/* * Copyright (c) 2013-2019 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. * Copyright (c) 2020-2021 Huawei Device Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, * are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of * conditions and the following disclaimer. * * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list * of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials * provided with the distribution. * * 3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its contributors may be used * to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written * permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, * EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; * OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, * WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR * OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF * ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include #include #include //函数BufWriteTest用于向给定的缓冲区中写入字符'a',从指定的start位置开始,一直到end位置。 static void BufWriteTest(void *buf, int start, int end) { for (int i = start; i <= end; i++) { ((char *)buf)[i] = 'a'; } } //函数BufReadTest则是读取给定的缓冲区中的内容,从start位置开始,一直到end位置,但是读取的内容并未被使用。 static void BufReadTest(void *buf, int start, int end) { char tmp; for (int i = start; i <= end; i++) { tmp = ((char *)buf)[i]; } } //函数LmsMallocTest首先分配了一个大小为TEST_SIZE的内存块,然后尝试在[-1, TEST_SIZE]的范围内进行读写操作,预期是触发读写溢出的错误。然后它释放了这块内存。 static void LmsMallocTest(void) { #define TEST_SIZE 16 printf("\n-------- LmsMallocTest Start --------\n"); char *buf = (char *)malloc(TEST_SIZE); if (buf == NULL) { return; } printf("[LmsMallocTest] read overflow & underflow error should be triggered, read range[-1, TEST_SIZE]\n"); BufReadTest(buf, -1, TEST_SIZE); printf("[LmsMallocTest] write overflow error should be triggered, write range[0, TEST_SIZE]\n"); BufWriteTest(buf, 0, TEST_SIZE); free(buf); printf("\n-------- LmsMallocTest End --------\n"); } //函数LmsReallocTest首先分配了一个大小为TEST_SIZE的内存块,然后在[-1, TEST_SIZE]的范围内进行读操作,预期是触发读写溢出的错误。然后它尝试将这块内存的大小调整为TEST_SIZE_MIN,并再次在[-1, TEST_SIZE_MIN]的范围内进行读操作,预期同样是触发读写溢出的错误。最后,它释放了这块内存 static void LmsReallocTest(void) { #define TEST_SIZE 64 #define TEST_SIZE_MIN 32 printf("\n-------- LmsReallocTest Start --------\n"); char *buf = (char *)malloc(TEST_SIZE); printf("[LmsReallocTest] read overflow & underflow error should be triggered, read range[-1, TEST_SIZE]\n"); BufReadTest(buf, -1, TEST_SIZE); char *buf1 = (char *)realloc(buf, TEST_SIZE_MIN); if (buf1 == NULL) { free(buf); return; } buf = NULL; printf("[LmsReallocTest] read overflow & underflow error should be triggered, read range[-1, TEST_SIZE_MIN]\n"); BufReadTest(buf1, -1, TEST_SIZE_MIN); free(buf1); printf("\n-------- LmsReallocTest End --------\n"); } // 此函数使用calloc函数分配内存,calloc会初始化分配的内存为零。然后它调用BufReadTest函数来读取分配的内存范围,但实际上并未使用这块内存。如果内存分配失败,则calloc返回NULL,函数会直接返回。最后,使用free释放内存。 static void LmsCallocTest(void) { #define TEST_SIZE 16 printf("\n-------- LmsCallocTest Start --------\n"); char *buf = (char *)calloc(4, 4); /* 4: test size */ if (buf == NULL) { return; } printf("[LmsCallocTest] read overflow & underflow error should be triggered, read range[-1, TEST_SIZE]\n"); BufReadTest(buf, -1, TEST_SIZE); free(buf); printf("\n-------- LmsCallocTest End --------\n"); } //LmsVallocTest: 此函数使用valloc函数分配内存,valloc会根据页的边界来分配内存。然后它调用BufReadTest函数来读取分配的内存范围。如果内存分配失败,则valloc返回NULL,函数会直接返回。最后,使用free释放内存。 static void LmsVallocTest(void) { #define TEST_SIZE 4096 printf("\n-------- LmsVallocTest Start --------\n"); char *buf = (char *)valloc(TEST_SIZE); if (buf == NULL) { return; } printf("[LmsVallocTest] read overflow & underflow error should be triggered, read range[-1, TEST_SIZE]\n"); BufReadTest(buf, -1, TEST_SIZE); free(buf); printf("\n-------- LmsVallocTest End --------\n"); } //LmsAlignedAllocTest: 此函数使用aligned_alloc函数分配内存,aligned_alloc会分配一块特定对齐的内存。然后它调用BufReadTest函数来读取分配的内存范围。如果内存分配失败,则aligned_alloc返回NULL,函数会直接返回。最后,使用free释放内存。 static void LmsAlignedAllocTest(void) { #define TEST_ALIGN_SIZE 64 #define TEST_SIZE 128 printf("\n-------- LmsAlignedAllocTest Start --------\n"); char *buf = (char *)aligned_alloc(TEST_ALIGN_SIZE, TEST_SIZE); if (buf == NULL) { return; } printf("[LmsAlignedAllocTest] read overflow & underflow error should be triggered, read range[-1,128]\n"); BufReadTest(buf, -1, 128); free(buf); printf("\n-------- LmsAlignedAllocTest End --------\n"); } //LmsMemsetTest: 此函数使用malloc函数分配内存,然后使用memset函数将该内存块设置为0。