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5 years ago
typedef struct AVLNode* AVLTree;
struct AVLNode { //AVL树的结构左子树右子树高度数据
AVLTree Left;
AVLTree Right;
int Height;
int Data;
int Max(int a, int b) {
return a > b ? a : b;
int GetHeight(AVLTree T) { //递归计算树的高度
int HL, HR;
if (T) {
HL = GetHeight(T->Left);
HR = GetHeight(T->Right);
return Max(HL, HR) + 1;
return 0;
AVLTree SingleLeftRotation(AVLTree A) {
AVLTree B = A->Left;
A->Left = B->Right;
B->Right = A;
A->Height = GetHeight(A);
B->Height = GetHeight(B);
return B;
AVLTree SingleRightRotation(AVLTree A) {
AVLTree B = A->Right;
A->Right = B->Left;
B->Left = A;
A->Height = GetHeight(A);
B->Height = GetHeight(B);
return B;
AVLTree DoubleLeftRightRotation(AVLTree A) {
A->Left = SingleRightRotation(A->Left);
return SingleLeftRotation(A);
AVLTree DoubleRightLeftRotation(AVLTree A) {
A->Right = SingleLeftRotation(A->Right);
return SingleRightRotation(A);
AVLTree Insert(AVLTree T, int x) {
if (!T) {
T = (AVLTree)malloc(sizeof(struct AVLNode));
T->Data = x;
T->Left = NULL;
T->Right = NULL;
T->Height = 1;
else if (x < T->Data) {
T->Left = Insert(T->Left, x);
if (GetHeight(T->Left) - GetHeight(T->Right) == 2) { //注意这里还没更新树高不能用T->Left->Height之类
if (x < T->Data)
T = SingleLeftRotation(T);
else if (x > T->Data)
T = DoubleLeftRightRotation(T);
else if (x > T->Data) {
T->Right=Insert(T->Right, x);
if (GetHeight(T->Left) - GetHeight(T->Right) == -2)
if (x > T->Right->Data)
T = SingleRightRotation(T);
T = DoubleRightLeftRotation(T);
T->Height = GetHeight(T);
return T;
void PreorderTravelsal(AVLTree BT) {
if (BT) {
printf("%d ", BT->Data);
int main(void) {
int n,number, i;
scanf_s("%d", &n);
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
scanf_s("%d", &number);
T=Insert(T, number);
return 0;