolderId)) == 0) {
Log.e(TAG, "Create new note fail with id:" + mNoteId);
return false;
mNote.syncNote(mContext, mNoteId); // 同步笔记内容到数据库
// 如果笔记关联了小部件,更新小部件内容
if (mWidgetId != AppWidgetManager.INVALID_APPWIDGET_ID
&& mWidgetType != Notes.TYPE_WIDGET_INVALIDE
&& mNoteSettingStatusListener != null) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
* 判断笔记是否已经存在于数据库
public boolean existInDatabase() {
return mNoteId > 0;
* 判断笔记是否值得保存
private boolean isWorthSaving() {
return !(mIsDeleted || (TextUtils.isEmpty(mContent) && !existInDatabase())
|| (existInDatabase() && !mNote.isLocalModified())); // 判断笔记是否被删除或没有修改
// 其他设置方法(设置提醒时间、背景色、小部件等)
public void setAlertDate(long date, boolean set) { ... }
public void markDeleted(boolean mark) { ... }
public void setBgColorId(int id) { ... }
public void setCheckListMode(int mode) { ... }
public void setWidgetType(int type) { ... }
public void setWidgetId(int id) { ... }
public void setWorkingText(String text) { ... }
// 获取笔记内容、提醒时间、修改时间等信息
public String getContent() { return mContent; }
public long getAlertDate() { return mAlertDate; }
public long getModifiedDate() { return mModifiedDate; }
public int getBgColorResId() { return NoteBgResources.getNoteBgResource(mBgColorId); }
public int getBgColorId() { return mBgColorId; }
public int getCheckListMode() { return mMode; }
public long getNoteId() { return mNoteId; }
public long getFolderId() { return mFolderId; }
public int getWidgetId() { return mWidgetId; }
public int getWidgetType() { return mWidgetType; }
// 设置变更监听接口
public interface NoteSettingChangedListener {
void onBackgroundColorChanged(); // 背景色变更时调用
void onClockAlertChanged(long date, boolean set); // 提醒时间变更时调用
void onWidgetChanged(); // 小部件变更时调用
void onCheckListModeChanged(int oldMode, int newMode); // 清单模式切换时调用