注意,这里的memset被用于填充比分配的内存还要多的字节(TEST_SIZE + 1),这可能会导致溢出错误。然后使用free释放内存。 static void LmsMemsetTest(void) { #define TEST_SIZE 32 printf("\n-------- LmsMemsetTest Start --------\n"); char *buf = (char *)malloc(TEST_SIZE); if (buf == NULL) { return; } printf("[LmsMemsetTest] memset overflow & underflow error should be triggered, memset size:%d\n", TEST_SIZE + 1); memset(buf, 0, TEST_SIZE + 1); free(buf); printf("\n-------- LmsMemsetTest End --------\n"); } //: 该函数旨在测试memcpy函数的功能。首先,它使用malloc分配一块内存,然后尝试使用memcpy将一个数组的内容复制到这块内存中,复制的大小超过分配的内存大小,从而触发溢出错误。 static void LmsMemcpyTest(void) { #define TEST_SIZE 20 printf("\n-------- LmsMemcpyTest Start --------\n"); char *buf = (char *)malloc(TEST_SIZE); if (buf == NULL) { return; } char localBuf[32] = {0}; /* 32: test size */ printf("[LmsMemcpyTest] memcpy overflow error should be triggered, memcpy size:%d\n", TEST_SIZE + 1); memcpy(buf, localBuf, TEST_SIZE + 1); free(buf); printf("\n-------- LmsMemcpyTest End --------\n"); } //LmsMemmoveTest: 该函数测试memmove函数的功能。memmove函数用于复制一定数量的字节从一个位置到另一个位置,即使这两个位置是重叠的。该函数尝试复制的内容超过了分配的内存大小,从而触发溢出错误。 static void LmsMemmoveTest(void) { #define TEST_SIZE 20 printf("\n-------- LmsMemmoveTest Start --------\n"); char *buf = (char *)malloc(TEST_SIZE); if (buf == NULL) { return; } printf("[LmsMemmoveTest] memmove overflow error should be triggered\n"); memmove(buf + 12, buf, 10); /* 12 and 10: test size */ free(buf); printf("\n-------- LmsMemmoveTest End --------\n"); } LmsStrcpyTest: 该函数测试strcpy函数的功能。strcpy函数用于将一个字符串复制到另一个字符串。该函数尝试复制一个字符串到分配的内存中,复制的字符串长度超过了分配的内存大小,从而触发溢出错误。 static void LmsStrcpyTest(void) { #define TEST_SIZE 16 printf("\n-------- LmsStrcpyTest Start --------\n"); char *buf = (char *)malloc(TEST_SIZE); if (buf == NULL) { return; } char *testStr = "bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb"; printf("[LmsStrcpyTest] strcpy overflow error should be triggered, src string buf size:%d\n", strlen(testStr) + 1); strcpy(buf, testStr); free(buf); printf("\n-------- LmsStrcpyTest End --------\n"); } //LmsStrcatTest: 该函数测试strcat函数的功能。strcat函数用于将一个字符串连接到另一个字符串的末尾。该函数首先分配一块内存,并尝试将一个字符串连接到这块内存的末尾,连接后的字符串长度超过了分配的内存大小,从而触发溢出错误。 static void LmsStrcatTest(void) { #define TEST_SIZE 16 printf("\n-------- LmsStrcatTest Start --------\n"); char *buf = (char *)malloc(TEST_SIZE); if (buf == NULL) { return; } buf[0] = 'a'; buf[1] = 'b'; buf[2] = 0; char *testStr = "cccccccccccccc"; printf("[LmsStrcatTest] strcat overflow error should be triggered, src string:%s dest string:%s" "total buf size:%d\n", testStr, buf, strlen(testStr) + strlen(buf) + 1); strcat(buf, testStr); free(buf); printf("\n-------- LmsStrcatTest End --------\n"); } //static void LmsFreeTest(void): 这是一个静态函数,名为LmsFreeTest,不接受任何参数并且没有返回值。该函数主要用于测试free函数的功能。 static void LmsFreeTest(void) { #define TEST_SIZE 16 printf("\n-------- LmsFreeTest Start --------\n"); char *buf = (char *)malloc(TEST_SIZE); if (buf == NULL) { return; } printf("[LmsFreeTest] free size:%d\n", TEST_SIZE); free(buf); printf("[LmsFreeTest] Use after free error should be triggered, read range[1,1]\n"); BufReadTest(buf, 1, 1); printf("[LmsFreeTest] double free error should be triggered\n"); free(buf); printf("\n-------- LmsFreeTest End --------\n"); } int main(int argc, char * const *argv) { (void)argc; (void)argv; printf("\n############### Lms Test start ###############\n"); char *tmp = (char *)malloc(5000); /* 5000: test mem size */ if (tmp == NULL) { return; } LmsMallocTest(); LmsReallocTest(); LmsCallocTest(); LmsVallocTest(); LmsAlignedAllocTest(); LmsMemsetTest(); LmsMemcpyTest(); LmsMemmoveTest(); LmsStrcpyTest(); LmsStrcatTest(); LmsFreeTest(); free(tmp); printf("\n############### Lms Test End ###############\n"); } //int main(int argc, char * const *argv): 定义主函数,接受命令行参数。 //(void)argc; (void)argv;: 这两行代码忽略了命令行参数,实际上它们没有用到。 //printf("\n############### Lms Test start ###############\n");: 打印一条消息,表示Lms测试开始。 // *tmp = (char *)malloc(5000);: 分配一块大小为5000的内存,用于后续的测试函数。 //if (tmp == NULL) { return; }: 检查malloc是否成功分配了内存。如果分配失败,主函数直接返回。 //调用多个内存管理测试函数,例如LmsMallocTest()、LmsReallocTest()等。这些函数的具体实现没有在给出的代码中给出,因此我无法对它们进行注释。 //LmsFreeTest();: 调用LmsFreeTest函数,进行free函数的测试。 //free(tmp);: 释放之前使用malloc分配的内存。 //printf("\n############### Lms Test End ###############\n");: 打印一条消息,表示Lms测试结束