/* * linux/kernel/hd.c * * (C) 1991 Linus Torvalds */ /* * This is the low-level hd interrupt support. It traverses the * request-list, using interrupts to jump between functions. As * all the functions are called within interrupts, we may not * sleep. Special care is recommended. * * modified by Drew Eckhardt to check nr of hd's from the CMOS. */ #include <linux/config.h> #include <linux/sched.h> #include <linux/fs.h> #include <linux/kernel.h> #include <linux/hdreg.h> #include <asm/system.h> #include <asm/io.h> #include <asm/segment.h> #define MAJOR_NR 3 #include "blk.h" #define CMOS_READ(addr) ({ \ outb_p(0x80|addr,0x70); \ inb_p(0x71); \ }) /* Max read/write errors/sector */ #define MAX_ERRORS 7 #define MAX_HD 2 static void recal_intr(void); static int recalibrate = 0; /* 1, wen */ static int reset = 0; /* * This struct defines the HD's and their types. */ struct hd_i_struct { int head,sect,cyl,wpcom,lzone,ctl; }; #ifdef HD_TYPE struct hd_i_struct hd_info[] = { HD_TYPE }; #define NR_HD ((sizeof (hd_info))/(sizeof (struct hd_i_struct))) #else struct hd_i_struct hd_info[] = { {0,0,0,0,0,0},{0,0,0,0,0,0} }; static int NR_HD = 0; #endif static struct hd_struct { long start_sect; long nr_sects; } hd[5*MAX_HD]={{0,0},}; #define port_read(port,buf,nr) \ __asm__("cld;rep;insw"::"d" (port),"D" (buf),"c" (nr)) #define port_write(port,buf,nr) \ __asm__("cld;rep;outsw"::"d" (port),"S" (buf),"c" (nr)) extern void hd_interrupt(void); extern void rd_load(void); /* This may be used only once, enforced by 'static int callable' */ int sys_setup(void * BIOS) { static int callable = 1; int i,drive; unsigned char cmos_disks; struct partition *p; struct buffer_head * bh; if (!callable) return -1; callable = 0; #ifndef HD_TYPE for (drive=0 ; drive<2 ; drive++) { hd_info[drive].cyl = *(unsigned short *) BIOS; hd_info[drive].head = *(unsigned char *) (2+BIOS); hd_info[drive].wpcom = *(unsigned short *) (5+BIOS); hd_info[drive].ctl = *(unsigned char *) (8+BIOS); hd_info[drive].lzone = *(unsigned short *) (12+BIOS); hd_info[drive].sect = *(unsigned char *) (14+BIOS); BIOS += 16; } if (hd_info[1].cyl) NR_HD=2; else NR_HD=1; #endif for (i=0 ; i<NR_HD ; i++) { hd[i*5].start_sect = 0; hd[i*5].nr_sects = hd_info[i].head* hd_info[i].sect*hd_info[i].cyl; } /* We querry CMOS about hard disks : it could be that we have a SCSI/ESDI/etc controller that is BIOS compatable with ST-506, and thus showing up in our BIOS table, but not register compatable, and therefore not present in CMOS. Furthurmore, we will assume that our ST-506 drives <if any> are the primary drives in the system, and the ones reflected as drive 1 or 2. The first drive is stored in the high nibble of CMOS byte 0x12, the second in the low nibble. This will be either a 4 bit drive type or 0xf indicating use byte 0x19 for an 8 bit type, drive 1, 0x1a for drive 2 in CMOS. Needless to say, a non-zero value means we have an AT controller hard disk for that drive. */ if ((cmos_disks = CMOS_READ(0x12)) & 0xf0) if (cmos_disks & 0x0f) NR_HD = 2; else NR_HD = 1; else NR_HD = 0; for (i = NR_HD ; i < 2 ; i++) { hd[i*5].start_sect = 0; hd[i*5].nr_sects = 0; } for (drive=0 ; drive<NR_HD ; drive++) { if (!(bh = bread(0x300 + drive*5,0))) { printk("Unable to read partition table of drive %d\n\r", drive); panic(""); } if (bh->b_data[510] != 0x55 || (unsigned char) bh->b_data[511] != 0xAA) { printk("Bad partition table on drive %d\n\r",drive); panic(""); } p = 0x1BE + (void *)bh->b_data; for (i=1;i<5;i++,p++) { hd[i+5*drive].start_sect = p->start_sect; hd[i+5*drive].nr_sects = p->nr_sects; } brelse(bh); } if (NR_HD) printk("Partition table%s ok.\n\r",(NR_HD>1)?"s":""); rd_load(); mount_root(); return (0); } static int controller_ready(void) { /* int retries=10000; */ int retries=100000; /* while (--retries && (inb_p(HD_STATUS)&0xc0)!