name: Windows on: workflow_call: workflow_dispatch: jobs: # NOTE: This job uses a fixed Qt version (set in the 'qt-version' key below)! # So, remember to keep it updated whenever a new Qt version is available on aqtinstall. build-aqtinstall: name: Build (${{ matrix.arch }}, ${{ }}, Qt ${{ matrix.qt-version }}, ${{ matrix.os }}) runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }} strategy: fail-fast: false matrix: include: - os: windows-2019 arch: x64 qt-version: 5.15.2 build-type: release - os: windows-2019 arch: x86 qt-version: 5.15.2 build-type: release - os: windows-2019 arch: x64 qt-version: 6.4.3 build-type: release outputs: version: ${{ steps.vars.outputs.version }} steps: - name: Checkout code uses: actions/checkout@v4 with: submodules: recursive - name: Setup variables id: vars run: | $version = Select-String -Path CMakeLists.txt -CaseSensitive -Pattern '\bAPP_VERSION +([^)]+)' | Select-Object -First 1 | %{$_.Matches.Groups[1].value} if (!$version) { throw "Failed to extract app version from CMakeLists.txt." } if ('${{ github.ref_type }}' -ne 'tag') { $version += "+g$($env:GITHUB_SHA.Substring(0,7))" } $artifact_name = "Notes_$version-Qt${{ matrix.qt-version }}-${{ matrix.arch }}" Write-Output "version=$version" >> $env:GITHUB_OUTPUT Write-Output "artifact_name=$artifact_name" >> $env:GITHUB_OUTPUT - name: Setup MSVC (${{ matrix.arch }}) uses: ilammy/msvc-dev-cmd@v1 with: arch: ${{ matrix.arch }} - name: Install Qt ${{ matrix.qt-version }} (aqtinstall, ${{ matrix.arch }}) uses: jurplel/install-qt-action@v3 with: version: ${{ matrix.qt-version }} cache: true arch: ${{ matrix.arch == 'x86' && 'win32_msvc2019' || 'win64_msvc2019_64' }} # Details about this OpenSSL build: # TODO: Remove/tweak this step if/when we get rid of the x86 build or upgrade to Qt 6.5+. - name: Download OpenSSL 1.x binaries from FireDaemon if: ${{ startsWith(matrix.qt-version, '5.') || startsWith(matrix.qt-version, '6.4.') }} run: | $out_file = "" Invoke-WebRequest -Uri -OutFile $env:Temp\$out_file Expand-Archive -Path $env:Temp\$out_file -DestinationPath $env:Temp Rename-Item $env:Temp\openssl-1.1 $env:Temp\OpenSSL - name: Setup MSVC problem matcher uses: ammaraskar/msvc-problem-matcher@0.3.0 - name: Build (${{ }}, ${{ matrix.arch }}) env: VERBOSE: 1 run: | $env:CMAKE_BUILD_PARALLEL_LEVEL = $env:NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS cmake . --warn-uninitialized --warn-unused-vars ` -B build -G Ninja ` -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=${{ }} ` -DGIT_REVISION=${{ github.ref_type != 'tag' && 'ON' || 'OFF' }} ` -DPRO_VERSION=OFF cmake --build build - name: (FIXME) Run qmllint if: startsWith(matrix.qt-version, '6.') run: | cmake --build build --target all_qmllint || $(exit 0) - name: Install (${{ }}, ${{ matrix.arch }}) run: | cmake --install build --prefix build - name: Deploy (${{ }}, ${{ matrix.arch }}) run: | windeployqt ${{ startsWith(matrix.qt-version, '5.') && '--no-qmltooling' || ' ' }} --qmldir src\qml build\bin - name: Remove unnecessary Qt plugins and libraries run: | Set-Location build\bin # We ship all required runtime DLLs individually. Remove-Item -Verbose vc_redist.*.exe if ('${{ matrix.qt-version }}'.StartsWith('5.')) { # The bearer plugin has caused problems for us in the past. Plus, it was removed altogether in Qt 6. Remove-Item -Verbose -Recurse bearer } # We only use the SQLite Qt driver, so it's fine to delete others. Remove-Item -Verbose sqldrivers\qsqlodbc.dll Remove-Item -Verbose sqldrivers\qsqlpsql.dll - name: Include required runtime libraries (${{ }}, ${{ matrix.arch }}) run: | Set-Location build\bin if ('${{ matrix.arch }}' -ieq 'x64') { $openssl_lib_suffix = '-x64' } else { $openssl_lib_suffix = '' } # Include OpenSSL libraries. Copy-Item $env:Temp\OpenSSL\${{ matrix.arch }}\bin\libcrypto-1_1$openssl_lib_suffix.dll Copy-Item $env:Temp\OpenSSL\${{ matrix.arch }}\bin\libssl-1_1$openssl_lib_suffix.dll # Also include OpenSSL debug symbols (when building Notes in debug mode). if ('${{ }}' -ieq 'debug') { Copy-Item $env:Temp\OpenSSL\${{ matrix.arch }}\bin\libcrypto-1_1$openssl_lib_suffix.pdb Copy-Item $env:Temp\OpenSSL\${{ matrix.arch }}\bin\libssl-1_1$openssl_lib_suffix.pdb } # Include MSVC 2019 runtime libraries. if ('${{ }}' -ieq 'release') { Copy-Item $env:VCToolsRedistDir\${{ matrix.arch }}\Microsoft.VC142.CRT\msvcp140.dll Copy-Item $env:VCToolsRedistDir\${{ matrix.arch }}\Microsoft.VC142.CRT\msvcp140_1.dll # Only Qt 6 builds also need msvcp140_2.dll if ('${{ matrix.qt-version }}'.StartsWith('6')) { Copy-Item $env:VCToolsRedistDir\${{ matrix.arch }}\Microsoft.VC142.CRT\msvcp140_2.dll } Copy-Item $env:VCToolsRedistDir\${{ matrix.arch }}\Microsoft.VC142.CRT\vcruntime140.dll if ('${{ matrix.arch }}' -ieq 'x64') { # Only 64-bit builds also need 'vcruntime140_1.dll' (tested on Windows 7) Copy-Item $env:VCToolsRedistDir\${{ matrix.arch }}\Microsoft.VC142.CRT\vcruntime140_1.dll } } else { # On debug builds, the libraries above are included automatically, so we only need 'urtcbased.dll'. Copy-Item $env:WindowsSdkBinPath\${{ matrix.arch }}\ucrt\ucrtbased.dll } - name: Upload artifacts (${{ }}, ${{ matrix.arch }}) uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4 with: if-no-files-found: error name: ${{ steps.vars.outputs.artifact_name }}-${{ runner.os }}-${{ }} path: build\bin unified-installer: name: Unified x64-x86 Installer needs: build-aqtinstall runs-on: windows-2019 steps: - name: Checkout code to grab the ISS script uses: actions/checkout@v4 - name: Download build artifacts from previous job uses: actions/download-artifact@v4 with: path: artifacts pattern: '*Windows*' - name: Ensure a 64-bit Qt 6 build is present run: | Set-Location artifacts $x64_build = Get-ChildItem -Filter '*Qt6*-x64-Windows-release' -Attributes Directory | Sort-Object -Property @{Expression = "Name"; Descending = $true} | Select-Object -First 1 if (!$x64_build) { Throw 'Could not find a 64-bit Qt 6 build.' } Move-Item $x64_build Notes64 - name: Ensure a 32-bit Qt 5 build is present run: | Set-Location artifacts $x86_build = Get-ChildItem -Filter '*Qt5*-x86-Windows-release' -Attributes Directory | Sort-Object -Property @{Expression = "Name"; Descending = $true} | Select-Object -First 1 if (!$x86_build) { Throw 'Could not find a 32-bit Qt 5 build.' } Move-Item $x86_build Notes32 - name: Create unified installer run: | Set-Location artifacts Copy-Item ..\packaging\windows\Notes_Inno_Script_Github.iss $env:APP_VERSION = '${{ }}' iscc /Oinstaller Notes_Inno_Script_Github.iss # This step makes sure that all files copied by windeployqt are also included in the final installer. # This is done by parsing the 'Set-Manifest.txt' file, which is generated by Inno Setup: # - name: Verify installer files run: | Set-Location artifacts $inno_setup_manifest = ".\installer\Setup-Manifest.txt" $windeployqt_paths = @(".\Notes32", ".\Notes64") $inno_setup_files = @() Get-Content -LiteralPath $inno_setup_manifest -ErrorAction Stop | Select-Object -Skip 1 | Foreach-Object { $path = ($_ -Split "\t")[1] # We only need the second column, which refers to the absolute path of the file. $inno_setup_files += (Resolve-Path $path).ToString() } $missing_files = 0 Get-ChildItem -File -LiteralPath $windeployqt_paths -Recurse -ErrorAction Stop | Foreach-Object { $path = (Resolve-Path $_).ToString() if ($path -NotIn $inno_setup_files) { Write-Host "File '$path' was not included in Inno Setup's list of files." -ForegroundColor Yellow $missing_files++ } } if ($missing_files -gt 0) { $is_plural = $missing_files -gt 1 Write-Host "" Write-Host ("ERROR: {0} {1} previously copied by windeployqt {2} missing from Inno Setup's list of files." ` -F $missing_files, ($is_plural ? "files" : "file"), ($is_plural ? "are" : "is")) ` -ForegroundColor DarkRed Write-Host (" Did you forget to include {0} in '.\packaging\windows\Notes_Inno_Script_Github.iss'?" ` -F ($is_plural ? "them" : "it")) ` -ForegroundColor DarkRed Exit 1 } Write-Host "SUCCESS: List of files in the installer matches the ones copied by windeployqt." - name: Upload unified installer artifact uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4 with: if-no-files-found: error name: NotesSetup_${{ }}-${{ runner.os }}-release path: artifacts\installer