第1关:按条件查询单表的所有字段 1.use province; 2#代码开始 select*from jdxx where qxmc="开福区"; select* from jdxx where qxmc in("开福区","岳麓区"); select*from jdxx where cs="长沙市" and name="西湖街道"; #代码结束 第2关:查询唯一值 1.use province 2.#代码开始 select distinct qxmc from jdxx where sf="湖南省" select distinct qxmc from jdxx where cs="长沙市"; #代码结束 第3关:统计查询 1. use province; 2.#代码开始 答案1 select count(name)from jdxx where sf="湖南省";塔案2 select count(name)from jdxx where cs="长沙市" 7.答案3 8.select count(distinct gxmc)from jdxx where sf="湖南省"; 9.答案4 10.select count(distinct qxmc)from jdxx where cs="长沙市”; 第4关:分组查询 use province; 2.#代码开始 3.#题目1 select sf,count(*)from jdxx group by sf;#题目2 select cs,count(*)from jdxx group by cs having count(*)>200; #题目3 8.select qxmc,count(*)from jdxx where cs="长沙市" group by qxmc; 第5关:数据排序 use province; #代码开始 #第-题 select*from jdtj order by jdgs desc limit 10; #第二题 selectfrom jdtj order by jdgs asc limit 10; #第三题 selectfrom jdtj where jdgs>35 order by jdgs desc,sf; #代码结束 t2 第1关:nuIl值的判断 1. use library; 2.#代码开始 3. select * from borrow where hsrg is null; 第2关:between and和in运算 1use library #代码开始 答案1 select txm,sm,sj from book where sj between 10 and 20; 答案2 select txm,sm,cbs from book where cbs not in("中华书局”,"上海古籍出版社”); 第3关:like运算符 use library; #代码开始 第一问 4.select txm,sm from book where sm like"%寺%"; 第二问 select txm,sm from book where sm like"诗%" 第4关:逻辑运算符 use library;1. 2.#代码开始 3.第一问 select *from reader where xb='男'and sf="研究生"; 第二问 select * from reader where xb='男'and(sf="研究生"or sf="工作人员"); T3 第1关:数值函数 use sale; 2.#代码开始 第一题笞案 select gyxm,round(gz*0.05,0)as kf from gzry; 第二题笞案 select gyxm,truncate(gz*0.05,0) as kf from gzry; 第2关:字符串函数一 .use sale 2.#代码开始 3.答案1 select concat(rpad(bm,4," "),rpad(gyxm,4,""),dh)as ygxx from gzry order by bm; 6.select gyxm,dh from gzry where left(gyxm,1)="王" and char length(gyxm)=3; 第3关:字符串函数二 use sale;1. #代码开始 3.第一问 select insert(name,2,0,space(2*(3-char length(name))) as xm from gk; 第二问select name,concat(left(tel,3),"_",mid(tel,4,4),"_",right(tel,4))as dh from gk;0. 第三问 8.update gk set dept=replace(dept,"新一佳”,"佳惠”); 18.select name,dept from gk; 第4关:日期函数 use sale; #代码开始2 3.答案1 4.select month(xsrg)as yf,sum(sjfk)as sije from xsd where year(xsrg)=2015 group by month(xsrg); 5. use library; 答案2 6.select dzzh,(datediff(hsrg,jyrg)-30)*sj*,01 as fk from borrow,book where book.txm=borrow.txm and datediff(hsrg,jyrg)>30; 第5关:条件函数 .use sa1e: #代码开始2. 第一题3. 4. select gyxm,if(gz<2000,50,100)as jq from gzry; 第二题5. 6.select gyxm,case bm when "销售部”then 1000 when "办公室”then 800 when "采购部”then 500 else 380 end as jt from gzry;