You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

234 lines
5.6 KiB

#include <stdio.h>
#include "sqlist.h"
struct Book {
int id; // 编号
string title; // 标题
int number; // 数量
SqList <Book> books;
// 函数声明
bool bookempty(); // 书籍库判空
void input(Book& b); // 输入一本书的信息
void print(const Book& b);// 打印一本书的信息
int find(int id); // 根据 id 查找图书 || 若找到,返回元素的位序,找不到时返回 0
void DoAddBook(); // 添加图书
void DoFindBook(); // 查找图书
void DoDeleteBook(); // 删除图书
void DoPrintBook(); // 打印所有图书
void DoRepaidBook(); // 归还图书
void DoBoorowBook(); // 借用图书
void DoReviseBook(); // 修改图书
void DoSortBook(); // 排序图书
// 输入一本书的信息
void input(Book& b)
cout << "ID : ";
cin >>;
cin.ignore(1024, '\n'); // skip rest chars of the line
cout << "TITLE : ";
getline(cin, b.title);
cout << "Number : ";
while (1){
cin >> b.number;
if (b.number>0) break;
cout << "Number ERROR" << endl;
cout << "Input again" << endl;
// 打印一本书的信息
void print(const Book& b)
cout << "Book " << endl << endl
<<"**************** id: " << << " ****************" << endl
<< "**** title: 《 " << b.title << " 》****" << endl
<< "************** Number: " << b.number << " **************" << endl << endl;
// 根据 id 查找图书
// 若找到,返回元素的位序,找不到时返回 0
int find(int id)
for (int i = 1; i <= books.length; i++)
if (id == books.elem[i].id){
return i;
return 0; // not found
// 书籍库判空
bool bookempty()
int a=0;
for (int i=1;i<=books.length;i++)
if (find(i)==0) a++;
if (a==books.length) return true;
else return false;
// 添加图书
template <int MAXSIZE = 256>
void DoAddBook()
if (books.length == MAXSIZE) {
cout << "books full" << endl;}
cout << endl << "Add Book"<< endl<<endl;
Book book;
input(book); //输入图书
books.elem[books.length + 1] = book;
cout << "*******Added********" << endl;
// 查找图书
void DoFindBook()
cout << endl << "Find Book" << endl <<endl;
int id;
cout << "Enter book ID: ";
cin >> id;
Book book;
if (find(id) == 0)
cout << "Not found" << endl;
book = books.elem[find(id)];
cout << "Found" << endl;
cout << "************" << endl;
// 删除图书
void DoDeleteBook()
cout << endl << "Delete Book" << endl << endl;
int id;
cout << "Which book you wanna delelet?"<<endl;
cout << "Enter book ID: ";
cin >> id;
Book e;
if (find(id) == 0)
cout << "Not found" << endl;
e = books.elem[find(id)];
for (int i = find(id); i < books.length; i++)
books.elem[i] = books.elem[i + 1];
cout << "************************" << endl;
cout << "Deleted" << endl;
// 打印所有图书
void DoPrintBook()
cout << endl << "Print All Books" << endl <<endl;
int flag = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < books.length; i++)
Book e;
e = books.elem[i + 1];
cout << "Total: ";
cout << flag;
cout << " books" << endl;
// 归还图书
void DoRepaidBook()
cout << endl << "Repaid Book" << endl<<endl;
int id;
cout << "Which book you wanna repaid ? " << endl;
cin >> id;
cout << endl;
if (find(id)){
Book e;
e = books.elem[find(id)];
// 借用图书
void DoBoorowBook()
cout << endl << "Boorow Book" << endl <<endl;
int id;
cout << "Which book you wanna boorow ? " << endl;
cin >> id;
cout << endl;
if (find(id)){
if (books.elem[find(id)].number>0) {
Book e;
e = books.elem[find(id)];
cout<< "*********"<< endl << "OK" << endl << "*********"<<endl;
}else cout << "***************************"<< endl
<< "Book empty" << endl << "***************************" << endl;
}else cout<< "NOT FOUND THIS BOOK"<<endl;
// 修改图书
void DoReviseBook()
cout <<endl<< "Revise Book" <<endl <<endl;
int id;
printf( "Which book you wanna revise ?\n" );
cin >> id;
if ( find(id)!=0 ) {
printf ( "Original book number : %d\n", books.elem[id].number );
printf ( "Revised number :" );
int xiugai;
scanf ( "%d", &xiugai );
cout << "**********************" << endl;
printf ( "Revise success \n" );
else printf ( "No such book\n");
// 排序图书
void DoSortBook()
cout << endl << "Sort Books" << endl << endl;
int a=0;
if (bookempty()) cout << "Book data empty"<< endl;
else {
for (int i=1;i<books.length;i++)
for (int j=books.length;j>0;j--)
if (books.elem[i].id>books.elem[j].id) {
Book temp=books.elem[i];books.elem[i]=books.elem[j];books.elem[j]=temp;}
cout << "*****************************" <<endl;
cout << "Sort success"<<endl;