import pygame import sys from os import path from map import list from pygame import mixer import math pygame.init() screen = pygame.display.set_mode((560, 560), 0, 0) pygame.display.set_caption('推箱子游戏') boxList = [] ballList = [] wallList = [] peopleDir = {'x': 0, 'y': 0} clock = pygame.time.Clock() def initData(level): boxList.clear() ballList.clear() wallList.clear() data = list[level] index = -1 for i in range(0, 16): for j in range(0, 16): index += 1 item = data[index] if item == 1: wallList.append(1) else: wallList.append(0) if item == 2: ballList.append(2) else: ballList.append(0) if item == 3: boxList.append(3) else: boxList.append(0) if item == 4: peopleDir['x'] = j peopleDir['y'] = i class GameApp: level = 0 # 第一关 map = None background = None wall = None ball = None box = None down_people = None left_people = None right_people = None up_people = None direction = 'down' levelFont = None ballNum = 0 def __init__(self): self.loadFile() icon = pygame.image.load(self.resolve('img/down.png')) pygame.display.set_icon(icon)'img/background.wav')) self.levelFont = pygame.font.Font(self.resolve('img/msyh.ttc'), 20) self.runGame() def loadFile(self): self.background = pygame.image.load(self.resolve('img/bg.jpg')) self.wall = pygame.image.load(self.resolve('img/wall.png')) self.ball = pygame.image.load(self.resolve('img/ball.png')) = pygame.image.load(self.resolve('img/box.png')) self.down_people = pygame.image.load(self.resolve('img/down.png')) self.left_people = pygame.image.load(self.resolve('img/left.png')) self.right_people = pygame.image.load(self.resolve('img/right.png')) self.up_people = pygame.image.load(self.resolve('img/up.png')) def resolve(self, filename): dirName = path.dirname(__file__) return dirName + '/' + filename def renderLevel(self): levelText = self.levelFont.render('第'+str(self.level+1)+'关', True, (0, 0, 0)) screen.blit(levelText, (490, 5)) def renderPeople(self, i, j): if self.direction == 'down': screen.blit(self.down_people, (j*35-7, i*35-27)) if self.direction == 'left': screen.blit(self.left_people, (j*35-7, i*35-27)) if self.direction == 'right': screen.blit(self.right_people, (j*35-7, i*35-27)) if self.direction == 'up': screen.blit(self.up_people, (j*35-7, i*35-27)) def renderData(self): index = -1 for i in range(0, 16): for j in range(0, 16): index+=1 if wallList[index] == 1: screen.blit(self.wall, (j*35, i*35 - 13)) if ballList[index] == 2: self.ballNum+=1 screen.blit(self.ball, (j*35 + 2, i*35 + 2)) if boxList[index] == 3: screen.blit(, (j*35, i*35 - 11)) if peopleDir['x'] == j and peopleDir['y'] == i: self.renderPeople(i, j) def hasGo(self, preItem, nextItem, preIndex, nextIndex, x, y): if preItem == 0 or preItem == 2: peopleDir['x'] = x peopleDir['y'] = y return True if preItem == 3: # 推箱子走路 if nextItem == 0 or nextItem == 2: boxList[preIndex] = 0 boxList[nextIndex] = 3 peopleDir['x'] = x peopleDir['y'] = y self.checkGameover(nextIndex) self.checkWin() return True return False def checkGameover(self, nextIndex): y = math.floor(nextIndex/16) x = nextIndex%16 preItem = 0 if ballList[nextIndex] != 2: checkList = [ wallList[(y-1)*16 + x], wallList[y*16 + x-1], wallList[(y+1)*16 + x], wallList[y*16 + x+1], wallList[(y-1)*16 + x] ] for item in checkList: if item == 0: preItem = 0 elif item == 1 and preItem == 0: preItem = 1 elif item == 1 and preItem == 1: # 如果相邻是两面墙及失败了 self.level = 0 initData(self.level) break def checkWin(self): index = -1 winNum = 0 self.ballNum = 0 for i in range(0, 16): for j in range(0, 16): index+=1 if ballList[index] == 2: self.ballNum+=1 if (boxList[index] == 3): winNum+=1 if self.ballNum == winNum: self.level+=1 initData(self.level) def pushData(self, type): x = peopleDir['x'] y = peopleDir['y'] curIndex = y*16+x if type == 'left': preIndex = y*16+x-1 nextIndex = y*16+x-2 preItem = max([boxList[preIndex], ballList[preIndex], wallList[preIndex]]) nextItem = max([boxList[nextIndex], ballList[nextIndex], wallList[nextIndex]]) if self.hasGo(preItem, nextItem, preIndex, nextIndex, x-1, y): self.direction = 'left' if type == 'right': preIndex = y*16+x+1 nextIndex = y*16+x+2 preItem = max([boxList[preIndex], ballList[preIndex], wallList[preIndex]]) nextItem = max([boxList[nextIndex], ballList[nextIndex], wallList[nextIndex]]) if self.hasGo(preItem, nextItem, preIndex, nextIndex, x+1, y): self.direction = 'right' if type == 'up': preIndex = (y-1)*16+x nextIndex = (y-2)*16+x preItem = max([boxList[preIndex], ballList[preIndex], wallList[preIndex]]) nextItem = max([boxList[nextIndex], ballList[nextIndex], wallList[nextIndex]]) if self.hasGo(preItem, nextItem, preIndex, nextIndex, x, y-1): self.direction = 'up' if type == 'down': preIndex = (y+1)*16+x nextIndex = (y+2)*16+x preItem = max([boxList[preIndex], ballList[preIndex], wallList[preIndex]]) nextItem = max([boxList[nextIndex], ballList[nextIndex], wallList[nextIndex]]) if self.hasGo(preItem, nextItem, preIndex, nextIndex, x, y+1): self.direction = 'down' def runGame(self): while True: clock.tick(300) screen.fill((0, 0, 0)) screen.blit(self.background, (0, 0)) self.renderData() self.renderLevel() for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: # 如果单击关闭窗口,则退出 pygame.quit() # 退出pygame sys.exit() # 退出系统 if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN: if event.key == pygame.K_LEFT or event.key == pygame.K_a: self.pushData('left') if event.key == pygame.K_RIGHT or event.key == pygame.K_d: self.pushData('right') if event.key == pygame.K_DOWN or event.key == pygame.K_s: self.pushData('down') if event.key == pygame.K_UP or event.key == pygame.K_w: self.pushData('up') pygame.display.update() if __name__ == '__main__': initData(0) GameApp()