name: Linux on: workflow_call: workflow_dispatch: env: APP_ID: io.github.nuttyartist.notes jobs: deb: name: deb (${{ }}, Qt ${{ matrix.qt-version-major }}, ${{ matrix.image }}) runs-on: ubuntu-latest container: image: zjeffer/notes:${{ matrix.image }} strategy: fail-fast: false matrix: include: # Ubuntu's release cycle: - image: ubuntu-20_04 qt-version-major: 5 build-type: release - image: ubuntu-22_04 qt-version-major: 6 build-type: release - image: ubuntu-23_10 qt-version-major: 6 build-type: release steps: - name: Setup git configuration # workaround for "detected dubious ownership in repository" git error: run: git config --global --add "${PWD}" - name: Checkout code uses: actions/checkout@v4 with: submodules: recursive - name: Set up variables shell: bash id: vars run: | set -x distro_id=$(grep -oPm1 '^ID="?\K[^"]+' /etc/os-release) if [ -z "${distro_id}" ] then echo 'Fatal: Failed to extract distro ID from /etc/os-release' exit 1 fi distro_codename=$(grep -oPm1 '^VERSION_CODENAME="?\K[^"]+' /etc/os-release) if [ -z "${distro_codename}" ] then echo 'Fatal: Failed to extract distro codename from /etc/os-release' exit 1 fi echo "distro_name=${distro_id}-${distro_codename}" >> "${GITHUB_OUTPUT}" - name: Setup GCC problem matcher uses: ammaraskar/gcc-problem-matcher@0.3.0 - name: Build (${{ }}) env: VERBOSE: 1 run: | cmake --warn-uninitialized --warn-unused-vars \ -B build \ -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=${{ }} \ -DGIT_REVISION=${{ github.ref_type != 'tag' && 'ON' || 'OFF' }} \ -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr \ -DPRO_VERSION=OFF cmake --build build --parallel $(nproc) - name: Create deb package run: | cd build cpack -G DEB - name: Grab deb package name id: deb shell: bash run: | set -x if ! path=$(find build/ -maxdepth 1 -name '*.deb' -print -quit) then echo 'Fatal: Unable to find deb package' exit 1; fi echo "name=$(basename "${path%.*}")" >> "${GITHUB_OUTPUT}" echo "path=${path}" >> "${GITHUB_OUTPUT}" - name: Run lintian run: | lintian '${{ steps.deb.outputs.path }}' - name: Upload deb package uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4 with: if-no-files-found: error name: ${{ }}-qt${{ matrix.qt-version-major }}-${{ steps.vars.outputs.distro_name }}-${{ }} path: ${{ steps.deb.outputs.path }} rpm: name: rpm (${{ }}, Qt ${{ matrix.qt-version-major }}, ${{ matrix.image }}) runs-on: ubuntu-latest container: zjeffer/notes:${{ matrix.image }} strategy: fail-fast: false matrix: include: - # Fedora's release cycle: image: fedora qt-version-major: 6 build-type: release - image: opensuse qt-version-major: 6 build-type: release steps: - name: Setup git configuration # workaround for "detected dubious ownership in repository" git error: run: git config --global --add "${PWD}" - name: Checkout code uses: actions/checkout@v4 with: submodules: recursive - name: Set up variables shell: bash id: vars run: | set -x distro_id=$(grep -oPm1 '^ID="?\K[^"]+' /etc/os-release) if [ -z "${distro_id}" ] then echo 'Failed to extract distro ID from /etc/os-release.' exit 1 fi version_id=$(grep -oPm1 '^VERSION_ID="?\K[^"]+' /etc/os-release) if [ -z "${version_id}" ] then echo 'Failed to extract version id from /etc/os-release.' exit 1 fi echo "distro_name=${distro_id}-${version_id}" >> "${GITHUB_OUTPUT}" - name: Setup GCC problem matcher uses: ammaraskar/gcc-problem-matcher@0.3.0 - name: Build (${{ }}) env: VERBOSE: 1 # openSUSE defaults to GCC 7, which doesn't support the filesystem library from C++17, # and causes trouble compiling for Qt 6. So we have to manully specify GCC 10 instead. CXX: ${{ startsWith(matrix.image, 'opensuse') && 'g++-10' || 'g++' }} run: | cmake --warn-uninitialized --warn-unused-vars \ -B build \ -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=${{ }} \ -DGIT_REVISION=${{ github.ref_type != 'tag' && 'ON' || 'OFF' }} \ -DCMAKE_POSITION_INDEPENDENT_CODE=TRUE \ -DUPDATE_CHECKER=OFF \ -DUSE_QT_VERSION=${{ matrix.qt-version-major }} \ -DPRO_VERSION=OFF cmake --build build --parallel $(nproc) - name: Create rpm package run: | cd build cpack -G RPM - name: Grab rpm package name id: rpm shell: bash run: | set -x if ! path=$(find build/ -maxdepth 1 -name '*.rpm' -print -quit) then echo 'Fatal: Unable to find rpm package!' exit 1; fi echo "name=$(basename "${path%.