You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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import pandas as pd
import random
# 读取学生名单 Excel 文件
def read_student_list(file_path):
df = pd.read_excel(file_path)
df['积分'] = 0 # 初始化每个学生的积分为0
return df
# 学生名单保存在 students.xlsx 文件中
students = read_student_list('students.xlsx')
# 点名规则:按积分计算选中的概率
def weighted_random_choice(df):
total_weight = sum([1 / (1 + score) for score in df['积分']])
r = random.uniform(0, total_weight)
upto = 0
for i, row in df.iterrows():
weight = 1 / (1 + row['积分'])
if upto + weight >= r:
return i # 返回被点名的学生索引
upto += weight
# 更新积分
def update_score(df, index, answer_correctness):
df.loc[index, 'score'] += 1 # 点到一次+1
# 根据回答情况调整积分
if answer_correctness == 'wrong':
df.loc[index, 'score'] -= 1
elif answer_correctness == 'partial':
df.loc[index, 'score'] += 1
elif answer_correctness == 'correct':
df.loc[index, 'score'] += 3
# 示例:更新一个被选中学生的积分
selected_index = weighted_random_choice(students)
update_score(students, selected_index, 'correct')
# 保存更新后的名单
def save_to_excel(df):
df.to_excel("updated_students.xlsx", index=False)
# 示例
# 主循环,随机点名并更新积分
def classroom_roll_call(file_path, num_sessions):
for _ in range(num_sessions):
selected_index = weighted_random_choice(students)
# 模拟回答情况
answer = random.choice(['wrong', 'partial', 'correct'])
update_score(students, selected_index, answer)
# 示例进行10次点名
classroom_roll_call('students.xlsx', 10)