=0x40); */ while (--retries && (inb_p(HD_STATUS)&0x80)); return (retries); } static int win_result(void) { int i=inb_p(HD_STATUS); if ((i & (BUSY_STAT | READY_STAT | WRERR_STAT | SEEK_STAT | ERR_STAT)) == (READY_STAT | SEEK_STAT)) return(0); /* ok */ if (i&1) i=inb(HD_ERROR); return (1); } static void hd_out(unsigned int drive,unsigned int nsect,unsigned int sect, unsigned int head,unsigned int cyl,unsigned int cmd, void (*intr_addr)(void)) { register int port asm("dx"); if (drive>1 || head>15) panic("Trying to write bad sector"); if (!controller_ready()) panic("HD controller not ready"); do_hd = intr_addr; outb_p(hd_info[drive].ctl,HD_CMD); port=HD_DATA; outb_p(hd_info[drive].wpcom>>2,++port); outb_p(nsect,++port); outb_p(sect,++port); outb_p(cyl,++port); outb_p(cyl>>8,++port); outb_p(0xA0|(drive<<4)|head,++port); outb(cmd,++port); } static int drive_busy(void) { unsigned int i; for (i = 0; i < 10000; i++) if (READY_STAT == (inb_p(HD_STATUS) & (BUSY_STAT|READY_STAT))) break; i = inb(HD_STATUS); i &= BUSY_STAT | READY_STAT | SEEK_STAT; if (i == READY_STAT | SEEK_STAT) return(0); printk("HD controller times out\n\r"); return(1); } static void reset_controller(void) { int i; outb(4,HD_CMD); for(i = 0; i < 100; i++) nop(); outb(hd_info[0].ctl & 0x0f ,HD_CMD); if (drive_busy()) printk("HD-controller still busy\n\r"); if ((i = inb(HD_ERROR)) != 1) printk("HD-controller reset failed: %02x\n\r",i); } static void reset_hd(int nr) { reset_controller(); hd_out(nr,hd_info[nr].sect,hd_info[nr].sect,hd_info[nr].head-1, hd_info[nr].cyl,WIN_SPECIFY,&recal_intr); } void unexpected_hd_interrupt(void) { printk("Unexpected HD interrupt\n\r"); } static void bad_rw_intr(void) { if (++CURRENT->errors >= MAX_ERRORS) end_request(0); if (CURRENT->errors > MAX_ERRORS/2) reset = 1; } static void read_intr(void) { if (win_result()) { bad_rw_intr(); do_hd_request(); return; } port_read(HD_DATA,CURRENT->buffer,256); CURRENT->errors = 0; CURRENT->buffer += 512; CURRENT->sector++; if (--CURRENT->nr_sectors) { do_hd = &read_intr; return; } end_request(1); do_hd_request(); } static void write_intr(void) { if (win_result()) { bad_rw_intr(); do_hd_request(); return; } if (--CURRENT->nr_sectors) { CURRENT->sector++; CURRENT->buffer += 512; do_hd = &write_intr; port_write(HD_DATA,CURRENT->buffer,256); return; } end_request(1); do_hd_request(); } static void recal_intr(void) { if (win_result()) bad_rw_intr(); do_hd_request(); } void do_hd_request(void) { int i,r; unsigned int block,dev; unsigned int sec,head,cyl; unsigned int nsect; INIT_REQUEST; dev = MINOR(CURRENT->dev); block = CURRENT->sector; if (dev >= 5*NR_HD || block+2 > hd[dev].nr_sects) { end_request(0); goto repeat; } block += hd[dev].start_sect; dev /= 5; __asm__("divl %4":"=a" (block),"=d" (sec):"0" (block),"1" (0), "r" (hd_info[dev].sect)); __asm__("divl %4":"=a" (cyl),"=d" (head):"0" (block),"1" (0), "r" (hd_info[dev].head)); sec++; nsect = CURRENT->nr_sectors; if (reset) { reset = 0; recalibrate = 1; reset_hd(CURRENT_DEV); return; } if (recalibrate) { recalibrate = 0; hd_out(dev,hd_info[CURRENT_DEV].sect,0,0,0, WIN_RESTORE,&recal_intr); return; } if (CURRENT->cmd == WRITE) { hd_out(dev,nsect,sec,head,cyl,WIN_WRITE,&write_intr); for(i=0 ; i<3000 && !(r=inb_p(HD_STATUS)&DRQ_STAT) ; i++) /* nothing */ ; if (!r) { bad_rw_intr(); goto repeat; } port_write(HD_DATA,CURRENT->buffer,256); } else if (CURRENT->cmd == READ) { hd_out(dev,nsect,sec,head,cyl,WIN_READ,&read_intr); } else panic("unknown hd-command"); } void hd_init(void) { blk_dev[MAJOR_NR].request_fn = DEVICE_REQUEST; set_intr_gate(0x2E,&hd_interrupt); outb_p(inb_p(0x21)&0xfb,0x21); outb(inb_p(0xA1)&0xbf,0xA1); }