*}")" >> "${GITHUB_OUTPUT}" echo "path=${path}" >> "${GITHUB_OUTPUT}" - name: Run rpmlint run: | rpmlint '${{ steps.rpm.outputs.path }}' - name: Upload rpm package uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4 with: if-no-files-found: error name: ${{ }}-qt${{ matrix.qt-version-major }}-${{ steps.vars.outputs.distro_name }}-${{ }} path: ${{ steps.rpm.outputs.path }} # Build the AppImage using official Qt releases, downloaded by aqtinstall. # This is also done for macOS and Windows, just to make sure we use the exact same Qt version across all three OSes. # # NOTE: This job uses a fixed Qt version (set in the 'qt-version' key below)! # So, remember to keep it updated whenever a new Qt version is available on aqtinstall. appimage-aqtinstall: name: AppImage (${{ }}, Qt ${{ matrix.qt-version }}, ${{ matrix.image }}) runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }} container: image: zjeffer/notes:${{ matrix.image }} strategy: fail-fast: false matrix: include: - os: ubuntu-22.04 build-type: release qt-version: 5.15.2 image: ubuntu-aqtinstall-5 - os: ubuntu-22.04 build-type: release qt-version: 6.4.3 image: ubuntu-aqtinstall-6 steps: - name: Checkout code uses: actions/checkout@v4 with: submodules: recursive - name: Setup variables shell: bash id: vars run: | set -x version=$(grep -oPm1 '\bAPP_VERSION +\K[^)]+' CMakeLists.txt) if [ -z "${version}" ] then echo 'Failed to extract app version from CMakeLists.txt.' exit 1 fi if [ '${{ github.ref_type }}' != 'tag' ] then version="${version}+g${GITHUB_SHA::7}" fi artifact_name="Notes_${version}-Qt${{ matrix.qt-version }}-x86_64" if [ '${{ }}' == 'debug' ] then file_name="${artifact_name}-debug.AppImage" else file_name="${artifact_name}.AppImage" fi echo "version=${version}" >> "${GITHUB_OUTPUT}" echo "artifact_name=${artifact_name}" >> "${GITHUB_OUTPUT}" echo "file_name=${file_name}" >> "${GITHUB_OUTPUT}" # TODO: Figure out why this error only occurs on the Linux container when building with -DGIT_REVISION=ON # The error: fatal: detected dubious ownership in repository - name: Prevent git's dubious ownership message if: github.ref_type != 'tag' run: | git config --global --add "${PWD}" - name: Build (${{ }}) env: VERBOSE: 1 run: | cmake --warn-uninitialized --warn-unused-vars \ -B build \ -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=${{ }} \ -DGIT_REVISION=${{ github.ref_type != 'tag' && 'ON' || 'OFF' }} \ -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr \ -DPRO_VERSION=OFF cmake --build build --parallel $(nproc) - name: (FIXME) Run qmllint if: startsWith(matrix.qt-version, '6.') run: | cmake --build build --target all_qmllint || true - name: Install (${{ }}) run: | make -C build DESTDIR=Notes install - name: Setup linuxdeploy run: | cd build curl -fLO --retry 10 chmod +x linuxdeploy-x86_64.AppImage - name: Setup Qt plugin for linuxdeploy run: | cd build curl -fLO --retry 10 chmod +x linuxdeploy-plugin-qt-x86_64.AppImage - name: Deploy (${{ }}) env: APPIMAGE_EXTRACT_AND_RUN: 1 run: | export QML_SOURCES_PATHS="${PWD}/src/qml" cd build ./linuxdeploy-x86_64.AppImage --appdir Notes --plugin qt - name: Remove unnecessary Qt plugins and libraries shell: bash run: | set -x set -e cd build/Notes if [[ '${{ matrix.qt-version }}' == 5.* ]] then # The bearer plugin has caused problems for us in the past. Plus, it was removed altogether in Qt 6. rm -rv usr/plugins/bearer fi # We only use the SQLite Qt driver, so it's fine to delete others. rm -v usr/plugins/sqldrivers/ rm -v usr/plugins/sqldrivers/ if [[ '${{ matrix.qt-version }}' == 6.* ]] then # The Qt 6 build also has a MySQL Qt driver we don't use. rm -v usr/plugins/sqldrivers/ rm -v usr/lib/* fi - name: Validate AppStream metadata if: matrix.image != 'ubuntu:20.04' run: | cd build/Notes appstreamcli validate --verbose 'usr/share/metainfo/${{ env.APP_ID }}.metainfo.xml' - name: Validate desktop file run: | cd build/Notes desktop-file-validate 'usr/share/applications/${{ env.APP_ID }}.desktop' - name: Build AppImage (${{ }}) env: APPIMAGE_EXTRACT_AND_RUN: 1 run: | cd build export VERSION='${{ steps.vars.outputs.version }}' ./linuxdeploy-x86_64.AppImage --appdir Notes --output appimage mv -v Notes*.AppImage '${{ steps.vars.outputs.file_name }}' - name: Upload AppImage artifact (${{ }}) uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4 with: if-no-files-found: error name: ${{ steps.vars.outputs.artifact_name }}-${{ runner.os }}-${{ }} path: build/${{ steps.vars.outputs.file_name }} snap: name: snap runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - name: Checkout code uses: actions/checkout@v4 with: submodules: recursive - name: Install snapcraft run: | sudo snap install snapcraft --classic - name: Set up LXD run: | sudo usermod -a -G lxd "${USER}" sudo lxd init --auto sudo iptables -P FORWARD ACCEPT - name: Build run: | sg lxd -c 'snap run snapcraft -v' - name: Grab snap package name id: snap shell: bash run: | set -x if ! path=$(find . -maxdepth 1 -name '*.snap' -print -quit) then echo 'Fatal: Unable to find snap package' exit 1 fi echo "name=$(basename "${path%.*}")" >> "${GITHUB_OUTPUT}" echo "path=${path}" >> "${GITHUB_OUTPUT}" - name: Upload snap package uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4 with: if-no-files-found: error name: ${{ }}.snap path: ${{ steps.snap.outputs.path }}