You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

111 lines
3.6 KiB

import tkinter as tk
from tkinter import ttk
win = tk.Tk()
win['bg'] = '#BDBDBD'
tk.Label(win, text='水果超市\n--------------------------------', width=30, fg='orange', bg='#00FFFF', font=('Arial', 20)).pack()
# 水果名字
fruit_name = ['西瓜', '苹果', '香蕉', '榴莲', '脐橙', '红枣', '芒果', '哈密瓜']
# 水果价格
fruit_price = [10, 20, 12, 50, 13, 14, 20, 9]
# 序号
xu_hao = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]
# 你的钱
tk.Label(win, text='你有多少钱').place(x=540, y=100)
# 你的钱输出框
Money = tk.Entry(win, bd=5, width=10), y=97)
# 序号
tk.Label(win, text='序号').place(x=540, y=180)
# 序号输入框
ent_xuhao = tk.Entry(win, bd=5, width=10), y=177)
# 数量
tk.Label(win, text='数量').place(x=540, y=220)
# 数量输入框
ent_quantity = tk.Entry(win, bd=5, width=10), y=217)
# 购物车输出框
txt_Text = tk.Text(win, bg='#585858', fg='#F7FE2E', width=63,height=20, bd=8), y=410)
# 创建表格
table_head = ('fruit name', 'fruit price', 'xu_hao')
table_main = ttk.Treeview(win, height=8, show='headings', columns=table_head)
# 设置表头
table_main.heading('fruit name', text='水果名字')
table_main.heading('fruit price', text='水果价格(美元)')
table_main.heading('xu_hao', text='序号')
# 设置位置, y=80)
# 设置文字对齐
table_main.column('fruit name', width=200, anchor='center')
table_main.column('fruit price', width=200, anchor='center')
table_main.column('xu_hao', width=60, anchor='center')
str_name = '你要购买的水果'
str_price = '你需要支付的金额'
str_rest = '你剩余的金额为'
# 查看水果函数
def table():
for i in range(len(fruit_price)):
table_main.insert('', i, values=(fruit_name[i], fruit_price[i], xu_hao[i]))
# sql = "insert into user(name, password) values ('%s', '%s')" % (user_name, user_password)
def main():
# global str_name, str_price
quantity = int(ent_quantity.get())
xuhao = int(ent_xuhao.get())
money = int(Money.get())
if xuhao < 1 or xuhao > 8:
tk.Label(win, text='输入有误请输入1-8之间的序号').place(x=540, y=260)
Total_price = quantity*fruit_price[xuhao-1]
if money < Total_price:
tk.Label(win, text='大人钱不够!\n请你点击 ''退出'' 退出程序!!', width=20, height=10, font=('Arial', 30), bg='black', fg='red').place(x=40, y=100)
butt_close = tk.Button(win, text='退出', bd=10, width=15, height=3, command=close), y=450)
txt_Text.insert('end', str_name.ljust(20, '-') + str(fruit_name[xuhao - 1]) + '\n')
txt_Text.insert('end', str_price.ljust(19, '-') + str(Total_price) + '(美元)' + '\n')
txt_Text.insert('end', str_rest.ljust(20, '-')+str(money-Total_price)+'(美元)'+'\n')
txt_Text.insert('end', '欢迎下次光临!')
def close():
# 展示水果按钮
butt_table = tk.Button(win, text='查看水果', height=2, font=("Arial", 12), width=20, bg='black', fg='pink', command=table), y=280)
# 结算按钮
butt_main = tk.Button(win, text='结算', height=2, font=("Arial", 12), width=20, bg='black', fg='orange', command=main), y=450)
# 购物车标题
tk.Label(win, text='购物车\n-----------------------------------', font=('Arial', 15), bg='lightgreen', fg='yellow').place(x=130, y=350)