#!/usr/bin/python # -*- conding:utf-8 -*- from tkinter import * import time import threading import random import math from tkinter import messagebox # 变量定义 BIANCHANG = 19 COLOR = ['red', 'orange', 'yellow', 'green', 'blue', 'purple', '#00C5CD', '#00EE76', '#388E8E', '#556B2F', '#6B8E23', '#8B2252', '#8B6969', '#A0522D', '#BC8F8F', '#BC8F3F', 'black'] COLUMN = 16 ROW = 30 class fangk: def __init__(self, huabu, col, row): self.huabu = huabu self.col, self.row = col, row self.color = COLOR[self.row % 16] # self.setvisible(1) self.havefk = False def setvisible(self, statu): if statu > 0: x = self.col * (BIANCHANG + 1) + 2 y = 582 - (ROW - self.row - 1) * (BIANCHANG + 1) self.fk = self.huabu.create_rectangle(x, y, x + BIANCHANG, y + BIANCHANG, fill=self.color) self.line1 = self.huabu.create_line(x, y, x, y + BIANCHANG, fill='white') self.line2 = self.huabu.create_line(x, y, x + BIANCHANG, y, fill='white') self.havefk = True elif statu == 0 and self.havefk: self.huabu.delete(self.fk) self.huabu.delete(self.line2) self.huabu.delete(self.line1) self.havefk = False else: return -1 def set_color(self, color): self.color = color return self class elsfk: def __init__(self): self.fk_type = [[(0, 0, 1, 1), (0, 1, 0, 1)], # 正方形 [(0, 0, 0, 0), (1, 0, -1, -2)], # 长条 [(-1, 0, 1, 2), (0, 0, 0, 0)], [(0, 1, 0, -1), (0, 1, 1, 0)], # 右Z [(0, -1, -1, 0), (0, 1, 0, -1)], [(0, -1, 0, 1), (0, 1, 1, 0)], # 左Z [(0, 1, 1, 0), (0, 1, 0, -1)], [(0, 0, -1, 1), (0, 1, 0, 0)], # T型 [(0, 0, 0, 1), (0, 1, -1, 0)], [(0, 1, 0, -1), (0, 0, -1, 0)], [(0, 0, -1, 0), (0, 1, 0, -1)], [(0, 1, 1, -1), (0, -1, 0, 0)], # 左钩 [(0, 1, 0, 0), (0, 1, 1, -1)], [(0, -1, -1, 1), (0, 1, 0, 0)], [(0, 0, 0, -1), (0, 1, -1, -1)], [(0, 1, 1, -1), (0, 1, 0, 0)], # 右钩 [(0, -1, 0, 0), (0, 1, 1, -1)], [(0, -1, -1, 1), (0, -1, 0, 0)], [(0, 0, 0, 1), (0, 1, -1, -1)]] # 窗口 self.win = Tk() self.win.title("俄罗斯方块") # self.win.attributes("-alpha",0.95) self.win.geometry('450x610') self.win.resizable(0, 0) self.nandu_stat=IntVar() self.huabu = Canvas(self.win, bg="light grey", height=600, width=COLUMN * (BIANCHANG + 1), takefocus=True) self.huabu_right = Canvas(self.win, height=100, width=100) self.pauseBut = Button(self.win, text="暂停", bg='light green', height=1, width=12, font=(10), command=self.pause) self.pauseBut.place(x=335, y=450) self.startBut = Button(self.win, text="开始", height=1, width=12, font=(10), command=self.startgame) self.startBut.place(x=335, y=483) self.restartBut = Button(self.win, text="重新开始", height=1, width=12, font=(10), command=self.restart) self.restartBut.place(x=335, y=516) self.quitBut = Button(self.win, text="退出", height=1, width=12, font=(10), command=self.win.quit) #self.quitgame) self.quitBut.place(x=335, y=549) self.lab_score = Label(self.win, text="分数:0", font=(24)) self.lab_score.place(x=335, y=50) self.lab_grade = Label(self.win, text="等级:1", fg='red', font=(24)) self.lab_grade.place(x=335, y=70) self.check_box1 = Checkbutton(self.win, text="难度", variable=self.nandu_stat, height=1, width=3) # 菜单 self.initgame() # self.test = True #for i in range(12): # self.base_map[29 - i] = [1] * 15 + [0] * 1 #self.base_map[28][2] = 0 #self.base_map[24][5] = 0 #self.base_map[20][9] = 0 self.menu = Menu(self.win) self.win.config(menu=self.menu) self.startMenu = Menu(self.menu) self.menu.add_cascade(label='游戏', menu=self.startMenu) self.startMenu.add_command(label='开始', command=self.startgame) self.startMenu.add_separator() self.startMenu.add_command(label='重新开始', command=self.restart) self.exitMenu = Menu(self.menu) self.menu.add_cascade(label='退出', command=self.quitgame) self.setMenu = Menu(self.win) self.menu.add_cascade(label='设置', menu=self.setMenu) self.setMenu.add_command(label='颜色', command=self.set_color) # self.setMenu.add_command(label='难度', command=self.set_nandu) # self.helpMenu.add_command(label='How to play', command=self.rule) # self.helpMenu.add_separator() # self.helpMenu.add_command(label='About...', command=self.about) # self.huabu.focus_set() self.huabu.bind_all('', self.move_left) self.huabu.bind_all('', self.move_right) self.huabu.bind_all('', self.rotate) # self.huabu.bind_all('', self.change) self.huabu.bind_all('', self.quick_drop) self.huabu.bind_all('', self.move_left) self.huabu.bind_all('', self.move_right) self.huabu.bind_all('', self.rotate) self.huabu.bind_all('', self.quick_drop) self.huabu.bind_all('', self.down_straight) self.huabu.place(x=2, y=2) self.huabu_right.place(x=335, y=200) self.check_box1.place(x=335,y=100) self.fangkuai_map = [[fangk(self.huabu, i, j) for i in range(COLUMN)] for j in range(ROW)] # self.startgame() self.win.mainloop() def set_nandu(self): self.nandu_stat = not self.nandu_stat def nandu(self): if self.nandu_line > 10: self.nandu_line = 0 self.base_map.pop(0) self.base_map.append([0] + [1] * 15) # [random.randrange(0, 2) for i in range(16)]) self.color_map.pop(0) self.color_map.append([random.randrange(0, 17) for i in range(16)]) self.combind() self.draw_map() self.win.update() def set_color(self): self.muti_color = not self.muti_color def pause(self): messagebox.showinfo("暂停", "游戏暂停中") def restart(self): messagebox.askquestion("重新开始", "确定要重新开始游戏吗?") for i in self.huabu.find_all(): self.huabu.delete(i) self.initgame() self.startgame() def cal_score(self, row): self.score = self.score + [row * 10, int(row * 10 * (1 + row / 10))][self.last_row == row] self.lab_score.config(text="分数:" + str(self.score)) self.last_row = row self.sum_row += row self.grade = self.sum_row // 50 + 1 self.lab_grade.config(text="等级:" + str(self.grade)) if self.nandu_stat: self.nandu_line += row self.nandu() def initgame(self): self.map = [[0] * COLUMN for _ in range(ROW)] self.map_before = [[0] * COLUMN for _ in range(ROW)] self.base_map = [[0] * COLUMN for _ in range(ROW)] self.color_map = [[0] * COLUMN for _ in range(ROW)] self.score = 0 self.lock_operation = False self.speed = 20 self.last_row = 0 self.sum_row = 0 self.grade = 1 self.interval = 0 # self.nandu_stat = True self.nandu_line = 0 self.next_fangk_type = random.randrange(0, 19) self.next_color = random.randrange(0, 17) self.lab_score.config(text="分数:0") self.lab_grade.config(text="等级:1") self.muti_color = True # 设置是否启用多色彩,还未弄 def quitgame(self): q = messagebox.askquestion("退出", "确定要退出吗?") if q == 'yes': self.win.destroy(); exit() def startgame(self): self.check_box1.config(state=DISABLED) self.startBut.config(state=DISABLED) self.next_fk() while not self.lock_operation: time.sleep(0.05) if self.interval == 0: self.drop() self.interval = (self.interval + 1) % (22 - self.grade * 2) self.win.update() def flash(self, del_rows): self.lock_operation = True for times in range(6): for j in del_rows: for i in self.fangkuai_map[j]: i.setvisible(int(0.5 + times % 2 * 0.5)) self.win.update() time.sleep(0.2) self.lock_operation = False def next_fk(self): self.cur_color = self.next_color self.cur_fk_type = self.next_fangk_type self.next_color = random.randrange(0, 17) self.next_fangk_type = random.randrange(0, 19) for i in self.huabu_right.find_all(): self.huabu_right.delete(i) for i in range(4): fangk(self.huabu_right, 2 + self.fk_type[self.next_fangk_type][0][i], 2 - self.fk_type[self.next_fangk_type][1][i]).set_color(COLOR[self.next_color]).setvisible(1) self.cur_fk = self.fk_type[self.cur_fk_type] self.cur_location = [{'x': 7, 'y': 1}, {'x': 7, 'y': 0}][self.cur_fk_type in (2, 11, 17)] self.combind() self.draw_map() if not self.test_map(): messagebox.showinfo("失败", "游戏失败了") self.lock_operation = True def rotate(self, event): if not self.lock_operation: if self.cur_fk_type != 0: temp = self.cur_fk_type self.cur_fk_type = [(self.cur_fk_type - 7) // 4 * 4 + self.cur_fk_type % 4 + 7, (self.cur_fk_type - 1) // 2 * 2 + self.cur_fk_type % 2 + 1][ self.cur_fk_type in range(1, 7)] self.cur_fk = self.fk_type[self.cur_fk_type] if self.cur_location['x'] + min(self.cur_fk[0]) + 1 <= 0 or self.cur_location['x'] + max( self.cur_fk[0]) >= COLUMN or not self.test_map() or self.cur_location['y'] + min( self.cur_fk[1]) + 1 < 0: print('testmap') self.cur_fk_type = temp self.cur_fk = self.fk_type[self.cur_fk_type] self.combind() self.draw_map() def combind(self): self.map = [a[:] for a in self.base_map] for i in range(len(self.cur_fk[1])): x = self.cur_location['x'] + self.cur_fk[0][i] y = self.cur_location['y'] - self.cur_fk[1][i] self.map[y][x] = 1 self.color_map[y][x] = self.cur_color def test_map(self): for i in range(len(self.cur_fk[0])): x = self.cur_location['x'] + self.cur_fk[0][i] y = self.cur_location['y'] - self.cur_fk[1][i] if self.base_map[y][x] > 0: return False return True def draw_map(self): for i in range(ROW): for j in range(COLUMN): if self.map[i][j] != self.map_before[i][j]: self.fangkuai_map[i][j].set_color(COLOR[self.color_map[i][j]]).setvisible(self.map[i][j]) self.map_before = [i[:] for i in self.map] self.win.update() def quick_drop(self, event): if not self.lock_operation: self.drop() def drop(self): self.cur_location['y'] += 1 if self.cur_location['y'] - min(self.cur_fk[1]) < ROW and self.test_map(): self.combind() self.draw_map() return True else: self.cur_location['y'] -= 1 self.base_map = [i[:] for i in self.map] self.delete_row() self.draw_map() self.next_fk() return False def delete_row(self): del_row = [] for i in range(max(self.cur_fk[1]) - min(self.cur_fk[1]) + 1): if self.base_map[self.cur_location['y'] - min(self.cur_fk[1]) - i] == [1] * COLUMN: del_row.append(self.cur_location['y'] - min(self.cur_fk[1]) - i) if not del_row == []: self.flash(del_row) self.base_map = [r for r in self.base_map if not r == [1] * COLUMN] self.base_map = ([[0] * COLUMN] * (30 - len(self.base_map))) + self.base_map self.cal_score(len(del_row)) def move_left(self, event): if not self.lock_operation: self.cur_location['x'] -= 1 if self.cur_location['x'] + min(self.cur_fk[0]) + 1 > 0 and self.test_map(): self.combind() self.draw_map() else: self.cur_location['x'] += 1 def move_right(self, event): if not self.lock_operation: self.cur_location['x'] += 1 if self.cur_location['x'] + max(self.cur_fk[0]) < COLUMN and self.test_map(): self.combind() self.draw_map() else: self.cur_location['x'] -= 1 def down_straight(self, event): while not self.lock_operation and self.drop(): pass # def change(self, event): # self.cur_fk_type = (self.cur_fk_type + 1) % 18 # self.cur_fk = self.fk_type[self.cur_fk_type] # self.combind() # self.draw_map() elsfk()