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9 months ago
from __future__ import annotations # isort: split
import __future__ # Regular import, not special!
import enum
import functools
import importlib
import inspect
import json
import socket as stdlib_socket
import sys
import types
from pathlib import Path, PurePath
from types import ModuleType
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Protocol
import attrs
import pytest
import trio
import trio.testing
from trio._tests.pytest_plugin import skip_if_optional_else_raise
from .. import _core, _util
from .._core._tests.tutil import slow
from .pytest_plugin import RUN_SLOW
from import Iterable, Iterator
mypy_cache_updated = False
try: # If installed, check both versions of this class.
from typing_extensions import Protocol as Protocol_ext
except ImportError: # pragma: no cover
Protocol_ext = Protocol # type: ignore[assignment]
def _ensure_mypy_cache_updated() -> None:
# This pollutes the `empty` dir. Should this be changed?
from mypy.api import run
except ImportError as error:
global mypy_cache_updated
if not mypy_cache_updated:
# mypy cache was *probably* already updated by the other tests,
# but `pytest -k ...` might run just this test on its own
result = run(
"import trio",
assert not result[1] # stderr
assert not result[0] # stdout
mypy_cache_updated = True
def test_core_is_properly_reexported() -> None:
# Each export from _core should be re-exported by exactly one of these
# three modules:
sources = [trio, trio.lowlevel, trio.testing]
for symbol in dir(_core):
if symbol.startswith("_"):
found = 0
for source in sources:
if symbol in dir(source) and getattr(source, symbol) is getattr(
_core, symbol
found += 1
print(symbol, found)
assert found == 1
def class_is_final(cls: type) -> bool:
"""Check if a class cannot be subclassed."""
# new_class() handles metaclasses properly, type(...) does not.
types.new_class("SubclassTester", (cls,))
except TypeError:
return True
return False
def iter_modules(
module: types.ModuleType,
only_public: bool,
) -> Iterator[types.ModuleType]:
yield module
for name, class_ in module.__dict__.items():
if name.startswith("_") and only_public:
if not isinstance(class_, ModuleType):
if not class_.__name__.startswith(module.__name__): # pragma: no cover
if class_ is module: # pragma: no cover
yield from iter_modules(class_, only_public)
PUBLIC_MODULES = list(iter_modules(trio, only_public=True))
ALL_MODULES = list(iter_modules(trio, only_public=False))
# It doesn't make sense for downstream redistributors to run this test, since
# they might be using a newer version of Python with additional symbols which
# won't be reflected in trio.socket, and this shouldn't cause downstream test
# runs to start failing.
# Static analysis tools often have trouble with alpha releases, where Python's
# internals are in flux, grammar may not have settled down, etc.
sys.version_info.releaselevel == "alpha",
reason="skip static introspection tools on Python dev/alpha releases",
@pytest.mark.parametrize("modname", PUBLIC_MODULE_NAMES)
@pytest.mark.parametrize("tool", ["pylint", "jedi", "mypy", "pyright_verifytypes"])
"ignore:module 'sre_constants' is deprecated:DeprecationWarning",
def test_static_tool_sees_all_symbols(tool: str, modname: str, tmp_path: Path) -> None:
module = importlib.import_module(modname)
def no_underscores(symbols: Iterable[str]) -> set[str]:
return {symbol for symbol in symbols if not symbol.startswith("_")}
runtime_names = no_underscores(dir(module))
# ignore deprecated module `tests` being invisible
if modname == "trio":
# Ignore any __future__ feature objects, if imported under that name.
for name in __future__.all_feature_names:
if getattr(module, name, None) is getattr(__future__, name):
if tool == "pylint":
from pylint.lint import PyLinter
except ImportError as error:
linter = PyLinter()
assert module.__file__ is not None
ast = linter.get_ast(module.__file__, modname)
static_names = no_underscores(ast) # type: ignore[arg-type]
elif tool == "jedi":
if != "cpython":
pytest.skip("jedi does not support pypy")
import jedi
except ImportError as error:
# Simulate typing "import trio; trio.<TAB>"
script = jedi.Script(f"import {modname}; {modname}.")
