using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using Unity.UIWidgets.engine; using Unity.UIWidgets.external.simplejson; using; using Unity.UIWidgets.ui; using UnityEngine; #if UNITY_EDITOR using UnityEditor; #endif namespace Unity.UIWidgets.service { public delegate RawInputKeyResponse GlobalKeyEventHandlerDelegate(RawKeyEvent rawEvt, bool enableCustomAction = false); public class RawInputKeyResponse { public readonly bool swallow; public readonly char input; public readonly TextInputAction? inputAction; public RawInputKeyResponse(bool swallow, char input = '\0', TextInputAction? inputAction = null) { this.swallow = swallow; this.input = input; this.inputAction = inputAction; } public static RawInputKeyResponse convert(RawKeyEvent evt) { return new RawInputKeyResponse( false,, null); } public static readonly RawInputKeyResponse swallowResponse = new RawInputKeyResponse(true, '\0', null); } interface KeyboardDelegate: IDisposable { void show(); void hide(); void setEditingState(TextEditingValue value); void setIMEPos(Offset imeGlobalPos); void setClient(int client, TextInputConfiguration configuration); void clearClient(); bool imeRequired(); } public interface TextInputUpdateListener { void Update(); } public interface TextInputOnGUIListener { void OnGUI(); } class DefaultKeyboardDelegate : KeyboardDelegate, TextInputOnGUIListener { int _client; TextEditingValue _value; public void show() { } public void hide() { } public void setEditingState(TextEditingValue value) { this._value = value; } Offset _editorWindowPosToScreenPos(Offset position) { #if UNITY_EDITOR_WIN return position * EditorGUIUtility.pixelsPerPoint; #elif UNITY_EDITOR_OSX //locate the IME 30 logical pixels lower than the caret var offsetY = 30f; return new Offset(position.dx, position.dy + offsetY); #else return position; #endif } public void setIMEPos(Offset imeGlobalPos) { var uiWidgetWindowAdapter = Window.instance as UIWidgetWindowAdapter; Offset screenPos = uiWidgetWindowAdapter != null ? uiWidgetWindowAdapter.windowPosToScreenPos(imeGlobalPos) : this._editorWindowPosToScreenPos(imeGlobalPos); Input.compositionCursorPos = new Vector2(screenPos.dx, screenPos.dy); } public void setClient(int client, TextInputConfiguration configuration) { this._client = client; } public void clearClient() { this._client = 0; } public bool imeRequired() { return true; } bool isIMEInput = false; public void OnGUI() { if (TouchScreenKeyboard.isSupported) { return; } if (this._client == 0) { return; } var currentEvent = Event.current; var oldValue = this._value; if (currentEvent != null && currentEvent.type == EventType.KeyDown) { var response = TextInput._handleGlobalInputKey(this._client, new RawKeyDownEvent(new RawKeyEventData(currentEvent))); if (response.swallow) { if (response.inputAction != null) { => { TextInput._performAction(this._client, response.inputAction.Value); }); } if (_validateCharacter(response.input)) { this._value = this._value.insert(new string(response.input, 1)); } } else if (currentEvent.keyCode == KeyCode.Backspace) { if (this._value.selection.isValid) { this._value = this._value.deleteSelection(true); } } else if (currentEvent.character != '\0') { this._value = this._value.clearCompose(); char ch = currentEvent.character; if (ch == '\r' || ch == 3) { ch = '\n'; } if (ch == '\n') { => { TextInput._performAction(this._client, TextInputAction.newline); }); } if (_validateCharacter(ch)) { this._value = this._value.insert(new string(ch, 1)); } } else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Input.compositionString)) { this.isIMEInput = true; this._value = this._value.compose(Input.compositionString); } currentEvent.Use(); } if (this._value != oldValue) { if (this.isIMEInput) { var isIMEInput = this.isIMEInput; => { TextInput._updateEditingState(this._client, this._value, isIMEInput); }); this.isIMEInput = false; } else { => { TextInput._updateEditingState(this._client, this._value); }); } } } public void Dispose() { } static bool _validateCharacter(char ch) { return ch >= ' ' || ch == '\t' || ch == '\r' || ch == 10 || ch == '\n'; } } class UnityTouchScreenKeyboardDelegate : KeyboardDelegate, TextInputUpdateListener { int _client; string _lastCompositionString; TextInputConfiguration _configuration; TextEditingValue _value; TouchScreenKeyboard _keyboard; RangeInt? _pendingSelection; bool _screenKeyboardDone; readonly TextInput _textInput; public void Update() { if (this._client == 0 || this._keyboard == null) { return; } if (this._keyboard.canSetSelection && this._pendingSelection != null) { this._keyboard.selection = this._pendingSelection.Value; this._pendingSelection = null; } if (this._keyboard.status == TouchScreenKeyboard.Status.Done) { if (!this._screenKeyboardDone) { this._screenKeyboardDone = true; => { TextInput._performAction(this._client, TextInputAction.done); }); } } else if (this._keyboard.status == TouchScreenKeyboard.Status.Visible) { var keyboardSelection = this._keyboard.selection; var newValue = new TextEditingValue( this._keyboard.text, this._keyboard.canGetSelection ? new TextSelection(keyboardSelection.start, keyboardSelection.end) : TextSelection.collapsed(0) ); var changed = this._value != newValue; this._value = newValue; if (changed) { => { TextInput._updateEditingState(this._client, this._value); }); } } } public void show() { var secure = this._configuration.obscureText; var multiline = this._configuration.inputType == TextInputType.multiline; var autocorrection = this._configuration.autocorrect; this._keyboard = TouchScreenKeyboard.Open(this._value.text, getKeyboardTypeForConfiguration(this._configuration), autocorrection, multiline, secure, false, "", 0); this._pendingSelection = null; this._screenKeyboardDone = false; if (this._value.selection != null && this._value.selection.isValid) { int start = this._value.selection.start; int end = this._value.selection.end; this._pendingSelection = new RangeInt(start, end - start); } } public void clearClient() { this._client = 0; } public bool imeRequired() { return false; } public void setIMEPos(Offset imeGlobalPos) { } public void setClient(int client, TextInputConfiguration configuration) { this._client = client; this._configuration = configuration; } public void hide() { if (this._keyboard != null) { = false; this._keyboard = null; } } public void setEditingState(TextEditingValue state) { this._value = state; if (this._keyboard != null && { this._keyboard.text = state.text; if (this._value.selection != null && this._value.selection.isValid) { int start = this._value.selection.start; int end = this._value.selection.end; this._pendingSelection = new RangeInt(start, end - start); RangeInt selection = new RangeInt(state.selection.start, end - start); if (this._keyboard.canGetSelection) { this._pendingSelection = null; this._keyboard.selection = selection; } else { this._pendingSelection = selection; } } } } static TouchScreenKeyboardType getKeyboardTypeForConfiguration(TextInputConfiguration config) { var inputType = config.inputType; if (inputType.index == TextInputType.url.index) { return TouchScreenKeyboardType.URL; } if (inputType.index == TextInputType.emailAddress.index) { return TouchScreenKeyboardType.EmailAddress; } if (inputType.index == { return TouchScreenKeyboardType.PhonePad; } if (inputType.index == TextInputType.number.index) { return TouchScreenKeyboardType.NumberPad; } return TouchScreenKeyboardType.Default; } public void Dispose() { } } abstract class AbstractUIWidgetsKeyboardDelegate : KeyboardDelegate { protected AbstractUIWidgetsKeyboardDelegate() { UIWidgetsMessageManager.instance. AddChannelMessageDelegate("TextInput", this._handleMethodCall); } public void Dispose() { UIWidgetsMessageManager.instance. RemoveChannelMessageDelegate("TextInput", this._handleMethodCall); } public abstract void show(); public abstract void hide(); public abstract void setEditingState(TextEditingValue value); public abstract void setIMEPos(Offset imeGlobalPos); public abstract void setClient(int client, TextInputConfiguration configuration); public abstract void clearClient(); public virtual bool imeRequired() { return false; } void _handleMethodCall(string method, List args) { if (TextInput._currentConnection == null) { return; } int client = args[0].AsInt; if (client != TextInput._currentConnection._id) { return; } using (TextInput._currentConnection._window.getScope()) { switch (method) { case "TextInputClient.updateEditingState": TextInput._updateEditingState(client, TextEditingValue.fromJson(args[1].AsObject)); break; case "TextInputClient.performAction": TextInput._performAction(client, TextInputUtils._toTextInputAction(args[1].Value)); break; default: throw new UIWidgetsError($"unknown method ${method}"); } } } } #if UNITY_WEBGL class UIWidgetsWebGLKeyboardDelegate : AbstractUIWidgetsKeyboardDelegate { public override void show() { Input.imeCompositionMode = IMECompositionMode.On; } public override void hide() { } public override void setEditingState(TextEditingValue value) { UIWidgetsTextInputSetTextInputEditingState(value.toJson().ToString()); } public override void setIMEPos(Offset imeGlobalPos) { var window = Window.instance as UIWidgetWindowAdapter; var canvasPos = window.windowPosToScreenPos(imeGlobalPos); UIWidgetsTextInputSetIMEPos(canvasPos.dx, canvasPos.dy); } public override void setClient(int client, TextInputConfiguration configuration) { // WebGLInput.captureAllKeyboardInput = false; Input.imeCompositionMode = IMECompositionMode.On; UIWidgetsTextInputSetClient(client, configuration.toJson().ToString()); } public override void clearClient() { UIWidgetsTextInputClearTextInputClient(); } public override bool imeRequired() { return true; } [DllImport ("__Internal")] internal static extern void UIWidgetsTextInputSetClient(int client, string configuration); [DllImport ("__Internal")] internal static extern void UIWidgetsTextInputSetTextInputEditingState(string jsonText); [DllImport ("__Internal")] internal static extern void UIWidgetsTextInputClearTextInputClient(); [DllImport ("__Internal")] internal static extern void UIWidgetsTextInputSetIMEPos(float x, float y); } #endif #if UNITY_IOS || UNITY_ANDROID class UIWidgetsTouchScreenKeyboardDelegate : AbstractUIWidgetsKeyboardDelegate { public override void show() { UIWidgetsTextInputShow(); } public override void hide() { UIWidgetsTextInputHide(); } public override void setEditingState(TextEditingValue value) { UIWidgetsTextInputSetTextInputEditingState(value.toJson().ToString()); } public override void setIMEPos(Offset imeGlobalPos) { } public override void setClient(int client, TextInputConfiguration configuration) { UIWidgetsTextInputSetClient(client, configuration.toJson().ToString()); } public override void clearClient() { UIWidgetsTextInputClearTextInputClient(); } #if UNITY_IOS [DllImport ("__Internal")] internal static extern void UIWidgetsTextInputShow(); [DllImport ("__Internal")] internal static extern void UIWidgetsTextInputHide(); [DllImport ("__Internal")] internal static extern void UIWidgetsTextInputSetClient(int client, string configuration); [DllImport ("__Internal")] internal static extern void UIWidgetsTextInputSetTextInputEditingState(string jsonText); [DllImport ("__Internal")] internal static extern void UIWidgetsTextInputClearTextInputClient(); #elif UNITY_ANDROID internal static void UIWidgetsTextInputShow() { using ( AndroidJavaClass pluginClass = new AndroidJavaClass("com.unity.uiwidgets.plugin.editing.TextInputPlugin") ) { pluginClass.CallStatic("show"); } } internal static void UIWidgetsTextInputHide() { using ( AndroidJavaClass pluginClass = new AndroidJavaClass("com.unity.uiwidgets.plugin.editing.TextInputPlugin") ) { pluginClass.CallStatic("hide"); } } internal static void UIWidgetsTextInputSetClient(int client, string configuration) { using ( AndroidJavaClass pluginClass = new AndroidJavaClass("com.unity.uiwidgets.plugin.editing.TextInputPlugin") ) { pluginClass.CallStatic("setClient", client, configuration); } } internal static void UIWidgetsTextInputSetTextInputEditingState(string jsonText) { using ( AndroidJavaClass pluginClass = new AndroidJavaClass("com.unity.uiwidgets.plugin.editing.TextInputPlugin") ) { pluginClass.CallStatic("setEditingState", jsonText); } } internal static void UIWidgetsTextInputClearTextInputClient() { using ( AndroidJavaClass pluginClass = new AndroidJavaClass("com.unity.uiwidgets.plugin.editing.TextInputPlugin") ) { pluginClass.CallStatic("clearClient"); } } #endif } #endif }