using System.Collections.Generic; using Unity.UIWidgets.async; using Unity.UIWidgets.editor; using Unity.UIWidgets.external.simplejson; using; using Unity.UIWidgets.ui; using Unity.UIWidgets.widgets; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.EventSystems; using UnityEngine.UI; using RawImage = UnityEngine.UI.RawImage; using Rect = UnityEngine.Rect; using Texture = UnityEngine.Texture; namespace Unity.UIWidgets.engine { public class UIWidgetWindowAdapter : WindowAdapter { readonly UIWidgetsPanel _uiWidgetsPanel; bool _needsPaint; protected override void updateSafeArea() { this._padding = this._uiWidgetsPanel.viewPadding; this._viewInsets = this._uiWidgetsPanel.viewInsets; } protected override bool hasFocus() { return EventSystem.current != null && EventSystem.current.currentSelectedGameObject == this._uiWidgetsPanel.gameObject; } public override void scheduleFrame(bool regenerateLayerTree = true) { base.scheduleFrame(regenerateLayerTree); this._needsPaint = true; } public UIWidgetWindowAdapter(UIWidgetsPanel uiWidgetsPanel) { this._uiWidgetsPanel = uiWidgetsPanel; } public override void OnGUI(Event evt) { if (this.displayMetricsChanged()) { this._needsPaint = true; } if (evt.type == EventType.Repaint) { if (!this._needsPaint) { return; } this._needsPaint = false; } base.OnGUI(evt); } protected override Surface createSurface() { return new WindowSurfaceImpl(this._uiWidgetsPanel.applyRenderTexture); } public override GUIContent titleContent { get { return new GUIContent(; } } protected override float queryDevicePixelRatio() { return this._uiWidgetsPanel.devicePixelRatio; } protected override int queryAntiAliasing() { return this._uiWidgetsPanel.antiAliasing; } protected override Vector2 queryWindowSize() { var rect = this._uiWidgetsPanel.rectTransform.rect; // Here we use ReferenceEquals instead of "==" due to // // In short, "==" is overloaded for UnityEngine.Object and will bring performance issues if (!ReferenceEquals(this._uiWidgetsPanel.canvas, null)) { var size = new Vector2(rect.width, rect.height) * this._uiWidgetsPanel.canvas.scaleFactor / this._uiWidgetsPanel.devicePixelRatio; size.x = Mathf.Round(size.x); size.y = Mathf.Round(size.y); return size; } return new Vector2(0, 0); } public Offset windowPosToScreenPos(Offset windowPos) { Camera camera = null; var canvas = this._uiWidgetsPanel.canvas; if (canvas.renderMode != RenderMode.ScreenSpaceCamera) { camera = canvas.GetComponent().eventCamera; } var pos = new Vector2(windowPos.dx, windowPos.dy); pos = pos * this.queryDevicePixelRatio() / this._uiWidgetsPanel.canvas.scaleFactor; var rectTransform = this._uiWidgetsPanel.rectTransform; var rect = rectTransform.rect; pos.x += rect.min.x; pos.y = rect.max.y - pos.y; var worldPos = rectTransform.TransformPoint(new Vector2(pos.x, pos.y)); var screenPos = RectTransformUtility.WorldToScreenPoint(camera, worldPos); return new Offset(screenPos.x, Screen.height - screenPos.y); } } [RequireComponent(typeof(RectTransform))] public class UIWidgetsPanel : RawImage, IPointerDownHandler, IPointerUpHandler, IDragHandler, IPointerEnterHandler, IPointerExitHandler, WindowHost { static Event _repaintEvent; [Tooltip("set to zero if you want to use the default device pixel ratio of the target platforms; otherwise the " + "device pixel ratio will be forced to the given value on all devices.")] [SerializeField] protected float devicePixelRatioOverride; [Tooltip("set to true will enable the hardware anti-alias feature, which will improve the appearance of the UI greatly but " + "making it much slower. Enable it only when seriously required.")] [SerializeField] protected bool hardwareAntiAliasing = false; WindowAdapter _windowAdapter; Texture _texture; Vector2 _lastMouseMove; readonly HashSet _enteredPointers = new HashSet(); bool _viewMetricsCallbackRegistered; bool _mouseEntered { get { return !this._enteredPointers.isEmpty(); } } DisplayMetrics _displayMetrics; const int mouseButtonNum = 3; void _handleViewMetricsChanged(string method, List args) { this._windowAdapter.onViewMetricsChanged(); this._displayMetrics.onViewMetricsChanged(); } protected virtual void InitWindowAdapter() { D.assert(this._windowAdapter == null); this._windowAdapter = new UIWidgetWindowAdapter(this); this._windowAdapter.OnEnable(); } protected override void OnEnable() { base.OnEnable(); //Disable the default touch -> mouse event conversion on mobile devices Input.simulateMouseWithTouches = false; this._displayMetrics = DisplayMetricsProvider.provider(); this._displayMetrics.OnEnable(); this._enteredPointers.Clear(); if (_repaintEvent == null) { _repaintEvent = new Event {type = EventType.Repaint}; } this.InitWindowAdapter(); Widget root; using (this._windowAdapter.getScope()) { root = this.createWidget(); } this._windowAdapter.attachRootWidget(root); this._lastMouseMove = Input.mousePosition; } public float devicePixelRatio { get { return this.devicePixelRatioOverride > 0 ? this.devicePixelRatioOverride : this._displayMetrics.devicePixelRatio; } } public int antiAliasing { get { return this.hardwareAntiAliasing ? Window.defaultAntiAliasing : 0; } } public WindowPadding viewPadding { get { return this._displayMetrics.viewPadding; } } public WindowPadding viewInsets { get { return this._displayMetrics.viewInsets; } } protected override void OnDisable() { D.assert(this._windowAdapter != null); this._windowAdapter.OnDisable(); this._windowAdapter = null; base.OnDisable(); } protected virtual Widget createWidget() { return null; } public void recreateWidget() { Widget root; using (this._windowAdapter.getScope()) { root = this.createWidget(); } this._windowAdapter.attachRootWidget(root); } internal void applyRenderTexture(Rect screenRect, Texture texture, Material mat) { this.texture = texture; this.material = mat; } protected virtual void Update() { this._displayMetrics.Update(); UIWidgetsMessageManager.ensureUIWidgetsMessageManagerIfNeeded(); #if UNITY_ANDROID if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Escape)) { this._windowAdapter.withBinding(() => { WidgetsBinding.instance.handlePopRoute(); }); } #endif if (!this._viewMetricsCallbackRegistered) { this._viewMetricsCallbackRegistered = true; UIWidgetsMessageManager.instance?.AddChannelMessageDelegate("ViewportMatricsChanged", this._handleViewMetricsChanged); } if (this._mouseEntered) { if (this._lastMouseMove.x != Input.mousePosition.x || this._lastMouseMove.y != Input.mousePosition.y) { this.handleMouseMovement(); } } this._lastMouseMove = Input.mousePosition; if (this._mouseEntered) { this.handleMouseScroll(); } D.assert(this._windowAdapter != null); this._windowAdapter.Update(); this._windowAdapter.OnGUI(_repaintEvent); } void OnGUI() { this._displayMetrics.OnGUI(); if (Event.current.type == EventType.KeyDown || Event.current.type == EventType.KeyUp) { this._windowAdapter.OnGUI(Event.current); } } void handleMouseMovement() { var pos = this.getPointPosition(Input.mousePosition); if (pos == null) { return; } this._windowAdapter.postPointerEvent(new PointerData( timeStamp: Timer.timespanSinceStartup, change: PointerChange.hover, kind: PointerDeviceKind.mouse, device: this.getMouseButtonDown(), physicalX: pos.Value.x, physicalY: pos.Value.y )); } void handleMouseScroll() { if (Input.mouseScrollDelta.y != 0 || Input.mouseScrollDelta.x != 0) { var scaleFactor = this.canvas.scaleFactor; var pos = this.getPointPosition(Input.mousePosition); if (pos == null) { return; } this._windowAdapter.onScroll(Input.mouseScrollDelta.x * scaleFactor, Input.mouseScrollDelta.y * scaleFactor, pos.Value.x, pos.Value.y, InputUtils.getScrollButtonKey()); } } int