completions = script.complete()
static_names = no_underscores( for c in completions)
elif tool == "mypy":
if not RUN_SLOW: # pragma: no cover
pytest.skip("use --run-slow to check against mypy")
if != "cpython":
pytest.skip("mypy not installed in tests on pypy")
cache = Path.cwd() / ".mypy_cache"
trio_cache = next(cache.glob("*/trio"))
_, modname = (modname + ".").split(".", 1)
modname = modname[:-1]
mod_cache = trio_cache / modname if modname else trio_cache
if mod_cache.is_dir(): # pragma: no coverage
mod_cache = mod_cache / ""
mod_cache = trio_cache / (modname + ".data.json")
assert mod_cache.exists()
assert mod_cache.is_file()
with as cache_file:
cache_json = json.loads(
static_names = no_underscores(
for key, value in cache_json["names"].items()
if not key.startswith(".") and value["kind"] == "Gdef"
elif tool == "pyright_verifytypes":
if not RUN_SLOW: # pragma: no cover
pytest.skip("use --run-slow to check against pyright")
import pyright # noqa: F401
except ImportError as error:
import subprocess
res =
["pyright", f"--verifytypes={modname}", "--outputjson"],
current_result = json.loads(res.stdout)
static_names = {
x["name"][len(modname) + 1 :]
for x in current_result["typeCompleteness"]["symbols"]
if x["name"].startswith(modname)
else: # pragma: no cover
raise AssertionError()
# It's expected that the static set will contain more names than the
# runtime set:
# - static tools are sometimes sloppy and include deleted names
# - some symbols are platform-specific at runtime, but always show up in
# static analysis (e.g. in trio.socket or trio.lowlevel)
# So we check that the runtime names are a subset of the static names.
missing_names = runtime_names - static_names
# ignore warnings about deprecated module tests
missing_names -= {"tests"}
if missing_names: # pragma: no cover
print(f"{tool} can't see the following names in {modname}:")
for name in sorted(missing_names):
print(f" {name}")
raise AssertionError()
# this could be sped up by only invoking mypy once per module, or even once for all
# modules, instead of once per class.
# see comment on test_static_tool_sees_all_symbols
# Static analysis tools often have trouble with alpha releases, where Python's
# internals are in flux, grammar may not have settled down, etc.
sys.version_info.releaselevel == "alpha",
reason="skip static introspection tools on Python dev/alpha releases",
@pytest.mark.parametrize("module_name", PUBLIC_MODULE_NAMES)
@pytest.mark.parametrize("tool", ["jedi", "mypy"])
def test_static_tool_sees_class_members(
tool: str, module_name: str, tmp_path: Path
) -> None:
module = PUBLIC_MODULES[PUBLIC_MODULE_NAMES.index(module_name)]
# ignore hidden, but not dunder, symbols
def no_hidden(symbols: Iterable[str]) -> set[str]:
return {
for symbol in symbols
if (not symbol.startswith("_")) or symbol.startswith("__")
if tool == "mypy":
if != "cpython":
pytest.skip("mypy not installed in tests on pypy")
cache = Path.cwd() / ".mypy_cache"
trio_cache = next(cache.glob("*/trio"))
modname = module_name
_, modname = (modname + ".").split(".", 1)
modname = modname[:-1]
mod_cache = trio_cache / modname if modname else trio_cache
if mod_cache.is_dir():
mod_cache = mod_cache / ""
mod_cache = trio_cache / (modname + ".data.json")
assert mod_cache.exists()
assert mod_cache.is_file()
with as cache_file:
cache_json = json.loads(
# skip a bunch of file-system activity (probably can un-memoize?)
def lookup_symbol(symbol: str) -> dict[str, str]:
topname, *modname, name = symbol.split(".")
version = next(cache.glob("3.*/"))
mod_cache = version / topname
if not mod_cache.is_dir():
mod_cache = version / (topname + ".data.json")
if modname:
for piece in modname[:-1]:
mod_cache /= piece
next_cache = mod_cache / modname[-1]
if next_cache.is_dir(): # pragma: no coverage
mod_cache = next_cache / ""
mod_cache = mod_cache / (modname[-1] + ".data.json")
elif mod_cache.is_dir():
mod_cache /= ""
with as f:
return json.loads(["names"][name] # type: ignore[no-any-return]
errors: dict[str, object] = {}
for class_name, class_ in module.__dict__.items():
if not isinstance(class_, type):
if module_name == "trio.socket" and class_name in dir(stdlib_socket):
# ignore class that does dirty tricks
if class_ is trio.testing.RaisesGroup:
# dir() and inspect.getmembers doesn't display properties from the metaclass
# also ignore some dunder methods that tend to differ but are of no consequence
ignore_names = set(dir(type(class_))) | {
# ignore errors about dunders inherited from stdlib that tools might
# not see
# pypy seems to have some additional dunders that differ
if == "pypy":
ignore_names |= {
# inspect.getmembers sees `name` and `value` in Enums, otherwise
# it behaves the same way as `dir`
# runtime_names = no_underscores(dir(class_))
runtime_names = (
no_hidden(x[0] for x in inspect.getmembers(class_)) - ignore_names
if tool == "jedi":
import jedi
except ImportError as error:
script = jedi.Script(
f"from {module_name} import {class_name}; {class_name}."
completions = script.complete()
static_names = no_hidden( for c in completions) - ignore_names
elif tool == "mypy":
# load the cached type information
cached_type_info = cache_json["names"][class_name]
if "node" not in cached_type_info:
cached_type_info = lookup_symbol(cached_type_info["cross_ref"])
assert "node" in cached_type_info
node = cached_type_info["node"]
static_names = no_hidden(k for k in node["names"] if not k.startswith("."))
