@ -89,70 +89,6 @@ def login_user(username, password):
# def get_database_connection():
# return connection
# def get_dishes(page, per_page):
# connection = get_database_connection()
# offset = (page - 1) * per_page
# with connection.cursor() as cursor:
# cursor.execute(
# f"SELECT DishName, WebLink, LikeNumber, CollectNumber FROM MainDishList LIMIT {per_page} OFFSET {offset}")
# rows = cursor.fetchall()
# dishes = []
# for row in rows:
# dish = {
# 'DishName': row[0],
# 'WebLink': row[1],
# 'LikeNumber': row[2],
# 'CollectNumber': row[3]
# }
# dishes.append(dish)
# return dishes
# def mainpage(request):
# page = int(request.GET.get('page', 1))
# per_page = 10
# dishes = get_dishes(page, per_page)
# return render(request, 'mainpage.html', {'dishes': dishes})
# def load_more_dishes(request):
# page = int(request.GET.get('page', 1))
# per_page = 10
# dishes = get_dishes(page, per_page)
# return JsonResponse({'dishes': dishes})
# def like_dish(request):
# connection = get_database_connection()
# if request.method == 'POST':
# dish_name = request.POST.get('dish')
# with connection.cursor() as cursor:
# cursor.execute("UPDATE MainDishList SET LikeNumber = LikeNumber + 1 WHERE DishName = %s", [dish_name])
# cursor.execute("SELECT LikeNumber FROM MainDishList WHERE DishName = %s", [dish_name])
# updated_like_number = cursor.fetchone()[0]
# return JsonResponse({'likeNumber': updated_like_number})
# def collect_dish(request):
# connection = get_database_connection()
# if request.method == 'POST':
# dish_name = request.POST.get('dish')
# with connection.cursor() as cursor:
# cursor.execute("UPDATE MainDishList SET CollectNumber = CollectNumber + 1 WHERE DishName = %s", [dish_name])
# cursor.execute("SELECT CollectNumber FROM MainDishList WHERE DishName = %s", [dish_name])
# updated_collect_number = cursor.fetchone()[0]
# return JsonResponse({'collectNumber': updated_collect_number})
def main_page(request):
dishes = MainDishList.objects.all()
return render(request, 'mainpage.html', {'dishes': dishes})