getMouseButtonDown() { //default mouse button key = left mouse button var defaultKey = 0; for (int key = 0; key < mouseButtonNum; key++) { if (Input.GetMouseButton(key)) { defaultKey = key; break; } } return InputUtils.getMouseButtonKey(defaultKey); } public void OnPointerDown(PointerEventData eventData) { var position = this.getPointPosition(eventData); if (position == null) { return; } EventSystem.current.SetSelectedGameObject(this.gameObject, eventData); this._windowAdapter.postPointerEvent(new PointerData( timeStamp: Timer.timespanSinceStartup, change: PointerChange.down, kind: InputUtils.getPointerDeviceKind(eventData), device: InputUtils.getPointerDeviceKey(eventData), physicalX: position.Value.x, physicalY: position.Value.y )); } public void OnPointerUp(PointerEventData eventData) { var position = this.getPointPosition(eventData); if (position == null) { return; } this._windowAdapter.postPointerEvent(new PointerData( timeStamp: Timer.timespanSinceStartup, change: PointerChange.up, kind: InputUtils.getPointerDeviceKind(eventData), device: InputUtils.getPointerDeviceKey(eventData), physicalX: position.Value.x, physicalY: position.Value.y )); } Camera getActiveCamera() { //refer to: Camera eventCamera = null; if (this.canvas.renderMode != RenderMode.ScreenSpaceOverlay) { eventCamera = this.canvas.GetComponent().eventCamera; } return eventCamera; } Vector2? getPointPosition(PointerEventData eventData) { Camera camera = this.getActiveCamera(); Vector2 localPoint; RectTransformUtility.ScreenPointToLocalPointInRectangle(this.rectTransform, eventData.position, camera, out localPoint); var scaleFactor = this.canvas.scaleFactor; localPoint.x = (localPoint.x - this.rectTransform.rect.min.x) * scaleFactor; localPoint.y = (this.rectTransform.rect.max.y - localPoint.y) * scaleFactor; return localPoint; } Vector2? getPointPosition(Vector2 position) { Vector2 localPoint; Camera eventCamera = this.getActiveCamera(); RectTransformUtility.ScreenPointToLocalPointInRectangle(this.rectTransform, position, eventCamera, out localPoint); var scaleFactor = this.canvas.scaleFactor; localPoint.x = (localPoint.x - this.rectTransform.rect.min.x) * scaleFactor; localPoint.y = (this.rectTransform.rect.max.y - localPoint.y) * scaleFactor; return localPoint; } public void OnDrag(PointerEventData eventData) { var position = this.getPointPosition(eventData); if (position == null) { return; } this._windowAdapter.postPointerEvent(new PointerData( timeStamp: Timer.timespanSinceStartup, change: PointerChange.move, kind: InputUtils.getPointerDeviceKind(eventData), device: InputUtils.getPointerDeviceKey(eventData), physicalX: position.Value.x, physicalY: position.Value.y )); } public void OnPointerEnter(PointerEventData eventData) { var position = this.getPointPosition(eventData); if (position == null) { return; } var pointerKey = InputUtils.getPointerDeviceKey(eventData); this._enteredPointers.Add(pointerKey); this._lastMouseMove = eventData.position; this._windowAdapter.postPointerEvent(new PointerData( timeStamp: Timer.timespanSinceStartup, change: PointerChange.hover, kind: InputUtils.getPointerDeviceKind(eventData), device: pointerKey, physicalX: position.Value.x, physicalY: position.Value.y )); } public void OnPointerExit(PointerEventData eventData) { var position = this.getPointPosition(eventData); if (position == null) { return; } var pointerKey = InputUtils.getPointerDeviceKey(eventData); this._enteredPointers.Remove(pointerKey); this._windowAdapter.postPointerEvent(new PointerData( timeStamp: Timer.timespanSinceStartup, change: PointerChange.hover, kind: InputUtils.getPointerDeviceKind(eventData), device: pointerKey, physicalX: position.Value.x, physicalY: position.Value.y )); } public Window window { get { return this._windowAdapter; } } } }