for symbol in node["mro"][1:]:
node = lookup_symbol(symbol)["node"]
static_names |= no_hidden(
k for k in node["names"] if not k.startswith(".")
static_names -= ignore_names
else: # pragma: no cover
raise AssertionError("unknown tool")
missing = runtime_names - static_names
extra = static_names - runtime_names
# using .remove() instead of .delete() to get an error in case they start not
# being missing
if (
tool == "jedi"
and BaseException in class_.__mro__
and sys.version_info >= (3, 11)
if (
tool == "mypy"
and BaseException in class_.__mro__
and sys.version_info >= (3, 11)
if tool == "mypy" and attrs.has(class_):
# e.g. __trio__core__run_CancelScope_AttrsAttributes__
before = len(extra)
extra = {e for e in extra if not e.endswith("AttrsAttributes__")}
assert len(extra) == before - 1
# mypy does not see these attributes in Enum subclasses
if (
tool == "mypy"
and enum.Enum in class_.__mro__
and sys.version_info >= (3, 12)
# Another attribute, in 3.12+ only.
# TODO: this *should* be visible via `dir`!!
if tool == "mypy" and class_ == trio.Nursery:
# These are (mostly? solely?) *runtime* attributes, often set in
# __init__, which doesn't show up with dir() or inspect.getmembers,
# but we get them in the way we query mypy & jedi
trio.DTLSChannel: {"peer_address", "endpoint"},
trio.DTLSEndpoint: {"socket", "incoming_packets_buffer"},
trio.Process: {"args", "pid", "stderr", "stdin", "stdio", "stdout"},
trio.SSLListener: {"transport_listener"},
trio.SSLStream: {"transport_stream"},
trio.SocketListener: {"socket"},
trio.SocketStream: {"socket"},
trio.testing.MemoryReceiveStream: {"close_hook", "receive_some_hook"},
trio.testing.MemorySendStream: {
trio.testing.Matcher: {
if tool == "mypy" and class_ in EXTRAS:
before = len(extra)
extra -= EXTRAS[class_]
assert len(extra) == before - len(EXTRAS[class_])
# TODO: why is this? Is it a problem?
# see
if class_ == trio.StapledStream:
# I have not researched why these are missing, should maybe create an issue
# upstream with jedi
if tool == "jedi" and sys.version_info >= (3, 11):
if class_ in (
if class_ in (trio.DTLSChannel, trio.MemoryReceiveChannel):
if class_ in (trio.Path, trio.WindowsPath, trio.PosixPath):
# These are from inherited subclasses.
missing -= PurePath.__dict__.keys()
# These are unix-only.
if tool == "mypy" and sys.platform == "win32":
missing -= {"owner", "is_mount", "group"}
if tool == "jedi" and sys.platform == "win32":
extra -= {"owner", "is_mount", "group"}
if missing or extra: # pragma: no cover
errors[f"{module_name}.{class_name}"] = {
"missing": missing,
"extra": extra,
# `assert not errors` will not print the full content of errors, even with
# `--verbose`, so we manually print it
if errors: # pragma: no cover
from pprint import pprint
print(f"\n{tool} can't see the following symbols in {module_name}:")
assert not errors
def test_nopublic_is_final() -> None:
"""Check all NoPublicConstructor classes are also @final."""
assert class_is_final(_util.NoPublicConstructor) # This is itself final.
for module in ALL_MODULES:
for _name, class_ in module.__dict__.items():
if isinstance(class_, _util.NoPublicConstructor):
assert class_is_final(class_)
def test_classes_are_final() -> None:
# Sanity checks.
assert not class_is_final(object)
assert class_is_final(bool)
for module in PUBLIC_MODULES:
for name, class_ in module.__dict__.items():
if not isinstance(class_, type):
# Deprecated classes are exported with a leading underscore
if name.startswith("_"): # pragma: no cover
# Abstract classes can be subclassed, because that's the whole
# point of ABCs
if inspect.isabstract(class_):
# Same with protocols, but only direct children.
if Protocol in class_.__bases__ or Protocol_ext in class_.__bases__:
# Exceptions are allowed to be subclassed, because exception
# subclassing isn't used to inherit behavior.
if issubclass(class_, BaseException):
# These are classes that are conceptually abstract, but
# inspect.isabstract returns False for boring reasons.
if class_ is or class_ is trio.socket.SocketType:
# ... insert other special cases here ...
# The `Path` class needs to support inheritance to allow `WindowsPath` and `PosixPath`.
if class_ is trio.Path:
# don't care about the *Statistics classes
if name.endswith("Statistics"):
assert class_is_final(class_)